ideas for decorating a house at halloween

ideas for decorating a house at halloween

hi everyone this is eric with magiclight. in this video i'm going to show you how to use your magiclight bulbs tomake your house or your haunted house look a lot more spectacular. like this. for the first bulb i have my wi-fispotlight or floodlight. this one's going to be the brightest. this is good if youhave a larger area you want to illuminate and i'm gonna go ahead andset this one to a solid color. i'm going to go into my magiclight app pullit up and let's go ahead and select a nice orange color and next i have mywi-fi triangle bulb this is great it's a little bit smaller so if you do want toput this one in a lantern you can and

for this one i'm gonna go ahead andselect the color green. let's put that in the lantern and lastly i have abluetooth bulb that's hiding behind the gravestone back there and for this onei'm gonna go ahead and put a strobe light so let's go and turn it on andright now you can see it illuminating like a blueish purple but if i go intomy functions i can go ahead and find the either a white strobe or purple strobeso let's go and do the purple strobe and you can adjust the speed setting now youcan get that cool strobe effect and if you guys don't have a fog machine that'sfine just add extra cobwebs and that will help reflect the light from yourmagiclights or you can also use

decorations that are lighter in colorlike a skull and that will help reflect some of the colored light so thanks somuch for watching if you guys do have any questions please leave them in thecomments down below and if you found the video helpfulwe always appreciate those thumbs up thanks so much for watching and i addedlinks to all the bulbs that i used in this demonstration in the descriptiondown below

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