living room furniture designs in sri lanka

living room furniture designs in sri lanka

hello and welcome to the style series colorclash. we are examining current color combinationmyths and exposing them for the falsities that they are. so if you've seen previous videos, you'veprobably been shocked to some of the color combinations we have done and we are goingto continue on that trend with this current video. so this week we're going to be looking atorange and a color combination that if i were to say it aloud to you, it would probablymake you think ronald mcdonald and ask, oh he's designing clothes now; but in actualityit's a great color combination it's extra

chic. so let's start and take a look. so most people know that you can wear orangewith white but can you also wear it with red? i told you if i were just to say orange andred, you would think ronald mcdonald, but in actuality there's a very chic way to dothis. so let's look at an actual outfit. so we have this absolutely gorgeous orangedress, it makes me want to cry when i look at it, it's so beautiful. so we have option one, white accessories justa simple white clutch purse and a pair of

white heels and then we have option two whichis a red clutch and a pair of red heels, similar styles just different colors. so which one actually will create a more strikingoutfit, you can probably tell just by looking on screen which one just like pops of thescreen at you, but in case you haven't figured it out, you can also go to the facebook pageand actually see which color combination goes best and also see some other outfits createdwith that same color combination. so you can just click on the link for thecolor clash photo album and you can see all the past outfits that have been put togetherfor the past videos, as well as outfit options for this color combination.

while you're there on facebook just go aheadand hit the like button, i am actually giving away free goodies to people that like thepage; we're trying to build our social media presence. so the best way to do that is to give awayfree stuff, people like free stuff. so while you're there, just hit the like buttonand sometimes it's hard to trace people to their exact facebook profile, so if you haven'theard from us in about a week, it's fine just email us and say "hey! i liked the page, i want my free stuff," nota problem, just go ahead and do it, ok. and as usual if you're really seriously aboutgetting your style together this year, you

want a ton of compliments, you're ready toget it together, the best answer for that is going to be style recipe cards and to findout what those are about, just visit our next video is actually going to be thelast one of the series, and we are going to go with blue goes with what? so it’s last video and hopefully at theend of it you'll have some great color combinations to put together and all of your co-workersand friends will be like, "why are you all of a sudden dressing better?" that's the goal of this series and hopefullyyou can make more use, set up your wardrobe. so as usual thank you so much for listening.

i hope you guys have a great day and checkus out on facebook. there's a lot going on up there and a lotof great free information. have a great day. bye.

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