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how much weight can you lose in a week?hi, my name is heather and in this video i will show you how to lose weight fast forwomen and exactly how to lose 5 pounds in a week and the diet plan to follow, so forthe next few minutes stop everything you're doing, turn off your phone or any distractions,and watch my video all the way to the end, because i will teach you the exact steps totake and answer the question how much weight can you lose in a week?if you are a woman and you want to lose weight fast,if lately you haven't lost any weighteven though you eat healthy and exercise, i promise you that by the end of this video,you will know exactly the diet plan - what you must eat and what exercises to do in orderto lose 5 pounds in a week or over the next

7 days and how much weight can you lose ina week? now, if you want to lose 10 pounds in a week,i don't say that it will be impossible, but because the weight loss routine that i willshare with you, has had fantastic results with hundreds of women, and they all lostat least 5 pounds in a week, i am sure that it will work for you too.. before i'll teach you how to lose weight fastfor women, i want to tell you a few things about me. you see, even though right now i am skinnyand fit, i was not always like that. in fact, a while ago, because i didn't eat healthyand i was not very active, i was really fat.

i was almost 90 pounds overweight. this wasme . and even though i was always tired and myankles were in constant pain because of my weight, and none of my clothes used to fitme, i never felt like it was time to start losing weight. but at one family reunion, something happenedthat made me feel so embarrassed about my body... a nephew of mine, which i hadn't seenin 2 years, asked me aunt heather, what has happened to you? you are so fat and ugly!i never felt so embarrassed in my entire life, because all my family heard that, my husband..... i knew i was fat .... but i didn't think everybodynoticed it.

slowly my confidence got really low. i startedhaving problems in my marriage. i felt like my husband isn't interested about me anymore,that he is looking at other women, and even though those thoughts were mostly in my mind,they made me really frustrated. so i started eating smaller meals, killedmyself in the gym and even starved myself many times, but somehow i didn't lose anyweight. in 6 months i only lost 7 pounds. .... i didn't know anything about how to loseweight fast for women. you see, i really wanted to be sexy again,but i couldn't even wear shorts because i was so fat and my thighs were so big. i gotto a point where i was even ashamed to go out of the house. then i found out that myblood sugar level was higher than normal,

so i started to worry about my health. everymorning i used to be depressed when i looked in the mirror.... i didn't even want to goon vacation because i was so ashamed of the way i looked. but you know something. i didn't quit. i wantedto learn how to lose weight fast for women, so i searched until i found a great weightloss system for women, i created my own weight loss routine, constantly exercised and ateright, and in 5 months i lost 70 pounds. as you can see i completely transformed mybody! losing weight fast with the best diet plan was not that difficult after, how much weight can you lose in a week? believe me, even though i had to work forit, it was all worth it. my life is simply

perfect right now, i am so healthy, full ofenergy, i feel so sexy, my husband is simply crazy about me and even women are admiringme when i am at the beach or just walking on the streets. because of all these, i started to be reallyinterested in the topic of weight loss and women's health, i read so many books and wentto a few seminars, and i truly consider myself an expert in fat loss for women, and alreadyhundreds of women have followed my tips and lost weight, became healthier and sexier. so, as promised, here's how to lose weightfast, and how to lose 5 pounds in 1 week - only fat, not muscle. again, 5 pounds of fat, notjust simple weight, which can easily be body

mass. you see, nowadays, almost nobody counts calories,but i am old fashioned, and in order to lose weight fast, here are 2 basic principles tofollow. reduce your calorie intake, anddouble your burnings, by boosting your metabolisms and build muscles. .... it is that easy, andthe more you can do this, the faster you will lose weight here's what you must do over the next 7 days in order to achieve it and lose weightin a week: drink at least 3 liters of lemon water eachday. this will really speed up your metabolism and clean all your body of a 40 minute workout each morning. you should

combine exercises like squats, lunges, pushupsor jumping jacks, with cardio. you can start with the exercises for 15 minutes, and thendo 25 minutes of cardio, once your muscles were pumped up already. and it doesn't matterhow unfit you are right now, you can start walking or run with a speed of only 5 milesper hour or swim. consume 1000 calories per day, and make surethat everything you eat are only fibers, lots of fresh veggies and protein. also, stay awayfrom bad foods! in fact, if you click the link below the video, you will get for free,the exact meal plan for 7 days. i personally created this best diet plan, so that yourbody gets a lot of nutrients, proteins, vitamins and energy, and you'll burn another workout in the afternoon or evening

for 40 minutes. but this time, do weight lifting,but do an intense workout. lots of repeats, and small breaks. this is the key for howto lose weight in a week for women. stay active! smile a lot, and no matter what,be positive! walk to work, climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator, wash the dishesinstead of using your washing machine, take your kids for a walk. you see, normally yourbody burns about 1600 calories per day for it's daily activities, but if you follow allthe previous tips and you stay active, your body will need about 2500 calories per day.and when you add the calories you burn through your 2 daily workouts, you'll burn a lot offat. i have a great video for you, for free, andit will teach you exactly how to boost your

metabolism with 52 %. just click the linkbelow the video to watch it, because you can even eat bad foods, like pizza or chocolate,and still lose weight quickly and lose 5 pounds in a week.and because i really want to help you lose weight fast, i will also give you for free,the best diet plan and exercise routine i followed for 5 months, and a list with allthe mistakes i did in the process, so you can avoid them. also, for free, a great ebook called the no.1 metabolism boosting tip for women and since you surely have stretch marks, also for free,another ebook: 9 secret tricks to get rid of stretch marks at home.

so, i hope you know how much weight can youlose in a week and if you want to lose weight quickly, you must start tomorrow morning!right now, click the link below the video, to get for free,- the video, to learn how to boost your metabolism with 52 %- the 1000 calories per day diet plan for the next 7 days,- the fat loss routine i followed for 5 months, - my mistakes and the 2 books.again, click the link below right now, get your free stuff, make a plan today and starttomorrow morning and soon you'll get back to wearing your skinny jeans!

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