kitchen renovation meal ideas

kitchen renovation meal ideas

what's the secret to a successful kitchenlayout? it's all about getting in the zone or, actually, the three zones. we'll showyou how. [ music ] when you have the opportunity to design your own kitchen, the options canseem overwhelming. the best approach, is to divide your kitchen into three zones, prep,cook, and clean. start with the prep zone. this is the space you need when preparinga meal. that includes washing, chopping and mixing. keep this zone close to the sink,with plenty of counter space on both sides. for easy accessibility, keep the utensils,cutting boards and mixing bowls within an arms reach. if your looking for additionalprep space, consider an island. next, focus on the cook zone. as the name implies, thisis where the hot stuff happens. to move quickly

and easily between appliances, have the cooktop, oven and microwave in one location. [ music ]. add more efficiency to your kitchen, byhaving pots, pans, spatulas and spices close by. the final zone, is the clean zone whichis made up of the kitchen sink and dishwasher. like the cook zone, you want to keep theseappliances close together to make clean up a breeze. when it comes to designing an efficientkitchen layout, focus on each zone, and the rest will fall into place. cooking, and cleaningtoo, will never feel so good. [ music ]

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