building a bbq grilling station how to sheetnumber two-ninety. are you ready to take your outdoor living area and kick it up a notch?check out this weekend project from allan block. today, we are going to take a spotwhere a grill would normally just sit, and turn it into a beautiful bbq grilling areausing the courtyard collection from allan block. you can find this how to sheet andthe location of your nearest allan block dealer by visiting us at allan block dot com. clickon the videos and animations tab and then on courtyard collection to find this weekendproject. the tools you will need will include a measuring tape, square, hammer and chisel,safety glasses, a dead blow hammer, and work gloves. first pick the location you want andmeasure the dimensions of your grilling station.then
draw up a simple plan using how to sheet numbertwo ninety as your guide, and estimate your block quantities from figure eight. the courtyardcollection has five basic block shapes. for this project we will be working with ab dublins,ab yorks, corners and wall caps. with a measuring tape, mark the location of the first masking tape on the outer edges as a guide for placing the blocks. from the edgeof the first post, add the width of your grill to determine the placement of the second post.then measure and mark the location of the second post. place masking tape on the outeredges as a guide for placing the blocks. place the first corner block following the patternfrom the how-to sheet. with its long side facing in. corner blocks have a long sideand a short side. place the remaining corner
blocks with their long sides facing out. thenthe york blocks following the pattern from the how-to sheet. if you are building on asurface that is a little irregular, like this concrete patio, shim the base course usingasphalt shingles or some other outdoor material. then check the course for level. use a carpenter'ssquare to line up the corner blocks at each corner to ensure your post is square. adjustingthe blocks as necessary. begin the wall panel by installing a dublin and alternating witha york block. work towards the second post. place a corner block at the corner as shownin the how-to sheet. then fill in the gap. in this example we will need to split a dublinblock to fit the gap. the ab dublin and the ab york blocks come with premarked splittingnotches. score around the block along the
splitting notch. then break the blocks witha few sharp blows. save the small piece for the next course. place the remaining cornerand york blocks following the pattern from the how-to sheet. then check the post forsquare. double check the width of the opening for the grill. on the second course, placefour corner blocks so that the vertical seams are offset from the course below. remove theraised ring from the york block using a hammer and chisel. this will provide flat surfacefor the corner block to rest on. begin the second course of the wall panel with the smallpiece of dublin block that was split on the first course. alternate between dublin andyork blocks until you get close to the second post. place the corner block and then fillin the remaining space. continue building
the second post by placing three additionalcorner blocks as shown in the how to sheet. again remove the raised ring from the yorkblock using a hammer and chisel. this will provide a flat surface for the corner blockabove to rest on. before stacking and more courses, remove any raised rings that interferewith the blocks above. use a hammer and chisel to remove the raised ring by striking thechisel at a forty-five degree angle. with the raised ring removed, the corner blockabove will fit properly. continue stacking course by repeating the steps covered in thefirst two courses. this example uses a total of five courses with an additional courseon the posts only. in some cases it is simpler to flip a york or dublin block upside downinstead of removing its raised ring. place
wall caps on top of the wall panel by alternatingthe caps to keep a straight line. cut or split the last one to fit. to secure the caps inplace, first remove them then place a bead of masonry adhesive on both sides of the raisedrings then set the caps back into place. gluing the ends of the caps will also give addedstrength. set your counter tops in place and check for level. secure in place with masonryadhesive. move the grill into place, step back and check out your handy work. the wallpanel is one course shorter than the post to allow for movement of the hood. let's lookat our final results, a beautiful outdoor barbecue surround using allan block's courtyardcollection has transformed this "grill on a patio" into a elegant outdoor cooking area.find hundreds of additional ideas for your
yard from simple weekend ideas to big projectswhich may require the help a certified allan block contractor. you can watch videos, downloadfree instructions and helpful tips all at