modern kitchen interior design in india

your kitchen doesn't have to be massive tobe beautiful. small kitchens just need some clever designideas to make them practical and stylish. looking for small kitchen ideas? we might all covet a large and sociable kitchen-dinerwith room for a kitchen island, range cooker and dining table to cram guests around, butthe reality is that sometimes it’s a case of making the most of what we have – inthis case, a small kitchen. but diminutive doesn’t have to mean drab. there’s a wealth of clever ways to makeyour kitchen scheme feel spacious… clear away the clutter in small kitchens.
wall cabinets can really encroach on space,so consider doing away with yours. open shelving can make a huge impact in asmall kitchen, creating an open and airy feel, as long as you limit the amount of shelvesyou use, and what you keep on them. and if there are too many items clutteringup the worktops, consider clever solutions like wall-mounted magnetic knife strips, railsto hang utensils, pans, mugs, spice jars and cutlery bins. also think about what you need to have tohand every day, such as chopping boards, wooden spoons, washing-up liquid, and what can bestored away until needed. keep your kitchen scheme simple.
nothing makes a room seem larger like simplewhite walls, so why not take it further with sleek, contemporary details that open up thespace. light, reflective materials and minimal designsare your friends in a small kitchen, so consider white or frosted glass cabinet doors, whitestone or composite, or stainless-steel worktops, and white splashback tiling.