home decor ideas with pics

home decor ideas with pics

bamboo houses are incredible structures thatrequire indepth architectural prowess for a more sturdy and elegant look. the bamboo materials are all natural and thriveswell in diverse climates provided it is designed in a way that ensures durability. there are beautiful examples of bamboo housesshared here that you can get insight from for a more unique and visually appealing housedesign. there are different factors that one has topay attention towards before going for building a bamboo house varying from the material requiredto the characteristics of the bamboo house. some such factors are described in this videowhich would definitely help you while planning

a bamboo house. construction material. one important point is the availability andaccessibility of the construction material required for the bamboo house. mostly traditional construction materialsare considered for this purpose. bamboo house has the option of minimized foundationsas it has a very low weight. also, the walls are constructed using wallpanels, assembled from split bamboo grids and chicken steel mesh and plastered withcement mortar. also, the cost of these basic components isnot much.

due to the high elasticity of the bamboo,bamboo houses are ductile and are able to sway back and forth during an earthquake,without damaging the bamboo poles. being a renewable plant with short rotationperiod, bamboo is available in commercial quantities in the market. the growth of a bamboo tree to its full sizetakes a year whereas the strength is gained by the plant in two to three years. although amazing to know, but bamboo can begrown even on degraded land. the main focus while building a bamboo houseshould be on achieving longevity. the minimum use of cement or steel helps inpreserving the environment.

the harvesting of bamboo is supposed to occurduring the dry seasons in the tropics, reducing the beetle attacks as insects are less activeduring dry season. whereas in subtropical areas, harvesting ofbamboos occur in autumn and winter. during harvesting, it is necessary to carefullyremove the branches from the bamboo culms to avoid any damage to the outer skin. although you can store the canes either verticallyor horizontally after harvesting but keep in mind that in horizontal storage, the canesshould be frequently supported in order to avoid bending out of shape. also, bamboo needs protection from sun, soil,moisture and rain.

the drying of bamboo involves two methods-either by allowing good air-circulation while being stored under a shed, but it takes 6-12weeks; or by using kilns which is a faster alternative. it is important to note that canes work thebest way when they are dry. preservation of bamboo. in order to prevent invasion of pests, insectsand fungus, bamboo poles preservation is necessary. without treatment, bamboo poles cannot survivefor two years even. different methods for treatment of bamboosare: immersion.

by immersing freshly cut bamboos in waterfor 4-12 weeks, the nourishment for insects inside the poles is removed. for this purpose, streams or ponds are suitablebut not the salt water bodies. impregnating coatings. a very efficient technique is pressure-feedingthe borate or borax solution in the pole until it is visible at the other end. an important point to note is that the culmsof mature age only are treated in this way on the day of harvesting of bamboo. heating.

in this method, the canes are heated in thekilns to 150 degrees celsius. an alternative method is to place the canesinto a large container and cook for 25 minutes. so, these were the basic factors to keep inmind while planning to build a bamboo house. if you liked our post, please visit our websitefor more updates. we ensure you to provide the best ideas relatedto house designing. we would surely like you to share your viewswith us in the comment box related to this post. you can also share your designing experienceswith us. take a look at this example for bamboo housedesigns:

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