design your bedroom online game

design your bedroom online game

p: hello danandphilgames treasure chests!d: because you're filled with gold-p: also (d: and we're going to pillage you *instant regret*) so are dab and evan's pants (laughs), as they've just raided the-*laughs*(uh-oh! dan save him before we assume!) d: tomb! (thank god!) oh my god, right- p: and got so much money! d: they went on a romantic jungle adventure- (p: yeah!) d: -and, they're loaded now. p: they are! they- d: they're had their first kiss. (hopefully more this episode if you get what i mean) p: they're like, lottery winning teens. d: like, honestly, it's all happening for them. (yeah it is) p: nice tour merch, dan. (go buy some! i know i will be!) d: aw, thank you. d: yeah, we just came back from a bit of the tour- p: yeah d: -and i've done no laundry (ha! he's too lazy. honestly me though!) p: so, you're just wearing the merch! d: so i am just going to be wearing our own merch-

d: for several videos. (good sponsorship too!) p: and if you wanna come see dan's face-(who wouldn't?) and my face- (they're both equally beautiful!) p: -in person-(hell yea!) d: uh-oh. p: -you can go to d: where we goin' next? d: goin' to stockholm. (neutral!) p: yeah. p: russia! (stalin! oh wait we're not doing history right now? whoops. my bad!) d: hitting up russia. that should be fun. p: and, following that: (my favorite place!) p: *sings* ~america!~ d: the whole of the usa. (home sweet home!) p: yeah. d: it's gonna be thicc p: before we start, something exciting is- d: oh! p: -while we were on tour, we wanted to be able to livestream, chat with you guys! (yaayy! but i want more *demonic voice* devan!)(d: keep up with you!) p: -and, *gets interrupted* yeah? d: 'cause, we're not at home, p: we're not! d: we're not doin' younow, but we want you to see our face! (yes, cause we all want that)

p: so, later in the month we're gonna start livestreaming on an app called rize! d: *advertises in his most official advertizment voice* from the makers of younow comes rize. d: it is a free app that you can download on your phone. (yay! the soul sucking demonetized hand held object! i mean iphone 10 is the best!) p: you can! d: to watch us if we wanna livestream. but! because rize are sponsoring our tour, they have provided stuff for a giveaway! p: yes! d: say thanks- (aw :3 you're welcome guys!) d: if any of you download the app and watch our streams. p: we're gonna be giving away a nintendo switch. (crowd: ooh!) d: look at that. p: this is mine. it will be a new one. d: ok, that's- that is phil's switch, covered in his greasy handprints. p: yeah.d: we're not giving away that one. (it'll probably sell more than a new nintendo switch since it has phil all over it, but whatever.) there's loads of other stuff we're gonna be giving away- d: some limited edition interactive introverts sunglasses. (crowd: aah!) p: we got about 30 pairs of those. d: we will be doing video messages.

p: ten video messages- d: for ten people that randomly follow us- d: -and watches. all you have to do is click the link down in the description. d: download this free app to hang out with us while on the road, and then we'll see you. d: chatting to ya through your phone. p: anyone that does that will be automatically entered, and you could win. d: see ya then. p: see ya then! (ok enough with the ads. now back to you're favorite teen drama- deven!) p: alright, laddy ding-dongs, what have you been up to since we left you behind? d: well, not much. (previously on devan!:) d: they just got back from their jungle adventure, (yes they have) d: and they're probably sweaty and stressed. (great, cause we all needed that mental image in our minds. thanks dan!) p: and evan has just seen the butt! by mistake. (ooh, i think i know what's happening in this episode.) d: he has- he walked in on an awkward shower. d: and now they're feeling- p: look at that. still feeling embarrassed. d: evan! evan did not like the butt. (p: bottom lip down.) and dab's like, yeah i did.

p: yeah. d: *raises eyebrow* yeah, i did. (yeah they did, yeah they did.) ok! right, well, let's get- what day is it? d: ok! we're on vacation, thank god. p: oh, good. d: ok, we've got one more day. that means we can go home and *sing-song* ~spend this money!~ p: we need to do that. d: there's something else- d: -we should probably do actually. first, as soon as we send these guys home, get some (bleeped by mew)- d: -food for the cat! p: oh yeah, the cat! d: the cat is dying! (noo pancake!) p: pancakes! d: we gave the pancakes a cat and we gave it no cat stuff-(remind me to never get dan and phil a pet anytime soon.) d: -so this cat has just been in limbo. p: we're getting letters for animal protection like, guys- d: angry comments, man. p: -come on. (you deserve it. you almost killed a cat!)

d: off ya go! d: dodododo do! d: we're going home. aw. p: just- p: evan pees himself. d: evan was like- "oh my god, i need the bathroom!" d: ok. been a long day. he did a lot of swimming in that temple. fair enough. p: he did. d: i wish i could drag you into the garbage. p: don't be mean! you've only got one phil. (and the phandom would probably kill you and save phil at the same time.) d: dodododododo do! p: he's back! d: hey, how ya doin'- d: okay, shut up!

d: we need to go- p: fix the cat! (is the cat a robot?) d: -to the pancakes' right the hell now! fix the cat? (yeah, you tell him dan!) p: fix the cat. d: we probably do need to fix the cat. (no! don't agree with him!) p: we do. d: but then also literally fix the cat. (okay, so this is just a thing now, fine whatever.) p: there's gonna be loads of pancake pancakes. d: as that- that cat broke. p: so the cat can't go up the stairs. (come on guys! i'm surprised it's not dead, a rotting corpse on the ground.) d: how is the cat doing? the cat is outside. (*slow clap* great job guys! you failed at taking care of a cat because you forgot about it!) p: oh no, right. d: and it's- it's dead af. right. eliza, call the cat. it's just running away. p: it's running away. (same) d: it doesn't want to be here in this universe anymore. (saaammee!) look, you two- d: no canoodling right now. is he just touching the boob? p: he's about to touch the boob! d: bob! d: bob!! p: we're interrupting an intimate moment! (god you guys!) d: there are people- and she's like,

p: yee! d: do it. p: right. let's get a cat food first. d: get a cat food. yellow, for pancake. p: yes. d: there we go. d: the imaginatively named: *sing-song* ~pancake pancake~. p: littermatic! p: yes. d: or, the *robotic voice* litter laser: self cleaning litter box. p: holy crap! d: yuup! d: we are spending bob's money and we don't give a crap! (and you shouldn't, except that it's basically stealing, but who's counting?) p: the cat will give a crap and enjoy it! (really phil? dan, back me up here this time.) d: ok, that's a really weird thing to say but that's perfectly fine i guess. (thank you! kinda.) d: who designed this house? d: some idiots. i'm just kidding. don't fire us, mr. sims. (mr. sims is the god of the sims universe.) phil: mr. sims. (don't question him, atheist!) d: that's who made the game, mr. sims. (all hail mr. sims!)

d: alright, that seems like a- i just, i really want the cat to use that. (of course you do.) p: i want to see what happens with the lasers. d: immediately. and a *sing-song* ~sleepytime pet bed~. d: i feel like it can go next to *thinks* evan, because that would be cute. evan and his... tiny, (very) tiny bed- (probably should fix that if you don't want him to have leg cramps.) p: aw. d: -that we should probably give him... p: a bigger bed. d: a bigger bed. d: should we do that now? p: yeah, let's do that as well. d: ok. d: sorry. a used double futon. p: used?? d: nice! d: there you go. p: you can actually sleep in a bed! d: he's got that industrial warehouse aesthetic going on. p: he does! d: it's very cool. p: how do we age up the cat?

d: can we do- we have to take it to the cat-zap thing, right. (very specific.) d: so in this vending machine we can purchase some pet items. d&p: ooh. p: age up treats! d: we'll want one age up treat- should they get a resurrecting treat? p: no! d: probably.. p: i think it'll be fine. d: knowing us.. p: we've fixed it now! p: gonna become a full grown lion. d: duh duh du duh duh duh duh duh duh! d: actual leopard. could you imagine? p: here we go, here we go! d: probably, knowing us. give us a- give us a spin, pancake! *incoherent mumbling*

oh, there we go. right p: pancake is turned into an adult cat. she will now climb stairs (d: helpful) you can also mate with other cats. d: uh oh, all right, let's spad this cat- -or should we? p: i think we should just let it have loads of kittens d: let nature run its course d: and now we can feed it a wellness treat to make up for the months of neglect. p: it'll be fine d: here is a formal apology for almost trying to murder you for a very very long time. (apology accepted.) p: there we go you can stop commenting about the cat now. d: oh, now they're friends. okay, that's good (p: yeah)d: right and there we go. frolic up the stairs. be free. both: yes! d: all right, okay. p: that was so satisfying! d: that was-crisis averted p: that was worth it

d: now (p: so many sleepless nights.)we have truly earned the right to spend all of dab's money. p: let's do it d: the question is: what are we gonna spend that money on? p: i have a notion, mr. howell. d: *sings* ~you have a notion.~ p: you're not ready for this. (d: ~what is the theory?~ what is it?) p: right, dab and evan have been getting closer d: physically. (please be the episode!) p: they've had a kiss. d: yes, they have p: i think dab needs a bit more of his own space. d: he needs privacy! d: exactly! teenagers they need a zone, they need a den. (p: they need a bit of space!) because you can't just be sleeping next to everyone else- d: -like when i was a teenager in my tiny family house. i had like my harry potter cupboard d: you know from "hello internet" (p: yeah) with the brown wool. p: look, it's like-dan, dan, dan, dan, dan d: look like he can't - he can't have evan over (p: he can't.) d: what are you doing? get away from him (p: get out) get away from him

p: but my idea is...(are you ready for this?) we could put it... (you can't even imagine what it is.) upstairs! (whaaattt?) d: what?!? p: yes! d: what? phil. p: we're gonna make a upstairs d: what upstairs? p: we could put it like here- at the front of the house d: ah, we have all this space. (yes you do) p: but that would be so cool for him, he'll have his own space (d: by the owl slide) maybe, uh, p: little evan could sneak out through the window. (it's happening everyone!) d: oh my god. yes. are you ready? it's time for some more construction. (p: whoop whoop!) d: bobby from queer eye is quaking. (even bobby ships phan and devan) d: right. so what can we sell? d: ohhh my god okay p: we'll sell that d: we have this unauthenticated thing. (p: ooh send it) should we send it away, okay there we go,

d: and we have, um, some bones. *crickets* p: sell the bones. d: no - i think we should keep one set of the bones. p: okay, fine d: golden totecallama death relic (p: place in -) well, no, we'll place in proudly in his bedroom (p: oh okay) once we've constructed it. d: so let's get our walls out for... the lads. (no comment.) wall one, slam. p: was that not already a wall. i don't think you need to build a wall there. d: but that would bring that owl slide forward (p: oh) d: and lord knows we want to avoid that as much as possible d: boom! (p: yee, that's good) yes. yes. there we go. p: that's good. d: wonderful... beautiful. (it is.) (p: it adds to the modern architecture.) d: that's such an improve- yeah definitely d: yeah, definitely. our house is definitely not the ugliest thing in the entire world ever p: it's not (he's in denial)

d: now if we're getting rid of dab's bedroom- d :-that means that we need to put everything here in a box (p: all of it?) and then make up for the space. we have to! (and now for a quick break. we'll be back right after this ad.) d: right, okay, so d: dalien's room is now extended p: that's such a big room now. he's got so much room to play d: it's a big room because there's a tiny bed under a creepy light. (yeah that's definitley not going to freak the little kid out. even if he is an alien.) d: but he's got a creepy guy. p: that would've been a dream for me as a kid. (the room size, not the light under the bed everyone. just for clarification.) d: finally these two have a more sensible- (p: they have got some actual space) they have some actual space p: a sensual relaxation paradise d: *laughs* p: the bathroom has no door at the moment. so we should probably- d: who needs a door? (at least one wall for every room.)

p: nice. d: that looks nicer. d: okay. p: but the question is boatswain, where are the stairs gonna go? d: that's a good point. d: huh, i feel like this room doesn't need to be this long p: dil loves his lab! d: doop. there we go, that's fine p: all right. d: and then let us see if we can have some stair action. p: modern floating stairway! i love that shiz! d: no. he wants this one. oooh. p: oh, i love it! d: hot dog. p: kind of dangerous for children, but i don't care cuz it's so beautiful. d: who cares about the children p: i remember when i got my own bedroom p: it was such a good day. my parents took me to the carpet shop and i chose (d: the carpet shop) the most fluorescent green carpet ever. d: *gags* d: that carpet that was in the amazingphil bedroom, probably is the single grossest carpetin the entire world. p: it was so p: -green. it was like what the queen wore to the royal wedding d: *pfft*

d: highlighter green. p: yeah. i remember my brother was like "finally my brother's out of my room," but i was like "i'm going to miss my brother." d: yeah, i can't imagine that he regretted that. i'm gonna do something crazy. p: what are you doing? d: bam p: oh my god, dan- p: -you are a mad lad. d: bam. p: what the heck? d: yes. i just did that. now that we've done that- d: -you know what we can do? p: what? d: this! d: which means that now it is in the middle. (p: argh) *mouths* thank you d: the only thing that matters. and now are you ready for this? dun- d: -dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun d: dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun-nope. (p: *laughs*) no! no! d: please. save me. *breathes sigh of relief*

d: oh, god, that was close. okay. sorry, that was very emotional for me. what lamp says? yeah- d: -i'm a teenager. p: this one! d: that one? p: i like that one, yeah. d: ooh d: very boudoir. (p: that's nice.) another one here? p: yeah. i love that vibe. are we thinking wooden floor for up here? d: i think he's an arty guy. he'd want that. p: yeah, i think so. d: rustic? he's quite arty- (p: he is!) d: i was thinking new york loft style. (p: yeah, that's what i'm thinking.) okay well if we're doing that suddenly we have to ????- d: -ourselves. and i feel like he'd want exposed brickwork. d: and then i think you should have some funky-he liked this, didn't he? p: oh, he liked that- p: i think that's nice. d: so that can go there (p: as a feature wall) next to the bed. and then yeah just- d: plaster. i reckon. p: do you think so? d: because that's what the teenager would want definitely. p: off-gray? like that? d: yes

d: there we go. oh god is so artistic. this owl slide is making it so hard to decorate!!oh my god, get out of the way!! p: nice. d: that's looking good. right, do we need something like a barrier? (p: yeah.) or something? p: like a glass barrier. d: glass inside? no. d: it's salvadorian. it's perfect. (p: yeah) a little bit of his trip with evan. (p: that's sweet!) now around the stairs. okay d: bed! he needs a cool bed. p: he earned this money, p: we should give him a swish bed. d: okay, mmmhhhh. what's something that goes with the theme? a non-used double futon. p: ooh! p: okay, we're going up in the world. d: he is- d: -going up! that? p: that is nice. d: that's pretty dank. p: that's very instagram worthy. d: i like that quite a lot. okay, should we get that? p: yeah. that's pretty cool. (p: on each side?) that can go there. just one. (p: just one?) just one is fine. right, he'll- d: -want to keep certain stuff, like the easel, (p: yeah.) of course, will want to still be there.

d: he's got his dresser, which can go- d: -right here. p: what about his frog d: that's fine. the frog goes on the dresser. (p: yeah.) i mean, you know, of course (p: drago two.) that's fine. d: these are the pictures of him and evan (p: aw!) of when they were kids. p: yes! d: they can go there. (p: sweet!) memories of old time. we need a houseplant p: yeah. d: dab's first (p: and it's going to stay alive.) houseplant! p: potted youch. d: a potted youch. p: oh, i love that. d: that's pretty good p: yeah. d: i'm a big fan of that. no touch. give him a mirror so you can look at himself. p: yeah, that's nice. d: all right. now, let's get ~loungy~ up in here. p: when you go home for christmas- p: -do you regress into that teen state of mind when you're back in that same bedroom again? d: i just try to spend as little time there as possible. i'm like "i have my own place. i've built my own life-

(p:yeah) d: -don't send me baack" d: the mega sofa d: yes. p: ooh, i like that. d: okay, that's pretty cool. uhh d: so he has this desk. i mean, i feel like at this point he doesn't want it anymore p: no. d: shall we give some of this stuff to dalien? (p: yeah) here you go. you can have the kiddy chair and the kiddy desk and- p: drago d: should we-are we officially doing it? it's time. (p: drago's moving on) i'm sorry. dab has evan now. p: he can watch someone else sleep. d: he doesn't need-oh god. now important questions phil. where are we going to mount the hand? p: i think above the sofa would be nice. d: a memory of the-the rejection. p: yeah, that's good. d: wow, now d: they have a good tv downstairs. p: yeah. d: he deserves something cool-

d: -i mean he earned this money. p:i think he needs a tv stand and then a-a cool tv on top. d: and then what tv? d: should he get- p: i think he should get a flat screen. maybe this one-is that too-ooh no, no, no- p: -no. d: he doesn't need a 3d hd- *surprised noises from both* d: *incoherent mumbling* p: what about this one? what about this one down here? p: *gasp of surprise* d: there we go. p: oh my god, that's (d: i feel like he's-)better than downstairs! d: i feel like he's earnt it p: fine, he did rob the treasure so- d: he did raid a tomb. p: that is incredible. d: i mean, can you imagine being a (p: we're never gonna see him again.) teenager and- d: -having that? p: how much is jukebox? d: an actual full on jukebox. p: yeah. d: oh my god. p: i love it p: amazing. d: i mean, look, you might be saying "this is over-the-top what teenager deserves this?" he made the money himself. (p: he did.) what you gonna- d: -do? bam. p: nice d: i mean, can you imagine? right now there's one last thing that he needs if he's gonna get anything done. his a desk.

p: mega-desk. d: he's a big boy now. p: he is. is there a comfy like gaming chair that he can have? d: gaming chair? p: like, you know like a good chair. d: and then a computer? d: right. so he's a teenager. he just-oh my god the owl slide!! let me live!! p: it's ruining you're life. d: let me live! right, d: okay, he's earned one. a good one. right, here- d: -we could get him a slablet, a respector- p: ooh! d: what even is that? p: that's like-that's like the apple mac one p: it looks like a frickin', i mean he is an artiste- p: we need it. d: are you sure? p: oh my god, yeah. i'm so excited by it! d: i'm so jealous. p: he better be happy. imagine if we did all that and he was still an angsty teen. d: i know, i'm like, you can never complain about anything as long as you live d: are you kidding me? (p: this is the best thing we've ever made.) are you actually kidding me? this is the single best room ever invented. p: yeah

d: all right. now, what does he have in his own thing? d: he's got the eel. i feel like we could mount the eel. wow, that is, uhh- p: that's big. d: that's kinda gross. what do we want to-oh, can't name it. d: okay, rest in peace. can of liquid rush on his desk just for authenticity. (p: for doing the homework) that seems fine d: right, and then we have the golden totecallama d: oh my god! p: that is incredible. d: that is-that is intimidating, wow. and there we go. i mean, okay, okay d: i don't know about you, (p: i'm jealous.) but i could live there now. d: i love the high ceiling as well. d: this is almost better than our actual- d: -place that we live in real life. p: it's better than our-it's- p: -better than our place. d: it does-no it's not. p: we don't have a jukebox.

d: okay, we don't have a jukebox. do you want a-do you want a- p: we don't have a swimming pool. d: okay we don't have a swimming pool. (p: yeah.) no, just the bedroom. just the bedroom. d: it's not my style, but for the guy that you know has that- d: -outfit on, i feel like it's very him. p: right, we need to show him now. d: dum- d: -dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum yes, i mean, oh my this just look it's amazing right quickly. you have to claim your bed. yeah. well the dog claims your bed he's not interested in interacting with the thing he just wants to sit down and watch for nibbler, okay new bit of poo blur, right? so what is this? he'll know more information if you view it from your inventory that means a refined crystal in his inventory to fuse with the well we have this

alexander jeweler for refinement do we need does it say need to you're fine? okay well, let's do that chris lets me said i expect to refine version to appear in the mail in the next day also, i want to get evan over or do you think evans had enough? i think evan. she neither really kidding me i think he absolutely needs to come over here right now invite ever look at that he still likes his dad more. that's good to know that dad. like what i'm not allowed in this is my room now. see you later punk. oh my god. look look it he is a hacker in the matrix oh my god, he's come to steal your anything the dogs every starlet strut it they're all just exploring the room work it on the runway done

just like the community doesn't like the computer why i am. what you doing new here? oh okay, he's under the bed sure. oh i really want to be friends and so on but they don't seem to want to be friends with me how can i make my friend make one grand friendly gesture or just keep being just keep me friendly. you ready? it's a bit overkill if you like come to disneyland, it's nice day. i want you to go on around the world hot air balloon trip with me. don't be weird. just keep being friendly. just keeping friendly, okay? we'll see. oh, ah he's good manners, okay. i think that's probably a bit good for dad. he needs some of that

what do you think evan do you like? oh we got it in c tab, but abs making plans okay tea guy today and there they are knife rows chillin on a sofa 1 feet apart what you want to do? let's see. he's feeling flirty cheer him up you need some new moves. i don't know what to say reveal crush i mean if you haven't by now, i mean, i don't know what to say. but look this is a place hope they're standing there making this serious. okay, here we go viola crush that was you revealing gosh. okay. wow, he got his one way

he's feeling very uncomfortable now. no sure you don't just pull someone into your land i was crying over honda it doesn't matter how many times something goes smooth. i know there is offering rose kiss in the hands he's gonna make him feel with yes. i know that's just who dab is it is smooth recovering that option. okay, haha. well, i may have just knocked you but i bought some shoes for you. okay, i mean that's not to go down that well, very smooth. just need to take things slow yeah, make a move no, maybe want to see hopefully this isn't another dramatic ovation welcome to my bedroom, how are you doing? just chilling out dog. not now dog. can you know okay. oh my god

smooth recovery smooth. yeah, that was some times. i'm like, he's so smooth i know so he's not and sometimes it's not there's no middle ground attempt to seduce. what what are these options? what are these i just walk to the what do should we find? okay, i'm saying this might be the end go wrong we just try to show them a nice time this is their room to you know, netflix and chill but there's not much chill happening right now he's likes it this is the son of bob i don't know what to say to you wow okay, he seemed to like that. it was fine. what do we know? let's just let them do their things what are the options they could dance to some music together? music watch tv. oh, yeah, that's okay. what music do we want? listen to s paul? let's bop to some s pop. here we go

they're doing your favorite awkward. that is my favorite dance move he wants to mess around mess around hell is messing around not like teen woohoo mess around well, you get some ketchup you just spray all over him do it. trust me. that works okay mess around. okay, what does this mean? i don't know come back to my bedroom i'll do a smooth move on you put on some s pop and then well mess around oh my gosh. oh, it's working. what does this know? they're just popping on my room dog, right? yes. nikki gets the hit. oh my god. i think my sound is canceled for now

not with the mum in the room. oh my god. okay. no we can control this tabitha. you might be playing with a frickin box of toys d:-right the hell now, clean them up! p: yep, right now, right now. d: bad tabitha. oh my god d: i am so glad that we can control her p: that doesn't look suspicious at all d: this, this is the most awkward moment of my entire life. p: i think she killed the mood! d: she's killed the mood. he's-he's going to get a veggie burger d: that's it, no, i'm sorry. i'm sorry. evan's like i've got some emails to check. p: oh my gosh. p: wow. p: let's try that next time d: i forgot how awkward it is being a teenager (p: yep) sharing a room in a house with your family. d: i'm so sorry. i'm so sorry. i promise this room. it would be so much better. okay. bye

d: wow d: yikes. i mean it's a cool room, but you still got to play by the rules. (p: yip.) it's not your own house yet. d: one day dab, (both: one day.) all right. there we go. d: that's the end, we'll send him to bed. wot? p: butwaitfsndnvskwhatabouthetransformationoftheday d: oh for god's sa- okay fine, fine. p: quickly, quickly, quickly. d: why don't we, transform the tent. "woohoo with.."? no! p: yes! no! (both: transform.) d: are you ready guys? p: the transformation of the evening is.. d: dab, i'm sorry if this explodes your bedroom that you just got made over. here we goooo, it is aaaa.. p: what is that? a boxing thing! d: it's a punching bag. p: that's cool. d: wow. i feel like that should go in dab's

d:-room. p: i think it should! d: ooooh p: dil's in the leathers. sorry, son daddy's here and he means business d: here we go. well, i feel like dab has probably had enough embarrassment to last him for literally about three centuries now p: yep d: perfectly encapsulated with dil boxing,(p: of course!) in front of the neighbors. and that seems like a good time to stop today. (p: it does) p: so if you enjoyed this and you enjoyed dab's new room, d: if you enjoyed our extreme teen makeover, (both: give us a thumbs up!) p: you can subscribe to our channel. d: subscribe for more architecture, interior design and lifestyle romance content. on danandphilgames! p: check out our last video p: have a good day. d: and don't do anything with your mother in the room


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