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kitchen interior design calicut

interviewer: what would you say is your, um, cinematic inspiration? aislin: mm-hmm my inspiration. okay, noir is like, my go-to genre *laughs* because who doesn't like noir *laughs* like, gosh damn

but, yeah, even like- films that like- they can lack in content but i can still appreciate them if they have really great production design *laughs* like, um, atomic blonde, i don't know if you've seen it? [i have not] not? yeah. yeah, well, it's like- it has as some faults, shall we say. but like the production design is amazing and same as, like, the lighting and everything just works really well, like, it has a really succinct style. i really like things like darjeeling limited or even like moonrise kingdom, like, you- you know what they look like.

like, there's, you know, just specific shots, obviously, that are, like, classic to that film but there's also like- they kind of sum up the feeling of that, and that's all linked into the production design and i think, like, films and tv shows and things that i really like or that i'm, like, strongly drawn to are like- when those themes are really present in the design of the thing? yeah, that's- that's my thing. kezia: stuff that is, like, really visually rich, i really love, but also stories that challenge specific conventions that we're used to. like, everyone loves like- ok so they sort of build up the three-act structure but when someone, like, inverts it, or really intricately weaves different things into it?

like a motif into it or something, i just- i dunno, i really love stuff like that? i don't know, just whenever anyone tries something different, i just- it's just always admirable to me. i really like the dark knight trilogy i think that's like the epitome of like- i sound so cliche, but they're just amazing films. and i really like a lot of david fincher films, like the social network is probably my favourite of his, even though it's, like, probably not his most loved film? the prestige is another good christopher nolan *laughs* i'm just gonna list his entire filmography um but also stuff like back to the future? it's kind of cheesy, but i love it so much, it's so like- the jokes are so well-integrated

rashmi: my cinematic inspiration comes from everywhere except film, because i don't watch a lot of films but i watch a lot of music videos, i watch a lot of video essays and um, trailers? i watch a lot of documentaries, and i read a lot of nonfiction, which is very strange because i want to make fictional stories, but that's what i end up doing. i think cinematic inspiration can be anything that makes you think outside of the norm so everything about my world makes me do that. i don't know i get it from everywhere and i really like symbolism and semiotics and things in- in films, so i end up watching, like i said, a lot of video essays, and that's kind of- kind of more interesting to me, sometimes, than just watching the film is watching the video essay and sometimes i've gone back and watched

the movie, like recently i've started reading screenplays, so i read the screenplay for coco and it made me cry. so i really should go and see the movie because it'll make me cry legitimate rivers of tears. freya: *laughs* um, okay, well i think, in part, i have a weakness for a- a specific kind of type of aesthetically pleasing cinematography. *laughs* um, so i really like the cinematography in her and i really like the cinematography and the tone of where the wild things are and broadchurch and the perks of being a wallflower.

um, but i also take a lot of inspiration from interesting stories. interesting stories and well-written scripts. i'm also really inspired by very, kind of, //real// movies or very- i don't know i guess more gritty, less stylised, or less, you know, obviously stylised films. and i definitely lean more towards dark stories, um, and deeper stories and slightly unsettling stories uh, as opposed to kinda light, happy ones. or if they're light and happy they have to have, like, flawed

perspective or flawed characters or something to just cut through the fluff. conversely to that, i'm also a real big fan of surrealism and absurdism.

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