hey guys welcome to cook with nancy hopeyou're all doing good today i'm gonna share with you guys super speedy kitchencleaning routine yes that's correct it takes less than 30 minutes so this ismy kitchen and you can see this a lot of dishes to do pretty messy and this is apart of kitchen i'm using as a work area for now eventually i'll move them backright now there is some work going on the room so now i'm gonna go ahead andclean this area fix everything where it belongs you need to start cleaning mykitchen area starting with my stovetop cleaning the cabinets and then move onto my dishes that way i don't leave anything behindthat needs washing i'm starting off by

placing everything where it belongsand place stuff that i took this morning for my breakfast back in the cabinet i liketo use paper towel first to clean my stovetop with the little water that'sjust to remove any kind of dust or anything that was left behind after mycooking and then i'll go ahead and clean my microwave so after that i will do asecond cleaning of my stovetop because if there is any that fell from microwavethis is my homemade spray that i made this morning it's so simple and easy andalso does a very good job in cleaning now i'm cleaning my microwave i neveruse my microwave but yet it is the most dirtiest thing in my entire kitchenthat's because i cook on the stovetop

the exhaust fan is underneath look atthat is so dirty and now i'm going to clean a second time get the spray on mystovetop and make sure there is no oil or dirt it's fairly clean as you can seeit is hardly any any dirt in it now i'm going to go ahead and clean mycountertop and the appliances and also clean my toaster there is some bread crumbs and i will remove them and discard themclean it and then plug it back and put the things that's where it belongs now i'm cleaning my cabinet that's rightabove my stovetop that tends to get very dirty as i said the oil and especially if you have light colored

cabinets and you do not want to keep themsitting for a week before you clean because over time it will start accumulating oil and it's going to be so hard to remove any kind of hard stains and idon't like to use our chemicals it's not just because of it's not good for youit's also not good for your cabinet and paint so i like to just clean them every daythat way it's easier it doesn't get out of control now i'm just cleaningthe rims on the edges and back to my countertop this will spray and then justquickly cleaner i'm also cleaning my appliances againand then i like to keep it covered because of the dust because i have thewindow right there i tend to keep my

windows open most of the time and mostof the time the specks of dirt dust on the appliances i don't even know thiswhen i clean them there's so much dirt now i will go ahead and start with mydishes i'm going to go ahead and were my gloves i like to were my gloves it feelsclean when you're washing the dishes you don't feel like with that all the dirtand oil stains i bought this plan based dish washingsoap which is nice and also i bought this cute little sponge holder fromtarget it costed like three dollars i guess it's really good one you can juststick it on the wall and once you finish cleaning wash the sponge and putit in the holder and the water drains

into the sinki think that is pretty clean i have a dishwasher but i never use it to wash mydishes but at times i use them to air dry my dishes that way my kitchen is notcrowded and also today i'm not going to do that because i have a very goodsunlight right on the dishes which is a good thing so it's gonna have a naturalsunlight drying so now i'm going to go ahead and clean my sink and the faucetand wash my sponge put them in the sponge holder now wash up all the soapfrom my sink and faucet i'm done with the dishes so you can seethe sunlight is right above the dishes which is great i will place a sprayinside and i have the small little bags

that i always use it on handle becauseevery time i have some garbage that i have to quickly throw i will just throw them and cover it up and then place it in the garbage can so when it's time forme to throw the garbage i just transfer the small bags into a big bag and leavethe garbage outside for the pickup so every evening they pick up my garbagenow i am going to clean the counter top near my sink area and also my sink i drythem out now i'm going to check my dishes that dry it is nicely dried i'mgoing to transfer them to the place where it belongsit's beautiful sunny day outside the final part of my kitchen cleaning myisland area this is one of the most

important place for me because i tend touse lot of my time on the island for cutting cooking videotaping name it thisis the most important part of the kitchen for me even if i see a littlebit of dirt on the island i see i have not done good cleaningtoday i have done cleaning this then i'm gonna go ahead and put the fresh kitchentowel on my oven i'm going to show you guys my kitchen how it looksso this is how my kitchen looks so if you guys like my channel please dosubscribe and leave a comment below and i like i will see you soon in my nextvideo till then take care guys bye bye

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