kitchen designs white cabinets wood floors

kitchen designs white cabinets wood floors

ok so today i will be painting mykitchen cabinets and i will be using the rust-oleum cabinet transformationscabinet coding system and the reason why i chose to do this is because i did not want to sand. we've been in this house for five years and this is what mycabinets look like now and i have stuff there on the bottom andso i'm we're just going to get right to it so first off and i did this last night iwashed with soapy water the cabinets that are directly over thestove because when you're cooking it leaves a film in the kit says you wantto make sure that they're nice and clean

so before you do the deglossingstep which is actually the first step you know it'll help so yeah so i'm going to do a before andyou know what normally i'll say this normally people imean they do advise you to do is take all your stuff out of the cabinets and istarted with that was like you know what i don't think so so this is what i'mgoing to attempt to do this with things in my cabinet going to be very carefulif i see that it's not going to work then but yeah we have stuff everywhere

so anyways i'm going to see if i can dothis the most time time and cost efficient way so let's do it from here so this is thebefore...let me close these cabinets this is the before hopefully the after we look pretty good and so first off you want to clear spacei've seen some people use the garage but it's entirely too hot here in texas soi'm going to be doing the top cabinets i'm gonna be doing these in sections, since i'm doing it myself so what i've done is i've basicallyblocked my kids in with my hubby over there

and i have two tables that i canutilize after i clear them off and then this space on the floor that i'll beputting the cabinets on to dry and coat and dry you know so first things first i'm going to goahead and remove the cabinet doors and i will show you you want to number each cabinet and with any hardware that comes off the cabinet i'm going to put it in the correspondingnumber so here we go ok so here we just went ahead and numbereach cabinet door that we removed and we already began to take off the hardware

so again it's real important that younumber your cabinets and put any hardware coming off of each door into acorresponding remember that yeah we're just going tocontinue taking off the hardware placing it in the corresponding bag and and also you want to make sure when youstart painting or deglossing or whatever i start with the backside first thatwhen you're drying eventually the last step of drying willbe your what

what's facing outward where people willbe just in case you damage it you know you want to start with thebackside they're here i'm just showing you all the cabinet doors on the top areremoved first you want to scrub off the cabinetfinish with the deglosser and this is what comes in the rust oleum at it andit also must step 1 it also comes with i guess the greenscrub pad in the kits so next you are going to wipe the surface with a damp cloth just remove the deglosser we do degloss you want to make sure you apply a lot of pressure you want to make sure the finish comes off

ok so next one with the lint free clothyou want to dry it off ok so this step i kind of got creativeand used of my resources pulled some resources that i already had around thehouse and to prop up each cabinet door to properly dry on each side we are going to use our mega lego blocksthat my kids use and they work perfect so yeah we just kind of did like athree-point support with the legos and voila there you have it a perfect way to propup your doors to let them dry ok back to work the next we're going tostart with step 2 i'm using a

two-and-a-half-inch paint brush which iswhat is recommended with this kit and we are going to start painting on the bondcoat which is actually the color the pure white color so here we go ok so i'm going to show you afterputting on several coats of the bond coating with the paintbrush it kind of leaves like this streakyfinish here's a better view of what i'm talkingabout and i just didn't like it i don't likethe way it went on so i went and bought

paint a semi gloss paint it's a paint and primer and bought apaint roller of a four inch little paint roller i went ahead and flipped over the cabinetdoors we're going to start on the front side here we are as you can tell it's a lotsmoother the finish is not streaky here's a closer look and yeah so itworks so you know the kit was a great idea if you don't want tosand you know you don't want to sand off the finish because that can be verytime consuming and tedious but i just

was not content with the paint so youknow i adjusted my project and that's ok because it's still well within my budgetand i'm just going to go and show that how we finish the frame on top ok so here's my cute little helper fortoday this is day three and we are working on finally the bottom half of the kitchencabinet and here i just wanted to give you a close-up look of how much betterthe paint goes on with the paint roller i also wanted to show you that i'm usinga small sponge brush and this came really handy in getting the littlecrevices of the cabinet trim and as you

can see it goes on really well with thislittle sponge brush and it also helps with any like paint drips so that's something else you mightconsider if you're going to be painting your kitchen cabinet ok ok before the big reveal here is thebefore and tada this is the after and i absolutely loveit and again i did use the transformationkit but i did not really use the last step of it and i went ahead and boughtmy own paint and i'm happy that i did i

am content with the outcome i do hope that you find this videohelpful if you're trying to do you know a cabinet transformation within a budget this whole thing cost me less than ahundred and twenty bucks and i not one hundred a hundred because the the extra moneycame from buying that bucket of paint so i hope you find this video helpfuland thanks for watching

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