outdoor kitchen design ideas backyard

outdoor kitchen design ideas backyard

any fraud you in there yeah man yougetting fatter every day well let me have a seat here where to start me andmy friend john have been talking on the phone and we've been talking about thissubject a lot our world you have two types of peoplewell maybe three you have those that are aware that our world is rapidly changingand descending into a chaos and decay that and they go overboard with it theythey're convinced that there's tunnels under walmart and you know the elite aregonna live there and they're gonna kill us in the empty walmart's and alex jonesis there chef i mean it just you just got to shake your head sometimes whenyou read some of the stuff dabu seven

puts on his youtube channel and thepeople that believe it one of them just the other day was a truck at a truckstop with a containers on it that were marked explosive there was a civiliantruck and it's absolutely nothing out of the ordinary and i can tell you thisfirsthand because i hauled that stuff there's companies that are devoted tonothing but hauling explosives and ordnance and hazardous materials for themilitary i did that for a while my wife and iboth and every day in every state on every highway there are civiliancontractors hauling military goods there's nothing abnormal about itnothing out of the ordinary and yet

these people are sending in pictures andvideo clips of equipment going down the road on the backs of trucks at no largeran amount then then there ever has been and then you have the people that arecompletely oblivious to anything beyond their game console and then you havepeople like myself who recognize that there is something happening jade helmis i think suspicious i don't know what they're they're doing when i was in thearmy we did train among civilians we didn't we didn't train off our militarycompounds i don't know what's going on with jade helm but i'm not an alarmistand i'm not freaking out about it i just find it very curious and i'm payingattention to you know information that

does come out that and unfortunately youhave to sift through the dabu sevens and shake out the nonsense like that to getany kind of any kind of information at all so you have the mainstream mediathat's not even talking about it and you have the dabu seven types who areconvinced that there's tunnels under the walmarts i mean you know somewherethere's information that you can use but you have to be very very diligent aboutextracting it from the bs so that being said and you would have to be a completefool to not realize that something is wrong with our country and i feel it inmy bones that were not going to be continuing life as normal for very longi don't know what there's so many

possibilities one is hyperinflationwhich i think is a very real possibility they cannot continue to print money theycannot continue to raise our debt unabated it doesn't work like that so something's something's gonna givesomewhere and now or a poke and russia in the eye over ukraine where were we'rehasslein china over building islands in the china sea you know we could have awar it could result in a war that's just one more possibility i mean there'sdozens and dozens of things that we are on the precipice of on the verge of soi'm not gonna stop talking about preparedness you know a lot of peoplebacked away from it

thanks to doomsday preppers you knowmaking people look kind of foolish not everybody but mostly i have a friendthat was on doomsday preppers and they did a nice job of conveying how he feltand what he thought and they didn't make him look silly but they have reallyfound some of the silliest out there kind of preppers and and put them onthat channel so consequently everybody who talks about prepping is that kind ofa nut and i'm not going to be afraid of that anymore if people want to call me anut i'm okay with that who knows maybe i am so what i am wantto tell you about is cooking that's what i'm talking about today if yourelectricity goes off or hyperinflation

happens and you can't afford electricityyou have to be able to cook you have to be able to heat water you have to beable to bathe i mean you can bathe in cold water but if you didn't have anelectric or gas stove what would you cook on the bottom line is fire isavailable to everyone and it's virtually costs nothingbesides the effort it takes to gather the wood and the cost of a you knowmaybe a pic lighter so the very the very bottom is cookingon a fire and then you would have rocket stoves and you know if you have somestored propane like i do you could cook on propane stoves but that's going torun out so what i'm doing is trying to

perfect a kitchen that i can use all myfire driven cooking devices like my silver fire rocket stove there and mysilver fire scout and i hope to get a hunter soon and i am going to put mypropane stove out here too because i do have i think at least a couple of yearsworth of propane and which brings me to another thing i'm gonna be doing testsnobody's done that i'm gonna do it i'm gonna take a twenty pound tank hook itup to my burner my grill not my grill but my let's see my burner over thereat that pot is on i'm gonna like that burner and i'm gonna see how long that20-pound tank will last and i'll let you know i'm gonna do that to a one poundtank too it's just be good information

to have and i've never done it beforeand i want to know and when i find out i'll tell youso anyway i'm working on my my outdoor kitchen here and uh i found a junkyardof all things the junkyard has cinder blocks and i was prepared to go tolowe's and pay a dollar forty three for each cinder block and i drove by thisjunkyard it's down yonder on highway 164 it doesn't have a sign out and i'vealways wondered what exactly they did there so yesterday i pulled in there andthere was no office but there's three houses in there and i just knocked onsomebody's door and a lady gave me a card with her husband's number on it andi called them and he said yeah they used

to be a salvage yard but they don'treally do it anymore because they don't have any insurance for it and but iasked me what i wanted and i said well i've seen them cinder blocks out thereand i i'm gonna buy some and i was wonderingif you'd sell any of them it goes sure take a book a block a buck a block andthese are 16 of a 16-inch blocks so basically these are two blocks you knowand they're heavy so this one i'm going to use to build my outdoor kitchen andi'm fixing to unload them and start setting it up here's a little odd thingto happen and i've had this trailer 16 years this tailgate has never ever comeout of here when i got to the junkyard

this morning i got out i was missing mytailgate i could not believe it so i loaded up my blocks and on the way backi looked real careful along the side of the road and sure enough i found it offin the woods i don't know how it came out of there but it did i'm glad i foundit all right i'm fixing to get started i'mgetting there that is where the silver fire is going to sit and this is goingto be leveled so when i don't want to use the oven i just pull the silver fireout onto this one and cook on my dragon pot shoot i've only pinched my hand a couple ofdozen times

that's gonna hurt these are up 70 pounds apiece maybe more might be 80 they're 16 by 16blocks is what they are and a cinder block is about 35 sometimes 40 poundsbut anyway they're heavy especially when you're getting older heavy things areheavier when you get older okay a few more i may have to go backand get five more but that's okay i probably get him today almost done we'regetting there i got to put them three across the top and i got four moreblocks to put right where those are and then one morecapstone i guess you'd call it and then

i got to put my metal across the top ofthat and then put my living on it and then put my bricks around that and i'llbe back - i'll have a big kitchen with plenty of concrete surface space that ican actually use wood wood to cook with i wish it wasn't so dark in hereand you know it's it's a white ceiling and sunny is heck out it's just i don'tknow why it's so dark maybe we got a menagerie we have a zoohere which i could back up far enough away toget a good look at it give you an angle to look at it i'm upagainst some wall of my house now okay i got a couple of more things to do wouldi have my two burner propane stove that

i'm gonna put over here but before i cando that i got to take it apart and put the inlet where the gas goes on thisside of it because right now it's on that side of it and i want to put thepropane tank down here okay now i got a place if i ever get a hunteri got a place for the hunter i have a place for my my scout now i got my silver fire rocket stoveright there and when i want to cook on it i just pull it out to herei like it i'm not done but i'm gonna go ahead andput this video up i got a couple more minor things to do one of them is uhswitch the gas line on that stove around

and then where the stove is is where i'mgoing to put my sink down on that end and plumb it and hook it up and i thinkwhat i'm going to do is put a drain the sink is going there i'm going to drainit out and see this little concrete ditch right here it goes right up here ithink i'm just going to drain the end of that ditch and it goes underneath mysidewalk here and it drains out down that away so that's it for now thanksfor watching and right now i'm right now i'm talking about cooking what you'regonna cook on are you gonna cook i've done a lot about water i amseverely lacking in lighting i do have 15 gallons of lamp oili have batteries for my flashlights but

all that's gonna kind of play outeventually so i need to get solar and i'm working on it and the one one morething i want to get for my outdoor kitchen here is i either want to build asmaller solar oven than the one i built before which was a monstrosity or orjust buy one because uh you know like this rocket stove i can make them prettygood but i can't make them this good and it's going to be the same thing with asolar oven i could make one but it's not gonna be as good as one i could buythat's me you know specifically for solar cooking and so anyway that's mywife mowing that's right you see the motor yard before it's gonna let it getthat tall you don't think she can read

lips to youthanks for watching

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