luxury kitchen design london

luxury kitchen design london

hi everyone and welcome to my channeltoday i have a video of something a little bit different but i had a lot ofrequests for this one and it is how to start a luxury collection i actuallystarted mine a few years ago when i decided that i didn't want to have loadsof stuff but i rather had less stuff but invest in really good quality and youknow high-priced items which i knew i would love for years so today i'm gonnatell you how i started this luxury collection and also give you some tipsand ideas if you want to start yours so without further ado let's get straightinto the video but before that don't forget to hit the subscribe button ifyou already haven't i upload twice a

week and i would love to have you backon the channel so when it comes to starting a luxury collectionit probably needs a lot of saving up and a lot of willpower from your part to notspend this out and going out on the weekends with your friends or doingother stuff so you probably have worked really really hard to save up this chunkof money to start your luxury collection so my first suggestion would be toinvest in classic items that you know that you're gonna love for a long timethat you're gonna get a lot of use out of and that i'm not gonna go out offashion in just one or two years so they're not really trend pieces mysecond thing would be to invest in stuff

that you're really gonna use so i wouldtend to invest on things that are more of a daily use item rather than stuffthat you're gonna use in an absolutely one off because you know you don'treally use that item a lot or you don't really wear stuff like that a lot anddesign a piece and why opinion is something that you're gonna buy you'regonna splurge your money on but you're really gonna enjoy so you don't want tobuy something that you're gonna be so scared to use or that you're not gonnahave much use for and it's gonna be lying on the back of your cupboardmy third piece of advice would be to invest in accessories fastly becauseaccessories can totally transform an

outfit and i feel like when it comes toclothes there are so many beautiful options and kind of premium high streetshops or even that were your real high street like zara or h&m kind of verygood quality and can be kind of very on-trend and fashionable and you don'treally need to kind of go and splurge a huge amount in them so the way to dressthese up and make them look more expensive and kind of elevate your lookfor me is accessories also when it comes to excessyou can go for smaller accessories which are less expensive than kind of ahandbag or a pair of shoes and this way you can start your luxury collectionwithout having to break the bank so

without further ado let's get straightinto this and i'm going to give you my five top categories of items to startyour luxury attraction so the first item would be handbags which is my mostfavorite and i am gonna show you this one which is a lady jewel this one is aclassic piece and this was i think the second handbag i bought when it came toluxury designer goods my first item was a louie boot on speedy bag which i'vesince then sold on but that was a bag that i could use literally every day togo to work to go to college it was very kind of you know hard and tough and ican use it all the time and it wasn't as crazy expensive as some of the otherdesigner bags so definitely if you don't

want to splurge a huge amount but youstill want a good designer bag you can get a lot of wear out of that is in aneutral shade and can match with absolutely everything you have i woulddefinitely suggest the louboutin speedy bag and then my next item was this one ilove the gold hardware but obviously you could opt for silver if that goes morewith your style but this is a classic bag that never goes out of style i tookin the large size because that was was really in fashion when i bought it butobviously now the medium and the smaller size is also really in fashion but iwould suggest not going for something too small because those bags again are alittle bit more trend based and now

they're very in fashion but in you knowthree four five years time we don't know if they're gonna be in fashion so i wasjust going for something in the medium or large not crazily large not crazilysmall somewhere right in the middle that you're gonna be able to use a lot thisone fits kind of a lot of stuff in it so you can definitely use this to go towork to go shopping to be doing errands to travel it's not the sturdiest bag inthe world i have to say it is lambskin so it does get easily scratched but ithink you know it's so beautiful and it's definitely worth it and obviouslyyou're gonna be a little bit careful with it but at the same time youshouldn't be scared to use it

another great suggestion for a classicbag that is never gonna go out of style that you're gonna be able to pass on togenerations for me would be the chanel bag i can't show you because i don'thave one but the classic chanel coltd bag is a great item that you know it'sbeen in fashion for years i would to go with the hard green leatherthan the soft lambskin just because i think in the caviar leather it's a lotmore long-lasting so if you want something sturdy that you'll be able toget a lot of use out of that would be my suggestion and with that one i wouldsuggest going for the medium size because the great benefit of that one isthat you can use it for both daytime and

evening and if you're not very tall youcan even wear it crossbody the next item i would suggest investing in would beshoes and as you know designer shoes are a little bit of a gray down from a bagthey're not as expensive but you're probably not gonna be able to use themfor as long because you know shoes where i was a bit quicker but i would suggestsomething like these ones these are my jimmy choo glitter pumps these are theromney 85 and these are a great pair they're a classic you know stiletto witha heel that's not too high or too low this one is 75 or 80 millimeter heel butyou can definitely opt for something higher if you want you they've got apointy toe which i feel never really

goes out of style it's not crazilypointed then it's kind of a trend based piece so there are quite a classic kindof court shoe this glitter style i love because if you can wear them for eveningthey can definitely jazz up an outfit a lot and they definitely make a hugestatement but another great investment i think would also be be manolo shoesthose again are a classic they're in satin they're beautiful they definitelygo with a very casual outfit like jeans and a t-shirt and dress it up but youcan obviously wear it with a gown or you can wear it with an evening outfit andthey definitely make a very simple outfit look amazing if you want to buyit only just one pair and you're kind of

starting off your collection again iwould suggest going with a very neutral color like for example a gray or a blackthat is gonna kind of match with everything but you know for all means ifyou love color go for something like a cobalt blue or a good emerald greenwhich is a classic but obviously you're gonna be able to pair it with a bit lessstuff but if your wardrobe is really neutral like mine which has a lot ofbeiges whites blacks you're gonna probably be able to wear these shoeswith quite a lot of stuff another suggestion would be a classic power fromlouboutin these ones are their simple pump thisone is in the 70 and i actually bought

these to go to work they're a great heelheight if you want to wear them every single day but obviously if you wantsomething a bit more that you're gonna be wearing the evenings as opposed to togo to work i would suggest something like thekait shoes or these ones in the higher heel which i think is a 100 millimeterwhich definitely worked great for evening this one is an option with a bitmore of a rounded toe which obviously is a bit of a different style but againit's not super round so you could probably wear these with most thingsthey won't go out of fashion they're very very comfortable once you breakinto them though but yeah they're a

great pair to have and patent black youknow perfect to go with everything next up would be the possibly the highestticket item in this whole range which would be a watch i think that is aamazing investment to do because it's something you're probably gonna use forlife i took years to get one but when i did i got this beautiful one from shoepod this one is in rose gold with diamonds and then it has the greencrocodile strap obviously i went for a very kind of funky color the green but ireally liked how it matched the dial and i thought you know even though it'sgreen my outfits like i said are usually very very neutral colors so the greenwould just add a pop of color and i

thought it looked beautiful with therose gold but obviously you don't have to go for this watch and there are lotsof watches out there a great suggestion if you don't want to splurge too toomuch on a very high-end watch would be the ones from cartier like the tankwatch which are a little bit cheaper because they are in steel rather than ingold so if you want to kind of start off at the entry level for a nice jewelerwatch i would say there are some great ones by cartier bulgari do some greatones and show pod also do some beautiful ones i love their imperial range theyhave these ones in steel and in obviously precious metals so that is upto you what you want to spend on but i

would suggest going for again somethingthat is kind of quite classic that's not too huge but not too small you're goingto love for a very long time and that goes with your styles so if you know youlove gold then buy something with something gold in it because you knowyou're gonna love it for a long time or if you're more of a silver kind of girland go for something silver but yeah i think this one is definitely somethingthat you will use for your entire life you can probably pass it on to your kidsif you want to as well so it's definitely an investment for life thereare on that kind of higher end but it's a great way to kind of start or evenenhance your luxury collection moving

now onsmaller items if you want to start your luxury collection or you want to kind ofbuild your luxury collection but you don't want to kind of splurge onsomething as huge as a bag or a watch which can really really be a big expensethen i would suggest starting with smaller accessories kind of like jewelryfor example it doesn't even need to be real jewelry can be costume jewelrybecause obviously if you go to the real jewelry kind of precious metals theywill be on the higher end but something like these earrings by dual that i'mwearing right now they are a great buy they are you know between the two 300pound mark they are really really

beautiful i loved these ones becausethey are very kind of classic they were twist on a classic really they are aclassic kind of pearl earring but obviously they've got this twist makethem very representative of the brand i'm not a huge one for logos when itcomes to jewelry but obviously that's completely up to you but obviously thechanel earrings are also a great idea or the louboutin ones which have the lv arealso a great option i would give for something quite dainty and small nothingtoo huge because obviously those again they can't go out of fashion i wouldprefer to go for something a bit more classic that i know i'm gonna love for areally long time but yeah i think

they're a great fine another option ifyou don't want to go for earrings in my opinion would be a brooch i'm wearing mychanel brooch right now this chanel brooch has been in fashion for years youcan wear this with pretty much anything it looks great on the lapel of a blazerit looks great on a coat on a jumper like the one i'm wearing now on a shirtthe possibilities are endless you can also wear it over a kind of scarf youcan use it to hold up a pashmina or a stole and it can look great with a lotof different options again i took mine in the kind of pearl and gold but theyhave these with different finishes like speransky finish or they also have themwith kind of black and gold pearls but

so you can choose the option that suitsyou best but again just a two kind of classic neutral colors that will go withmost things do you'll also do some beautiful ones but my selection would bethe chanel and just because it is a real real classic another great option interms of accessories it would be a belt that is something that you probably useit for a very long time and you know that you'll get a lot of wear out of oneoption would be this hermes belt i love this one because it's reversible i haveit in the brown and the black but obviously they've got a lot ofdifferent color combinations and i feel like this is so wearable i took in themedium size because this one you can

wear with both dresses with skirts withjeans with a lot of different things so i got a lot of use out of this andespecially what i was going to the office i was wearing this a lot withkind of suit trousers i feel it's a great way to add kind of a statement toyour outfit something that's going to really give it that elevated lookbut without breaking the bank so i think this is a great option another option isthis one by ferragamo this one is a bit wider if you do tend to wear your beltsmore on your waist with kind of dresses or skirts and this is maybe a betteroption for you again this one is reversible it's got the beige on oneside and the black on the other very

kind of statement ferragamo buckle roundhere but i really love these reversible ones because really you get you know twobelts in one so it's great if you want to kind of start off your collectionanother fantastic option is a pair of sunglasses this is usually how mostpeople start off their luxury collection just because it tends to be the kind ofmore accessible and the more affordable item i would suggest again going withsomething quite classic these ones are a cateye pair from chanel you guys ask meabout these ones all the time i don't think they do the exact same ones butthey have them were the different kind of crystals around here so i'll link allthe items down below so do have a look

there if you want to get any b's butthese ones are beautiful they're in a brown tortoiseshell so again veryclassic you could also go for maybe square frames and black which again isvery very classic and yeah these ones are from chanel but you could get themfrom ray ban you can get them from you know dolce and gabannatom ford lots of them do these kind of classic style sunglasses they had a lotof earth to your outfit without breaking the bank and finally last but not leasti would suggest a scarf this one is a hermes scarf in silk whichis absolutely gorgeous this would have quite bright colors but that's because itend to wear this more in the summer and

again my outfits are very neutral butyou can get this more in a more of a neutral color these scarves are greatthey kind of just dress up any outfit they look great with a shirt you canalso wear them as a belt and tie them into the hoops of your jeans you knowyou can definitely wear them over a dress even over something like what i'mright now which is just a kind of jumper it would look great so you candefinitely do a lot with these they're definitely elevate an outfit and if youchoose them in a bright color they definitely add something veryspecial to the outfit jaime's are great for these but you can also get verybeautiful soul scarf from ferragamo

but homeys would be my choice if you dolive in a colder climate and you prefer something a little bit warmer butobviously a little bit more expensive as well just because there's more fabric iwould go for a pashmina this one is from louboutin i took them in a very neutralcolor this one is in a beige and sort of gold accents on its like a champagnegold very beautiful but they do them in loads of different shades it's supersoft it's huge so you can use this as a big chunky scarf you can also use it asa kind of stole or shawl over a a dress if you're going out in the evening andyou don't want to wear a coat so the possibilities with this are endlessagain i think it's a real classic it can

last you for years i travel with mine iyou know wear it with coats with dresses with pretty much anything so i thinkthis is a great piece and this is something that you can easily giftsomeone who you know as well wants to start a luxury collection because youknow it's kind of something that is easy to gift you know as long as you knowthey're tasting kind of color i think it's definitely a very very good item togive someone that you love that you know wants to start a luxury collection sothat was everything from me guys i hope you enjoyed this video i hope it washelpful do let me know down below how you started a luxury collection or ifyou're thinking of starting one the one

you want to buy thank you so so much forwatching don't forget to subscribe and i'll see you in my next video bye

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