house decorating ideas 2017

house decorating ideas 2017

if you’re starting to feel like your small apartment is more cramped than cozy maybe it’s time you try some of these 20 small apartment remodeling ideas. the main problem is not the apartment itself but the condition it is in; that’s why remodeling could be your best bet. 20. repaint the walls

if you are bored with the condition of your apartment, you can always repaint the wall with new colors. but, if you don’t own your home. you might need to ask your landlord permission before getting started. some apartment are meant to stay as is. if you are allowed to do remodeling then the advice is “repaint” your apartment immediately.

make sure you paint it tidily and use good quality paint. why is that? well, you want your apartment walls to look fantastic, don’t you? also, be patient in painting because your walls may need more than one coat of paint, and it takes time to allow the layers to dry in between.

19. replace your old furniture! do you think one of the reasons you feel your apartment need a makeover is due to your outdated furniture? if so, then you should replace your pieces with new ones. replacing all of the furniture might require a boost to your budget; but when it’s done

you’ll see that you are doing the right thing. if you ask yourself what to do with the old furniture, you could sell them to recover some of your money spent. but if you don’t feel like buying new furniture, you can always revamp your old furniture with new fabric or leather. this way, it will be less expensive. 18.

simply clean the apartment. one of the easiest things about remodeling your apartment is to clean it. if you have a messy apartment you should tryto keep it tidy. as clutter make small spaces look even smaller simply clean the floor, the furniture, and your home accessories. then, you might want to gather the unused things that are just taking up space

put them into boxes. don’t store them; sell them. when you’re done, you’ll have more spaceto move around. and if you’re not satisfied with the result, keep with us. 17. break rules! breaking some rules does not mean that you can remodel your house without the landlordpermission.

if you are given permission to do whatever you want with the apartment you are living in, then you can start break some rules. some people put their dining room table in the kitchen or in the living room, but can you put it in your bedroom? of course you can, like in this picture forexample. if the wall of your bedroom is holed in rectangularshape; then you can simply install a wooden

board on it. there you go, now you have a dining room table both in your apartment bedroom and your living room. 16. rearrange everything. the cheapest remodeling for an apartment is to rearrange the furniture in different pattern. you may want to think this through thoroughly

because there is a possibility some of your furniture won’t fit everywhere you want to put it. you can change your bedroom into the kitchen; put the bed in the living room, etc. bring in a new look and atmosphere to your apartment. 15. rustic is the new modern. rustic designs are known as a traditional design because it uses materials like bricks

and wood to build a wall. but these days people don’t like to leave rustic design outside. now those designs are welcomed inside too even in small apartments. what you need to do is simply put brick decoration on the wall so it looks as if it is real. then, you should put wood boards on the floor. also, you need to add wooden tables.

this remodeling is known to have a bit of masculine atmosphere to it. so it’s a great one for the guys. 14. install new windows. one of the reasons you feel bored with your current apartment condition is probably yourwindows. if you have a room in which you can view your city, then having such small and boring windows

is a waste. to enhance the view, you should install new windows but not just any random window; you should install the big ones. this way, the view from the apartment will be enhanced big times. 13. add pictures and art. one of the easiest ways to remodel your apartment

is to fill the walls with some pictures like paintings, family photos, posters, murals, or photography. these pictures will surely bring a new atmosphereto your apartment. but don’t mix them randomly; you should put a set of pictures that shows something. for example, family photos and posters showcasingquotes. these 2 things enhance one another and canbe put together on the wall.

12. go for minimalism! whatever you’re trying to do when it comes to remodeling your apartment, don’t overdoit. don’t take too much space just to rearrangeyour furniture, don’t take too much space on the wall for pictures, and don’t make your apartment messy once again. keep your apartment clean with minimalist

decoration for a tiny and spacious looking room. 11. girly remodeling. for girls who live alone in an apartment, you can try to paint the wall with soft pinkcolor, or another soft shape you enjoy, add some flowers vases, and keep the room comfy by reducing the amount of decoration.

also, replace your curtain with the white one while the couch should have bright colors. then, you can add throw pillows with soft colors. this is an example of remodeling for a small apartment and for girls who live alone, you should be able to remodel your apartment byyourself no problem. 10. add life.

do you have any plants in your apartment? if not, then it must be stressful. this is some easy remodeling; just put some indoor plants inside your apartment. when you’re done rearranging the plants, you will feel huge differences immediately. some plants are imitation yet some are real. for a better relaxation experience, the real ones are recommended because they produce

oxygen. 9. white and elegant theme have you ever thought to use this theme to remodel your whole apartment or room? the dominant color here is white while black stuff is needed only as an enhancer of the elegant atmosphere. what you should do is paint the wall white

and adds white-colored furniture. then, put some black-colored decoration to bring that elegance to your apartment. also, a big window is needed for this theme because it will help to brighten the atmosphere in your home. 8. bring some joy. if your budget is not big enough to buy the

things needed for a theme, you can always add some furniture or stuff to make your apartment more joyful. start by adding various and vibrant colors like colorful throw pillows, a yellow table, a chair with blue sky color and other vibrant-coloredfurniture. 7. use wallpaper. in case you are in an apartment whose landlord

won’t let you to do any remodeling, you can always use wallpaper instead. this way, you don’t have to repaint thewall. but applying the wallpaper to the entire wallcould get expensive. that’s why it’s better to apply the wallpaperon only some of the walls. like the wall the tv is installed on. 6. remake old stuff into decoration. if you have any unused stuff, you can turn

it into another decoration instead of sellingit or throwing it away. stuff like this wire basket. a wire basket is pretty big and won’t fit in your new remodel apartment. therefore, you can make it into an end table. simply add around wood board on top and glue it with hot glue gun. when it’s done you can put it by your bedor in the living room. now it looks classy and elegant.

5. buy antiques. antiques are option in case you want to remodel your apartment into an older style like thatof victorian era. one thing is for sure though, antiques can be very expensive. so, if you want them to be in your apartment, make sure that your budget can handle it. to match the antiques, you should think aboutthe wall and floor as well.

wallpaper and wooden floors would be great. for this remodeling idea 4. build shelves. shelves are important in a small apartment. besides your unused stuff, there must be thingsthat you still need, right? for example, books. to store these books, it is recommended

that you build your own shelves with wood board and install it on the wall. the shelves would give your apartment a smartand tidy look. 3. mix and match. if you are a creative person, then it would be better to do the remodeling based of yourimagination. in these cases, just let your imagination do all of the planning work.

you can add furniture with different colors and patterns without worrying about if it’ll be match. you can also mix furniture with the same pattern and color even if they don’t actually look the same. but, make sure this mix and match has a plan or you’ll end up spending more money than you anticipated.

2. modernize the electronics and appliances. your remodeling won’t be completed without new electronics and appliances. even if your apartment is small, there can still be a new tv, dishwasher, modern stove, washing machine, etc. you can even install some cctv cameras for added security to your apartment.

and by installing new high efficiency appliances, it can even lead to a lower electricity bill 1. call the professionals if you don’t know what you should do with your apartment but you really want to remodel it, then perhaps it’s time to call in some professional help. by getting an interior design consultant

they can give you the 3d mock up so you can see the big picture allowing you to better decide what to add or what changes to make but these professionals are pricey, they can give you the best plan for you to work with but it will cost you. if you can’t afford to hire a help. you can always try web app called planner5d.

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