home decor ideas make own christmas decorations
(upbeat music) - [woman] hey guys, welcomeback to the channel. it's tresha and i wanted to share three mini christmas tree ideaswith you that are $5 or less. and they don't look like $5 trees either. these are so easy to makeand they are customizable. so let me show you exactly what i did. for each of these projects,i first made a cone. to make one, you willneed to take a long piece
of string or yarn and tieit around a pencil or pen. next you want to stretch theyarn the length of the paper and make an arc. just keep your pen straightwhile you move the pen all the way across to the other side. afterwards, cut out thearc with your scissors. next take each of theends and fold it inward to create a cone. don't worry if it's not perfect.
to secure the cone, you can either staple or glue it in place. okay, so the first design option, this is the easiest and quickest one and it only cost me $5. i purchased three tinsel garlands, one mini-tree topper, anda piece of poster board. i was able to make a conethat was 22 inches high and 12 inches wide at thebase using poster board.
after i made the cone, i placed a big glob of hot glue on the base. and then placed the endof the garland on top. then i wrapped the garlandall around the cone, gluing it here and thereuntil i reached the top. then i just cut away the excess. and then smoothed the garland out. and finally, add a tree topper on top. now for the next design.
the cone is 12 incheshigh and three inches wide at the base, total cost $3. for this project i usedone file organizer, metallic stickers, and an ornament. first, i cut out all thesides of the file organizer. then i cut it in the middle. this is the piece i willuse to make my cone. to secure the cone, istapled it at the base and at the top.
don't worry, you won't see the staple. next, you want to placestickers anywhere you like. i decided to put wordsthat were important to me. and then when i finished,i glued an ornament on top. now if you really wantto splurge, you can get one of those push lightsand place it at the base to make it really shine. and for the final design,the cone is 18 inches high by eight inches wide at the base.
the total cost was $5. this tree was very easy to make, but it will take a little patience. for this project, you willneed one poster board, and three packs of cure pipes. after i made my cone,i took each stem pipe and curled it up like so. afterwards, i glued each one to the cone with a hot glue gun.
in order to concealsome of the white space, i layered more stems on top. that's it. so which one did you like the most? i want to give a shout out to julie seal for being the first personto comment on my last video. i truly appreciate you. i know i say it all thetime, but i really do. if you guys see her inthe comments section,
be sure to say hi. thanks guys for watching. if you like this video andwould like to see more, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe. it's free. also let's connect on instagram. i'm at designsbytresha. i would love to share your work so tag me. and i'm on facebook now at imtreshaja
where i give commentary on my videos and share other ideas with you.