house decorating ideas for spring

house decorating ideas for spring

bohemian home dã©cor to create romantic atmosphere are you inspired by the seventies style, thenyou might want to use bohemian home dã©cor to decorate your house? this home decoration has comeback to be trendingonce again and it seems a lot of people try to use this style inside their house. by using this style your house will appearcalmer and laid back as it is the signature of bohemian style. moreover, with the color and material usedin this style, you can see that bohemian really pretty with a lot of colors.

this might be one of the reason why bohemianstyle comeback alive once again. must have bohemian home dã©cor for all rooms. 5.accent pillow in the bohemian style, you must implementits signature by using colorful items with beautiful pattern. and the easiest way to do it is by using pillowas accent inside your room. by using this pillow as the accent of yourroom you will be able to hint the boho style in your room especially if you do not wantfill the room with bohemian style since it might feel too crowded.

moreover, you can add pillows to a lot ofroom in your house such as living room and bedroom; you might even add the pillow inyour patio’s sofa. 4.textile.bohemian home dã©cor style is praised because of their beautiful textile which filled withunique pattern and very colorful. that is why you must try to add several textilesto your room. there are a lot of ways for you to add thosetextiles on your room; all you need to do is to use cloth items which suit your roomcondition. for example, you can add bohemian rugs toevery room, add tapestry to your bedroom, and many other.

do not forget to just paint the wall withwhite color to neutralize those colorful textiles. furthermore, by adding textile to your room,you will add more texture which will make the design even richer. 3.indoor you know bohemian style loves the nature, which is why you must also try to bring thenature inside your house with bohemian home dã©cor. and one way to do it is to add some plantsto your indoor area. of course, you must find indoor type plantwhich could survive with minimum sunlight since you will place it in your room.

then you must try to arrange the plants soit will make your room more beautiful but not get in the way as well. you can add those plants in all room suchas dining room, living room, and even bedroom. 2.lantern.a lot of people love bohemian style because it has romantic feeling which created by theitems added to the room. if you want to get this romantic atmospherein your house, then you must try to add some bohemian home dã©cor lantern in your room. with the lantern, you can create nice ambianceinside your room because bohemian lantern usually have beautiful light design whichyou can see when you turn off the light and

only use the lantern. this surely will make your room appear moreromantic so you should have it in your bedroom, dining room or even living room. 1.canopy.another romantic item that you must have is to add canopy. not only it is romantic but it will also addmore texture and color to your room. try to find canopy with mixed color or a bohemiancanopy. but if you could not find that, then you canactually make one yourself by using several bohemian home dã©cor cloths that you findin your local textile shop then just tie and

hung it yourself. usually people will only add canopy to theirbedroom, but actually you can add it anywhere including your living room. tips in using bohemian home dã©cor ideas.when you want to apply bohemian style in your house, then you must think about how it willmatch with your house. try to use neutral color in your wall andceiling since most items in boho style are filled with pattern and very colorful. so, you would need something that could neutralizethose colors so it would not appear too much. however, if you really love color, and wantto be brave with your home dã©cor then you

can also choose one bold color and paint yourentire wall with it, but this method might not be suitable for all people. next is to use a lot of natural material suchas cotton, and wooden material. that is why you must try to use wooden materialin most items that you own such as sofa or even wooden floor. this will unite all of the bohemian home dã©coritems since most of the color used by bohemian style comes from earthy color, thus it willbe better if you also use a lot of earth tone. that’s it for today episode,before you leave, help this video rank higher with your comment, like, or awesome share.

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