italian open kitchen designs

italian open kitchen designs

hello everyone, i am at the fairof batibouw in brussels and i'm at the rifra stand, certainly the first onegreat news of rifra is this new concept of stand no longer open but anexclusive place in which the customer is welcomedand accompanied within our stand to make them live the realrifra lifestyle, but come with me the first setting is characterizedby the k.kube model, the k.kube model is the highest expression of design eof the linearity that distinguishes rifra the thinned top, the absenceof the handle and the 45-degree cut of the door closing it the effect isthat of a real cube

hence the name k.kube the finishchoice is the bronze metal finish interesting is the proposal of the interior, interior that despite the absence of a handle and therefore the obligationto have a height of 30 centimeters they are really large thanks to the ideato hide the guides and then to increase the capacitythe interiors are proposed in the wenge finish the top is a top in corian withwb11 washbasin with continuous discharge the taps are our forty modelin brushed stainless steel always in steel we found our clean collectionfor accessories in corian and brushed stainless steel here we propose ourwall unit with double mirrored door and

with led backlighting and internal led lighting the name of the wall unit is aid in the matt lacquered finish we proposeour in & out columns changing environment is displayed againthe k.kube model but in the glossy white lacquered finishwith matt white lacquered interiors with the same capacity in the first model we saw iseparators always in weng㨠while here we see the bare drawer thenfrom the maximum capacity. the top also here we have a corian top but with a new sink the wb 21

we note here a characteristic, theto re-propose a characteristic of rifra that is to hide the areasin fact we do not see the drain but there is a little plane that hides it andwhich makes everything cleaner and more linear the taps are the tapswave model in polished stainless steel to complete the setting oursedge mirror with corian frame many new features of this batibouw 2018,including the restyling of our sanitary ware both thin andbold here we see the thin model that is more squared and the newsis the thinnest tablet that gives more lightness to the designbehind me

the in line shower tray with continuous drain and great news the shower head inpolished stainless steel this shower head has the possibility of chromotherapy and of thewaterfall shower over the shower we also offer the new nest tub the mineral solid with taps obviously wave that completes thethe polished stainless steel setting our tube lamps are always inevitablewhich give a completely relaxing effect in the bathroom also instainless steel here we find our smooth tubilluminated by eve lamps with forty model taps and ourswall unit inside matt lacquered and

backlighted led our master piece couldn't miss our with his 45-degree cut along the wholeperimeter of the door, with matt lacquered interiors and steel guides the topproposed is the top in laminam black lime with integrated washbasin wb 16 lin the same finish also inside the sink.the taps are forty model in steel polished stainless steel the proposed wall unit is theloom with internal and external mirror door as i said before the news is therestyling of our sanitary ware here we find the bold model morerounded and the same feature

of the more thinned tablet thatit lightens the design while here unlike before we find themore rounded proposal of the plaque as we saw on the k.kube unit the big news are also the finishesmetal that we have decided to propose here as a coating of oursfree standing plinth and circle washbasins external coating the faucet isthe wave model in brushed stainless steel inevitable our steel tubebrushed stainless steel here instead we find our that as we see it now is the result of structural restyling we have increased the thickness of the door

in order to give more strength tothis model that is characterized by the lightness of its design and then we give to confer strength to the lightness of thisunit thanks to the 30 degrees cut of the top and from this support that emphasizes this lightness even more let's go immediately to notice another big news is this top incorian with our suave sink proposed integrated, suave sink, itsform is among the most appreciated by our public and we therefore thought ofpropose it in the integrated version the faucet is our tapwave model in stainless steel while

now place the focus on the finishof our this is a new wood that is part of thenews of the nine new woods proposed by rifra at batibouw 2018 herewe have the honey oak finish flamed as i told you the new oneflamed honey oak finish is part of the rifra batibouw 2018 newslet's see them together thanks to the support of this panel specially created forshow to our customers these nine new woods are six oaks that are subdivided into oaks flamed and antiqued oak the flaming finish is interesting date from the widening grain and fromthis flamed effect then we have

antique oaks and finally the three woodswhich are thus presented in nature in detail the wengã¨, eucalyptus and walnutflamed feel all of them wood grains one of oursnew finishes precisely the bleached flaming oak and is proposedon our climbing bookstores that there welcome in the reception area in factin which it is impossible not to notice the importance ofthis new table covered in laminam calacatta gold, rifra at batibouw 2018 also decided to present the collection of chairs upholstered in leatherwaxed antique. good! and i now from this last relax areathere is a new proposal too

rifra chair lounge covered in leather too lit is a waxed leather, i greet you and and i recommend to you to stay connected because the rifra news do not end here, it will be arich 2018. thank you for your attention laura rifra tv batibouw 2018

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