design your bedroom tool

design your bedroom tool

when it comes to closet design, there arethree approaches to consider: do-it-yourself, let closetmaid help or hire the pros. you can find out more information about each approach at but, let's assume you're a dedicated "diyer." looking for a few quick tips to get your design off on the right foot. it all starts with measuring your closetspace. but, what exactly should you measure? it's simple. 1. your closet's height from floor toceiling. 2. the length of its usable wall space.

3. the depth of space for both standardreach-in and walk-in closets. these three measurements are critical as they will impact the depth of theshelving you can use, the amount to shelving in hardware you'll need, and what options you'll be able to addto a basic configuration. the only things you'll need to getaccurate measurements are: a retractable measuring tape, a notepad and a pencil. keep in mind, it's nice to have help to assist with longer measurements. common top shelf heights as measured from the floor

range from 70 inches for long hanging space and 84 inches and 42 inches, for double or short hanging configurations. here some other quick design tips formaximizing your closet space. if you have high ceilings, install oneshelf at 85 and a half inches that runs the entire perimeter in yourcloset. that easy addition allows you tomaximize the storage potential of your space and to take full advantage of your space,consider a double hang installation if your wardrobe consists primarily ofskirts slacks, blouses and shirts, this setuplives up to its name by literally

doubling your hanging space. by placing one all-purpose shelf at85 and a half inches and another at 42 inches, you not onlymaximize our closet capacity, you build in a whole lot of convenience. for long hang space, while it may be tempting to set it higher on the wall, a 70 inch height, makes sure you'll beable to comfortably access even the heaviest coats and clothing. and don't forget the floor isn't the best place for shoes anymore. a convenient shoe shelf makes matching footwear to fashion

all the easier and gives your closet atouch of practical luxury. for more about closet design and thethree easy ways you can make the most of every closet in your home, visit for more closetmaid quicktips, visit

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