small commercial kitchen design ideas

in this video, we're going to talk aboutcommercial kitchen design and commercial kitchen equipment. good morning, nice tospeak to you again. good morning. now in your role as the ceo of culinary depotyou're probably seeing a lot of interesting commercial kitchen design.what are some of the sort of big principles of commercial kitchen design?things you need to keep your eye out for? the most important thing to keep in mindwhen designing a kitchen is workflow. you want to make sure it's actually gonnawork. and then obviously it's got to be up to whether you're designing a school kitchen, which has its challenges ofputting out lunch for 500 or 600
children. right -- and in a small amount oftime-frame. small amount of time-frame. or it's added at a bigger ballroom -- ten thousand square foot ballroom who's got to serve a main dish in four minutes. you know --everybody wants to get the main dish at the same time- yeah, of course.or if you jump to a restaurant where the challenge is unique because thefood is not cooked, and they're making for each person's order. so every kitchendesign has its unique challenges, and we want to particularly putourselves into like this is the only kitchen we're designing. and we want tomake sure that this is what will work for the customer. okay. now one thingabout culinary depot which i like is
this idea of being chef centric, right?thinking from a chef's point of view, which your founder is -- of course -- a chefwith with decades of experience. so let's dive into that a little bit. wheni'm thinking as a chef and i'm looking at the workflow in a kitchen, what aresome of the big sort of stations that i need to be considering from start tofinish? so like you said, our founder sholem potash has brought in the concepts intoan our experienced team to have that knowledge to design the kitchen. so forexample, if you're gonna bring in the soiled dishes, you don't want it crossingover that when they're coming back with the dirty dishes from therestaurant that they gotta cross over
with somebody's walking out with a that's where the workflow in kitchen design comes in as very important. soyou're actually choreographing where people are as they as they walk in nowat the kitchen, as they're cooking different things -- hot and cold and so on.sure. for example, we'll put the ice machine and the beverage station rightnear the dining room. so like this the waiters every time they need some ice,they're not walking all the way through people. so you want to make sure the workflow. that's where the work flows. the same thing with the chef. so the chef is standing, plating everything, making sureeverything's good. flips it to the other
side so the waiters can pick it up. nowwe want to make sure how will the waiter or have to walk? will it be easilyaccessible? will it stay hot? so do we have proper heat lamps in arestaurant design? so these are small, minor details that make an efficientkitchen work properly. they sound significant to me. very significant. alright good. so i'm getting a sense of this. in terms of now commercial kitchen equipment,i understand there's different grades. there's hotel grade, there's restaurantgrade. can you just give me a sense of the variety of different equipment gradesand some of those big considerations? sure. so there's threeseries
there's the entry level we call thevalue line of equipment that we would put in somebody's opening up a simplerestaurant a deli where he wants to be more economical he doesn't expecttremendous value a tremendous volume right so a good value and less volumeso to speak right yes yes and that we would put in an economy or value line piece ofequipment okay and then up from that up from that is a medium duty series whereit's it's not the heavy duty series however it's one notch up so it's higherbtu be to use a gas input/output how much flames so your house the flamelet's say will take to cook up a pot of water right three minutes right if youhave more beat more gas output it will
give you it will give you a muchstronger thing so you can fry an egg quicker you can cook up a boil up a potof water okay so higher btu in that mid range yeah gives you a lot more volumequicker turnover of the food and then we have the hotel seriesnow the hotel series the heavy-duty series so that's for a place that it's alot more robust the piece of equipment and it's meant for a place that's usingthe equipment a lot more so like 24/7 it's just on and onyes so if you have a military base people are always eating people arealways coming people are going take a hotel so you have staff dining room youhave staff eating you have room service
so if you go to a hotel in las vegasthey're serving room service to 4 o'clock in the morning and then 6o'clock is breakfast so literally there's literally there's no shutdown sothat's where that's where if you're using that piece of equipment for24 hours you want to make sure it's not gonna go down on you so just like arefrigerator in your house if you open up that fridge every five minutes thefridge will break it will start building up ice and not holding temperature wellthe stainless steel commercial refrigerator is built to open up every5-10 minutes the same thing with a piece of a kitchen equipment stove alrightwell thank you so much if people would
like to find out more please visit usonline at where you can get in touch with all of us youcan get in touch with michael if you wish and also their support teams in thevarious local offices via phone email and more