i feel that it's more important now thanever to have great photography skills hey it's your girl ally, welcome backto my channel. in today's video i'm going to share 12 photography hacks,whether you're a beginner or a professional photographer, i'm going toshow you some simple ways you can upgrade your phone pictures and cool props you can use with your dslr camera. i personally love shootingphotos for my blog i recently updated my website bytransferring my domain to squarespace. special thank you to my friendssquarespace for sponsoring this video. if you're looking to build a website , domain, or online store make it on squarespace.

if you guys like my photography hacksand want me to make more videos like this be sure and give me a big thumbs up. also if you're new to my channel, be sure to subscribe. click the button here ordown below to join my youtube squad so without further adieu, let's get started. for the first photography hack i'm goingto talk all about framing the shot so instead of putting your subject in themiddle of the picture try putting them off to the side or use the one-thirdguideline. it helps guide you through an image and it tells a bigger story. so if you're a fan of taking overheadshots of #food or flatlays you're really

gonna love this new feature! so there'sthis new cross that comes up on the camera app, that will tell you if you'redirectly aligned overhead of your photos. now you can perfect all of thosefoodie shots or flatlays for the 3rd photography hack i'm going to have my photographer friend aditi show you guys a neat photo trick that you can use withyour iphone with the panorama feature on your iphone to create the illusionthat there are multiples of you in one photo. start by panning right around as your model runs counter clockwise left. so you just have any creative way to askyour friend to prom you can be like p r o m with your hands, i make the signs forthem and then give me the whole photo

will you go to prom with me? instead of using the regular camera appon your phone you can shoot raw images directly from the lightroom app onmobile. you can adjust the curves and lights directly from the app. i like touse the facetune app's teeth whitening tool to whiten the background of my picturesfor a clean crisp look open facetune andopen a photo. click on the teeth whitening option down here just click it then goto work on the background making it whiter additional things that you might want toinvest in are iphone accessories or

tools.these tools can definitely upyour photography game. i have two things here, a ring light and anattachable lens. there are three different types of lenses a wide-angle lens,fisheye lens, and a macro lens so you can get a variety of shots all from your phone and you don't need to carry around a big bulky camera. all my food bloggersfriends and beauty bloggers friends swear by this ring light. this ring lightis great at evening out of the different shadows in this shot so that thecupcakes are evenly lit. shh don't tell

anyone i didn't actually make thesecupcakes i bought them from trader joe's but hey no one will know! the first prop is the sun catcher, sothis is a rainbow catcher you can attach to your window and it creates areally cool circular rainbow light. i don't know about you guys but i lovechristmas all year round so i like to pull out my string lights for my photosbecause it adds a cool depth effect to any portrait. the end will be by themodels face and then you take the tail end and bring it by the camera so thatit flares out closer to the camera and you get this cool little string lightbokeh effect.

you don't need a lot of money to create the rainbow effect. you can also use iridescent paper you can find at any craft store some of myfavorite props come from the kitchen so this is solid faint paper that'siridescent you can also use saran wrap or the foil to create a cool bokeheffect for the next photography hack we'regoing to show you a really cool cinematic way to create a panning shotwithout any equipment so i know when i first started with photography i didn'thave a big budget to spend on fancy

tripods which was at the time and wedecided that mull difficult on the carpet with the books but it might workbetter with a blanket on top of the hardwood floor i give this hack ofthumbs down because it didn't really work press i know you guys love myclothing hack videos so i decided why not throw in a clothing hack in thisvideo bofur pillows can be super superexpensive but i really don't want to spend 80 to 90 dollars on a pillow forinstance this faux fur vest can also double as a faux fur pillow fold it afew times and it instantly looks like a faux fur pillow

one of my biggest struggles when itcomes to photography is traveling and trying to take photos at the same timewhen you travel abroad it's really hard to trust the stranger with yourexpensive equipment like dslr camera or your phone my favorite website at themoment is photographer they have a list of trusted photographers that you canhire on the go it's really quick and super simple one of my pet peeves isforgetting to charge my vlog camera with your battery pack you can actuallycharge more than just your phone you can actually charge any mirrorless camera sothrough the usb cord you can charge this whenever you're on the go the sidedirectly into the camera make sure to

turn it on so that the light is on youcan actually shoot with this while it's plugged in too which is really awesome iknow this is a really weird hack but it totally works last but not least iwanted to talk about my photography workflow so this is what i like to doafter i shoot all my photos and how i like to store and save my images a shortstory time for you guys i actually had my car broken into last year and it wasso traumatizing because the person stole my harddrive with all of my memories ifelt incredibly sad but i'm really happy that i'm seeing but the worst part of itall was i lost a lot of precious memories i'm going to share with you myphotography workflow so i can save you

guys time and a lot of lost memories aswell straight from the camera i like to take out my memory card and i'lldirectly upload it to my computer this is my mini portable hard drive i like tosave my images in a folder with the date the campaign name or the brand name nexti like to save it on an online storage solution so i use dropbox or you canalso use google photo now that i have everything uploaded to google photo anddropbox i can actually access all of that on my phone so whenever i want togo i have all my images on my phone ready at a touch of a button and thatway i don't have to worry about ever losing any of my images or videos sowith all the

photography hacks i hope you learnedsomething new so be sure to tag me in any of your pictures on instagram or anyof your social media websites at fashion met ali so i can go liked your picturesand stock your photos i'm really excited i updated my vlog fashion irecently transferred my domain to squarespace squarespace has a ton ofbeautiful templates with all the customer support and make the transitionsuper simple and it's great if you need a website or if you're interested inbuilding an online store to save 10% you can go to squarespace comma slashfashion by ali when you're ready to launch your website or domain be sure tofollow me on instagram and my youtube

reels aakash in my alleyi love you guys so so much and i'll see you in my next video

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