home decorating ideas mirrors
(upbeat music) - [narrator] hey guys,welcome back to the channel. it's tresha and i'mgoing to show you quickly how you can transformclothespins from the dollar tree into a beautiful work of art. you will need to grab threepacks of the clothespins in order to make one of them. in addition to theclothespins you will also need a four inch, eight inch and12 inch embroidery hoop.
in preparation you want to unscrew each of the embroidery hoops and separate them. oh, and don't forget to hitthe like button and share this video with others. the first step is to add theclothespins to the small hoop. i added 20 clothespins to mine. the next step is to addwood glue to the tips. the wood glue that i'musing is called rapidfuse and it's specifically for wood.
the great thing aboutthis glue is that it sets in 30 seconds and cures in30 minutes, but you can use any wood glue of yourchoice, totally up to you. now, we are ready to attachit to the medium hoop. simply place it on top. i'm making sure myclothespins are pressed down as well as, i have itcentered in the middle of the medium hoop. be sure to let it dryfor a couple of minutes
before moving on to the next step. now, we're ready to addclothespins to the medium hoop. simply place a clothespin inthe middle of the clothespins you have on top. next, we're going to flip itover and add glue to the tips. before the glue dries,make sure you flip it over and attach it to the large hoop. now, it's time to add more clothespins. but, this time we're goingto add two in between
the other clothespins. now, i'm just gonna flip it back over. this step is optional. i decided to add wireto ensure that the hoops stay securely together. the wire is somethingelse that i purchased at the dollar tree, soall you gonna do is just feed the wire throughand just tie it together and then just snip the ends off.
another idea is to add amirror to the face of it if you would like, butfor me, i decided to leave it off this time. for me, i decided to addcolor to it, so first i'm going to add a primer. i decided to use the kilz odorless primer. it fills in the wood grains. it helps the paint to adhere to the wood and it reduces the amountof paint that i use.
you wanna do this to thefront and back of the piece. and then, after it dries,you want to spray paint and i use this rust-oleumsilver metallic spray paint and it was only like$2.98, but you can also use any spray paint of yourchoosing, totally up to you. once you're finishedjust let it dry and then hang it on the wall. guys, i can't believeclothespins can be so beautiful. don't you agree?
(soft upbeat music) thanks guys for watching. if you like this videoand would like to see more please give it a thumbs up and subscribe. it's free. also, let's connect on instagram. i'm @designsbytresha. i would love to shareyour work, so tag me. and, i'm on facebook now@imtreshaja, where i give
commentary on my videos andshare other ideas with you.