ideas for decorating house for easter

ideas for decorating house for easter

you'll never believe where i found most ofeverything on this table and how little it cost. i'm working on yet another tablescape.and i love to come to this place -- it's an antique mall called antiques and uniques.and what's interesting about it is that, well, they've got a lot of different things. buttoday i'm focused on milk glass. i don't have a lot milk glass -- i inherited some. i havethis idea: i found these little chickens. i've been going around here trying to findas many of them as i can. they were very popular in the 1930s and 40s and through the 50s.they're just little hens on a nest. often they were larger. my mom and grandmother andeven great-grandmother had some of them. and they're made of milk glass. so far, i've foundthis one for $7.50, not too bad. the very

same chicken form a different dealer, $13-- so we'll have to work on the price there. we'll see. anyway, i'm just kinda going aroundand seeing how many of these little hens i can find and other things that might worktogether for this tablescape. so it looks like here we got a dealer who has got allkinds of milk glass. and, okay, look, here's some of these hens i was talking about. butlook at the difference here in the price. i mean, this hen is 10 bucks, and this oneis $20, okay. maybe there's some discount here? but milk glass is really interesting-- let me be a real nerd here for just a moment. it's very old, actually, the concept. yousee it as early as the 16 century. and it came in all different colors -- blue and pinkand so forth. and it's pressed. so there's

molds made and these things are pressed. youcan see, there are all forms of it. i mean, vases and things to hold all kinds of fooditems and jellies and jams and candies, and all kinds of things. milk glass became popular,or they began making it in american in the 1830s. so it goes way back. but most of thisis really turn of the century, maybe 1920s, 1930s. it's really interesting as you go aroundand you look at milk glass because it has various degrees of translucence. in fact,some even have sort of a clear band or little ribbon around the edge. the white actuallycomes from either bone ash or tin dioxide. that's what gives it its opaque white it must have something to do -- i mean, this one is very, very dense in its whitecolor. whereas others are much more translucent.

so i have to believe this has more perhapstin dioxide in it than some of the others. okay, so here's some of these little treasuresthat i found at work. we have the table set for an easter breakfast. using the jane rayjadite as the the base plate, and then the petal ware, which i love, so sort of translucentand milky at the same time. and then here we've just taken an ordinary egg cup withone of our heritage hen's eggs right in the center, with it all assembled around a singlewhite placemat on just the clean wood table, which i think is a nice contrast because wegot a lot of brown going on too. if you look at some of the other things that i found:here's that tray and here's the bowl that i found in milk glass. and i've just filledit with artificial eggs and some candy eggs

(yum, yum) that are all mixed in here withsome easter grass. and then luckily the tulips are in bloom, and i just filled these littlemilk glass juice glasses full of tulip blooms that work with our color theme of white, pink,apricot, and of course, green that we see represented here with the jadite. well, itlooks like a hen party, really. look at all of my glass chickens. here's one of my milkglass big chickens that i found, and here's the other one. then in front of each placesetting you just raise the lid and look -- there's some little candy surprises for guests undereach one of these little hens. and then i got some little jadite hens sitting on topof these milk glass plates there and there. so the table is completely balanced. i gota little height going with just a couple of

clear glass vases filled with artificial eggsthat echo the color theme. so you see how by going to some secondhand stores, antiqueshops, flea marks, you can find all kinds of interesting things to put together a tablethat doesn't cost a lot, that's very stylish, and something that will delight your guests.hey, if you're enjoying these style ideas, check in with us regularly, we got tons ofthem. and tell a friend. and subscribe to ehow home.

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