inexpensive home decorating ideas pictures
hi, i'm ann myrick, and today, we're goingto talk about how to decorate a hallway. this is a very narrow hallway, so you don't wantto put a lot in the hallway that is going to come out and even make the hallway lookeven more narrow. so you need to think about if you want something on the...on the walls,maybe, be sure that your picture, your artwork is very flat to the wall and it doesn't comeout like three-dimensional. so you can put...i would probably...this is a very dark area,so what i would probably do is number one, i might take the color that is in the house,and as i come down the hallway, one thing i might do is go the same color but lightenit up. go two or three steps lighter in the hallway so the hallway won't be so dark becauseyou can see how dark it is. another thing
i would do is we've just moved into this house,and so we don't really like the brass fixtures, but what i would do is i would put, at thispoint, i would put the brightest light i can in the hallway. and then when i change itout, i would try to get a light that just gave me a lot of light. in painting your hallway,you want to lighten it up. you want to be sure that there's not a lot of things downon the ground because, again, it is a narrow hallway. you might want to put alittle night light in one of the plugs where you can see as you go back and forth. as youcome out of this area, there's a little bit of a bigger area, and so this would be a goodarea to, you could put a big mirror here -- a really pretty, big mirror. thatway, when you leave your bedroom, you can
check yourself and see if your makeup's onor if your hair's done before you walk out the door. so you could put a mirror here.these are carpeted floors. if you had a hallway that was wood floors, you might want to puta runner -- a non-skid runner -- that went all the way down, and that is how you couldbring in some color. if you brought in a non-skid runner -- and you could pick out somethingthat had a lot of color in it -- that kind of gave you a little bit of zip. so have funwith your hallway. be careful that if it's a very narrow hallway, that you don't cramit, you don't put too much in it. this is ann myrick, and that's how to decorate yourhallway.