i'm going to show you how to install an acrylicsplashback. tools you need are your safety equipment,power tools, clamp, masking tape, tape measure, silicon, level or straight edge, a good longbench, and of course an acrylic splashback. splashbacks are important in your kitchenbecause they help to protect your wall from all sorts of things. they are also a greatway to finish off your kitchen. the first thing we do is, measure up the space.i'm measuring the length and the height of the splashback before i make the cuts. nowi've got the measurements, i'll go and transfer them to the acrylic splashback. i've measuredthis splashback and worked out that it's not quite long enough to be one whole piece. iwill now have to work out exactly where the

join can go and that is a very easy process. what i'm going to do now, is put the maskingtape on where i have to cut. i've used the masking tape on the splashback to stop itchipping when you're making the cut. now i'm going to mark out on the masking tape wherethe cut will go. the first cut i am going to do, is an oversize cut because you go tocut it exactly two size first time with a large off-cut it will crack and damage thepiece required. once i've made that first cut, i will then cut again to ride on theline to make sure it's a neat cut. now i'm putting the clamps on so that the piece doesn'tmove while making the final cut. now i've cut the length to size, it's is now time tocut the height. we can do that the same process

as we did the first cut. now time to mark out the power points. i'venow taken the center point for the power points. i'm now going to measure the width and theheight that the power points needs to be fitted into. now i'm going to transfer the measurementsonto the front of the splashback. i prefer to do it on the front so that it's less chanceof splintering and you got more control by the way you are doing the cut. so now i'mgoing to drill some holes in where the cut outs are going to be then i'll grab my jigsawand do an accurate cut. now we're going to check the that the power points are spot onand then we'll fix this splashback to the wall.

now i know everything's correct, i'm gonnapeel back the plastic off the back and put some silicon on and fix it into place. we'vehad our electrician out. we know the cables are not live so therefore, we're safe to putthis splashback up. we've just used some tile packers to pack it up off the bench in caseyou want to change your bench top at another time. we now repeat the process on the otherside where we've got join. so we've put the pieces up, push it tightso that the joins fits nicely. make sure it is nice and level and there's no silicon protrudingout of the join. leave it for a good 24 hours then you can remove the plastic film. youthen fit your power points and just give it a nice clean and tidy up. it's a great wayto make your kitchen look fresh and new.

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