kitchen renovation ideas south africa

kitchen renovation ideas south africa

- hey guys! - hey! - we are engjell- and kaleigh we're from when in rome travels we sold everything about seven months ago, we're originally from montana we owned a house, we bought a house three years ago and we owned two restaurants they're... just the overload of work that we were doing over a hundred hours a week owning two restaurants between the two of us tryingto manage the staff of 15 plus people it just got to us, and one day i justpitched the idea to kaleigh, i told her: - "we're going to sell everything.."- i said "no way!"

he wanted to travel around in a motor home and isaid no way it's a horrible idea it doesn't sound great at all! but the morewe researched, the more we looked around we found other vloggers who were doingsomething similar it looked pretty good! - yeah! downsizing, getting rid of all thejunk that we accumulated for the last 8 years we've been together,well, 11 years at the time we've been together but in the same spot we've been forseven years since we opened the restaurant and we just keep draggingthings all over the country and just accumulating more stuff that we didn'tneed. we sold everything our house, our three or four cars we hadand decide to buy an rv and hit the road

and that's what we did! - we left our home in montana in september with our motorhome it's a 38 foot class a, niceand spacious which is what we thought we needed, but seven months later we felt likewe could go even smaller but we started in montana we went all the way down thewest coast, had a few side tracks we broke down a couple of times, but we endedup getting all the way to california we went all the way through the southacross texas, louisiana down to the tip of florida and then we started back upthe east coast and so we are currently in the washington dc area kind ofexploring the area around dc virginia

and the chesapeake bay beautiful wherewe are now we're right on the beach at the chesapeake bay with our kids, we have three kids fiona, hugo and remy. their ages eleven six and three that's why it's such a big rv so we're heading up the east coast nowall the way to maine and then we had just about two months left in our tripbefore we start getting all the way back to montana to plan for our next trip! for our next trip, around the world, we're leaving end of july hopefully and we'regoing to travel first in europe we're

going to asia after that and then southamerica and maybe new zealand australia if we have money and time left! that's our plan! originally wanted to do this in airbnbstyle but we decided that it's cheaper to just rent a van so we're going to gofrom a class a into a sprinter van to have a class b type deal motorhomewhere we can park anywhere and go anywhere - yeah, we're looking to either buy one here or buy one when we get over to europe engjell is an european citizen so that cuts some of the hecticness out of it for us so we're going to buy a sprinter vanmaybe it'll already be remodeled maybe

not, then we might do it ourselves, and then... it'll be kind of wild with three kids but we're going to travel around europe forthree to four months in the van trying to see as much as we possibly can see. we really want to not just see the touristy things we really want to get involved inthe culture which is part of why we're doing this trip because engjell's a chefand i'm a sommelier, and the big impetus for this trip - other than spending timewith our kids and getting out of the 100 hour workweek - was for us to explore and.. explore new avenues to learn about food and wine, to go to the places, to eat at greatrestaurants to go to wineries all over the world and i think the ultimate goalis to be able to publish some sort of

cookbook at the end it's kind of anamalgamation of all the cultures and the recipes and the people we've met that's kind of the final goal! - what is your favorite place we've visited so far? - i like orlando, and... - i like disney world!- and san fransico - i really liked being and in thewhite sands in new mexico that was lots of fun - yeah! - what did you do there? - uh, we slid down the dunes withsleds that we rented - how is that different from when you lived in your house and we were at the restaurant all the time?

- we never got to see mom and dad andthey were always gone just always gone well now we see them all the time andwe're always in the same room we used get up early in the morning we would get our kids off to school, preschool all kinds of things like that and then wewould get to get to work maybe 10:30 in the morning we had two restaurants, 30employees, we would spend all day working we usually had a full-time nanny we would gethome alone yeah we get home 11 in the class midnight, go to sleep see our kidthe next morning for a few minutes to go back to work. we did that straight forseven years and about six years into it we decided enough was enough we weren'tspending time with our kids

so we decided that it was time todownsize and to do something else that let us spend time with our kids the lifestyle is really exceptional we get to go where we want, when we want, see thethings that i think we've been wanting to see for a long time - we just went towashington dc yesterday it's really great and we get tointroduce the kids to american history and they get to see it firsthand reallyexperience it - you can read about virginia in a book and the american revolution oryou can go to the american revolution revolutionary museum in virginia and ithink it really puts it all in place for

them and give them good perspective andthe next years we go around the world you know you can read about india or, youknow, thailand but to be there's you know really changes everything for that's part of it for us about food and wine and then taking thekids around the world to really give them first-hand experience and whatother people live like it's becoming more common in the younger generation to do this lifestyle traveling around in an rv is mostly when you've done everything and you retired so.. - in the united states anyway - yeah, in the states, so we've been lucky enough that we worked hard and it were able to save money

and be able to do this lifestyle at such an early....we're, both of us, 33 - well i'm 33 and she's 32- i'm almost 33 - and we have three kids, so we started life... at 21 we had our first kid fiona and we started a little bit young - so a little bit ahead of the game - but we were working so much we just... we were very successful, the restaurantswere really successful, we were making a lot of money and it didn't feellike it was didn't feel like it was the right path for us, we were, you knowbuying more things we had more debt and we were accumulating more stress more thananything and i just didn't feel like

that's what we were meant to be doingbecause when we met we met in italy we met in rome he was working inrestaurants and i was a student and we had nothing we just had each other andlife and all those experiences threw at us, and somehow we got this massive stressful way to make money - yeah it was was definitely the road to like, a secure lifestyle and retirement we could see, but we were like: "is this it?" we could take that yearly trip that we were, we went to greece, a couple of years after we opened the restaurant, for two weeks, but we didn't bring the kids there's this pressure tobe successful and i think success is

often defined for you in particularlyunited states by having money having security having material possessionsand not just us but there is a culture of people who are stepping away fromthat and really looking for experiences to fill the voids rather than materialthings and i think we found just in a short time in seven months that we madethe right choice i don't i don't regret anything we sold, i don't regret theloss of possessions, or the house or the cars i don't miss any of it in facti can't remember most of what we sold after we sold it was like a bigrevelation, it was like we had been missing part of our life, now we wake up in themorning at a regular time and we get to

make breakfast for the kidsand after that kaleigh starts - homeschooling with them- so we'll do lots of book works math things like that, we will do italian willdo greek mythology, we will do you know computer things typing stufflike that and then we'll stagger that with museums and parks and beach and allof the kind of counts and its interests led we let them sort of pick and choosewhat they're really interested in right now they're really interested inastronomy they've learned a lot of things about constellations and moonsand stars and planets so they're really into that they're into rocks they've gota monstrous rock collection so it's been

really fun for us and i think it's beenfun for them i think the only hard part for them is maybe that they miss theirfriends what is one of your favorite things about traveling full time? - being able to see new good places! - do you guys like tasting new food? what are some new things you've tried? - i like pesce!- pesce, in italian, which is what in english? - fish!- any types of fish that you tried that you really enjoy? - um, oysters! - should every kid travel full-time in an rv?- yeah!

- but you have to be able to like your family a lot - do you like living in the rv?- yes! - remi, what's your favorite color?- red and blue - what's your favorite food?- i forgot! - red... red and blue and green! the best thing about traveling full time for us has been the you know the proximity of each other and sometimes we drive each other crazy and being in such a... going from like a 3600 square feet home to an rv which is 250, hasbeen you know, but the whole point about

this is spending time outside and seeingthings and there have been straight weeks or rainy days and stuff would bethe worst part about it maybe just not having your own private spaceand you're on time to be on your own because i think everyone you just youknow and hour here and there just to sort of relax. but even the house the kidswill find you! everything was thrown at us to like the restaurantsand everything and now we give all that up for something different and who knowswhat our next step is going to be what how we learn, boththrough books and by actually seeing and doing! the world is our school, the worldis our oyster! so join us as we discover

the sights sounds and beauties of theworld around us bye!!

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