italian kitchen design auckland

italian kitchen design auckland

hi my name is frank clarke with oliver andassociates realty in london ontario on behalf of i want to discuss withyou your flooring in your house. when i go to list a real sell home and the home is 5years old, 10 years old or older i really need to look hard at the flooring. flooringcould be incredibly expensive and sometimes what would happen is that the ventures arein a better position to change that flooring and update it then the purchasers might be.although there is different programs at this time and this area for home buyers to do homeimprovements but if that happens to be not the case then you the seller need to knowthat you would get a lot more money for your home if you flooring not worn or updated.especially if you have pets if you have pets

in your house and anyone could smell thosepets or see evidence on those on that flooring those carpets need to be cleaned or need bechange. it would be money well spent, you will sell your home quicker, and your homewould be far more superior then maybe the one down the street where maybe they didn'tdo it and competition sometimes can be tough. for example in this area this is a largerfour a in a upper part of the home. this wood have a lot of traffic if this was a home thathad 4 or 5 people living it for many many years this carpet area would certainly wouldbe worn. if you can't bring the pile up by a good steam cleaning and scotch guardingfor protection later then what you want to do is have a carpet person in to change thecarpet. as you can see the carpet that we

have on the staircase is actually differentthen we have on our landing and that is okay to if it coordinates perfectly. you may bein a home where the staircase carpet is worn and all the carpet at the bottom and the topof the stairs are absolutely fine. go by yourself with a interesting pattern on it, somethingthat is updated, something that is trendy and get those stairs done. i highly recommendthis for the purpose of the sale of your home.

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