house hallway decorating ideas

house hallway decorating ideas

hi, i'm ann myrick, and today we're goingto talk about decorating a foyer. what you want to do is think about the foyer beingthe first room that makes the impression. it's the first room that people see. you wantit neat, you want it clean, you want it just to look well, look, go with the rest of yourhouse, but it is the first room. so, it really depends on the angle of the foyer, the sizeof the foyer, what you can put in it. you don't want to pack the foyer out. and thinkabout what you need. what happens, do you usually come in the front door, do you usuallycome in the back door. what do you need in your foyer. a lot of times i will put benchesin a foyer with a few pillows on it, or i'll put a lot of hooks up if you can't see thehooks when you first walk in the door. so

it really kind of depends on how the foyer,the location of the foyer. in here, we have a really nice, pretty chest, and it has greatdrawer space. and then on top, we have a little chest that has drawers. and this is a greatplace, i like to, my family always likes to put the keys in the drawers so we can knowwhere the keys are, but hide them. and you just want to make your foyer really want, having a light on your chest is great. decorating it, making it look nice,not too crammed. you can either have a nice picture, piece of art work, or a lot of timespeople like a mirror because the first thing you do when you walk in, you can check yourmake up, or the last thing you do when you walk out, you can check your make up, or whenyou answer the door, you can kind of look

to be sure you're properly dressed and allof that. so a mirror is good, or a piece of art work. you also want to think about a rug.we have a large area rug. this is a pretty big space for a foyer. we have hardwood floors,so we could either put a large kind of area rug around, or we could just put a small,kind of zippy, more throw rug around. if you put a rug down, you want to be sure that youhave a non-skid, because you don't want somebody to hit the rug and start sliding. so you wanta non-skid mat there. you also want, if you have windows, you might think about windowcoverings. your chandelier, you want to think about the lighting, how bright it is. so justhave fun with your foyer, and think about how big it is, and buy accordingly. this isann myrick, and that's how to decorate your


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