house decorating ideas for fall

house decorating ideas for fall

in this tutorial i'll show you more than 10amazing ideas to decorate your room. ready? my room is so boring! wait... let's do this! hey loves! as promised i have a room dã©cortutorial for you, where i'm going to show you more than 10 epic ideas to spice up yourroom! and this video does not only include decorations, but also a complete room transformationbecause i warn you, i went all out and completely transformed my room from plain and boringto absolutely beautiful. want to see it for yourself? then just keep watching! for the first diy i decided to beautify myplain white furniture. and since we'll be using paint it's very important that you protectthe working area. you will need a paint brush,

sponge applicators, masking tape, primer andpaint. i'm going to paint 5 drawers, 2 in pink and 3 in aqua blue. i'll also add littlewhite dots on top, which will look adorbs, just wait for it! so let's start with thefirst drawer. we're just going to paint the front, so to keep that neat edge we need toprotect the inside with the masking tape. make sure your furniture is clean and dryand you're set to start painting. well, first we have to apply primer which assures thatpaint sticks firmly to the furniture and will last us many years. leave the primer to drycompletely and finally here comes the fun part – color! let's start with this prettypink. give the paint a stir and then just paint the front of the drawer and the sideedge. i love how with paint your can totally

transform a room for such a low price. let'smove to the blue paint. i love this blue-aqua, it's so beautiful! apply one even coat andlet the drawers dry for a day. then apply another coat. my paint was actually quitethick and one coat would do the job but i still decided to go for two. and here areall my painted drawers – so pretty! leave them dry completely before you start drawingthe dots. here i am marking where each dot should be – i went for 3 inches betweenthe dots and 1.5 inches between each row of dots. to make a perfect dot i am using a bigcircle puncher. make a circle hole in a piece of a masking tape to get this neat dot stencil.stick it on the drawer and paint the inside of the dot with a sponge applicator dippedin white paint. the perfect dot! if you want

the dotting to go faster you can also justmake them using a sponge applicator as it's shape is rounded. but i really wanted mineto look perfect so i took time for it. my blue drawer is done and look how beautifulit is! and here is the pink one finished too! all my drawers are done and i can't even explainhow happy i am with them. let's put them in place! i love how the white dots connect thepainted drawers with the rest of the furniture which i kept white. i adore my new furniture! for the bedding i chose a simple white onewith pink accents saying love is in the air. oh yeah! i also got this textured blanketfor when it gets a bit chilly. and i love to decorate my bed with pillows, a lot ofpillows! since they can actually be quite

pricey, i made this gorgeous smile and chevronpillows myself. i'll show you how to make the smile one first. to make it you will needan empty pillow case, which you can get for very cheap, scissors, fabric glue and wool. take your wool and write anything you like,i decided to write the word smile on my pillow because you know what they say: just smileand the world will smile with you. once you are happy with how the word looks like justtake your fabric glue and stick the wool in place. lift it up, apply a bit of glue andpress the wool down on the pillow case. in the end i am adding a little spiral abovethe letter “i” to represent the dot. and we are all finished with the adorable smilepillow. this project is literally done in

2 minutes and it doesn't really get any cuter!you can also make this pillow for a friend and maybe write his or her name on for a beautifulpersonalized gift. but i am keeping this one for myself! another idea is a chevron pillow. you'll needa white pillow case, masking tape, a pot for color, sponge applicators or a paint brush,scissors and fabric paint. if you want to protect the edges of the pillow like me, stickmasking tape pieces along all the four sides. now make the first chevron row by stickingmasking tape in a chevron pattern. then stick another chevron row right above this firstone and add another above that one. peel away the middle row and you get the perfect chevronrow stencil, which we're going to color later.

i love this technique because it gives youthe perfect parallel chevron rows and neat pillow in the end. okay, our chevron stencilis all ready for painting. i decided for pink and blue, surprise, surprise, to match myroom. first i am making a blue row using a sponge applicator. for a crisp and neat edgei recommend to move from the tape towards the center of the row. that way you preventthe color from leaking under the tape causing a messy chevron edge. when all the rows arecolored, peal away the masking tape to reveal the perfect chevron pattern. you can use morethan two colors or even just one for a more classic chevron pillow. i love making my owndecoration for the room because i can tailor them to suite my room perfectly. you can stophere because it already looks fantastic but

i decided to color the edges too. protectthe freshly painted chevron pattern with the masking tape and apply the color along thesides. remove the tape, leave your beautiful pillow to dry for a few hours and you areready to decorate your room with this masterpiece. i really like how these pillows make my bednot just incredibly cosy, but also absolutely gorgeous to look at. ok, my bed is pretty but there's stil a lotof room on my desk and dresser so let's make some quick decorations to put on those. forthis lovely colored sand cactus you will need some sand preferably white, cactus, biggerglass, food coloring, toothpicks, a few more glasses or pots for the sand and somethingto stir the sand with. distribute the sand

between glasses, i have four of them as ialso have 4 food colors. time for the fun part - coloring the sand! take a small amountof water and mix in a bit of color. i have blue, pink, green and yellow. pour the coloredwater in the sand and mix well to distribute the color evenly. if you put the food colordirectly into the sand glass the color won't incorporate evenly. trust me i tried it. it'smuch better to mix it with water first. how pretty do these look! i love them, i justwant to eat them! okay, now you have to let the sand dry completely... and then it's timeto make a pretty sandy house for our cactus. starting with green, off you go into the glass!i put my sand in little plastic bags just so it'll be easier to pour. place the cactuson and let's continue with pink. i love plants

but let's be honest all my plants die, soi figured a cactus is a low maintenance plant that gives life to your room but doesn't requiremuch time. that's perfect for me. look how beautiful sandy waves we're getting! i amabsolutely in love with this dã©cor idea. looks stunning and i had so much fun makingit. but be careful with cactuses, these guys can be really mean! a cute butterfly lamp, anyone? for this oneyou'll need a plain lamp, a bunch of colorful butterflies and a glue.we are going to decorate the lamp cover with these shiny friends. i am starting on top- all you have to do is put a drop of glue on the back of the butterfly and stick iton the cover. unique lamps can be quite expensive,

whereas this plain one cost me around 4 dollarsand i also got the chance to make it exactly how i like it! i bought these butterflieson the internet for a couple of dollars, so 6 bucks for this pretty lamp - not bad i'dsay. the top part is covered with the flying beauties so let's continue on the sides. tomake the lamp cover stay in place while working you can put something like a masking tapeinside. instead of the super glue that i am using, you can also go for a glue gun. butwhichever you are using be careful that you don't stick your fingers together! here goesthe final butterfly and we are finished with this unique lamp. it creates such a prettyshuttered light full of butterfly shadows. and can also work as a hat...

we all love candles... but how about thesesuper stunning colored candles made out of crayons? you'll need a candle glass, candlewick, crayons and white wax. select three colors, i'm going with green, pink and blue.put some wax in the pot and add a piece of crayon. now you need to melt the wax and crayonso you can either put it in a microwave, just make sure to use a microwaveable pot or justmelt it above the candle like me. i like watching how the wax melts and mixes with crayon. feelinglike a lab scientist. when everything is nice and melted give the colored wax a stir. herewe have the pink and here the blue. place an eraser under one side of the glass, holdthe candle wick in the middle and pour the melted wax in. when the first layer is dry,place the eraser under the other side of the

glass and pour your second color in. lastly,remove the eraser and pour your last color on top for that neat horizontal ending. you'releft with a gorgeous colorful candle. you can also use more than 3 colors. here i decidedfor a smaller slope and 4 wax colors. now your candles will give you that cosy warmfeeling and a nice pop of color to your room even when they're not burning. a very cute way of incorporating low maintenanceplants to your room is a bamboo stick in a tube with water decorated with colorful stones.hold your bamboo stick in the middle of the vase and pour in stones in colored layers.i started with green, then red and lastly yellow. that's it, how easy, fast and prettyis this diy! if you don't have a bamboo you

can totally make this stone terrarium withany plant of your choice and it will for sure brighten up any room. we also need to make some decorations forour wall, right? first i’m going to show you how to make this awesome paper flowergarland, which doubles as a hawaian will need some colored paper, i have somepatterned as well, scissors, stapler, hole puncher, pencil, ruler and a string.measure a rectangle of about 5 by 2 inches, you can also make it larger if you want biggerflowers, and thenjust cut it out with scissors. fold your rectangle three times along theshorter side and unfold it again. we did this just to get these guiding lines all along.then fold the paper again but this time in

the zig zag manner like me. time to take ourstapler and make a punch in the middle of that little rectangle. cut away the cornersdiagonally, this will give you that pretty flower shape. open up your flower by joiningthe sides together and secure them in place with your stapler. now just make a bunch ofthem in different colors… aren’t they pretty?! when you have enough of flowers weare ready to thread them on the string. make two holes in each flower using a hole you can see, i like leaving an empty petal between two petals with holes. finally leadthe string through the holes you’ve just made to hang all these cuties on. voila! weare all finished with this adorable flower garland. you can hang it above your bed, dooror window, i decided to place it on the wall

above my desk, so that when i am working ican see this beautiful creation in front. i love how it gives a lot of color and textureto my wall. another great wall art idea is this colorfulcanvas painting with a word on. the things we need are a masking tape, acrylic paintin different colors and sponge applicators. to start off stick your masking tape on thecanvas to write any word you like. you can be very creative here but keep in mind thatletters that consist only of straight lines are a bit easier to make – like the wordlive, which i went for. once your word is set you can color the painting in any possibleway. i went for bright neon colors and i decided to make wave shapes all over the paintingusing my sponge applicator. i decided to go

for the word live, just to remind me thatevery moment is a treasure that we have to cherish and enjoy. sometimes i get so busywith planning for the future, i get so excited about things that are about to happen andi kind of forget that the present is all that we actually have. i love this idea becausein the end the painting turns out so neat with the pretty letters while you can justslap the color on the canvas, not worrying at all. there we go. my canvas is entirelycovered in these happy fluorescent colors, so the only thing left for me to do is toremove the masking tape. see how cool it looks! this painting will not just make your walllook gorgeous, but it will also remind you to live life to the fullest every time yousee it.

i love having freshly cut vase flowers inmy room, but unfortunately they can be really expensive and they don’t really last problem, because you can easily make these adorable pom pom flowers which will last’ll need some small tree branches, wool, scissors and glue.take your wool and wrap it around 4 of your fingers about 100 times. the more wool youwrap the fuller and prettier your pom pom when finished. after a while you’ll endup with a fluffy ball like this one. take a short piece of wool and wrap it around yourwoolen ball tightly. you end up with a bow shaped fluffiness. take your scissors andcut through the loops on both sides. the bow shape is gone but no problem because we gota cute fluffy pom pom with a bit messy hairstyle,

which we need to take care of. so just havefun with scissors and give your pom pom that lovely rounded shape. here you can decidewhether you want your flowers to be smaller and daintier or larger. i decided for bigstatement pom pom flowers, so i am keeping the fluffy balls nice and large. make moreof these using different wool colors for a more interesting colorful bouquet. i wentfor green, purple, yellow, blue and red. it’s time to attach some stems to our flowers,so take your tree branches, i got mine from a park nearby. apply some glue and place ona pom pom. there you go, we’ve got a beautiful flower bouquet ready to put in the vase.i decided to just use a jar as a vase. hmm... i think something’s missing here. let’sgo pick up some stones and fill up the vase

with them. bringing pieces of nature in yourroom will give so much life to it. and i love exploring the surroundings searching for thepretty things that nature created and that i can use in my diys. now that’s what i’mtalking about! the stones make the flowers stand more straight and together, which ilike. these look so pretty, don’t really smell like anything but.. hey that can befixed too. our flower vase is all ready to put on the desk, dresser or your night these were my 10 diy room dã©cor ideas. i really hope you like them and maybe gotsome inspiration for yourself. let me know what was your favorite part of the personally, i really love how the drawers turned out. i think they are so pretty andthey really give a nice bold statement to

the room. but i also loved everything elseand i still have plenty ideas on my mind for room dã©cor and wall art so do let me knowif you would like to see more. i hope you guys are doing great. thank you so much forwatching. i love you and we'll talk soon! bye. being your own interior designer can be somuch fun. may it be a big furniture project or a cute little decoration - your creativitycan make a place shine.

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