home decorating ideas pier one

home decorating ideas pier one

the three of us are getting ready to go to the pumpkin patch. yeah say "hi" honey. "hello" before we head to the pumpkin patch we thought we would share with you our fall decorations. many of you were interested and requested this video so we want to share it with you as well. when a woman decorates the house i feel it really creates a warm festive feeling in the home. that's why i love when nara decorates the house. your daddy almost got him in trouble. saying the wrong thing right? okay, then let's start from our front door. for the fall and winter seasons i like to hang a wreath on our front door. this is our fall wreath.

this is what it looks like. it has really nice white sunflowers, fall leaves and... okay let's go inside nara. so that is that. nara, did you throw mommy's eyelash case? why did you do that honey? we don't do that. you're going to mess up mommy's nice lashes. don't do that okay honey. let's put it back okay. please! nara put it back honey. ahhhhh......spider....eeee.

spider is going to eat you! okay give it to me okay. nara keeps..the child safety locks temuujin installed isn't working. okay that is this corner. we have a mirror over here. this is what it looks like. we got this from an antique store about 2 years ago. we had this mirror before you were born. yeah, hello!

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