luxury gold living room

luxury gold living room

- steven, how you doing man? - what's going on man? - so, i got a favor to ask. i've been thinking aboutmoving back to new york. can you do that worth itthing where you, kind of, clap your hands and get whatever you want? - do people think this is how it works? - it is how it works. - no, that's not,

- try it. i wanna see some new york apartments. - no, oh, actually i didn't hear you. - let's go. please. here we are through thepower of worth it magic. we're gonna be tryingthree new york apartments for ben at three drasticallydifferent price points to find out which one ismost worth it at its price.

- worth it. new york is a mix of allthese people, energy. everyone's going after something, driven. it can be a lot, but when you'rein it, you're, like, high. new york apartments,though, they are expensive. first spot, we're going to brooklyn. it's actually ourcoworker's apartment and... (slow electronic music) - hi, my name's kara,and this is my apartment.

- this right here is the outside? - yes, outside. - this is where you sleep, right here? - this is just the outside. i actually sleep in the inside. it's in brooklyn. boerum hill, so, welcome. - thank you. - thanks for having us.

- it's about 500 square feet. it's a studio, but it hasa separate living room and a separate place to sleep,even though there's no wall. it's old, but it's very charming. there's exposed brick. there's a full bathroom. kitchen's very large. - did it come with arefrigerator or anything, or, - yep, working refrigeratorwith a freezer, yeah.

- i did not get arefrigerator in my, what? i wanna live in new york now! - i do have a private backyard,but the one downside is there's a million otherapartments around me so everyone can see in. so, yeah. - sorry, i'm swatting mosquitoes. - i know, that's the one downside is. - if i slap you in the face,

i swear there's probably a mosquito there. - probably. - most likely. - why did you choose this? - why did i choose?- yes. - number one reason, it was available. the big part of new york is the real estate goes really fast. it costs 1,700 a month.

which is--- that's steep. - most people think it's a steal. it's a lot of money, butfor my own living space, which is very unheard of, you have to have roommates,typically, in new york. most people think it's worthit if you can afford it, which i barely do. - yeah. my biggest thing is ihate having roommates.

i just, i like my space. - when i lived alone, iused to just, i was naked. - i don't want to hear about this. - i didn't wanna say anything about it, but a big part of livingalone is just freedom to let it all out. - that's the best. - the naked factor. are pets allowed in your building?

- one cat.- one cat? - what, you got a cat? - yeah, so i could geta cat if i wanted, yeah. - that's my dream. okay, let me know when you move out. - okay. (laughing) - [ben] can we see your apartment? - [kara] yeah, of course. - let's go.- let's do it.

- this is the bedroom area. this is where i sleep. - [ben] stay sexy and don't get murdered. - it's from a podcast that i like a lot. - this is how it works, right? here we go. - [ben] yeah? - my life motto. ben's life motto.

you got a couch! - yeah, i do have a littlecouch with one pillow. get this, it's a pullout couch. - no.- no. (lever creaking) - [ben] i don't wanna break it. - no, it should come out. - let's do this- upward and... - [kara] oh my gosh!

i'll be honest, i neveropened this before. (laughing) - [ben] is that why youinvited us to do this video? so here's the closet. - yep, my giant closet. there it is. - you really know how to take advantage of the space. it's very impressive.

like, this couch is perfectlyfitted for this area. your bed has the exactdimensions of the window. your closet is packed like crazy. what happened here? - oh, i was sweeping, and i accidentally lifted thebroom too high and i hit it. - hey, you have more light now. - i know, it, yeah. and this is the kitchen.

- [steven] this is like awhole new world we've entered. - [kara] yeah. - do you mind if i grab a glass of water? - yeah go ahead. - so one perk of new york city is you can drink the tapwater and not worry about anything bad happening. (mellow music) now that's refreshing.

- are you an ad for new york tap water? - i do that with my friends all the time, pretending like i'm in a commercial, ah. (waves crashing) ah! now that's refreshing! (upbeat electronic music) - actor ben! tastes like water and i'm thirsty, so.

there's your ac right there. - yeah.- yeah. - [kara] just stick your head in there. - yup. one of the most importantthings is how you feel where you live, and ifeel pretty good here. - it's how you make the mostof your situation, i think. i wanna see your funky bathroom. - [kara] yeah, we can go there next.

- [steven] let's go! - it's kind of a tight fit, but i think we can all fit in there. - [steven] oh this is not small at all! for one person this normal.- for one person yeah. - [steven] can we hear your toilet flush? - uh-huh.(toilet flushing) you gotta hold it reallyhard, and then you can. - [steven] nice!

- [kara] there you go. - [steven] there it is. - oh. - [steven] oh my god, ben. - [ben] apartment fact! - there is a personwho lives in manhattan, who pays 1,100 dollarsfor 100 square feet. - what? is that even the size of this table?

- i think if you spread yourarms, you'd go wall to wall. - you gotta be out ofyour mind, no offense. - now it's time to move on up, and we're bringing the big guns. - i think i'm bringing the big guns. - yeah that's true. - my uncle matt works in real estate here, i'm gonna hit him up andsee if he can find us some more impressive places.

- that's the dream. you know what you're gonnaget for 1,000, 2,000, 3,000. - do you wanna jump like 20k ahead? - do people pay that much here? - yeah! a lot of people pay that much here. - who? (stutters) - go big or go home, right? that's how you convincedme to get this tattoo

back in the day. (laughs) (upbeat music) - this has jumped to a higher price. - yeah but who cares? - welcome, steve. nice to meet you. - nice to meet you. - ben.

good to see you.- nice to see you. - ben's father is my brother. and ben, i would babysit. it's surprising he's still here with us. - i mean we see thisguy on set all day, so. - oh my god. - we have that in common now. - the name of my company iscoleman real estate group. we specialize in luxury apartments.

what you're standingin right here, is hl23. we're on the 11th floor. this is a full floor residence. - full like, the entire floor? - each owner owns the entire floor. we have three bedrooms, three full baths, and the architecture of thisbuilding is just magical. you have these long expansivefloor to ceiling windows to capture all sweeping views of downtown

and incredible views of the sunset as the buildings kind of take shape. just phenomenal light and views. - beautiful. this is beyond mywildest dreams right now. - this is what i picture makingit and living in manhattan, this is the representation of that. - how much does this apartment cost? - this is $24,500 a month.

- oh! - damn! - that's my car every month. paying for a brand new car. - you don't need a car. you're in manhattan. - oh!- sell the car, take the apartment. - for one month at least.

then i'll just go broke. - [steven] should wego take a look around? - [matt] please. - [ben] let's do it. - [matt] so we're standingin basically the dining room. you have an open grand great room right here with the living room. and what's nice is you'restraight above the high line. so you're looking straightup so that you get this view.

you just get green. - [ben] i mean if youget a pair of binoculars, you could do some serious, - okay! - binoculars are legal,that's what they're made for! i didn't say anything creepy- cool, cool. - where does your mind go, man? - i don't know. - [steve] wanna go down there?

- yeah, let's check it out. if i was naked in that apartment, people down here,- oh my gosh. - could see me right now, i'm just saying! if you turn around, you can look right into this apartment. - that's a concern. but all of the apartments are built in with electric privacy shade

in all the windowsthroughout the apartment, you're getting light coming in - hoo hoo, okay!- you're still enjoying the views, but you cancome out in your bathrobe. - damn that is sick. - can i please press that button? (singing in unison) - this place makes you wanna just lie flat on the floor in themiddle and just spread out.

like that. - [ben] make a wood angel. - [matt] you have a speedoven, gas stove top, miele refrigerator, all clad. - oh,- what? - oh!- is it a wall or a fridge? both. - and look at the viewwhen you're cooking. - [ben] it's like inspiration beaming in.

- [matt] that's whatthis space is made for. welcome to the master bedroom.- yes! - [matt] you have the full north exposure, your bedroom is right over the highline. - you know when something just feels right immediately? this is that. imagine waking up to that? - he has so much space here

that you don't need straight walls. you got slanted walls. - you could put holes inthere and play some ski ball, - so you have a wall of four closets. one, two, three, and then the walk-in. i mean, not legal, but you could maybe haveanother rent tenant living here. bust a hole in this wall,get a doorway, just saying. oh wow!

- [ben] damn! - [matt] soaking tub, steam shower, double rain shower. - [steven] double rain shower! - double rainbow. - wait, is this the same thing? - yes.- stop it! - alright, goodbye world! - it goes the other way!

this one goes up! this is great because you couldactually put it half way up. - yes! - and do this thing.- there ya go. (techno music) - you know when somebody talks too much, and you're just like stop talking. (muffled techno music) (running water)

- now that's refreshing. - dude those shades though. - they're cool, but come on man. they have stuff like that these days. - yeah but, not at my house. - not in mine either. that place was sick. - i guess if you split that price with like 10 people, then we're talking.

it could be your office too! - now we're thinking logically. apartment fact! did you know that thecheapest luxury house costs 4.5 million to buy, in new york city, in manhattan. think about it this way, a fifth of all houses in manhattan are luxury houses.- yeah.

- that means, if you wantto own a house in manhattan, - you're insane. - well, you're insanelyrich is what you are. or in debt. anyway, let's set thisup for this next place. we're going to tribeca.- mm hm. - you know who lives in tribeca? - who? - taylor swift.- t. swift

- jay-z.- jay-z. - beyonce, cause ♫ new york. that's so off tune that we can use that. - yes. - because it's not copy written. (chuckles) (uplifting music) - [matt] key locked elevator,

only six apartments inthis 1920s conversion. no matter who you are, whenyou walk into this room, your jaw drops. - [steven] oh my god! - [ben] dude, we made it. - can i just say, this is absurd. - tribeca has become one of the premiere neighborhoodsin downtown manhattan. the tenants for thisparticular property are people

who've reached a pinnacleof their respective fields. it's a convertible four bedroom. three and one half baths. - [ben] what does thisplace run per month? - so we're 40,000 dollars per month. this is space in the city. i mean 7,200 square feet is enormous. - that to me is streakingthrough this thing. - [steven] okay let's go venture around.

- [ben] let's check it out. (cash register bell rings) - this room that we'restanding in right now is 42 feet wide, 30 feet long, another 25 feet into the kitchen, and if you step back you can see there's a game room, asecondary entertaining space on the upper level. almost 1,200 squarefeet in this room alone

- wow, i'll take it. - [matt] let's go. - does this come furnished forpeople who wanna rent it out? - [matt] yes. - [ben] what would you do? - [steven] a big picture ofyou, just like right there. - [matt] the eat-inkitchen, marble countertops, - a kitchen island is an attainable goal that i will achieve in my life.

you can do a wok right here, and korean barbecue right here. wok, korean barbecue. - i'd probably restart myblue apron subscription if i moved here. - [steven] oh, yes! this is what i was waiting for. - [matt] 800 bottle wine refrigerator. - [ben] wine bottle openerbuilt into the wall.

- to the library?- yes! - [matt] let's do it. - [steven] oh. - [ben] hello. - [steven] yes. - [ben] don't you feel a little smarter just being in this space? - [steven] i feel inspired. oh the bar.

- [matt] so, fully stocked bar. - if i grew up here, i'm pretty sure i would have tapped into one of these and filled it back up with water. this is fully loaded. - you know what i love about this place? every detail has beenpaid attention to here. everything has a purpose. i feel like when i walkin here, i have a purpose.

can i take a poop in this toilet? look at this. - [ben] oh my god, - [steven] don't get your hands dirty. you grab the metal,- i've never seen that before. - boom. see? with purpose! - [ben] this is probablythe smallest bedroom.

the bathroom here isbigger than my bathroom in my apartment. - this apartment is sobig that this one bedroom has it's own router. - [ben] that's gottabe for the whole house. - no, it can't be. - [ben] there's multiplerouters, throughout the house. - [matt] so on the secondfloor of the duplex is the secondary living roomwhich is set up as a game room,

but it also has a wood burning fireplace. - you can play really long distance beer pong onto that table down there. if i get one in off the break, that means that i'll be ableto afford this place one day. - ooh! oh, oh! - come on! - here, let me finish that for you.

- [ben] it's going nowhere. eight ball in the hole i win! never seen anyone lose that quickly. - [matt] welcome to the master. - ooh, this would be my room. - [matt] walk-in customcloset with shelving. - [steven] am i at brookesbrothers or am i at home? woah! - [ben] holy crap.

literally. - [matt] bath, soaking tub, rain shower, double bench seating in the shower. - [ben] you could havea party in that shower. - [matt] yes you could. so the master is, again, 42 feet long, it's the width of the actual building. - [ben] is there a livingroom in the bedroom? you have four french doors

out to your own private terrace. - [steven] okay, this iswhen you know you've made it. when you have your own terrace. - [matt] let's go up to the roof terrace. - all the way up. okay, this is it right here. - [ben] we've got another trellis, - [matt] 1,200 squarefeet of outdoor terrace planted, irrigated.

- this is where the magic happens. - this is that new york city quality i was talking about. you just kind of feel connected and alive in a way that no other city can do for me. i just wanna like, shoutfrom the roof tops! - do it! - matt, do you mind if iyell from this roof top? - go for it.- alright. (clears throat)

- now that's refreshing! yeah baby, that feels good! - [steven] this is amazing! - this is new york, breathe it in! - yes, light breeze. quick note, shout out to your uncle matt. the dude is legit. - worst babysitter ever, but the guy knows his apartments.

i gotta give him that. - alright so, ben coleman, which one is your worth it winner? - oh man. the brooklyn one, it hasthis charming quality to it and she was such a lovelyhost to show us around. - shout out to kara - but my worth it winner has gotta be with the highline.

- [steven] wow. - it's just those views,the price tag is high but if i could afford that, that's what i want to look out and see. and i feel like my girlfriendwould love that spot if i was like babe, i got this spot. - no sexier words have been spoken than, "babe, i got this spot."

- [steven] the 40,000 dollar big one, when you own a terrace and not a patio, that's the life- yeah. - the my worth it winneris the brooklyn apartment. - [ben] i mean, i don't blame you. - here's the problem, this video has just been themovie dumb, dumb, and dumber. i knew that new yorkapartments were expensive but i didn't realize howcrazy it was 'til today.

- [steven] who's your worth it winner? - [steven] nice. alright dude, we gotta go home. you ready to go home? (sighs) you just gotta clap your hands. - [ben] i love you, new york. goodbye. (claps) - and that's how it works,right there, see that?

(clapping) - still here- it's not happening. - alright, here we go. (claps) still here, ha ha. - no, we just left!

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