restaurant kitchen interior design

restaurant kitchen interior design

in this video we're going to talk aboutcommercial kitchen design and commercial kitchen equipment with special referenceto correctional facilities, otherwise known as prisons and jails. and placeslike that. nice to speak to you again. nice to speak to you as well. so i know that with culinarydepot you guys do a lot of kitchen... very diverse kitchen design and one of thearea's is correctional facilities. firstly, is there anything unusual i needto know if i'm looking to work in that context? sure. the biggest thing is theequipment. so you want you want to have everything that we call in theindustry a prison package. a prison package? what does that mean? prisonpackage would mean for example all the

knobs are covered with locks. in caseanyone gets into the kitchen? somebody's in the kitchen- well actuallyinmates work in the kitchen in most correctional, in lots of correctionalfacilities. and so they take the knobs- so they want to make sure theydon't take off the knobs. so they'll have a prison package covering the knobs witha lock. another thing -- they don't use screws. they'll use unremovable rivets. so people are unscrewing? some inmates will try to unscrew something to be able touse it as a weapon. oh goodness gracious me. i hadn't thought of as a kitchen sinkas a weapon, but you've completely redefined it. what about working? let'ssay you're doing installation in a

correctional facility...i assume that there are some security concerns. how does that all work? so once the kitchen was designed and we start the work, is the plan how do you get thejob done with the security clearance needed. right. so there's multiple factorsto keep in mind. number one is actually getting the security clearance for thepeople. we need to work with the right people who have all the clearance. andthen how do we work around their schedule when there's no inmates in thekitchen? right, okay, because that has to be a limited amount of time. correct.because they some of them are functioning. so one of theexamples i'll give you is we did a big jail --

albany county jail in albany, new york. we worked around overnight and we had guards watching and we did it insegments. so it's a huge job for six hundred thousand dollars. however wedid it in stages. so we did first the walk-in boxes.demolish the walk-ins, we coordinate with the customer to rent temporaryrefrigeration solutions so we can get the walk in box built properly.get rid of the debris, let it sit around for security measures as well. right. andthen go to the kettles. so on the cooking line, we have six large kettles. again, thetools got to be counted before you bring it in. right, because you don't want tomake sure you- suddenly your tool is a

weapon, right? right. so if you came inthe maximum security prison, they will count how many tools you brought in yourtoolbox. and every time you want to walk out to get something from your truck, youneed to be escorted by a security guard. well it sounds like it quite a trickysituation alright so what are some of the other design equipment's when itcomes to i mean this is quite a large kitchen we're talking about how manypeople are you trying to serve what sort of what sort of availability do you needso again a prison is mass production very mass production usually and as wellas thousands of inmates so yes in any one particular facility correct and aswell they it works with a budget it's a

there there they want to stick to abudget and and they want to they want to serve the meals the most economicalright because this is a governmental situation of course correct so what wewill what we will do is say what's the best piece of equipment that can havethe most input/output okay that makes sense to me all right good so we'vespoken a little bit about the fact that you have to have a affordable affordablekitchen equipment we've spoken about that just some of the designconsiderations are there any other i want to say interesting stories anythingthat's come up or any interesting installation that you've done when itcomes to prisons and jails and so forth

across the country we've donein florida in orlando florida we've done a woman's prison there's about 18hundred inmates there that was a very challenging job there was one easierpart there that it was a new addition so it wasn't in the prison yet once wemoved out they gated it in hmm however that that had a lot of uniquechallenges because the specification was very tight so for example even a rackwhere you carry sheet pans they wanted to make sure the wheel can't come offeasily because again the wheel can be cannot be can be thrown it's a heavyitem that could be it can become they can sharpen it shut up and a wheelsharpen the the stem with a screw the

way it is this group clearly notthinking creatively enough about this all right amazing well i reallyappreciate your insight in something i really had no idea about well some ofour customers may not know yet so if you are in the need call one of our expertsabsolutely so if you'd like to find out more about commercial kitchen design incorrectional facilities and of course beyond restaurants hotels and bars andcasinos and cruise ships everything else please contact us via the website forexample will call us up using the numbers and contactinformation and email that you find there

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