simple lake house decorating ideas

simple lake house decorating ideas

hi there! you're watching amitha verma hope you’re off to a great summer. manyof us love to travel during the summer and some of you may even have a summer i wanted to share a few design tips on how i would approach designing a home awayfrom home! the incredibly fun aspect of designing a secondor vacation home is this is your chance to really explore and push your design limits.i know often when we are working on our homes, we tend to take the safe route. the first thing to do is decide on what storyyou want to convey. now i want to point out i am not talking about a “theme.” oftenwhen people are talking about design i hear

the word - theme. this is a no no! rather you should focus on what is the styleor story you want to convey. the way i get to that answer is by first asking myself whatwould inspire me and my family in this space. in this case i would ask what would inspireme if i could get away from houston. for you that might be wild pattern play, boldercolors, subdued tones, totally washed out finishes - are you starting to get the idea? next, i would look at all the areas wherei can bring these elements into my projects, such as in upholstery fabrics, fabric texturesand patterns, wallpapers, pillows, paint colors and more.

can you start to see how the feeling, storyor tone you want convey will come through in the pieces and finishes you select? personally, i love the idea of pushing thedesign limits and truly incorporating a tad brighter and bolder color palette, richerpatterns and bolder design motifs. like any project i suggest working on it aroom at a time and mapping out the project with a design plan so you can shop anywherein the world – not just where your retreat is located. of course take cues from the natural surroundingsaround you – this may be the ocean, the mountains or other similar natural elements.i love working with the incredibly inspiring

surroundings of a home so for example if you’re working nearbythe beach you may want to consider natural fibers such as jute, using durable outdoorfabrics inside, more airy furniture plans, sheers instead of full window treatments,lighter wood finishes and lighter fresher paint colors. if you’re working on a project in a cooler,mountainous region i might consider brighter colored oversized wool rugs, cozier furniturearrangements, fuller upholstered pieces, storage for blankets, richer wood tones – are youstarting to see the picture? again all of these ideas come from answeringthat original question of what you want to

your space to do for you. so how do you approach decorating a secondsummer or winter home? i’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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