terraced house decorating ideas uk

welcome back to garden ninja today we'rein manchester and we're doing a front garden transformation so gonna turn thisfront garden into a formal dream and we've got morris and ball the rhs awardwinning landscapers here today helping out our there transform this over thenext week and keep you up to date on the progress i'm gonna turn this intosomething at the dream garden the period properties garden wascompletely overgrown and the client had asked me to come in to create somethingthat was beautiful but also low maintenance it also had to be in keepingwith the age and style of the property by using a formal design we could mirrorthe georgian proportions of the house it
also gave a clean tidy look to this newfront garden and the use of spheres and repetition of this shape to bringcohesion to the design so we're nearly at the end of the buildtoday today we will go to the planting so the terraces we put down with york stoneand steps it up i'm now going to plant up these evergreen box balls and alsothe bays trees these are going to feature as the main structural point of the garden, they are then going to be softened by a bed full of lavender, alliums and some really nicecorten steel planters what do now is using the planting plan that laying out allthese ever green shrubs to make sure that they are in perfect position once i've done that i'll dig a hole and commit them to the ground
so i've got the structure now with theevergreen bay trees box balls and now moving on to the edge these arebeautiful carex that will give evergreen color and will really softenthis edge and then infill it with a load of lavender (lavender hidcoat) to fillall the space over time burst up with these bright purplescented flowers during the summer and get those in now and show you the next phaseso the hallmark for formal design is symmetry and repetition what i have done inthis garden is repeated this ball shape through the box and the bay throughoutto collects it together as a formal design i've also used symmetry in edgingthe design
with the carex and making sure thateverything is in proportion so the lads have just finished laying the york stonesteps are done all pointings finished and its been left for a few days to setthen we've fixed these corten steel planters here which i will backfill then plant thesebeautiful blue agapanthus so with the corten steel planters what's i've done is mirrored the proportion of the georgian property windows see that these georgian windowpanels there are 4 panels that are symmetrical so the corten planters are also still a proportion of equallysized and theres 4 of them which takes your eye from the planters to the window and back again the proportions are really key in gardendesign and if you get them wrong things
can look higgledy-piggledy or just at oddswith each other so by taking his windows mirroring with the plantersit helps pull the garden towards the house make and make it look like one cohesive design. so i'm just about to put the blue agapanthusinto these corten steel planters now and agapanthus love to have the roots restrictedso i;ve put an upside down plant pot at the bottom of these pots to try andrestrict the space because they're quite tall by restricting the roots you'regoing to help this to flower because in those conditions puts all its energyinto growth and flowering so restrict the roots and make sure that you're notputting it to a huge container because
you'll just get loads of foliage and no flowers so i've just finished this for my front gardenmake over let's have a look at how it looked before! so you've got gorgeous york stone stepsyour stone terrace everything's in proportion repetition symmetry somereally formal planting this will look great all year round so i'm going to pack up my tools and get on tothe next job! if you've liked this video why not subscribe to my youtube channelwere you can watch plenty more garden design how to you guides i've been garden ninja happy gardening!