italian kitchen design boston

italian kitchen design boston

hi guys!i'm laura vitale and on this episodeof laura in the kitchen we're getting crazy and we are making nutella popsicles! yes,i went there! why, you ask? why not!? i love nutella, i love something cold to snack onin the hot summer months, boom! merge the two, you have got nutella popsicles. theyare so easy to make and i am just so thrilled to share this recipe with you because reallyit takes seconds to put together, the freezer does all the work but they are finger licking,make you want to slap somebody, good! that means it's really good. the ingredients youwill need are very few and simple. i'm going to start off with some whole milk. i havewhole milk and some heavy cream. of course, the star of the show is some nutella and somesweetened condensed milk. now, if you substitute

any of these ingredients, i cannot promiseyou that these are going to turn out as good as they are using these ingredients. theseare rich, these are something you make once in a while, they are light and refreshingthat is good for you, and you won't feel an ounce of guilt eating them, check out my freshfruit popsicle recipe that is just awesome, awesome, awesome. these are definitely a specialtreat, so i'm going to get started. i'm going to make this in my blender, easy peasy. startingwith the milk. you don't have to add anything in any particular order. i've got my cream,my sweetened condensed milk, which you guys know i could eat straight out of the can,i don't know what's wrong with me, i love sweetened condensed milk - it's just it'sone of my favorite things in the world, and

i really could eat the entire thing, so i'mnot going to right now, but i really could. and i've got the star of the show, which issome nutella. i love nutella. pop that right in there. i'm doing it! mmm. that's not goingback in. mmm. okay, lid on, blend this until it's nice and smooth! yeah! truth be told,i would put a straw right in that, but i'm not going to. i've got my popsicle molds righthere, which you can pretty much get at your local supermarket nowadays, i just get mineonline. i am going to fill this baby up about three quarters of the way. okay, i'm goingto leave this back and put it in a different mold and then all i'm going to do - actuallycould i fit more in there?i could. i could really make this - i could really fill thisall the way. let's hope there's no spilling.

i usually don't go this far up, but when itcomes to nutella, you know i am trying to eat as much of this as i possibly can. nowi'm just going to put my little lid on, just like so. and these are going to go into thefreezer overnight, i know! but, they need to freeze completely, and think about it,you can make these the night before like i'm doing right now, it's pretty late, it's abouteight thirty, and tomorrow we have a wonderful treat for when we have people over - perfectfor the weekend, especially if you have got kids running around. it really is just a reallyspecial treat that you make once in a while, you don't make it often, but when you do,you just need to enjoy every bite of it. okay, this baby is going to go into the freezerovernight, and i'll show you what they look

like when they are completely frozen and readyto dig in! my popsicles were in the freezer overnight, they are completely set. what ihave here is a large measuring cup, you can use whatever you have got, you can use a largeglass, whatever. i filled it with hot water. this is just going to help my popsicles release,and i just kind of lay it in there for not even a minute, maybe ten or twenty seconds,or until i start to see that it is melting, not melting but thawing the outside. leaveit in there for maybe just a few more seconds and it should release really easily. and lookat that!without a doubt, best popsicle of life. it's like fudgy. if you like fudgesicles,something fudgy and cold and creamy, this is like kicked up ten notches, i promise!mmm. it's really creamy and really smooth,

it's not at all hard and ice and crystal like,you know what i'm talking about?this is just creamy and smooth and you can taste the nutellaall the way - and how easy was that?and the great thing about this, you can put thesein whatever shape and size molds you want and really have fun with it! i mean it's just..mmm.. super easy, super simple which is what i am all about and what laura in the kitchenis all about anyway. will have the recipe for you - now i wantto hear from you, what is the next nutella episode that i should make? is it nutellapizza? is it nutella zeppole? is it nutella smores? (i've already done that) is it nutellabanana split? i don't know!i want to hear from you so leave your comments down below.i hope you have enjoyed this one and i'll

see you guys soon. bye bye. stop doing that,you're making me laugh. are you mocking me? hi guys, i'm laura vit - ay!

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