hi, everyone. i'm alejandra from in this video, i'm going to show you how to organize underneath your kitchen cabinetor underneath your kitchen sink in the kitchen cabinet. but first, if you're looking to get organized,you can check out my free organizing video series on my website, the linkis below. ok. so when it comes to organizing your kitchencabinet, one of the biggest problems is having too much stuff in a small space where thingsare just getting jammed inside and you can't find what you need when you need it. so i'mgoing to show you how i organized mine to have only the things that i need that i reallyneed to clean the kitchen and just like a
few other things. so this is what my cabinet looks like. andso, let me just show you what i've done here. so on the door over here, i maximized spaceby putting an over-the-cabinet-door organizer for some of the cleaning products and theni have extra sponges down at the bottom. so, one of the things that is kind of annoyingwith over-the-door cabinets is they rattle when the cabinet doors open. so to fix that,i've just put putty down like underneath here so nothing shakes and there's actually puttyat the bottom like down here so nothing is going to rattle because that's kind of now, nothing moves. all right. so, just cleaners here, like acleaner and then extra sponges down here at
the bottom. and then at the very back of thecabinet, i just put stackable organizers. again, they're puttied down so nothing moveswhen you reach inside to grab something. stackable organizers, to kind of maximizethe space because you can build it horizontally and then you can build it vertically. if youbuild vertically, you maximize -- you have more storage space. so these are really niceones. and then i used a jumbo label down here because this is kind of like a dark spot sowhen you open the cabinet, if you could just see the label like nice and big and nice andobvious, it's really clear what's inside that bin. so down at the bottom, i just have trash bags.and then right here, i have rugs. and then
i have spray. and then i have just like trashbags in case i need them. ok. so then on the side right here, i havemy dishwashing gloves. and all i did was just clip them together with a nice binder cliplike that. and then a command hook right here just holds them on the side of the cabinetjust like that. all right. so one of the problems that i havein my house and i don't know if you have this problem also, but when i'm cleaning something,a lot of times, i come downstairs and there's a roll of paper towels that i need upstairsand so i grab that roll. i bring it upstairs and then i forget to bring it what i did to kind of prevent me from like grabbing the roll and leaving it upstairsis put a tension rod right here. that makes
it hard to grab the roll and bring it upstairs,like it's stuck here. so i have to grab the amount of paper towels i need and then leavethe roll here. so this is just like -- i forgot how much it was. i think it was like a $1.38from walmart. and it's super tight. it's not moving. if i need to change the paper towellike i could just go like that and change the roll. but i'm not going to obviously dothat if i need to bring the roll upstairs. all right. so then down here, i just labelwhat the plugs go to so dishwasher and disposal. so in case i need to unplug them for whateverreason, i know which one is which and it's not like a guessing game. ok. and then over here on this side, i justput smaller stackable organizers. again, to
maximize my vertical space and this just has-- like a lot of times, if i'm cleaning around like the edges of the sink to really likekind of get in there, i use an old toothbrush. so that stays down there. and then there arelittle scrub pads and then tools for like the garbage disposal and then there is a flashlightin case we're fixing something back there or something. and then dishwashing detergent just on theside right there. and then on this side of the cabinet door, i have a smaller over-the-cabinetorganizer. so this just holds the sponges. and what i really like about this one is it'sshort and the organizers are at the top of the cabinet so when i'm standing here anddoing the dishes, i just open it and i just
reach in. i don't really have to bend downand just grab the sponge and do my cleaning. it's nice and convenient and easy to access. so as you can see, everything is so organizedand i have exactly what i need when i need it. nothing more, nothing less. so how do you organize underneath your kitchencabinet sink? i know it's an awkward space. but let us know how you do it to maximizespace and make everything easy to access. leave a comment below. and if this is yourfirst time watching any of my videos, you can subscribe for more tips on getting organizedor check out my website, thanks for watching and i'll see you soon.bye.