teenage vintage bedroom decorating ideas

teenage vintage bedroom decorating ideas

hi i'm chelsea this episode is alittle different. i'm hanging out with my dad, it just happens to be tv homeimprovement expert danny lipford. today we're at his river cabin, which is thedefinition of rustic. he built it over 30 years ago. not much has changed so i'mhere to mix it up and add some chelsea to the place. ready dad? i'm ready. let'sdo it let's go. this cabin has been in my family longerthan i have. we've spent countless independence daysthrowing a line in the pond, grilling out, and sometimes even floating down theriver. it's nothing fancy but it's given me so many memories, so today i'm hopingto create a few more while giving a

little something back. all right itdoesn't look too bad in here. yeah you remember all the pictures we hadthere. that's the first ten years down here. i got to get the next ten years andthe in the third ten years, but you know this place is, so let's see it would besix years older than you are. i know we came down here to relax but i got afeeling that we're not gonna relax that much. / we can relax but i have some things that weshould do first and then we can relax. so what are you going to do to my cabin toimprove it. how can you improve actually improve it. although it definitely hasits charm this cabin, like most places, has alwaysbeen a work in progress. today we'll

start off small. will you grab that bathroommirror meet me downstairs with the mirror. okay dad here's what i was thinking thatwe're gonna take some rope and wrap it around the base of the lamps. just regularrope, yep all the way up, and then we would hold this burlap over the shadewhile we spray-painted. not gluing that to it, no but it'll just give alittle texture but with a different color mm-hmm yeah. but first i want tostart with the mirror. nothing wrong with my mirror. and will enhance it with aframe around it but to do that we have to go on ascavenger hunt so let's go. i love the idea of enhancing a project withexisting natural elements, so for this

mirror project we're scouting out smallpieces of driftwood to create the frame. now see the water came up earlier in theweek and it washed all that stuff up. here, what i'm looking for, is like thisthin and while we're at it my dad is picking up a few larger pieces of woodfor some future projects. each of the pieces i like. oh, could be like asaxophone yeah. need a little more work on it. look howgiant that feather is. looks like one of those quill pens you bought at the americanheritage museum. mm-hmm i found one of those this morning rightup here in the same spot no there's a naked bird running around.

with all of our sticks gathered we needto break them down into smaller pieces. now we're ready to get started for thisproject. you'll need a plain mirror, construction adhesive and a caulk gun.some sticks, preferably driftwood, and then we'll finish it off with somepolyurethane. okay dad let's lay them out and see what we want. before we glue themdown, clean. yeah you're just going to glue these to... i knew this might be a challenge fromthe beginning. my dad is used to being the one in charge so sometimes i have towear him down a little bit before he's

ready to take direction. it's just whatyour vision... what do you think.... i mean i can see it making it....i don't know ... butthey definitely need to be staggered and maybe different sizes. yeah exactly.once we like it then we'll clean off the sticks and clean off the mirror and glueit down. all right i guess i guess i guess. i can see it little textured. youget a little texture in there all right. i'm getting into it now. okay once welike our pattern, which my dad is clearly warming up to, this is more like my lineof work, we're ready to clean the sticks and glue them in place. we're running asmall bead of adhesive onto each stick then placing them on the mirror. we'realso setting the sticks close enough

together to cover the mirror underneaththe frame. i'll never look at a pile of sticks the same again. yeah you'll beseeing your face in the middle of it. once our frame is set, we mask off themirror and get ready to coat it with a polyurethane spray. i can handle this.just a light spritz just to help preserve our...it's always best to spray multiple light coats rather than one heavy coat. it'sway too much, way too much dad. unfortunately my dad isn't a very bigfan of this concept. let me give it a try. let me actually... a nice effect... we'reusing a spray that has a satin sheen. it looks really shiny at first but it'lldull as it dries.

dad dad dad you're an addict stop takinthe can away. after you've completely covered all sides of the wood with thesealer, carefully remove the masking tape to accelerate the dry time. we're placingit out of the sun. this mirror will be ready to hang in no time. betweenprojects we decided to take a break for lunch.nothing like cheeseburgers in paradise. that's youworking on the pond. uh-huh that's right. i'm front the middle. that you. with momthat's me we're ready to get back to work. torefinish our lamps we're going to use scissors and rope hot glue painters tapewhite and a colored spray paint and

burlap. okay dad let's take the shade offof both base and lamp and then we'll set the shades aside while we spray paintthe base in there. okay. and then check come up ... you have to pinchit together.... yes what never mind just go sit down.hum.... and then you pull the little tabs up and then you pinch it together... now you can slip the shade up i liketheir elbow so yeah paint the base is white first so the flowers don't showthrough the rope. painted with masking tape that'sobnoxious oh my gosh stop that weights wool ah good clarity shh i'm done you'restill i'll start shaking and we're

painting it why did the grain go whitewine oh what is this like a seafoam blue seafoam work... we're also using the same white sprayprimer to cover both lampshades this will give us a base coat for ourseafoam blue paint or green as dad calls it.... okay dad do you want to man the gluegun over there i'll be glad to... i love the glue guns. you got it ... heat it up yeahjust don't yeah don't touch the end... all right we'll start the rope on the backside by the cord and i'll make sure we end in the back too so that you neversee the seam... oh okay look at ... man look at that. man we shouldbe finished within two or three days.... yes

here you might need another glue stick....in there already yeah put it back in oh fast i love this it's given my cabin anautical kind of a feel... yeah well this on the water ... mm-hmm icould hang little fishing lures on this and then you scratch your hand whenyou go to turn on the lamp oh yeah... i need one of those clappers. this isgonna take a long time when you get a bigger rope. hot glue dries very fast soonly work with a small section at a time we're running a bead half the lamp basebefore setting the rope into it may not want to admit it but i think mydad is enjoying this craft project just as much as i am... all right that workedout pretty good. what's next let's work

on the lampshades over here.... okay had alittle technique i want you to turn out. i guess is arts and crafts class it isoh so we're going to so what i want to do is we're not gonna glue it but we'regonna use it as a stencil... oh so we're just gonna cut it to size and tape itand then you'll walk around and spray it... so terrific... yeah just spray through itand leave.... fake burlap... yeah won't be exactly... just a real manlycolor here... this have never done before... we're goingfor a very subtle look so we're just spraying one light coat. if you wanted itto stand out more you could spray two or even three coats. the most important partthough is to hold the burlap tight

against the shade. okay dad i'm reallyproud of you but now we have to finish the job.... the word funky comes to mind...funky... this is very funky does it not come to mind... what do you think of theriver cabin.... yeah yeah so that's a pretty eclectic yeah yeah... so you want to putthat shade on that lamp ... all right you ready ...take them upstairs that's wherethe lightbulbs are... see i told you we get to relax. well thisis what i thought we'd be doing all day long but it was a different kind ofrelaxing. i had a great time i have so many ideas for upcomingprojects follow along on facebook so you don't miss out.

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