home interior decorating ideas pictures

home interior decorating ideas pictures

hi, i'm ann myrick, and today i'm going toshow you how to arrange groups of pictures on the wall. this is a sample of a group.i really like, it works better if you use a like color of frames, that's really thekey. that is where you get a designer look instead of having a few brass, a few black,a few fake wood. if you take what ever you're going to do, and just get, they don't evenhave to be identical frames, just that they're the same color, it really works. it has aunified look to it, and looks great. so, these were, there's a like topic here in that twoof the pictures were done by my child, and then this picture is my child. and so, whati did is put them all in black frames. these are identical, this one is not, but i reallylike the difference between, you know, having

a different frame. i don't like a lot of repitition,but i like uniformity, so that matings are white, you can use an off-white, but thisis a great group, and then over here we have a group that is a gold frame and a light wood,and it's two floral pictures that i put together. in putting pictures together, you can, thelook of having, like rows of pictures, like three rows of three pictures in each row,that is a great look. the thing about that is, i love that look, but it's really hardat times to get the pictures identically level with each other, and if you're going to dothat type of grouping, where you have three rows of pictures that go down, you want tobe sure that everything lines up and they're all the same height. you can group severalpieces, and then add a few plates around the

pictures. you can, there's, there's a lotof things you can do with your groupings. what i would say is just don't, on every wall,you do not need to put a picture. i really like breathing space. so if i have severalwalls that have pictures, i'm going to have a wall that doesn't have a picture on it becausei like a little breathing space, and a, kind of time for my eye to get a little re-energizedbefore i start looking at other pictures. this is ann myrick, and that is how to arrangepictures in a group.

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