gray mirage living room

gray mirage living room

#15 the arctic sea monsters: even skepticsare having trouble questioning the reliability of the source of this video. workers of the alaskan bureau of land managementwere in a helicopter to survey an area over the chena river, when something unexpectedcaught their eye. to their shock, a large, serpent looking thingwas filmed slithering through the water, in an intelligent way. the object was predicted to be around 15 feetlong, and sway back and forth through the water in a manner similar to the way fishand sea snakes swim. not much of the creature's features are visible,as most of it is underwater and the remainder

is partially frozen with ice. experts believe the object is a large ropecaught on debris moving with the river flow, while people believe it is an arctic sea monster,possibly related to the loch ness monster. while a seemingly eccentric idea, a similarcreature was captured in iceland by a local resident investigating claims of a strangemonster swimming in the lakes and rivers around his home. viewers of both videos have observed the similaritiesin movement and shape of both creatures, believing them to be the same species or related. the oceans are so vast, and we have barelydiscovered a sliver of their entire area,

meaning the possibility of undiscovered speciesmuch more credible. for all we know, these sea serpents couldsimply be another animal to add to the chain. #14 imaginary friend?: for unknown reasons,children seems to be better at seeing and communicating with ghosts than adults are. in february 2012, a woman diane uploaded avideo of her young son talking gibberish to a nobody. he also makes several physical displays ofbeing playful and genuinely happy. when avery asks who he is talking to, thechild again answers in gibberish. when reviewing the video after, she was baffledto discover upon her fourth time asking, a

voice is heard in the audio whispering "ryan." it's hard to hear, but if you listen closely,there is definitely a male voice saying something along those lines. in another more mysterious incident, two girlswere sitting at their play table eating while one of the girl's mother filmed. suddenly, the friend became distressed andbegan crying while clearly seeing something in the empty room in front of her. eventually, she got up and walked away, stillcrying. while the woman attempted to understand whatwas going on, her daughter looked behind her

and began staring at something. without warning, she lets out a chilling screambefore fleeing behind her mother. she went from laughing at her friend to beingscared of the whatever the both of them saw. unfortunately, nothing is clearly noticeableon the video, but the girls's reactions are too realistic to be faked. something clearly scared them badly. so far, no other videos have been releasedby the woman, and it is left to the viewers speculation as to what was seen or if anyfurther events happened after. any of our viewers with children, if you seeyour child speaking to someone, or they're

suddenly afraid without explanation, thinktwice before dismissing it as their imagination. #13 the cop’s footage: this video comesfrom a man named ted who doesn’t reveal his last name. he claims to have been on the force since1983 and was responding to a call in delray, which is part of detroit, but by the timehe arrived the situation had been resolved. on his way to leave, he began hearing strangenoises coming from a neighbouring house. upon investigating, he began recording withhis cell phone as he was in disbelief of the noises he was hearing. ted called out to see if anyone was in thebadly burnt home and caught someone or something

on tape in the window for just a spilt second. he did not enter the house but found newspaperclippings in the backyard about the delray witch, a woman who took 12 men’s lives forthe insurance money. the officer did some research online and foundother reports of strange occurrences happening in delray. the question that needs to be answered nowis, was that person in the window a squatter or the witch of delray? #12 the pyramid ransom: the pyramids of egyptare considered to be marvels of world construction, and are the last remaining wonders of theancient world still intact.

there are various theories regarding how theywere built and what their actual purpose was. of course, we have all learned these wereused as large tombs for the ancient pharaohs, and housed the mummified rulers of ancientegypt, as well as various gifts and ceremonial objects to help their spirits. however, access inside the great pyramidsare strictly minimalized, in order not to damage what's inside and for safety consideringthe age the pyramids are in. a few years ago, an anonymous man uploadeda video to youtube, showing him constructing an rc car complete with mounted camera. the man then is shown in route to what turnsout to be egypt.

he ventures to the great pyramids, unloadsthe rc car, and drive it into a hole pertruding from the structure. the car ventures down further and furtherthrough a long, narrow passageway, even encountering some static interference. before any major reveal is shown, it cutsto text stating he had failed in his original mission, but claims now has specific informationregarding the use of the pyramids. he also warns others of doing the same. he demanded $5 million to not reveal whathe had discovered, but since then, nothing new has come of the video, and the uploaderremains unknown.

it has been widely speculated to either bea hoax. however, others have speculated the man didindeed find something and he was taken out or actually paid and kept his word. it is likely we will never know what the manfound, if anything, and if there really is an alternative use of the pyramids we arenot meant to know about. #11 the ghostly evp: during ghost hunts, investigatorswill use devices in order to pick up electronic voice phenomena, which is sounds inaudibleto the human ears. sometimes, camera audio is able to pick upsuch sounds, which is exactly what happened during this next entry.

a group of investigators were exploring thedepths of what appears to be a factory. as they enter through a red metal door, thecamera audio picks up something, which sounds very much like a deep voice saying “i havethe body of a pig.” if you listen closely after the phrase, youcan hear pig grunts, as if the spirit is attempting to prove its claims. as if this wasn't mysterious enough, one ofthe investigators snapped an infrared photo of the area, and captured a disturbing lookingapparition with a truly deformed head and menacing face. unfortunately, not much is known about thelocation or the group, as the uploader claims

he is under legal restrictions and cannotreveal such information. regardless, the video is truly mysteriousto watch and listen to. in another example, members of the dorsetghost investigators recorded several evps and responses through a spirit box, whichis a device that creates white noise in which spirits can speak through. they were captured while investigating a romantownhouse in england, when they at first experienced technical difficulty. after the spirit box finally worked, theyheard a spirit stating its name as glen, followed by deep breathing sounds.

later, it stated “i am a soul.” the investigators then asked if the spiritswanted them to go away, after which the box replied “go away.” it will send chills down your spine listeningto, and it gives a new meaning to the feeling of being watched. #10: the sand geyser: this cellphone videocomes from eastern saudi arabia, estimated to be around 2007. sometime during the day, sand began to eruptinto the air near a highway. notice, how much higher the sand is goingcompared to the semi trucks in the video,

and was presumed to be going 9 meters or 30feet into the air. according to the source, geological teamsand scientists were sent to the location immediately but were unable to explain what happened. not much information is available about thevideo besides that, so it’s presumed that the geyser eventually stopped on it’s own. people have claimed that it must be muddywater from a pipe burst since the geyser does not pile up once it reaches the ground, likesand would. others claim that this is video evidence ofa rare natural phenomenon that will remain unexplained.

#9 hospital haunting: unsurprisingly, hospitalsare known to be a hotbed of paranormal activity. two orderlies were goofing around on theirbreak in a guadalajara, mexico hospital when things quickly took a strange turn. in the middle of their laughter, a shadowyfigure suddenly walks by the doorway of a surgery room. the two orderlies enter to investigate, butfind the room empty. then, without warning, a wheeled table suddenlymoves on its own towards them, causing them to quickly exit and end the recording. closer inspection of the shadow figure showsthe figure to apparently be wearing a hospital

gown, meaning it could be the spirit of aformer patient. the ghost also showed no interest in the twoorderlies, not even turning to face them and instead lo oking the opposite direction. to this day, it is unknown who the spiritis, and not much is known about who the two orderlies are or which hospital it was takenin. on the other side of the globe in india, acctv camera captured a gurney move on its own. despite being located outside, there is nowind present, as made apparent by the trees not moving along with the gurney.

moments later, a staff member is seen walkingtowards another gurney, which moves quickly as the man approaches. clearly startled, the worker pauses beforeturning the opposite direction, even giving a look over his shoulder as if to try andcomprehend what he just witnessed. it is unknown what was moving the gurney,either a former patient who passed on, or a former employee who was simply trying tocontinue their duty. #8 school ghosts: it would appear nowhereis immune to a haunting, not even schools. cctv at a warren, michigan high school wasrecording in the fine arts wing when a mysterious grey orb appeared and danced around the waterfountain for several moments before disappearing.

a student even walks into frame and beginsto fix her hair when the orb appears behind her. she continues to make her adjustments, unableto notice the orb floating directly behind to this day, there is no known identity tothe mysterious orb, but it appears it was only interested in the water fountain. perhaps it was a former student still tryingto get a drink from the afterlife. in a more famous example, cctv at pocatellohigh school in idaho captured an apparition exiting a room late at night, before the lightsbegan to malfunction throughout the floor. the school had always been rumoured to behaunted, but now the cctv footage appears

to confirm the rumours as true. pocatello high school has had a dark history,with the school even burning down at one point. it is unknown who the spirit or spirits arewithin the school's walls, but it seems they are ones who enjoy mischief, similar to somestudents currently attending schools across the globe. #7 ghost cars: by now, our viewers are probablyfamiliar with the infamous ghost car police chase. in summary, a new york state officer was inpursuit of a white car when it suddenly appeared on the other side of a chain link fence, bafflingboth the officer and viewers.

since then, several other mysterious eventsregarding cars suddenly appeared having been uploaded to youtube. as a car turned right at the lights, it suddenlyhits a car that seemed to appear out of nowhere. this mysterious car is not visible beforehandheading on the left hand side of traffic, and simply morphs as soon as the car is rightthere. in a video from 2011, a truck travelling througha tunnel suddenly hits an oncoming vehicle, flipping it on its side. to the surprise of viewers, it turns out thesemi had hit a similar looking semi that wasn't there before.

before it happened, the area in which thetruck suddenly appears is empty, devoid of any other vehicle there. how this truck suddenly appeared and causedthis has baffled people since it was first uploaded. for all videos, people on the internet havecome up with various explanations for the seemingly impossible phenomenon, which ispredominantly that the vehicles were obstructed by other objects, making them impossible tosee until it was too late. while the internet has accepted this explanation,it still is regarded as a head scratcher for all of us, unable to wrap our heads aroundsuch a puzzling series of circumstances.

#6 the synagogue orb: members of a southernukrainian town were baffled by a mysterious event back in june 2015. a local synagogue captured a mysterious ballof light hovering around the back entrance of the building at 4am, and remained relativelystationary for several moments. experts admitted they were baffled by thephenomenon. they believed it to be a rare form of balllightning, but also admit to not knowing how it came to be, since it didn't behave in thesame manner most other ball lightning does, and it was clear skies the night of the incident. upon researching the synagogue, it was discoveredthis location was used as a place that the

germans gathered people they wished to diminishbefore being shipped off to camps in the area. this led to the theory the orb is a manifestationof all the souls lost after being sent off, while others have speculated this is an angelblessing the area and comforting the lost souls, for which this building was possiblythe last thing they saw of their home. the locals who attend services have statedthey have not experienced any form of paranormal activity, but consider this some sort of signthe spirits haven't left just yet. #5 city in the sky: fans of the bioshock serieswill be familiar with the floating city of columbia. residents of foshan, china were startled tosee clouds closely resembling a series of

sky scrapers in the air above them. unlike other clouds, these clouds appearedin almost perfect rectangualr shapes on the top, hence the skyscraper look. experts have universally agreed the formationis the result of a mirage, not necessarily from a reflection of the city below but theway the light above the clouds contrasts with the one below. several other theories have surfaced sincethe video was uploaded, including the city to be a parallel universe made visible bya rift in our time frame. another idea is it was some sort of experimentmeant to create false images to confuse enemies.

of course, there has also been the idea thatthe video is a hoax, created with either photoshop or some other editing software. to this day, experts have stood by their explanation,and most people have come to accept it. however, it still is fun to theorize otherexplanations, and begs the question as to whether there are parallel universes and whetheror not we will be able to see them. #4 the ningen footage: folklore is a characteristicof all cultures across the globe. one place people may be surprised to findout also has folklore is antarctica. of course, no permanent population residesthere, but the researchers who do have developed their own.

one such example is that of the ningen, whichis a mysterious humanoid sea creature believed to be residing around the antarctic waters. the creature has been described as very large,pale white, and having facial and other physical features resembling either a human or a verylarge beluga whale. several photos have surfaced online claimingto depict the legendary cryptid, but back in 2006, something quite unexpected happened. an unknown man released underwater footagefrom antarctica with a strange silhouette of a large creature in the background. there is not much information on the video,but the uploader claims this to be evidence

of the ningen. there's no way of determining the size ofthe creature, but eyewitnesses to the ningen have alleged they can be between 20 and 30metres in length. skeptics have argued the video is too grainyand lacks proper authentication to be taken seriously. people do believe in the video though, underthe notion previously unknown species of sea life are discovered all the time. these people don't necessarily believe thevideo to depict the legendary ningen, but are open to the idea of this depicting a newantarctic sea species yet to be properly documented.

the oceans are full of life, even in the coldestof places. so for the sake of the scientists in antarctica,let's hope the ningen are gentle giants. #3 invisible forces: sometimes, things occurwhich appear to defy physics. videos have appeared to show invisible forcescausing havoc. in china, a cctv camera captured a strangetraffic incident that seems to defy explanation. two mini busses approached an intersectionwhen they were suddenly lifted up and quickly pulled back, with one ending up on its side. furthermore, a car in the opposite directionwas also lifted slightly off the ground, but remained relatively unscathed.

onlookers appeared to be stunned, unsure ofwhat they had just witnessed. for months, people were baffled by the incident,and the video quickly went viral, with theories popping up all over the internet. these included the idea of extraterrestrialactivity, to strange, powerful ghosts, to ideas of a hoax or broken wire causing theincident. eventually, an investigation revealed a fallencable wire had become tangled in a street sweeper ahead of the vans, and had whippedback towards, them, causing this to happen. however, people remain unconvinced, and speculationcontinues to this day. for the time being, the uncertainty of theevent caused much debate, and stirred much

discussion, which will continue to spark interestfor time to come. #2 the area 51 worker: mysterious events canoccur in all sorts of places, even on the air of radio. art bell is a popular radio personality, knownfor his discussion on issues and conspiracy theories. in may, 1997, bell received a call on airfrom a man calling himself victor who claimed to have worked at a secret facility knownas s-4. this place first gained popularity when engineerbob lazar alleged he worked at the facility, where the united states was working to createnew things by using alien technology.

while none of these reports are confirmed,it appears victor was one of lazar's coworkers. bell spoke with victor for nearly two hours. while odd on its own, bell and his listenersgot quite the scare four months later. a frantic man called into bell's show. he claimed to be an ex-employee of area 51who had worked on many projects there. throughout the audio, you can hear the callerbecoming increasingly hysterical as the call goes on. suddenly, the station suffers a satellitefailure mid call. bell and other callers were seemingly shookup by the event and couldn't find a rational

explanation. in april 1998, a man called in claiming tobe the area 51 caller, claiming it was all a hoax. however, listeners have pointed out the secondman had noticeably different vocal tones and mannerisms than the first, leading to manyto call the hoax claims into question. to this day, the area 51 caller and subsequentblackout remains a mystery, and it appears the secret base will go to great lengths tomaintain that secrecy. before we get to number 1, my name is chillsand i hope you’re enjoying the video so far.

if you've ever been curious as to what i looklike in real life, then follow me on instagram @dylan_is_chillin_yt, with underscores insteadof spaces. i also have twitter @yt_chills where i postvideo updates. i'd really appreciate it if you followed meand feel free to send me a dm if you have a questions or suggestions. also, i recently created a subreddit, whereyou can submit videos and stories for future lists, it’s r/chillsnarrator and the linkis in the description below. it's a proven fact that generosity makes youa happier person, so if you're generous enough to hit that subscribe button and the bellbeside it then thank you.

this way you'll be notified of the new videoswe upload every tuesday and saturday. if english isn’t the only language you speakand your interested in getting a shoutout, click “more”, then “add translations”,by translating the video not only will more people be able to watch it, but a link toyour channel will be added in the description. #1 california launch: residents of the losangeles area were baffled when a strange object was seen launched into the sky late november9, 2010. off the coast of los angeles, what appearedto be a rocket was seen launching into air, stunning onlookers. the united states issued a statement claimingto have no knowledge of what the object was,

and denying any involvement. people were skeptical about these claims,with many believing it was a test launch or an act from a different country. experts weighed in on the event, with manytheorizing it may have been an accidental launch by an american submarine that was quicklystopped. others even suggested it was an optical illusioncaused by a mix of atmospheric conditions and contrail lines of a plane. the department of defense launched an investigationinto the matter, and found there were no scheduled launch tests for the area at that time.

however, to this day the event remains unexplained. due to the high population the la county,countless witnesses and news stations captured the phenomenon on video, flooding youtubewith the spectacle for a time being. now, it is up to individual viewers to decidewhat the object was, and what caused it. thanks for checking out this video. be sure to subscribe because we upload newcountdowns every tuesday and saturday. or if you're still not convinced, here aresome of our other videos that i think you'd like. enjoy!

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