kitchen design images with price

cheap kitchen cabinet doors | save over 50%off retail this video will show you how to save 50% offthe cost of new kitchen cabinet doors. the secret to saving 50% is not what kindof custom cabinet doors you buy, but where you buy those cabinet doors. here is a comparison of the differences inprices that is almost shocking. this example will use one of the lowest costcabinet doors sold by the big-box chain stores in the united states. the adobe door is an inset panel 5-piece cabinetdoor. it is the highest volume, lowest priced cabinetdoor sold by national hardware stores.
the adobe door sold unfinished and in a paint-gradewood is priced by the big-box stores at between $22 and $30 per square foot. this price is typical for this low price doorand other hardware chains have similar prices. but everybody knows the big-box stores havelow prices, so how is it possible to save 50%? the answer hides under the retail store coststructures. here is an explanation that demonstrates thecosts of retail stores and how they inflate the prices you've always paid. retail stores don't manufacture anything;they buy everything they sell from the actual
manufacturer. as soon as the retailer places his order theprice inflation starts, and each step through the retail chain adds to this price inflation. the retailer buys from the manufacturer andships the cabinet doors to one of his regional warehouses. these warehouses have costs like mortgages,salaries, insurance, utilities, and upkeep. and, all these costs will eventually be addedto the retail price. next the cabinet doors are shipped from aregional warehouse to the individual retail stores where even more costs are added.
costs like, sales staff salaries, advertising,mortgages, utilities, insurance, sales taxes, and store profit. now you can start to see how a retail chaincan have a small profit margin of under 5% while charging you double what they pay forthe products you buy. you have always been paying those retail chainexpenses, and you always will when you buy retail. but the internet is starting to make the actualmanufacturer visible so homeowners can actually find them. here is a quick look at how you can beat theretail price of $22 to $30 per square foot
for the adobe door. we'll select our cope & stick inset paneldoors category. now we'll click on the picture of our adobecabinet door. next we'll select paint grade for the woodtype and enter a size of 12-inches for width and 12-inches for height. our price for that cabinet door is shown andit's half the big-box price. western cabinet doors incorporated is oneof the largest cabinet door manufacturers in the country and we offer our lines of unfinishedcabinet doors online. the national hardware retailers will stillsell the doors we make and many retail websites
will still offer our doors, but now you havethe choice of buying direct. the internet has given us a choice never availablebefore. we can buy retail, like we always have, orwe can buy directly from the factory. the quality and workmanship are the same;the doors may even come from the same factory. the difference will be whether you are payingfor the retail price inflation or avoiding the inflation and buying from the manufacturer.