i'm going to show you how to assemble a 600mm microwave box. all you'll need to assist you with this, is a cordless drill. all thehardware and the instructions come in the box with the pieces. the largest screws thatwe use first are used for putting the box together. let's start with the back and thebase panel. all of the panels will come pre-drilled for easy assembly. now we'll flip it around and do another panel.the microwave box is slightly different to all the other cabinets so there will be aleft and a right-hand panel. you'll need just to check that before you put it together. now we'll put the final piece in. you willnotice that this panel is a little bit shorter
than the rest of it, that's to allow airflowwhen your microwave is in use. that's how we make the 600 mm microwave box.this can be used both under bench or incorporated in the wall oven tower.