hi guys and welcome to my channel thankyou so much for tuning in today i have for you a bit of a different video fromme and it is a house tour it's not a full house tour i'm just gonna be doingthe living room and the kitchen it did take forever to fill up like a fullhouse tour so i got so many requests from you guys to do a house tour that ithought i would start with the living room and the kitchen which is like themost exciting parts of the house and then i will be doing a full video withthe bathrooms and the bedrooms on another video so do stay tuned for thatwithout further ado let's get straight into the video but before that don'tforget to hit the subscribe button if

you already haven't i upload it twice aweek and i would love to have you back on the channel again so we're gonnastart off with the living room and we actually haven't been living in thishouse for all that long i've been here for about two years so basically sincethe time i started with youtube actually we've been in this house it's not amassive house it's just a two-bedroom house but it's just my husband and i forthe moment so we've kind of been okay with this pad we do eventually want tomove to a bigger house once we decide to kind of have kids and all that goodstuff so it isn't the biggest house in the world but we've tried to make themost of it with the space we have so

i'll show you what we've purchased i'lltry to it should tell you where i've got this stuff from if i can i'll try tolink everything below if it's still available but obviously bear with mebecause some stuff i did buy like over two years ago so it might not beavailable anymore but i'll try to find similar stuff if i can online so forthat photo let's get straight into the hostel so this is my living room guysand it's not the biggest free living room in the world which makes it seemlike everything's a little bit squished i would like it to have a little bitmore space but i really wanted it to be comfortable and cozy and i try to makethe most of it with the space that i

have and in order to make it work i'vetried to use kind of quite light colors we do have quite a lot of woodenfurniture in the in the room and it's quite large pieces but like i said iwanted it to be comfortable so i've tried to use all the other pieces inlike lighter colors to make it look a little bit bigger because it's not thewidest living room in the world so just to talk you through a few pieces that ihave in here we've got the dining table and this one is quite a large woodendining table so it does occupy quite a lot of space but we do like to entertainand we wanted something that was gonna be really comfortable where people weregonna be able to sit around we can fit

comfortably six people there's only fourchairs around it but if we move it a little bit towards the front we canactually squish in another two chairs on the sides so it's quite nice if we'rehaving friends over i wanted to keep the table quite simple so when no one'saround i just have like two candles on top of it i got these ones fromselfridges i think it was i will link all the stuff below if i can find it butthese ones are in chrome and they are so beautiful they were a little bit priceybut there were a really nice investment because i everyone that comes in alwayspays attention to them and always as they look really nice so i really likethese and if you're having a nice dinner

and there's only four of us we canactually light up the candles and put them as a centerpiece for the table ididn't wanted to talk to you guys about this sofa the sofa is literally thecenterpiece of our living room it is by far the most used piece of furniture inour house and we wanted something that was gonna be really big and reallycomfortable but like i said there's not much space so what i decided to do istake it in a very very light color this sofa is from a company called cambridgeand it's amazing sofa company the quality is really really good and theadvantage they have is it's really customizable so you can actually kind ofpick the modules that work best for your

space they have lots of differentdesigns everything is kind of quite modern clean lines but very verycomfortable and the quality is amazing to be honest for this price they werethe only ones that offered such great quality and we decided to take it in avery kind of light beige color it does have like a textured feel to it and itcombines kind of gray and a little bit of beige and a little bit of white butoverall it just looks like a light cream color it's very wide on the seat whichme it's super super comfortable and you canreally relax and lean back it's quite low but we wanted it mostly for it to becomfortable it isn't the most

comfortable when you're sitting downhaving a cup of tea and trying to look proper but that wasn't really thepurpose we had for it so we weren't that bothered about it we does have a chestone on one side so you can put your legs up and relax and watch telly and yeah iwould really love the cellphone it was obviously so worth the money on the sofai also added a throat i really liked the idea of ather i thought it made it lookreally cozy and i actually really liked sitting on top of it in winter becauseit just makes it a whole lot warmer and i got this one from debenhams it'ssupposed to look like that it isn't real fur it's both bad but it's so nice andcozy and it's really big actually it's

got like a suede side on one side andthen it's got the fur on the other side and if you spread it out it actuallycovers kind of half of the sofa but i like to have it kind of folded on oneside but you can use it as a little blanket as well if you want over thewinter the rest of the living room is quite simple we have like a center tablethat matches the main dining table we have and we have these as - i reallylike the idea of having two little center tables because you can split themapart if you have people around and you want to have maybe drinks on one sideand then drinks on the other side of the sofa so i quite like the idea of beingable to separate them they're very

simple again very clean lines verysimple and modern in design but i really liked the idea of keeping everythingkind of quite modern and clean so that it's the living room didn't look toocluttered because the space was quite limited i also kept the accessories minimore on these centerpieces i have just one bars which i got from debenhamswhich i really really liked i don't know if they still do it but if they do iwill link it below and then i have a couple of flowers and these ones arefrom a brand in spain i think they do stuff internationally as well butotherwise john lewis - really nice fake flowers as well these ones look honestlylike they are real the flowers are from

a brand called - see ya and theyactually retail in spain i think they do stuff internationally i think i've seentheir stuff in selfridges as well in like the home where section but i willlink everything i've got these on a tray like a silvertray i also got this one from spain again very simple and then i've got agerman own candle burning and a few books i really like the idea of likecoffee table books and i actually purchased these just to put them on mycoffee table but i didn't have like nice big ones that i could put that then wehave the tv furniture and i wanted something that was gonna offer a lot ofstorage space we have a lot of books

dvds and so on and so forth and therewas just not a lot of space in this house to store everything so i reallywanted something that was gonna offer a lot of storage space and that we couldthen use to also put the tv on top our tv is pretty huge for the size of theliving room we have but like i said we watch a lot of tv and we love sitting onthe couch and just watching telly so it was something that we really wanted tohave again as a bit of a centerpiece but we also wanted it to be like against awall so that it wasn't kind of taking up too much space other than that in theliving room i have a little table next to the sofa and that's a mirror tableand the idea for incorporating this was

that mirrors sort of bring more spacethey make the light bounce and they offer it makes the room basically look alittle bit bigger and i try to keep everything on there kind of shiny in away so i've got a lot of accessories there which make it almost like a bari've got a glass bottle that i got which is a decanter and we have drinks inthere and this is something we got for our wedding and then i have a containerto put some ice cubes so we've made it into like a little bar table and againeverything is kind of silver and chrome and glass to like help bounce the lightoff and add as much light as possible to the room which otherwise with so muchwood furniture can look quite dark i

also wanted to show you these coasters iactually got from selfridges they are so beautiful everyone asks me about themone night they come home and basically none are the same i have six of them andthis sort of round they have like a golden foil going around the outside andthen they have this really beautiful kind of marbling effect they are reallynice and like one's blue one's got like a marble effect ones like my pinky shadeso i really love these little trending than below because they honestly aresuch a stunning piece the lamp i chose to put on this table was again somethingquite with chrome and light colors to bring a bit of light i got this one fromindia jain they have really really

beautiful arms and they actually arequite well priced i didn't really like the lampshade that it came with so ibought another one from john lewis and this one is really nice i love thefabric on it it has like a print it's like a grey and a beige again veryneutral colors but i really like the kind of silky feel it has to it and thenon the other side of the sofa we have another lamp just to add a bit morelight and kind of balance it out on both sides and this one is again from johnlewis in a champagne gold color and then it has like a champagne e gold lampshadeas well but it's not too kind of on your face gold it's quite neutral as well togo with like the rest of the deck all

and then we have a little armchairright next to the tv we don't usually use these for ourselves because youcan't watch tv if you're sitting there but when we have guests around it'sreally useful and again it's in a pretty neutral color this was actually includedwith the house so we tried to find a sofa that would match quite well withthis they're not exactly the same kind of the armchairs a little bit more onthe beige side but i've tried to use kind of cushions to make them all kindof work together the cushion range i've kept it in like a little bit of a colorscheme to go with everything else but i wanted it to inject a little bit ofcolor so i did add some grey cushions

and i got those from lux deco i willlink them they i have amazing stuff they only retail online but they do dobeautiful accessories they also have varnish ever they we really have amazingaccessories then i have some other ones that i got from john lewis and i havethe ones in like a navy blue and they have kind of gold kind of threadsrunning through them giving it a little bit of texture and then i have kind ofreally like silver grey ones they're not too kind of shiny they're just a verykind of subtle silver gray and those again add a little bit of light andthey're quite small as well so it was easy to combine them with the othercushions that i had i really wanted a

lot of cushions on the sofa because iwanted it to make really kind of comfy and accommodating and somewhere whereyou would kind of just want to kind of settle down and just lean back and relaxto finish up soft furnishings we added a silver-graykind of carpet around the sitting area because again i wanted it to make itlook very cozy and i think this would nicely balanced with the cushions whichi look very very similar silver gray it was quite neutral again i didn't wantanything dark because i wanted to add kind of more light and space into theroom and this one was quite a nice kind of neutral gray color we got this oneonline again from lux deco they really

have beautiful carpets and stuff so iwould link that stuff below so you can go and check it out so we decided to gofor a gray carpet as well because it was really difficult to find a color thatwould match the flooring we have the flooring in the house it's kind of veryyellowy um kind of pine color on the floor it's wooden floors but it doesfeel very very yellow and i didn't want something that was gonna make it lookeven more yellow so i wanted something quite neutral and i didn't want anythingon the brown side because it was just kind of making it look even more yellowand i really didn't like that kind of color combination so that's why idecided to go for a grey as opposed to

kind of a beige or something like thatbecause that would just kind of blend in with the floor and really not stand outat all then we also have a counter that goes because we have the kitchentogether with the living room and there's a counter sort of dividing itagain in wood and that counter i wanted it not to be a kitchen counter becauseit's literally just behind the dining table so it wouldn't really make sensebecause we couldn't really put any seating around there so we've used thatas a kind of display area and i've got a lot of chrome accessories just to tie inwith the rest of the living room couple of picture frames from ourwedding that we got gifted and the

silver frames so i decided to on theother side to balance it out and keep it quite symmetrical on both sides we havetwo storage boxes which are in a very very beautiful fabric and red and i havelike a diffuser from jay malone which is beautiful smells pretty welli love diffusers and candles around the house as you'll see and then finally iwanted to talk to you i forgot to talk to you about the chairs when we talkedabout the dining table the chairs are again a very beijing neutral color thesewere the ones that you could purchase with the table so unfortunately wedidn't have much of a choice on the color of the chairs they are quiteneutral i would have preferred them in

grey but they're kind of a reallyneutral color so they sort of go with the rest of the color scheme that wehave in the living room the living room has quite a lot of light coming in fromthis really large window that you can see behind me which goes out on to you alittle balcony which is really nice you can like see london from our balcony andwe decided to keep the curtains really neutral i wanted like something that wasvery kind of soft and white as a kind of custom to have drawn all day so thatthere's not kind of too much light coming in and then we have one that kindof blocks the light and again that's in a very neutral beige color matching withthe rest of the color scheme i didn't

want anything that would stand out toomuch and i wanted ones that would kind of fade in almost like they do in hotelsor they kind of just fade into the background and they don't really standout with the rest of b decor we also have on the opposite wall too where wehave the paintings this really large gold mirror that goes over the diningtable it's a kind of antique gold nothing too shimmery and it actuallylooks like it's gonna be really heavy but it's just kind of quite light andbut it just does look very kind of luxurious and heavy and again i reallylike it because like i said the living room is not too wide so it's nicebecause it kind of bounces the light off

the wall and it just makes you thinklike it looks a little bit bigger than it actually is so this is our kitchenwhich you may have seen if you've seen my what ate in the day video if youhaven't i will link that on the screen now but basically the kitchen and theliving room were together sort of a breakfast bar situation going on toseparate the two but i don't actually use it as a breakfast bar it's literallyjust behind this counter here and then the kitchen is all white which i reallylike because it brings a lot of light but i do have to say that as soon asthere's like a little bit of dust or anything that falls you can definitelysee it so you need to keep it really

really clean but i like that it kind ofbrings a lot of brightness into the room because there's no kind of window onthis side so it just makes the kitchen a little bit brighter it does have areally big kind of cooker space and you can fit up to six cooking pans at oncebut my only gripe with this kitchen it doesn'thave a lot of counter space which means there's not enough space like chop andstuff but i have to make the most of it this part is like the counter part islike granite it's not actual granite itself but it's something similar butit's really easy to clean really really goodand then the cooker is an induction

glass cooker and initially i reallystruggled with it i have to admit because it just kind of warms up reallyquickly and then cools down kind of instantly so i did buy my food quite afew times but once you get used to it it's really efficient because kind ofwarms up really quickly and then if you put it down it just kind of instantlygoes down so it's really really good the extractor fan for me has to be the bestfeature of this kitchen you literally press the button and it comes up theycouldn't fit one on the ceiling here and it would look quite ugly with the livingroom kind of facing towards it so they decided to put one that kind of goes upand down and it is honestly for me the

best feature in the kitchen it's not thebest extractor fan in the world i think the ones in the ceiling are much morepowerful but i really like the way it looks and yeah i really i tried to keepminimal accessories on the countertops just because like i said there's not alot of space i've got - pressure machine which i decided to take in like a redcolor just to add a bit of a pop of color i then have the splash back whichis like a kind of dark mirror it's like almost black but it's still like amemory kind of effect which is quite nice because it means you get a lot ofkind of illusion of space again the only thing is obviously as soon as you getlike a little drop of water it just

looks terrible so you need to becleaning all the time i then have a few airtight containers on the other sideagain in black just to keep with a whole neutral theme of the kitchen and i justuse those to kind of keep kind of sugar and small stuff like that and that is iti don't have anything else on the counters on the extreme left of thekitchen we have the fridge everything is paneled so that it all looks the samefridge on the top freezer on the bottom and then following that i've got a towerwhich has like the microwave and the oven it's a really good microwave it'sfrom merely and i don't know that the brand actually the la or me le idon't really know but anyways it's a

really really good microwave you canactually use it as an oven as well it's got a really powerful grill so i wouldhighly recommend this brand all the stuff in the house which is like thewashing machine and the microwave and that stuff is all from this brand andthe quality is amazing i also have a proving drawer which is really helpful imean i've never made bread i do watch a lot of bake-off but i've never gottenaround to making bread yet but you never know maybe one day there's also a bit ofcupboard space on the bottom i keep all my cleaning stuff down there and then ialso have the dishwasher which is again paneled so you can't see the outside itall kind of looks the same so it gives

it like a bit more feeling of space andand that's it the sink is like a double sink so you can actually put stuff todry on one side and then wash on the other it gives it quite a lot of spaceand then we have a wine cooler which my husband was super thrilled about when wemoved into this house i don't actually drink so i've never used it myself butit's really good i think it looks like a really nice feature although i wouldlike a bit more cupboard space instead because i think that's a lot more usefulunderneath the cooker space again there's two cupboards which a quiet deepso you can fit quite a lot in and then it has really big drawers which i use tokeep like all my pots and pans and

spices and i have kind of dividers inthere to make everything super organized and i recently discovered these airtightcontainers by oxxo and i love them they are so good they keep everything sofresh and they are amazing to organize the space because my drawers are reallyreally big and i really struggle to kind of make everything fit and not lookmessy because everything just kind of toppled over and it was all just a bigkind of big mess in there so these ones are really good and they really helpedme organize and i love the system they have to open you just kind of press itdown and you take the lid out so it's really nice and efficient a bit gimmickybut i actually really liked it we needed

a bit more storage space in the kitchenso i decided to add this little piece of furniture it was actually meant to bebedroom furniture but it's like a really nice bright white it has left a littlebit of a shiny effect on it not too much but i think it went with the rest of thekitchen really well and i've actually used that to kind of store the nicechina i have and the tea set and stuff like that and it's got drawers on oneside and a cupboard on the other side so it's really good for storage and it'sreally light as well which means that if i really need to move it a little bit tobe able to open the freezer door properly i can still move it i use thatmore as an accessorizing kind of area on

the top just to add a little bit ofdecoration to the kitchen just because it is together with the living room so ididn't want it to look completely kind of to kitchen ii if that makes senseso i added a fuzzy frame i kept it quite gold and chrome to fit in with the restof the living room i love the chrome tray that i have ithas like the handles i have like an animal print on them and it's reallyreally cool i got this from a store called butter convey in spain but i'llsee if they ship internationally and link that below as well i've addedanother diffuser this one is actually from john lewis and it smells reallyreally lovely and then i have another

chrome piece that i bought from johnlewis as well and it's really good because it just kind of it's i thinkit's from that brand called jensen something jensen and it's really goodbecause you can use it as a bowl to kind of put like snacks and stuff if you'vegot guests over otherwise it just looks like a nice stick or piece on the wallsi added a few paintings i've kind of put two paintings on each side to keep itquite symmetrical on this right-hand side we've got paintings that wereactually gifted to us on our wedding by one of our friends who is actually apainter and he really kindly did them for us and this just kind of food stuffso they weren't really well with the

kitchen again with the black framesreally simple and then on the other side we've got some images from london andagain i kept those in a grave for him just to kind of keep it all within thesame mcculloh theme so i've got a little balcony out here just walking out fromthe living room and it's not a massive space but it's so nice to have someoutside space in london bays it's really a luxury so we decided to keep it inquite bright colors as well so that we could kind of bring more light and makeit look little bit larger it does help that allaround it is glass which means you can kind of see on to the outside and thatkind of gives you a sense of space the

floor is quite dark and it looks like adeck full floor from a chef but i really like that i think it gives it a reallynice feel we decided to keep the furniture quite neutral like i said it'slike a dark grayish it's kind of got a plasticy finish to itwhich means it's really nice because it looks like a woven fabric but you canactually wash it and it doesn't get ruined in the rain and stuff it camewith like a set of a sofa with like a little footrest and a little centertable you can actually set all the pieces together to make a large sofa orotherwise you can have it like how we have it which is like a separatearmchair and then p so far so far and i

think that makes it really nice then itgives us a bit more flexibility over the case we have like people over and stuffthe center table it's quite nice it's got like a glass top and then on top ofthat i want to keep it really simple i put a little candle inside a kind of idon't know how to call that but it's basically like a littlecontainer and it looks very nice gives it kind of a nice outside feel it's likea lantern almost and that's in a chrome finish and then we have a little ashtraywhich is from zara home which is also in a chrome finish and it's quite nicebecause it looks like it has glass over the top but it's not actually grass soit doesn't break kind of a bit falls

over in the wind or somethingthe cushions on the sofas are all kind of an off-white colour again to bring abit more light but then to add a pop of color we have the cushions on the mainsofa in a kind of really bright green and that really brings kind of a littlebit of vibrancy and it gives it kind of room or outside people that's why i lookquite like the green the sofas actually i got them online and i actually gotthem at a 50% discount as i said so i will try to see if they still have thati'm going to bought them a while ago but if they still have something some ofthat i will link it down below and it's always worth kind of buying them as astack because you usually get a much

better dealwe don't have much more space outside so we just have like a little bars withsome face lauer's on the corner just to add a little bit of that outside youfeel i can't maintain real plants but like anything in the world i justso lazy without watering them and stuff so these ones that look kind of quitenatural but they're not real or the best option for me okay guys well that waseverything for the kitchen and living room and balcony tool so i hope youenjoyed it thank you so much for watching and do stay tuned for thesecond part of this house tour which will be coming up very soon thank you somuch for watching bye guys

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