spring home decorating ideas pinterest

less is more when it comes to home stagingand that's why we declutter. but we don't want to create a sterile environment so it'simportant to add small, decorative pieces back into a space. and that is where vignettescome in. so what is a vignette? well a vignette isa small, pleasing picture or view. so in the world of home staging, we're creating a pleasingscene by arranging groupings of accessories to create a polished look; typically atopof a table or shelf. here are three tips for creating stylish vignettesthat will add instant zing to any space. use odd numbers. i often use the rule of threewhen accessorizing. three objects placed together make the perfect grouping for maximum impact.for a larger area, a grouping of five may
be better. number two, vary the height. accessories shouldbe different heights. create height by using tall objects or stacking books or using tallpedestals to display items. start with a taller item towards the back, then layer with varyingheights moving forward. number three is to create balance. displayaccessories in a triangle pattern. this ties into tips one and two, as displaying accessoriesin a triangle pattern means you would be using the odd number of three. the largest or talleritem creates the top point and two smaller items in front create a triangle pattern aswell as varying the heights. vignettes add flair to any space which buyerswill remember. so get creative, have fun and
stage your way to a successful sale. i hope you enjoyed this week's home stagingtidbit. we'll see you next week. thanks for watching.