kitchen design and layout ppt

kitchen design and layout ppt

>> my name is jake vogelsang. my house design is locatedat 1611 willis street in grand rapids. this is a one-story, three-bedroom,one-bath on the main level. um, ramp accessis in the front of the house. i tried to keep thatas minimal as possible. i initially was tryingfor the back, but i tried a littledifferent for this one. here's my site plan. um, it just gives you someof the basic measurements.

i got 42 feet fromthe back of the house to the backof the property, um, the 35 foot to the streetfrom the front of the home, ten-foot driveway, 20-foot fromthe rear of the house. and my main floor plan,um... all the rooms arehandicap accessible. basically, you're gonna walkin the front door right here onto a covered porchfrom where the ramp is.

um, directly intothe living room. um, it has somewhat of an open feelif it wasn't for my closet that i put in right here, where the dining room isand the kitchen. um... the three bedrooms. the master bathroomis located in the back, 'cause it was reallykind of the only area where i could make ita little bit bigger

because of the hallwaythat i put in there. and, uh... then you come outto the rear-covered porch. i just put the deck in. now, of course,that's optional. otherwise, it could just bea set of stairs right there. and my basement framing. i got the four by fouregress window right here forthe possible bedroom.

um, i did put--label these "possible bedroom" but... there's a bathroom... storage. the furnace,mechanical room right here. um, i put the laundry roomright here for easy access, um, figuring that... maybe someday, you know,if they wanted to put a wall there-- 'cause i put a support trussright here, so i could keep this area openfor, like, the family room

or a... a cool bar or something like that.(audience chuckling) and here's a kitchen layout. um, this is in the frontof the house. i just--basically, i did, um... just put different views on like where the refrigerator,sink, and the stove-- it is in the triangle. and i just gave allthe measurements that,

basically, for whatyou were gonna need if that was gonna goin that area. elevation view--some of the materials-- um, i put the foundation here on the frontof this one, so you could just seethe foundation and then whereit's cut off right here, 'cause in the frontof the house, this is just a, basically,a footing slab

for where the kitchen is, 'cause the basement itselfis just more of a rectangle. and then this isthe shorter side of the home, with the possible deck. they're both--rear covered porch here, 6/12 pitch, asphalt shingles,vinyl siding. i did put all three by five double hungwindows on this side of the house. also, i got the six by sixwood columns for here for support

on the cornerson the front and rear porch. um, here's my four by fouregress window in the rear. just a little bit more informationon, you know, what doors or whateveris going here in the-- where the driveway'slocated. and then,here's my stairs. i'm not seeingmy measurement. i'll-- 'cause this is a little differentthan what i got-- of what you have there.

that's more revised on the paper therethan what this is. so, this is just giving you some--all the materials. uh, two by eight joist... where the ceiling's at. and... the six-inch concrete floorin the basement, and just some of the informationfor the stairs-- the--where the risers, tread, two by twelve stringer,floor.

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