69 fabulous gray living room designs to inspire you

69 fabulous gray living room designs to inspire you

matt: welcome to tonight's episode of criticalrole, where a bunch of us nerdy-ass voice actors sit around and play dungeons and dragons!tonight's going to be an interesting episode, but before we get to that, a couple of quickannouncements and a couple of cool things we wanted to show you. one, our friend of the show, kiki,who we saw previously made the awesome fenthras bow replica for laura over there recently decidedto go ahead and also create cabal's ruin. taliesin, do you want to come over here and trythis on? taliesin: no, i'm getting into that. marisha: it is on your body. matt: come attune to this shit, boy!

marisha: go sit in the corner with it for 30minutes. liam: put it on. oh my god. travis: stand in front of this table. stand infront of this camera. no one can see you over there. why are yougetting totally naked? liam: it looks just like tom cruise's! travis: stand over here! matt: go over there. taliesin: where? travis: in front of the table, you dicklord! yes!

sam: someone get a camera on this guy. taliesin: i don't know which camera is-- travis: put your butt against this table! kneeldown, taliesin! marisha: taliesin, you work in film and tv. youknow how this works! get behind where we are. laura: no, he wants to be right there. taliesin: i know. (laughs) liam: oh my goodness. taliesin: our plan's going to go sowell. matt: and she also made a fantastic replica ofwhisper, the blade that was previously attuned by

our dear rogue. will you pass that over to liam? travis: and will you hold up that mini? laura: you get to have that because you took twovestiges. travis: this amazing mini was done by ericblumkiss-- i'm sure i'm messing up the name-- from sweden. it's an incredible grog mini that's sodetailed and amazing, and i had to have it, so i promised our firstborn child to him. laura: oh, good times. matt: that might make an appearance tonight as aproxy grog for battle. taliesin: i would break everything on the way backhere.

matt: and also, since it was recently sam'sbirthday. sam: what? a present for me? on stream? matt: it's from me and marisha. taliesin: happy pineapple day. sam: oh, this is so exciting. what did i get? it'sa great gift! shirt-ception! marisha: yay! sam: part four! marisha: must keep it going! sam: (yells) oh man! this is the best gift! it'sthe gift that keeps giving.

travis: the four of them stacked are prettyfucking incredible. marisha: i know, i think you've aged through theprocess. sam: yeah. i'm going to take a picture of me.someone can put that on a shirt. oh man, this is amazing. matt: we are slowly folding into infinity. sam'sshirts will be the end of all existence. sam: that's so great. that's my favorite gift i'veever gotten. liam: that's what's inside the black spinning marbleunderneath whitestone. sam: oh man. thank you, guys. that's so sweet. matt: happy birthday, sam.

marisha: so sweet. matt: all right, announcements for the evening.first off, our fantastic sponsor loot crate is back. sam, do you have anything? sam: i prepared a history lesson tonight. it's ahistory of crates. ancient greece: zeus presents a lovely crate to the first woman on earth, a lovelygal named pandora. it contained death and evil, corrupted the world forevermore. egypt: 1957, the ark of the covenant-- sort of acrate; it carried the ten commandments-- is opened by colonel dietrich and dr. rene belloq. ghostsfly out, and it melts the faces of several nazis, while indiana jones hides his face.

los angeles, california, 1995: rookie detectivedavid mills, played by brad pitt, receives a cardboard crate from murder suspect john doe! itcontains the head of his girlfriend, gwyneth paltrow. your town, present day: you receive a small,expertly constructed crate that contains geek chic gear and apparel from the walking dead, nightmareon elm street, friday the 13th, texas chainsaw massacre, and halloween! now, which would yourather get? the ark of the covenant? pandora's box? a box with gwyneth paltrow's head in it? or aloot crate, which you can use code criticalrole to get 10% off your monthly crate. guys, ithink there's only one choice. marisha: that might be my favorite one. that mightbe my favorite one you've done. that was good.

liam: we've got to slow you down or loot crate isgoing to poach you for ads. sam: that would be fine! i would much rather dothese! i would do these for money every day! (laughter) matt: curses! thank you, sam. and thank you,loot crate. head up: me and taliesin will be flying out tomorrow to be attending a convention thisweekend called another anime convention. another anime con is in new hampshire-- liam: florida. marisha: boston. matt: no! i looked it up.

marisha: you're not sure. matt: (giggles) we'll be doing panels and signingsand all kinds of other fun stuff this weekend, so please come and say hi, ask questions, bringthings to get signed. come meet us; we would love to see you. it'll be a lot of fun. also, marisha,you have a new signal boost run coming up you want to talk about? marisha: oh yes! we're doing a halloween specialedition. two runs, starting tuesday, and we're bringing back all the hosts! taliesin and i arethe first episode, and i know you guys love us, so for everyone who's like, "i'm not watching anymorebecause taliesin's not the host anymore!" now you should watch again.

taliesin: i'm back. what are you going to do? marisha: you're good at the spooky stuff. youbasically built our list. it was amazing. it's all good stuff. matt: liam, you had a new project you want to talkabout, as well? liam: yes. i am continuing to be doctor strange invarious marvel animated things, and on digital hd, they've got a new animated feature called marvel'shulk: where monsters dwell, and i am still the sorcerer supreme, where i say things like "eye oftamagotchi" and "sphere of esperanto" and other such spells. check it out. laura: i'm in that.

liam: are you? laura: i'm in that with you. liam: can you say who you are? who are you? travis: how about no. probably not. matt: the glory hosts of hogwarts. laura: you'll hear me. liam: my name was in a press release. laura willplay some confident kickass someone or other. like you do. laura: whoa, that was double ones!

matt: good, you got them out of the way! stoprolling, laura. save it for the battle. sam: battle? wait, we're going to battle? travis: yeah, rap-battle. matt: i guess it depends. all right, so! now thatour announcements are out of the way, tension builds-- laura: no! gears of war came out this week! matt: let's go ahead and dive into tonight'sepisode of critical role. [dramatic music] matt: and welcome back. so! picking up where weleft off, vox machina, in their journey to destroy

the chroma conclave, a gathering of chromaticdragons that have torn through the tal'dorei countryside and taken up residence and calling ittheir domain, they've defeated umbrasyl. they have their sights set on the next series of dragons. inthe process of setting up a timeline in which they had to bait the white dragon vorugal in the ravineoutside of the ruins of draconia, hopefully to jump on and destroy the dragon. they were approached in whitestone by anindividual that apparently was not seeker assum, an ally of theirs from long ago. instead it wasone of the dragons of the conclave: raishan, the green dragon, who had come to parley and actuallyoffer an alliance, seemingly unhappy with the current set of rules and lack of interest fromthordak in making up his side of the bargain which

was struck. raishan has asked for your aid indestroying the swollen, dangerous red dragon. you guys asked, as a showing of faith, to have raishancome with you to the ruins of draconia, gather the ravenites, and destroy vorugal alongside you. assuch, you gathered lady kima as an ally in this endeavor. you transported yourselves to the snow-and ice-covered ravine. just now have taken up in scanlan's magnificent mansion, and are laying downfor an evening's rest. so. as you guys wake up the next morning, or before you do-- laura: no. sam and marisha: we don't sleep? sam: why're you waking me up?

laura: because i was thinking, maybe it's a badidea to go jumping into this tomorrow. don't you think maybe we should wait a day? sam: sure? laura: i mean, we could watch vorugal, see what'sgoing on, see what his behavior is, and also prepare a little bit more with the ravenites. but,that happening, you might have to inform them that he's not actually going to have a-- sam: an attack? laura: tomorrow. sam: but we literally just got back from tellingthem to be ready to move tomorrow morning.

laura: i know. marisha: percy, how are you feeling? you know, heseems all right. laura: no, he would have extra day to recover!percy's not himself yet. taliesin: i am sleeping in the corner, i would assume. travis: he does look a little weak, even for hisstandards. marisha: a little pale. laura: i just don't think it's the best idea tojump into this. travis: (burps loudly) sam: so we have to go back and tell them--

liam: literally just got back. sam: and they were pissed. they were super pissedthat we were there. we could go back. laura: do you go back in the morning or do you goback now? marisha: i feel like time is of the essence here.probably not best to wait until morning. sam: tooma is not going to be pleased. marisha: look, she already hates us. sam: that's true. travis: yeah. can't get any worse. liam: it could.

travis: what, we're freeing them from a dragon. weare bearers of good tidings. marisha: are we? travis: yeah! marisha: (groans) travis: now do we totally trust tooma and theravenites? do we want to give her all the details or just that we're going to be checking it out forone day more before we ring the dinner bell? sam: what are the details? travis: well, if we have an extra day, what doesthat get us? marisha: we can maybe try and get pike.

travis: ooh. marisha: gives us an extra day for pike. travis: how do we do that? sam: i don't know. marisha: i can go get her, theoretically, if wehave an extra day. travis: which i think we do. but i think we needyou here, right? marisha: she does have the stone, right? she doeshave the stone? i think she has the stone. laura: yeah, she has the stone. marisha: okay.

travis: we're going to be setting a trap, right? laura: yes. travis: so maybe we make that trap more better? laura: what exactly did you tell tooma was goingto happen? sam: be ready to attack tomorrow morning. we'regoing to deliver a giant beast for the dragon to hunt, and that her people should be ready tostrike. that's it. laura: did you tell her to tell vorugal anythingin particular? liam: no, but we don't know if she has or not.they've got their necks on the line. i know they're not to be trusted, but they're in aprecarious position, as well.

marisha: well, we don't want to necessarily havethem jump in right away. we want them to set vorugal on yenk, correct? laura: yes. shouldn't she inform vorugal that themonster is coming? marisha: glorified messengers at this point. travis: who's yenk? laura: the big monster that we're setting forhim. marisha: the goristro. travis: what's that? he's like a ram? laura: yeah, a giant ram. haven't you seen thepicture? did you see the picture?

travis: no. i'm the only one that reallyappreciates pictures, and i haven't seen it. marisha: oh, that's unfortunate. laura: i'll go grab the book from percy as he'ssleeping. taliesin: roll for it! sam: you don't get to say roll! laura: you don't get to say roll for it! liam: i've said that, and he's ignored me, so youdon't get to say shit! taliesin: matt! dad, make her roll for it! matt: for?

laura: i'm just trying the big book of beasts awayfrom percy as he's sleeping. sam: he's not sleeping on it, is he? taliesin: it's in my possession. matt: make a perception check with disadvantage. taliesin: all right. that'll do. travis: say it so confidently. laura: subtract some, because you're still reallytired from being dead! taliesin: that's disadvantage. matt: and minus two on both of these rolls.

taliesin: oh, and minus two. that's 14. matt: yeah, she slips it off you. taliesin: okay. matt: this is what you see. laura: that's what we see, grog! travis: wait. is that like this, is it like me? sam: we don't know! we haven't seen this thing. matt: it's clustered around a bunch of other art piecesof other demonic-looking entities, and it is by and large about twice to four times the size ofanything else on the page depicted.

travis: that's really big. marisha: two grogs? is it like two grogs? matt: there's no picture of grog in there. youhave no sense of scale. sam: quick! draw a picture of grog, and then we'llknow. travis: i'll draw it full scale! i put my hand on thepage. laura: oh, he's tiny! travis: yeah, i think he's hand-held. maybe weneed like a few yenks. everyone can do with a few yenks. liam: jeez. we're all about to die tomorrow or theday after. travis: wait! vax and scanlan, when you're within,did you see vorugal in your travels?

sam: no, we kept out of sight in the caverns andvorugal we don't think saw us, but we also didn't see vorugal, either. travis: do you think you could replicate your path inthe daylight? laura: i think he would see them. what if youbecame a fly or something and flew down? would he notice you? sam: wouldn't see me. i don't want to speak forvax, but if we're going back tonight, you no longer have the ability to fly, is that true? butyou do, vexy? laura: i do. and i can speak draconic. sam: oh, yeah. well, that would've been helpfullast time, actually.

laura: sorry. i didn't think about that lasttime. sam: but yes, if i were a fly-- i assume any of uscan avoid his detection if we stay low and invisible. well, yes. laura: all right. sam: right? laura: can you make me invisible? marisha: i can't. he can. sam: i can make you invisible. travis: are we going to go now, or are we going inthe morning?

laura: we'll pop down tonight to talk to her onemore time. travis: all right. marisha: so you're telling them? laura: hold off a day. she's going to be sopissed. marisha: are we going to go back and see themagain? okay, we'll just say: next morning, then you go say, "hey, we got an awesome thing foryou." okay. travis: yeah. if we're summoning a few good yenks,do we have a spot that we want to say stay away from? marisha: well, they gave us a location of thestones. sam: she told us to release yenk--

travis: oh, on the summoning stones. sam: the summoning circle or something like that.all right? travis: i've got to go pee. liam: also, when we were there, we weren't allowedto bring any weapons in, so you're going to have to dump-- laura: nothing?! sam: i'm leaving mine in the mansion. laura: (groans) sam: bring something that you don't mind puttingdown.

liam: yeah, don't bring your best. laura: fenthras. sam: no, leave that at home. liam: i'll take it. i'm not going to use it; idon't know how! barely. woo-hoo! laura: now you've got three vestiges! should wego, then? can you make me invisible and we go? sam: i can make you invisible. you can fly us downthrough the cavern, but you're going to have to be super stealthy. laura: okay. i'm going to cast pass without atrace on us. sam: okay. don't know how that'll work if we'reflying, but okay. doesn't that cover our tracks?

oh, that's the stealth rolls thing? okay, good.wait, keyleth, will you hold onto my mythcarver sword for me? marisha: sure! sam: i can trust you. marisha: of course! (giggles) sam: oh boy. that's a big smile. marisha: you can trust me. sam: okay. don't kill anyone with it. matt: keyleth finally has a vestige.

marisha: i do! i was the last one, you guys! itfeels-- doesn't really feel like anything. laura: once you attune it to yourself-- marisha: sure. liam: scanlan feels the same way, don't youscanlan? sam: i feel nothing. sometimes i have to hold itwith my left hand so it feels different. marisha: i switch hands. marisha: still nothing. travis: when you call it the stranger-- matt: so as you cast pass without a trace onyourself and scanlan, the shadows of the mansion

cling to you a little darker, a little morecrushed. you wish to cast invisibility on vex, you said? sam: yes, i will use yet another 3rd-levelinvisibility spell to make us both invisible. matt: all right. you both jump onto the back of herbroom. laura: okay. matt: and just to double check here-- travis: the way he said that-- laura: no, he said it really terribly. matt: what do you mean? i didn't say anything! travis: you sure did.

laura: sure did! matt: i'll say technically you're carrying thebroom, so the broom will also be invisible. okay, so as you're holding the broom, you both leap ontoit, the two of you and the broom vanish, and you guys are free to exit the mansion at yourdisposal. sam: yeah, so we made a right here and left hereand right at the big rock. laura: is anybody going to keep track of us likeyou kept track of vex-- vax. i just called my brother me. i just did that. sam: vex is the girl one. vax is the boy. laura: is somebody going to be around in casesomething goes horribly wrong?

liam: i'll go with you if kiki wants to turn meinto a crow or a fly or something. i'll stay back and watch. laura: stay up like kiki did before. marisha: i mean i could do what i did before andfollow you as minxie. worked last time. i still have my one last shape, as well. sam: isn't minxie big and spottable? marisha: it's a mountain-based tiger. i'm a whitesnow tiger. sam: that's so hot. marisha: it's actually very cold in the mountains.that's why they have thick coats.

travis: you don't think vorugal is going to thinkthat's a midnight snack? marisha: who, me? travis: yeah, you. big white tiger? marisha: he didn't see me before. travis: oh okay. marisha: let me see something. hang on, becausethis'll tell me because polymorph-- you might go out of my range. is the only problem. sam: polymorph just lasts. wait, no. matt: nope, concentration.

sam: so he has to stay within range. marisha: range is 60 feet. matt: no, that's just to cast it. i'm pretty surehe can go off on his own as long as you maintain concentration. marisha: okay. can i? he can go. do you want togo? all right. what do you want to be? liam: something white. laura: something very small. like a moth, a whitemoth. sam: it's got to be something that can go as fast aswe're going. laura: he can sit on my shoulder. no?

liam: yeah, but then if you guys get fucked i'mdead, as well. laura: i'll just smack you and then you'll become youagain. liam: so it'll just be like every day. all right,yeah. marisha: it's true. laura: right? if i smack him, it's not going tokill him, he just turns back into-- sam: if he were a black crow or something he couldfly back on its own. a moth can't travel a mile. laura: make him a white crow. liam: yeah, can you make me an albino crow? marisha: sure! i don't see why not.

sam: with one yellow eye and one black eye. travis: oh get on with it, fuckers! marisha: i do that. with one yellow eye and oneblack eye. matt: all right. and as your form shifts to thefirst probably albino crow to wander the landscape here in wildemount, you are able to follow them,should you so chose. marisha: to match vex, i give him one little bluefeather, just off the side. little blue streak. liam: a little bit; this isn't percy's, but(caws). taliesin: (caws) laura: come on, let's go. come on.

sam: all right, let's go. matt: you guys make your way outside into theheavy snowfall, across the top of the ravine. you go ahead and make a survival check to try andfollow the tracks of minxie to the outskirts of where you guys were last time. sam: do i also get to give her any assistance,like "we went this way, go that way?" matt: yeah. you know what, giving you the assist,go ahead and roll with advantage on that. travis: oh, that's lucky. sam: dice jail already? laura: yeah. definitely already. 17.

matt: okay. takes you a little bit of time, butyou manage to find your way back through the heavy snowfall. it's freezing cold and your teeth arestarting to chatter a little bit, but you manage to make your way to the top of the ravine, dippingdown where you find the cavern entrance at the bottom, leading into where tooma and rest of theravenites at least seem to have the central portion of their society within the mountainitself. you guys come down. it's a little warmer the further into the rock you travel. the snowturns to slush, then to damp ground, to dry rock and stone. laura: i get off the broom and put it behind me. matt: okay. both still walking invisibly, with younow (whoosh) walking behind them, hopping as the

white crow. sam: we should do the same thing we did last time.i know you weren't here. we turned visible, asked to guards to go-- it's going to be really shittywhen we get in there, because she's going to hate us. laura: all right. ow! fuck you! stop it! sam: i will drop invisibility. are the guardsaround? matt: you guys are just on the outskirts of theentranceway. sam: oh, we'll stay invisible until we get tothe guards. matt: to the center of the town, or outside oftooma's-- laura: oh! i thought we were already in the cave.

matt: you're inside the cave. there's a path inthere and it opens up into the actual subterranean village, and then in there, across from thisfountain area, is where tooma's tent is. sam: where did we meet the guards last time? matt: as soon as you entered the main villagearea. sam: that's where we want to meet them again. matt: so as you both drop your invisibility guise,with your white crow friend hopping behind you, the same two guards are still patrolling. only oneof them notices you. turns around and gives an odd look, his head cocked to the side as he grabs hisspear and puts it towards you again. sam: yep, same routine. we'll leave our weaponshere. this is my friend vex. we'd like to see

tooma again. i know it's very upsetting that wehave to make these night calls like this but it's very important. laura: i speak in draconic. i say: sorry, myfriend rambles. liam: (hacking spit) laura: my broom takes off behind me. matt: yeah, exactly. vanishes forever. keeping thespear there, yells out (foreign word), and the other soldier who's wandering, turns around, looks andsees, steps over, puts his spear down, and they both have a conversation briefly. you can, as irecall, speak draconic and can read lips, is that what it was? yeah. they're both discussing whythese stupid people keep coming back and bothering

tooma, as well as the coming tension of tomorrow'sactivities, and how they can't keep interrupting tooma if she's going to be keeping her mindstraight. but one of them leaves. the other one steps, circles around, and begins nudging you bothforward, telling you in draconic, "then go, make it quick." laura: we will. matt: as you guys stay at the outskirts of tooma'stent, the interior light has been sufficiently dimmed, as it was before, with a little bit of theembers that are still there in the fire pit in the center. now, barely cracking ember. tooma ispassed out and curled up inside her throne-like chair, as one of the other dragonborn soldierscomes over and nudges her gently, "tooma. they

"return." she rakes towards his face. he barelyducks out of the way. unnatural speed for a creature as old as she is, per se, but then thehand recoils back with a snapping sound, and she wakes up, "you come again?" sam: yes. we offer profound apologies for wakingyou from your slumber again. matt: snaps her arm back into place. (cracking) laura: in draconic: we apologize for waking youup. unfortunately, i sent my brother here before with our compatriot, and he spoke out of turn.we're actually planning the attack the day after tomorrow. matt: (sigh, foreign words) which you recognizeas, "tell the others: wait a day." and one of her

servants wanders off behind you guys and exits thetent. she turns back to you. "then what is to be done?" laura: we'll be releasing a very large fiend. sam: at the spot where you told us. matt: "at the stones, yes." laura: the stones. we hope that you will inform vorugalthat it's going to happen. he'll head over, fight-fight-fight. he becomes much weaker, we jumpin, fight-fight-fight. matt: "it'll be done. do not mess this up." sam: question, before we go. typically when you'vedone this in the past, you inform vorugal and he

heads on over right away? does he need to seeevidence of a hunt? how does it work? do you typically inform him? matt: "i do not inform. skork does theinforming." sam: skork? laura: yes, skork. i remember him. sam: and is there some sort of hunt horn oranything that signals the beginning of this, or does it just happen? matt: "depending on where the prey is, whether itbe nearby forests or presented in chains to the cinder "stones of which i've sent you, vorugal begins thechase."

laura: he won't be in chains, exactly. is that allright? matt: "just keep it there." laura: oh, okay. sam: i don't want to mess this up. if vorugal wereto see anyone near this summoning circle, would he be suspicious, or would he be okay with it? matt: "if it is not a ravenite, it would probablymake them part of the hunt." sam: okay. good to know. laura: good news. good. great. matt: "is that all?"

laura: that's all. be pleased. we will see you ina couple of days. sam: there's like a 50/50 chance we'll come backagain tonight. laura: no it's not. we're not. sam: no? 60/40. laura: let's just go. sam: we're out of here. matt: "leave me!" sam: sorry. laura: again, i apologize for my brother. he's anidiot.

matt: she doesn't even pay you guys any mind, justcurls over, takes her heavy robes and like wraps them around her and curls up into a small littlebundle of old dragonborn woman. the rest of the soldiers close in, cutting you off from her, andthey all give you the very stern look that you have seen many times that tells you, "get the fuckout." laura: okay. you make us invisible? sam: oh yeah, invisibility yet again. i'm out of3rd-level spells. laura: is pass without a trace still active on us?it's up to an hour. matt: yeah it'd still be active. liam: as they're leaving, not wanting to get leftout, i fly down from the air and land in my sister's

hair and like a cat (growls) into the top of herhead five or seven or 12 times. laura: thank you. liam: (caws) marisha: so tangled. matt: instantaneous bedhead. you can't even seeit, but you can feel it and it bothers you. all right. you guys both are invisible, the birdclutching to your side. you take the broom back up into the snowy storm. i need you both to makestealth checks with advantage. laura: i thought we were invisible. we'reinvisible. sam: yes, i've made us invisible again.

liam: big bonus. laura: okay, stealth checks. sam: with advantage? laura: plus ten to whatever you roll. sam: oh snap! 12, 22-- laura: 36. sam: 24. matt: all right. you guys make your way up out ofthe ravine, up onto the top of the snowy banks at the top of where the cliffsides are. eventually,over the next 20 or so minutes, finding the

shimmering outskirts of scanlan's doorway, joiningthe rest of the party. laura: get the fuck off my head, you piece ofshit. matt: polymorph lasts for how long? marisha: an hour. matt: as soon as you get to the top of ravine, thewhite crow (impact) face-down in the snow. marisha: i think it's an hour. liam: speaking of which: hold still, there's a littlebit of bird shit right there. laura: aw, i thought you were serious. liam: sorry.

matt: thankfully, that doesn't transform, either. matt: you make your way back into scanlan'smansion. marisha: while they were gone, i, with fenthras andwhisper, was playing make-believe archer vex, like a 12-year-old in the bedroom with a nerf bow. matt: as you enter the front of scanlan's mansion,you see keyleth in the corner, who's pulled whisper back in fenthras, and it goes (daggerimpact) into the wall. marisha: it worked! how did it go, guys? laura: give me the bow, right now. travis: oh, busted.

marisha: it might be like a cool combo move. laura: i'll think about it. thank you. travis: she take it well? laura: she did! she said she'd wait. sam: she's a night person. she's okay. travis: great. laura: yeah. matt: you did catch on the way up, vex, that eventhrough the dark sleet-covered snow blaring night, there is the faint hint of light blue sunrise inthe distance.

laura: oh shit. day's coming. we didn't sleep! weneed to sleep! travis: wait! should we see if we can get pikefirst? sam: first? do we have any spells to do that? marisha: i can try and scry. laura: what if you take the stone, pop over toher, then use tree stride and come back? marisha: that i can do, yeah. sam: you have another tree stride in you? didn'twe get here today? marisha: we did, but if i burn a higher-levelspell, then yeah. what does it matter, at this point?

travis: yeah, let's get all our ducks in a row. marisha: all right. i'll be right back. see youguys in a minute. liam: bye! a minute passes. marisha: a minute passes. this is like when youwalk the same direction, you say bye, and then you walk the same direction to the car. matt: awkward quiet. you hear kima snoring withher back against the foyer wall, just (snoring). until eventually, the stone begins to glow and pulselike a dull frozen heartbeat. (pulsing) keyleth, your eyes open, and you see it flashing in yourhands again, and you look up real fast and before you can say anything, your mouth opens to saygoodbye before she vanishes in a swirl of glitter

and blue light. laura: oh shit. matt: now, pike! come sit down! (cheering) ashley: hello! marisha: i like your jacket! it's really great. ashley: oh hi! okay. matt: just flew in. ashley: yeah. here we go.

matt: so. as the day has gone by and through thechaos of getting whitestone ready, trying to assemble the followers of sarenrae that you'vegathered, and protecting the remnants of the city as vox machina went off, a moment hits you and youclose your eyes and pray to sarenrae and hope that all shall be well with your friends, and you wish thatyou could be there to help them. and there's a sudden warmth in your proximity, and then a suddenflash of blue light, and then nearby, you see a somewhat cold, damp keyleth just appear in thespace next to you as you're preparing to lay yourself down for an evening's rest, it beinglater at night now, clutching the stone. ashley: hey! i was just about to go to bed! marisha: were you sleeping? this is so awkward!

ashley: i was just saying my prayers. marisha: oh my gosh. ashley: i do it as much as i can. marisha: you know, i never thought about havingpoor timing with these gate stones. i'm so sorry! ashley: (stammers) marisha: i thought you were on the toilet. ashley: i know. i'm so glad i wasn't. marisha: yeah, me too. ashley: i'm so glad you're here.

marisha: i missed you. ashley: i missed you. sam: we saw her literally today. marisha: yeah, but it seems like i went around theworld and back! ashley: i was thinking today and i was like, "ohman, i should've just gone with them." marisha: yeah, we got all the way there and wewere like, "oh, we forgot pike!" ashley: i know. it's okay. marisha: do you want to go? ashley: or i will be there now. let's go.

marisha: we can go now. ashley: let's do it. marisha: all right. sam: is that a new set of dice? ashley: i had to go buy some because i left all ofmy stuff in new york. let's see how this goes. sam: you stopped on the way here to buy dice? ashley: no, i got those a little earlier. we'reokay. we're here. okay. marisha: okay. so we tree stride back. matt: okay. pike, you gather your materials, yourarmor, your weapons. all things that you feel

would be necessary for this type of a conflict.you rejoin with keyleth. the two of you find your way back to the sun tree. marisha: right. so yeah, so the leader ofravenites, her name is tooma, and we went there, and we were talking to her, and i think we have aplan, but not really a plan, so we're going to figure it out as we go. all right? let's go.that's the plan; you're caught up. ashley: okay, great. hey, guys. matt: so as the spell finishes, the sun treeopens, you step through the portal into the slow crawling sunrise. the sun hasn't quite crested,but you can see through the snowfall, which is lessening at the moment, the distant light blue isgetting lighter and lighter. you probably have

another 30 minutes before the sun hits the actualhorizon line. but as you step out of one of the trees that you created previous, when you hadjourneyed to the ruins of draconia, you do see about 150 feet off, the shimmer of the outsideof scanlan's mansion door. marisha: (whispers) let's be quiet, okay? let's dothis. sam: oh, great. pike's good at quiet. marisha: we stealth there. matt: both you guys roll stealth checks. sam: oh jesus. liam: this is so great. now we can all dietogether!

matt: you have disadvantage, pike. marisha: oh, that's a natural one. sam: wait, what? ashley: i don't think i can get worse than that;that is a one. sam and matt: two natural ones? marisha: no! sam: oh my god. the dragon's going to fucking killus right now. marisha: oh my god, pike. the plan hasn't evenstarted! laura: dice jail!

liam: we're all about to lie down for a three-hournap. what are you talking about? ashley: off to a great start. matt: as you guys begin stepping through the snow,pike, you take a step and you hear this strange (cracking) sound and you feel this slight shiftbeneath your feet. and you watch as some snow begins to trickle off the side of the cliffside. marisha: pike? ashley: i'm going to not move. marisha: i don't move, either. do we not move ordo we run? ashley: we should run. we should run because it'sprobably coming down!

marisha: run! matt: as soon as you both push off running,(whoosh) a portion of the cliff actually shears off and begins to slide down the side. pike, ifyou could go ahead and roll a dexterity saving throw real fast. laura: oh my god, matt! why are you trying to killher right when she gets here?! sam: yeah, matt. why did you roll two naturalones? ashley: wait, what did you say it is? travis and matt: a dexterity saving throw. ashley: wait, i get nothing, okay. a four.

matt: a four. you begin to see pike slide down offthe edge. marisha: i cast grasping vine to grab onto her. matt: with that, some of the reeds, some of thenearby frozen plants on the edge that were largely covered with snow that were revealed as the restof the snow began to crumble off, a large vine shoots out, wraps around you, and pulls you backup onto the side of the cliff: fine. the rest of the rock and snow and ice, you hear (crashing)clattering into the ravine below. ashley and marisha: go! matt: all right, you guys run. you see the doorwayshimmering before you, you get closer and you hear in the distance, this strangely familiardistant echoing (growls).

ashley: aw, come on! what is that noise? marisha: go, run! matt: you both just get to the doorway in time.the snowfall's still there though gentler than it was in the night. you both dart inside, slammingthe mansion door behind you, into a warmer, comfortable, quieter atmosphere. (panting) ashley: hey! laura: what just happened? liam: jeepers. travis: hey!

travis: hey, buddy! why are you out of breath? liam: you all right? you look white as a ghost. taliesin: have i had a full night's sleep, at thispoint? matt: no, not yet. taliesin: goddamn it. marisha: dragon might know we're here. travis: what, why? marisha: well, there might've been a rockslide.and it might've been our fault. i'm not sure. travis: you just walked through a tree. why wasthere a rockslide?

marisha: i don't know, grog! liam: the door is easy to see. sam: the door is shimmery and shiny? matt: no, nobody can see through it. marisha: they can see a shimmering door. matt: only if you let them. only individuals thatyou choose can see the entrance. laura: that's great! ashley: so whatever that was just saw us disappear. laura: oh shit! grog! open the door! dust oftracelessness! out the door! right now!

travis: oh! yeah, i open the front door and i takebig handful of the dust of tracelessness and i (whack). matt: okay, make a strength check. there's a mildwind here you're fighting against with dust, so we'll see. travis: 14. matt: 14? okay. you take a big old heaping handfuland (whoosh) another one. as you send it out there, all the snow crusts over and any signs offootprints, both half-elf or gnomish, turn into a gentle, untouched solid surface of snow, as youbegin to hear in the distance another echoing (growl).

travis and ashley: what is that? laura and sam: close the door. laura: close the door, grog! travis: i just want to see what it is! ashley: i slam it shut with my gauntlets. travis: hey, pushy! ashley: we don't know what that was! well, maybeyou do, but i don't know. marisha: i'm assuming that was vorugal. sam: the dragon.

travis: it's a dragon. ashley: it's a dragon! travis: yeah, a big white dragon. marisha: big white. big dummy dragon. travis: and you let it know we're here!(chuckles) ashley: well, that was an accident. i was going tosurprise you guys. and we almost died. travis: but hey, we're not, so we need to get somesleep, right? sam: yes, everyone sleep now. travis: we sleep.

matt: okay. you guys all go to rest? travis: yes. matt: all right. a full rest is taken for all ofyou. everyone's healed back to full. spells are recovered. percy, you are now down to a minus two,i believe, penalty to your rolls. liam: wake up and it's two in the afternoon? matt: technically, yeah. it's mid-afternoon by thetime you guys finish your full rest, except for percy. percy is up before everybody else and ispacing about the mansion by himself probably. sam: the mansion will last 24 hours, so it'll bedark again by the time it wears off, so we can stay in here as long as we need to.

liam: all right. sam: but do we have things we need to accomplishtoday? taliesin: how about making a quiet cavern, not toofar away from the summoning circle, where we can hide? laura: that might be smart, actually. marisha: at the pace in which that cliff fellapart last night, i don't know about the structure of the topography here. taliesin: that's fair. laura: but we're also up high and the ravine is downlow. that could make a difference. liam: yeah, we could get piled on.

laura: oh! i understand. sam: but with percival's engineering skills, hecould maybe find a good little spot of granite for you to dig into or something. marisha: i can try and do a commune with natureand see. travis: these islands float, right? matt: oh, they once did. all the islands ofdraconia were disabled, the arcane essence that let them stay up, and they all crashed into theravine. liam: also, when shit goes down, we don't want torepeat the mistakes of the past. a) we don't want to teleport inside the dragon's belly.

sam: i'm keeping all options on the table. travis: only stupid people do that. liam: clearly. b) we don't all want to be allgrouped together. laura: we don't want that. liam: i'm eating one of these magic candies. laura: those chicken candies? liam: yes, there's chicken. we want to spread outso we're not all blasted at the same time. taliesin: vex and i at a distance. liam: separately, though, so you can hit fromdifferent angles.

travis: so two caves? four caves? marisha: i'll have to think on the caves. sam: they don't have to be giant caverns. it'sjust a little nook. a little foxhole. liam: cubby-holes. up high for anyone who can taketo the air, down low for anyone who can't. marisha: honestly, i'm not going to know a wholelot until we scout out the location. taliesin: let's go scout out the location. sam: okay, how do we do that? in broad daylight. marisha: i've got something i've never donebefore! laura: what is this?

sam: it's called invisible reconnaissance. marisha: almost. it's called animal shapes. andit's basically polymorph, but for all of us. i can turn us all into whatever we want. laura: so we don't just look like cows. laura and marisha: we are cows. travis: quick question. in all of our time here,when we were scouting before, and when you two jokers were going to go see tooma, did we see abunch of animals around? laura: i have not seen very many animals, i don'tthink. matt: within the ravine, there's been very few.what animals you have seen have been a few flying

owls, other carnivorous birds that are generallyscavengers. you've seen maybe a few small wolves that are picking through the ruins and eventuallyscattered off. white snow wolves. travis: as long as being animals isn't going tomake us a mid-day snack, versus being ravenites. sam: i will say this: i love the sound of thisspell, but wouldn't travelling mist be really undetectable? could we mist around? marisha: it's almost debatable. because we looklike an unnatural mist. sam: there's a snowstorm out there. we're justgoing to be one with the clouds. laura: is there a snowstorm? matt: if you guys glance outside of the mansionand look, it is not a snowstorm, but there are

heavy winds. (wind blowing) you can hearmultitudes, a cacophony of off-harmonies of winds, of different portions of the distant ravine thatare all howling together. there is a faint snowfall, but the clouds are dark and heavy, andmore of a storm coming your way. laura: does snow get thrown up to the wind? matt: a little further down in the ravine, itdoes. liam: and as long as we're not synchronizedswimming in mist form and spread out, then it should be fine. laura: behave like wind, you guys. travis: can we do both animals and the mist?

matt: no, they both require concentration. sam: my worry about animals is don't we also havethe intellect of the animals that we become? matt: actually, wind walk is not concentration. intheory, you could do both. wind walk is not marisha: we can be misty animals? matt: you can be misty animals. marisha: that's dumb. marisha: that's a lot. sam: so we keep our own intellect? marisha: we always keep our intellect. animalshapes last for 24 hours.

taliesin: can you go back and forth? marisha: i'm going to find that out right now. taliesin: that's a question. marisha: because if we were a flock of birds,vorugal's not going to give a shit about birds. sam: a flock of hawks, they don't go together. buta flock of pigeons do, or a flock of geese. taliesin: i don't want to be food. i want to besomething that eats. liam: while they're debating, i pull whisper out,and i chuck it into a wall and teleport to it. i pulled it out of the blink-back belt. matt: yeah. so you chuck the dagger. as you'retalking, you watch as vax takes the blade, flings

it across the room. it slams into the side of thefoyer. you look back to where he was, and he's not there anymore. there's a flash of dark shadowenergy where the blade is, and vax's form appears right there, holding the blade where it landed inthe wall. laura: that is so cool! liam: it didn't go into my belt. i went into thewall, and i'm holding it, still. i was a shadow for half a second, and i traveled with the blade.i am fucking nightcrawler. holy shit. and i throw it again across the other side. matt: okay. this time make an attack roll becauseyou're excited, not concentrating. liam: okay. sure, that's 27.

matt: yeah. it goes a little more elevated, landsabout ten feet up. as it impacts, you guys watch. as he releases the blade, his form almost ispulled along, almost like it's caught on a tether and then just turns into dark smoke and vanisheswith the blade. as the blade sticks into the wall, he reappears at the side, clutching the edge, andyou drop a few feet and land onto your feet. liam: aw, suck it haters! this is the coolestdagger i've ever had! sam: tell me this, can you not do that? if youthrow it and don't want to travel where it is? liam: i throw it right next to his head, and idon't go anywhere. matt: roll an attack roll. sam: go right in my neck.

liam: 24? matt: 24. (dagger impact) right next to him. liam: does it go to my belt? matt: it returns to your belt. sam: oh! you get to choose? marisha: that is awesome. sam: maybe don't ever do that again, please. laura: sure you're okay, grog, that you don't havethe dagger? i know you wanted it. travis: i just want to be able to move faster, butit's all right.

liam: we can't all be all things, grog. you arethe strongest thing on the planet. you are going to take vorugal all by yourself-- travis: yeah, if i can get next to him. laura: which he probably can't. liam: you shut the fuck up, you trouble-maker. youbust my balls on a daily basis. what is that about? what is that about? what have i ever donebut support you? travis: pipe down! calm down! listen, how are wegetting down there? can we hurry this up, please? liam: throw my dagger at the ceiling. travel withit. matt: all right, so you watch his form vanishagain. about 40 feet up, (impact).

liam: can i land on my sister? laura: on me?! matt: make a dexterity saving throw. this would beacrobatics, right. laura: what about me? matt: make a perception check. laura: i was looking straight at him. liam: i rolled a 27. laura: perception? 20. matt: you make a dexterity saving throw.

laura: (sighs) you piece of shit. liam: quit starting with me. laura: dexterity. 28! 30! liam: 30. she beat me. matt: she dodges right out of the way, and youslam onto the ground. you feel your ankles and knees (ping) a little bit. that sharp pain hitsyou in both joints and you're like (moans). liam: worth it. (groans) marisha: so anyway. back to the plan-- marisha: so with animal shapes, i can actuallydecide what animals each of you can be, so we can

all be different animals. furthermore, on myaction, i can use it to transform you guys into a different creature. laura: that's pretty cool. liam: i like how excited you are about this. marisha: i'm so excited. laura: i'm wondering if the mist form would not bebetter. but the animals are really cool. taliesin: can we go in and out of mist form?that's a thing we can do? sam: it takes a while, but yes. liam: but we're not in the middle of a fight,hopefully. the animals, kiki, save it for a rainy day?

laura: if we're not all dead come tomorrow. liam: yeah, we probably all will be dead tomorrow,but it's a really cool idea. marisha: thank you for your validation. sam: two questions. are we all going? and questiontwo, when we get there and find a suitable location for carving caves, are you going to dothis right now, or are we just scouting? taliesin: we're going to do this, as well. sam: we're going to do this right now? marisha: i imagine it depends on how scouting goes. sam: well, we can't communicate when we're in mistform, so you just have to go do if you feel it.

laura: maybe scout and then go back. because mistform stays for eight hours, so at least that way we can communicate not next to vorugal. taliesin: if we scout and it's clear, and then wecome back and then go back, it might not be clear again. if we scout and it's clear, then we do it.it's done. matt: you guys hear this faint gargling sound asgrog is currently gargling his own spit and staring at the ceiling. liam: i didn't follow that, either. we should dosomething. marisha: all right, let's go scout. i cast windwalk on everybody. matt: okay. all of you begin to feel your formbuzz a little bit with the instilled power of

wind. as you all each step out onto the snow onthe outside of the mansion, you can concentrate for a moment as your form then meshes into amist-like billowing cloud. laura: do we look natural? sam: yeah, what do we look like? laura: do we look pretty obvious? sam: are we a yellow cloud, a white cloud? matt: i'd say it's more of a whitish cloud. iwouldn't say it's supremely obvious right now, but the wind is pushing you about a little bit. if youtry and focus direction of move, you can get a better idea how well your movement is.

taliesin: i'm trying to move in a very windy way,yeah. travis: and kima is with us? matt: kima is with you, yeah. liam and taliesin: i am the fart. matt: kima, as you guys are doing this and it getscast, kima goes, "so what am i doing?" marisha: do you want to come scout? we're going toscout. or you can just stay. matt: "you know, i'm going to stay. you've got abig kitchen here." marisha: it's mainly filled with chicken. matt: "i love chicken."

travis: there's also a training room severallevels down if you want to go smash some shit. matt: "i'm going to get some chicken, and i'mgoing to go smash some shit." marisha: and there's the spa under that. matt: "i don't think i've been to a spa. does thatalso have chicken?" laura: it could if you wanted it to. ashley: you could bring it down there. matt: "this is the best place ever!" sam: it is. it really is. matt: "come back when you need me." she goes andruns off to the kitchen area. all right. you guys,

stepping out, keeping the focus on the spell, youmove half-speed through this weather in mist form. so your 300 feet per round speed, whatever it is,is reduced to a mere 150 feet. marisha: it's okay. it's more for appearance. matt: what are you guys doing? are you coastingthrough the ravine, are you heading directly, or trying to go overhead? marisha: i want to go to the summoning stone. i'm goingtowards there. sam: but we discussed before we left that we wouldmainly stick to the lowlands and the ravine to get there, yeah? laura: yes, we did.

taliesin: hugging the walls, looking normal. marisha: sure. i follow the crowd. matt: okay. who's leading? ashley: i am! laura: i'll lead the way. liam: this is the quietest you've ever been. taliesin: i volunteer as tribute! sam: shouldn't laura lead? taliesin: let laura lead.

matt: okay. so vex and pike are leading the way. ashley: no, i was kidding. taliesin: too late. no take-backs. travis: we all die together. matt: as you guys slowly drift down into thebottom of the ravine on the outside of where the mansion doorway is, you crest down to where alarge portion of the rubble is currently buried by snow and ice. the wind is whipping snow up intothe air, and you're finding little spirals and little snow devils that are making their waythrough as different clusters of wind tend to swell and subside. you make your way over to theopposite side of the ravine and start heading to

the north way, crawling around. laura: i'm going to keep an eye out to make surenobody seems like they're-- especially towards vorugal's plateau to make sure he's not there. matt: need you to go ahead and make a perceptioncheck if you could. and i need everybody to make a stealth check, please. marisha: do we get some sort of bonus becausewe're mist? laura: perception is 30. marisha: jesus. ashley: how can you be loud as mist?

liam: natural 20! marisha: stealth and what? taliesin: just stealth for us. sam: do i get to add jack of all-- matt: you can. as long as you're not trained init, you can add it to it. sam: i'm not. okay. 18. taliesin: 16. marisha: 14. matt: 20.

laura: 15. ashley: eight. travis: four. matt: okay. it's fine. it's a group check, sosuccesses outweigh the failures. you guys as a group begin to move forward. it's fine. as youguys are slowly moving your way, you keep an eye out. you can see there are some ravenites inclusters that are out, currently poring through the rubble. there are crews that are basicallyexcavating, trying to pull out what's worth anything from the remnants of draconia. you make your way around this large, familiarcurvature from before that leads towards the

center area of vorugal's now-claimed lair at thebottom of the ravine. as you turn the corner and you guys keep watch, you can see on the icyplatform, with these spikes that jut out at various places throughout this larger central areahere. on top, you can see perched and curled up the massive form of the white dragon itself, clawscurled up under its chin, its chin slightly turned askew to the left, eyes closed, wings wrapped uparound and gently flapping over the sides of the top of this icy platform. it sits there quietly,breathing in, and you can hear the breath itself, deep and guttural, just echoing. (snoring) thewind occasionally sneaks in and seems to almost carry the echo farther than it should be audible.and you can see there are two packs of about five ravenites that are armed and are sitting at thebase of the platform, that are looking out. some

of them are sitting, some of them are eating somesmall rations, some are just keeping an eye out. these appear to be essentially assigned guards tovorugal here at his lair. so. you guys continue past? taliesin: oh yes. matt: heading which direction? laura: towards the summoning circle. matt: you recall which direction that was? liam: it's east. matt: all right, so you head a little northward,following the curvature of this part of the ravine in an eastward direction. eventually, you all movepast an uncomfortable proximity of about 200 to

300 feet of vorugal, seemingly not catchinganyone's attention as you slowly move, following the pattern of winds. it takes you a little longerto get through, but you figure it's best to look as natural as possible with the moving terrain andweather. eventually, you turn around and begin making yourway eastward, away, following where two more portions of the ravine clump together. anywherebetween 80 to 100 feet in width, it expands a bit, shrinks in a bit, but it seems to be pushing intoa very slight grade upward, like this portion of the ravine is making its way, over probably thenext mile or so, to breach and hit surface. liam: so from vorugal? matt: from vorugal, heading eastward, it is slowlyheading up. you get about a quarter-mile in

before you begin to see the very thick ice beingbroken by occasional snow-covered dead trees that are breaking through. as you saw before, there arenot a lot of trees in this central area of the ravine, but they're becoming a little more commonas you progress forward, though many of them dead, thin and broken in places. make another perceptioncheck, laura. laura: okay. 16. matt: okay. it's fine. pushing forward in yourmist form, you do see that certain portions of the upper ravine have an element of erosion to themthat have broken down, and there are some large stones that have dropped and are jutting out ofthe ice formation on the snowy platform floor. you glance around, and you can see that there are aloose circle of maybe five, six stones forming an

oval shape in the center. and even looking about,you can see this area seems to have seen some scuffles. it looks like portions of the walls havebeen scraped and clawed apart. it looks like some heavy impacts have hit the side. if there was aplace for there to be a setting ground for some sort of a conflict of previous hunts for vorugal,this is probably what tooma was referring to. laura: i look down towards it. does it look likeanything is around it? matt: currently, no. it looks pretty-- laura and sam: ooh. laura: oh no! tree's down! liam: it's an earthquake. the trees fell down!keyleth! your spells are too powerful!

marisha: (laughs) i can save them! i can save themall! sam: wow, matt. ashley: it's so pretty! laura: it is so pretty. matt: this circle of stones here-- ashley: did you make the-- sam: it's arendelle! liam: he's been carving it this week. matt: so this circle of stones, the clusters ofrock that have broken down and are sticking out,

you don't know what the cultural significance ofthem are. they appear to have been there for a long time; these were not a recent series oflandmarks that were presented here. these have been here for a while. but you do see a series ofclaw marks and damaged bits throughout the space in the area that is uncharacteristic of the restof the ravine floor that you've been traversing. sam: can vorugal see this spot? liam: curved away? matt: you make a perception check, scanlan. sam: oh, i'm great at those. liam: we just traveled about a half-mile?

sam: six! matt: about a quarter mile. you don't see vorugalfrom here, so probably not. laura: i would be looking for vorugal too,though. matt: perception check. laura: natural 20. matt: from this perspective, it's a little ways inthe way the ravine has crawled in this northeastern direction from where the lair centerwas. this area is not directly visible from vorugal. you cannot see, for quite a bit, thatarea. liam: wind fingers for vorugal.

laura: all right. can i float down and get acloser look at the weird marks you were talking about? matt: yeah. make an investigation check. sam: while she's doing that, i'm going to flythrough pike a few times. laura: 13. matt: it tickles. but not in a good way. glancingabout, you can see there is some snowfall here and some ice that has sealed off this area. a lot ofthe snow that's hit here gets blown away by the wind that's coming through, so there hasn't been alot of snow packed in this vicinity. a lot of these large claw marks are indicative of dragonclaws, especially those of an ancient size. you do see bones scattered about-- many of them have beenpicked clean-- of varying sizes. there appears to

be a half-eaten large insect-like carapace that'sshoved off to the side. a number of creatures have fallen here and have been mostly eaten,devoured, or left to be picked apart by the other birds of prey that exist in this area. taliesin: we have cover from either side of thetop. that's right. i'm going to fly over to the top of the far right of the ravine. laura: behind those rocks right there? taliesin: above them, all the way up here. and i'mgoing to take a look around and see if anybody, anything's around, anything living that lookssuspicious. taliesin: you'd think i'd be able to do this. 18.

matt: okay. glancing about, you can see every nowand then, a few birds fly overhead. appear to be hawks, light gray in color. they're just lookingaround, circling and vanishing in the distance. you do see a few small furred critters; looks almostsquirrel-like, but it's too far away to make out the details, and you're not veryspecifically detailed-- make a nature check, actually. liam: check for critters. taliesin: nine. matt: you have no idea. it's furred, it's small.it probably creeps you out a little. marisha: (giggles) my friends. taliesin: yeah, i'm going to survey. would i thinkit's safer above the ravine or within?

matt: i'd say within here, it's probably saferwithin the ravine, up at the top. this is not indicative of the true height; we'll say this ismore of an example. the ravine height is probably closer to maybe 80 to 100 feet up. travis: yeah. got it. matt: i just didn't want to build styrofoam thathigh. taliesin: actually, that works out perfectly forme. then i'll jump down to behind that rock and i will de-mist behind that rock. matt: okay. sam: i'll see him doing that and join him.

marisha: yeah, i'll watch as they do that. taliesin: i think a cave entrance right here tosomewhere where you can hide after you do the summoning and dive in and get about 25 to 30 feetaway. sam: question, percy. there's this annoying wind. liam: vax flies around them. taliesin: i'm not responsible for what you ate forbreakfast. sam: here's a question. rather than scouting here,digging a hole, and going back to our mansion, should we just have a new mansion here? taliesin: yes, that's actually-- well. kima.

sam: kima. taliesin: that's all right. somebody can mist backand bring her. sam: i could technically drop that mansion andshe'd be on her ass. (laughs) taliesin: i think she's already so delighted withyou. that might be a terrible idea. sam: well, someone could go back and get her. wedon't have to do this right now, but when we're done here, maybe we want to camp here so we have aplace to hide inside a mansion. taliesin: that's a very good idea, actually. sam: and we don't even really need to maketunnels, do we? taliesin: we do. we want to have places to hide.

sam: yeah, that's true. we want to spread out. marisha: i'm going to mist down next to them. taliesin: we want to have a place to hide, andplace to shoot from that has cover. marisha: hey, guys. what are we talking about? taliesin: digging a hole and moving the mansionhere. marisha: (laughs) god, so windy tonight. sam: i know, it's so annoying. taliesin: it also means that if something goeshorribly wrong, you can run downstairs and hide. marisha: all right, well, here's the problem. ineed to figure out what all of this is made out

of. i can't work with it if it's just ice. it has to benatural stone. so cover for me? i'm going to drop down and start meditating. sam: i'm going to scan the sky. marisha: i'm going to do a commune with naturespell. do we have any other questions, before i do this, that we want to ask the land? travis: we're wind; you're good. matt: everything seems fine. laura: we're still wind. marisha: in general, i guess.

taliesin: how strong are the ravine walls, and canwe dig into them, as well? not just the ground, but the walls themselves. small tunnels, just bigenough for one person. sam: and there's these rocks here. we know there'ssome rocks. we knows that there's tons of ice. marisha: do i need to figure out how far exactlyvorugal is from us? sam: we saw him on the way over. we know exactlywhere he is. marisha: i have three good questions. liam: weather forecast is not a bad idea. marisha: no, it's not. the weather forecast. taliesin: yeah, for tomorrow.

sam: what sorts of things can you ask nature? marisha: nature-y things. i can ask it about-- liam: where's the closest erewhon? marisha: yeah. is there a starbucks nearby? matt: three questions. what you got? marisha: oh, i was asking-- yeah. i can ask itabout topography, i can ask about locations of people nearby. things like that. laura: ask about what the rock is, so you can findwhere to dig. taliesin: and where's the green dragon.

marisha: oh, that's a good idea. where the fuck israishan? okay. laura: she might be with us right now. marisha: she might be. okay. now i do this. marisha: first and foremost, what is thegeological makeup of this land around me? this ravine. cliffside. matt: what is the geological makeup? marisha: what is it made out of, yeah. matt: stone. marisha: and all of this stuff on the edges?

matt: all of this is stone with about a foot layerof ice on the outside of it. portions of it that have been broken or struck, you can see someexposure to it. this ravine is not normally covered in snow and ice; vorugal's presence hasbrought a persistent blizzard and icy atmosphere to it. so all the ice and snow you see here istechnically not natural to the terrain, and most of this ravine has a very strong foundation ofsolid stone, natural rock, and other various geological layers beneath. marisha: so it is fairly sturdy and not apparentlygoing to collapse at any moment? matt: correct. it appears like what happened withyou and pike earlier was an anomaly that only happens when you roll two natural ones.

marisha: sure. okay. can i get a sense on what theweather is going to be like for the next 24 hours? matt: reaching out to the vicinity and picking upwhat you can, it's hard to get specifics, but it looks to be at least a coming sleet storm. nothail; nothing too heavy, but it looks like it's going to have some times of limited visibility,and very cold. marisha: bummer. okay. good to know. and do isense raishan? matt: within three miles? you get the essence ofthe surrounding terrain that there is another large dragon presence nearby, though you don't geta specific location. marisha: bummer. taliesin: it was a good thought.

sam: no, that's good to know. marisha: she's within three miles. laura: she's here, or it's thordak. marisha: well, no, he's said another, aside fromthordak. liam: aside from vorugal. matt: no, you asked for raishan. raishan wasconfirmed to be within the vicinity. marisha: okay. that's it. those are my threequestions. matt: as that question fades, you do get a littlebetter bit of location of raishan's current presence. raishan is currently on the very southend of the ravine, on the outskirts of the

three-mile radius of near where you are right now.close to where you guys first came to the ruins of draconia, where you were first discovered by theravenites. that's all you know about her. just that location. marisha: close to the ruins of draconia? matt: where you guys first arrived when you firstcame here. liam: not near us right now. marisha: and not where the library and the ruinsof draconia were. matt: yeah. south of all that. taliesin: all right. i like the idea of someonegoing back to get kima. i think one tunnel on this

side, one tunnel on the other side, and one tunnelon the top of the ravine on either side, if you can do that. marisha: and do we want them to connect so we canget through? little half loops, semi-circles? sam: does this make noise? will it vibrate theground? marisha: i'm pushing out earth. yeah. taliesin: not a ton of noise. marisha: vex and i mentioned that. taliesin: how loud will this be, do you think? marisha: how loud will this be?

matt: as loud as moving large pieces of stone andearth would. travis: loud. matt: not stealthy work. sam: we saw a storm coming. has it hit yet? matt: no, you've got a few more hours. sam: we can wait until the storm comes. it'll besuper windy and loud. travis: not nearly enough to move tunnels of earthand rock. sam: can you do something to ice? melt it? that'ssilent. marisha: yeah, but it's only a foot of ice.

sam: yeah, but we could carve out ice tunnels. liam: no, the ice is only a foot thick, coatingwhat is normally a temperate region. travis: we got the house. we got the mansion.that's it. liam: but it's one spot. sam: we can hide behind rocks. marisha: we could do a test. sam: can you make new rocks that are hollow?i guess it'll still make noise. marisha: i could make walls of stone. i can makelittle-- but also keep in mind, anything that i do, he'll notice. and the whole point to this isto not make our presence known at all.

laura: and ice dragons burrow. i remember thatmuch. marisha: so we could pop in our tunnels and theycould be like, "what's up?" sam: how important are these tunnels? because ifwe want, while you're doing this i can go distract the dragon? marisha: on the other end of the ravine? sam: sure, why not? taliesin and liam: no. travis: why would you do that? sam: to distract the dragon so you can dig.

liam: because we can use your mansion, and whenthe time is right, we can all scatter in different directions quickly. many of us can fly. i wouldrather have these cubby-holes, as well, but it's too risky, and it's too risky to let you gorunning your little ass off around and get that dragon to eat you in one bite. you're overruled. travis: how do we go get kima? laura: somebody that can turn invisible has to goget her. marisha: well, you're still mist-form. that lastsfor eight hours. you can mist back. laura: yeah, but she can't turn into mist, so youcan go get her and turn her into mist. sam: we have the stones. what about the stones?stones. someone can mist back with the stone, then

mist back to us and give her the stone. liam: yeah. taliesin: that'll work. ashley: i'll do it! sam: ooh! travis: wait! does the stone make any sound orlight? taliesin: no, just goes poof. travis: really? then sure. taliesin: little bit of a poof.

laura: it's a little bit of light, but we can hidebehind something when she does it. she can poof from within the mansion before you make themansion. travis: she can poof from within the mansion. taliesin: you can't poof within the mansion. matt: you can't poof within the mansion. ithas to be on the same plane of existence. laura: but it's daylight, so it should be fine. marisha: the mansion's considered a pocket plane. sam: if pike is going back as mist-- no offense,pike-- can you find the mansion? laura: why don't you go with her?

sam: okay. gladly. ashley: oh, okay. you'll know your mansionbetter. travis: send the two bitties. and we're going tohide out. i'm still in my mist form. sam: did you guys de-mist-ify? laura: well, we've been talking, so i'm going tosay yes. sam: hey, clever elves, can you scout around, makesure we're not being watched? liam: there are no elves here. my mother was ahuman. do you want to go right now? laura: i've been keeping an eye out, but yes, iwill keep watch. sam: we're not being watched? you sure those hawksare hawks?

laura: is anything watching us? laura: 28. matt: 28? looking about, there are a number ofbirds in the distance. there's some that have flown overhead since you've been here. nothing thatseems to be acting erratically or out of the ordinary. there's a couple that have come in alittle close to watch, and then went off their own way, curious as to what's going down in the ravine. liam: those are some birds. laura: i think we should all be mist, though,while we wait for them to get back. just in case. taliesin: i'm going to spend some time in thisform just studying to see if there's anything odd

about this circle at all. studying the stones. travis: where is the circle? oh. thank you. matt: right, so pike and scanlan, you guys go mistform, make your way over back towards where the mansion was placed. takes you a while. are you goingthrough the ravine, or are you going over the ravine? ashely: over. matt: okay. so the two of you guys coast up to theside and over the top of the wall. there is some heavy dead forest area here, but you coast on theside of it, keeping an eye down. both of you guys make a perception check. sam: terrible. 11.

liam: ashley's got this. ashley: 21. sam: ooh, my girl! matt: as you guys are pulling around and the weather has gotten a little better for the moment; the storm hasn't hit yet. pike, you glance off and you cansee some stirring down in the bottom of the ravine. you see two white wings (wingbeats) and youwatch as vorugal takes off like a bat out of hell up out of the ravine, past both of you, and youcan feel the wind shake and the actual ravine quakes slightly at the presence as vorugal shootsup into the air, spirals up, then wings go out and then coasts off westward, away from you guys.

marisha: oh, away from us? matt: away from you guys in a western direction. ashley: away from them, too? liam: away from us. marisha: he's going west. liam: we're east. ashley: so you guys are fine. taliesin: wait. ashley: i try to make wide eyes.

marisha: (gasps) does this mean we can dig? laura: did we see him go in the air from where weare? matt: make a perception check, actually, vex. ashley: we should take his loot. travis: (laughs) yeah. that ends well. laura: 20. matt: you do hear what sounds like heavy wingsechoing through the ravine towards your direction. you see a faint movement in the sky, and then itvanishes and you hear the sound getting more and more distant. you gather vorugal has at least leftthe lair. you're not sure how long.

laura: i come out of mist form. vorugal's not hereright now. if you're going to dig, do it. i'll keep an eye on the sky. marisha: what do you guys think, should i do it?over the earpiece. travis: no. taliesin: i think we should. taliesin: i think two crow's nests for theshooters. laura: do it quickly, if you're going to dosomething. taliesin: i draw out, really quickly in thesnow-- laura: i draw out an intricate map. blueprints.

matt: meanwhile, scanlan and pike, you guys makeyour way back to the mansion? coasting over, you find your way. you make your way into the mansion.the servants are rushing two platters out of the kitchen down to the stairs that lead to the subterraneanportion of the mansion. sam: okay. kima, sorry to interrupt lunch-- matt: you come downstairs and her armor isoff, her maul's at the side. she is on the ground in the process of doing one-handed push-ups andscarfing chicken with the other hand. she's getting ready for a fight today. sam: disgusting. ashley: that's amazing!

matt: she stands up. "damn right, it is.stringy." ashley: we came back for you because he's goingto build a mansion somewhere else. sam: we need to move. matt: "okay." she takes one of the pieces ofchicken and pockets it. sam: that will disappear when we leave here. matt: (groans) pulls it out. sucks it off the boneand throws it to the ground. it clatters off to the side. "all right, let me grab my stuff." andshe goes and gets her armor and starts putting it on. "do you want to help me?" ashley: to hold some stuff?

matt: "put the armor on! you know to put on plate.come on." you help get her armor on. sam: do you need me to help, as well? matt: "no!" you help her get all armored up. she gets therest of her stuff. she came relatively light, other than the materials she needs for combat.she's ready to go in the next 15 minutes or so. "all right. so. where's this going down?" sam: i produce one half of the stones that we brought, andi say-- oh wait, does she know how to do this? i guess you just think, right? you just think. youhave to think. i know that's hard, but you're going to have to hold this rock and want it to bereunited with its pair. i'm sorry about that. and then you'll be bamfed back to where we're going,all right? here, take this stone. all right, so

we'll just step out of the mansion. i won't dropit yet, because there's no need. matt: all right. sam: and we're going to mist back, but after she'sbamfed. all right. so think happy thoughts, click your heels together. matt: steps out in the snow, crunching sound ofher boots, closes her eyes for a second, opens one back at you, scanlan. focuses and concentrates.the minute progresses. she clutches it and touches the actual stone to the outside of her holysymbol. you see the small platinum outline of bahamut's head. as it hits, it begins to glow. theblue glow is also surrounded by the bright white glow of bahamut's light, and as her outer formbegins to shimmer, it blinks out with a spiral of

a glittery white light dust, and her form hasvanished. ashley: she's the coolest. sam: she's okay. ashley: she was doing one-handed push-ups andeating chicken in the other. sam: can you do a one-handed push-up? ashley: yeah. sam: can i see? matt: and with those gauntlets, she does easily,fully armored and all. she's leaving this little pike shape in the snow right there.

sam: can i try a one-handed push-up? matt: make a strength check. sam: seven. matt: (grunts) two-handed push-up. travis: on his knees. sam: i'm carrying a lot of stuff. without my gear,i could probably do it. ashley: i understand. you're also carrying amansion or something. sam: yeah. magic weighs on you. ashley: magic weighs a lot.

matt: all right. you guys mist back, begincresting over to return. sam: scanning the skies for any sight of aflapping white dragon. matt: okay. while that's happening, what are youguys doing? taliesin: i'm making ice plates. laura: i'm keeping an eye out for vorugal oranything suspicious. marisha: i guess i'm making tunnels. matt: using move earth? marisha: yeah. matt: let me see here. move earth is you canreshape any dirt, sand, or clay in the area. not stone.

taliesin: not stone? matt: cannot manipulate natural stone or stoneconstructions. travis: or a budget rental center. (laughing) laura: so you can make walls. taliesin: can you manipulate ice? sam: she can manipulate ice. marisha: i can melt ice. taliesin: but you can't create ice.

laura: even if she did, it has to be something notnoticeable. taliesin: i think that we could-- marisha: i can make some more plant life. matt: do you have stone shape prepared? taliesin: stone shape? marisha: no. matt: yeah, stone shape would've been the spell touse in this circumstance. marisha: cool. taliesin: if we pull some of the ice, i can tryand make sheets of ice--

marisha: but how long does stone shape last? ithought it was just for a little bit. matt: stone shape is instantaneous. it justaffects something. marisha: i know, but how much? it's only like afive foot cube, right? so i can't make a tunnel. matt: not a heavy tunnel, no. marisha: right, so no. taliesin: we can alter the topography just a bitby taking out some of the ice and then opening it up to make hiding places. marisha: i can make a little trench, like a trenchwall-line for you guys at the top of the ravine, for the shooters.

liam: yeah, half-bubbles almost. marisha: yes, exactly. travis: 80 to 100 feet up, right. taliesin: that'll do. laura: yeah, i can shoot from that height. marisha: right along the ledge. laura: actually, after you do it, i can try todisguise it, so it's not seeable from the air. matt: okay, so what are you doing? you're making asmall ledge? marisha: so yeah, i'm going to do wall of stone.fuck.

taliesin: we don't need a ton of space, becausewe're never going to move more than six. marisha: yeah, i basically want a little almosthalf wall for cover here and here, just extending the stonework. matt: just out this way? marisha: upwards. so that they can-- matt: oh, okay, i see. taliesin: give us cover. marisha: do the gears of war.

travis: can i raise a point, taliesin? do you haveanything to keep you from falling if he attacks you on that ravine? taliesin: it would be hard to fall if he attacksus. the best thing, actually, if he attacks us up there would be to jump. matt: so you're using it twice? then over here,you said? marisha: you know what, let me flank it. let me doone on that side and one over here. yeah? you think? sam: why a hundred feet up? travis: that's how tall the ravine is. sam: can we just do 20 feet up?

taliesin: you have a broom. i have a rope. marisha: is this excessive? sam: yeah! why a hundred feet? why not 20 feet?why not 30 feet? laura: we can't do it in the middle of the stone.we have to do it at the top. sam: why? matt: you could, technically. marisha: i guess i could, actually, because i cando a flat one. okay. all right. you know what, i could make little pod bubbles for you guys on thehalf edge of the cliffs. taliesin: make some pod bubbles.

marisha: i'll do that. travis: aren't those going to be obvious? taliesin: i'm going to start pouring water on thisstuff, and it's going to be ice again so quickly. marisha: yeah, if we try and camouflage it. spendthe rest of the day camouflaging it. taliesin: i've already started working oncamouflage-- marisha: the dm keeps looking at us like we'recrazy. matt: i'm trying to figure this out, guys. marisha: all right. here's what i'm going to do.i'm going to make (stammers) little balconies. liam: spit some lyrics, girl.

marisha: (giggles) so smooth. yeah, little balconyledges that they can go on. matt: okay. we'll say... laura: he's like, "i spent a really long timecarving this shit, you guys, and you're going to "be altering it." matt: it's all good. liam: is there any point to having you sharpshootfrom behind that wall down below? matt: so right there is what you're saying? alittle shelf. marisha: yeah, little ledge. yeah, a balcony. iwant to make a cliff balcony. matt: how far up?

taliesin: i would take it to the far edge. evenfurther. liam: if we're fighting, i'm not bound by shit,man. i can be anywhere. matt: where do you want this to go, marisha? rightthere? marisha: one there, and one-- yeah. matt: okay, so those are the two. marisha: and about what, 40 feet up? 50 feet up? taliesin: i'd say about 50 feet up. marisha: how about halfway up the mountain? i wantto make it look rough, i want to try and camouflage it, and then i'm also going to helppercy and the rest of this excavation to use my

gust and little create water spells over top of itto start covering them with ice. taliesin: i'm creating a breakable ice shield forwhen it's time, but i'm just giving the nice cover. marisha: yeah, cover it with ice to make it looklike the rest. matt: okay. go ahead and just roll a wisdom check.roll a d20 and add your wisdom modifier. marisha: he normally only asks me that when we'remaking a terrible plan. taliesin: i know. ooh! check out the big brain! marisha: check out the big brains on brad! 23. matt: okay. as an air ashari, you have a very firmunderstanding of airflow, temperature of air, and how best it can quickly freeze water. over time,utilizing the spells at your disposal, over the

next 30 minutes or so, you do manage to coat thevisible recently created stone with a layer of ice that in some regard would help, hopefully,camouflage it. marisha: oh, he let us do it! taliesin: i'm just going to spend all my time alsotrying to keep hiding it, keep reinforcing it. once the mansion's available, i'm going to takewater and slowly add layers. matt: okay. scanlan and pike, you guys do manageto return, as you watch the party preparing these small little ledges outside of the ravineinterior. sam: hey, guys. did you see the dragon leave? laura: i saw him fly away, yeah.

sam: should we be concerned at all? laura: that what? he's going to get help? liam: well, maybe. sam: that he's going to meet up with raishan? andfuck us? marisha: he was heading west, right? taliesin: which is not the direction where raishanis. marisha: raishan was south. she was far south. travis: can you do your detect dragons thing? laura: i guess. yeah, i can.

matt: kima, at this point, by the way, has beenoff to the side, keeping watch, goes, "you guys expecting anyone?" sam and taliesin: oh shit. matt: you see kima drops the maul to the groundand points down. and you see, stepping up from the ravine from this side, this way, you see a small,stout-looking dwarf character walking up (footfalls). bulbous red nose. you can see a thickwinter coat over, cloth tied over the top of the head, a crossbow to one side. walks up and goes,"hey. larkin, the one you hired. the mercenary to "help you with this exchange." sam: we hired somebody?

taliesin and marisha: yes. sam: when was this? laura: back in whitestone. we hired somebody tocome help us fight. sam: we did? why on earth would we do that? we'resuper strong. marisha: i kick scanlan a little bit. sam: oh shit. sorry. matt: "so. glad we've all gotten together. i seeyou've begun your plans, so tell me. what is your plan?" marisha: larkin, was it? matt: "larkin, aye."

laura: larkin, do you have any spells you canuse? matt: "i've got a few tricks up my sleeve, aye.let's see how it pans out." ashley: i'm going to talk to him in dwarvish, andi'm going to ask where he's from. matt: okay, you ask him where he's from? "i don'tfeel comfortable speaking our language in front of "people who don't understand it. it's impolite." marisha: she's good. laura: it is quite impolite. matt: watch as larkin's expression gets very direfor a second like, "what are you doing?" laura: i whisper to pike.

travis: larkin, are you ready to help us kill adragon? matt: "that's what you hired me for, isn't it?" travis: aye. don't you think dragons are just thebiggest dick-fucks ever? matt: "to be honest, yes." travis: yeah. sam: oh! oh, larkin! laura: just fucking got it? sam: oh, yes! i totally remember you, larkin! marisha: i kick scanlan again, for sheer joy thistime.

taliesin: we're setting up camp. the attack beginstomorrow morning. there's going to be a beast. there will be a fight. liam: yeah. we kind of have a plan, but fuckingdragons. taliesin: we'll see how it goes. we're going totry and tire him out. matt: "all right. i'll keep an eye." taliesin: once he's tired out-- matt: "so i'll go on your signal, then?" sam: will you be joining us here at the battle orproviding support from afar? matt: "i'll be providing support from acomfortable space."

sam: what kind of support? long-distance attacksor healing? liam: what's your style? matt: "oh. let's just say, in the beginning i'llgo ahead and bring some pain from a distance and "only close that distance when things get realnasty and hot." sam: and larkin, the reason we hired you, now thati remember, was for your extreme knowledge of dragons and their behaviors. tell me this: shouldwe be concerned when this one leaves his lair about hobbling its lair or somehow preventing itfrom returning? matt: "do you know when it's returning?" sam: well, we know that it'll be coming here for afight.

matt: "if you don't know when it's returning,don't step into its lair." sam: is there a way to prevent it from gettingback to its lair? matt: "killing it." travis: real simple answer, i think. taliesin: it's not like a vampire. matt: kima leans into you scanlan, "who's this?" sam: mercenary. marisha: larkin. laura: we hired him.

travis: yeah, he's a real dead-eye. taliesin: there's also going to be a field of-- sam: ravenites. laura: potentially. liam: yeah. told you it was complicated, yeah? matt: kima crosses her arms for a second. "youalso told me you had another ally coming." sam and taliesin: we did? taliesin: i wasn't there. sam: who?

travis: we have a hard time keeping track ofeveryone that we hire and fire. taliesin: that's why it's going to be a greatplan. sam: you know why? we have pike! that's our otherally. she's here now. ashley: here i am. matt: "i'm so confused right now." travis: yeah, it's all right. listen, all you'vegot to do is smash dragon with us tomorrow, yeah? matt: "which dragon?" travis: the white one. laura: the white one that's here. that will behere.

liam: the only one that's here. taliesin: let's make the mansion right now. pleasemake the mansion. sam: i'll make the mansion behind a rockoutcropping. kima, i need your help to make sure i'm not spotted while i do this ritual. matt: "all right." laura: so this is great. tomorrow, you pop in, yousummon, we all pop back into the mansion. we're hiding in the mansion while the fight's going on. sam: well, someone has to be on the outsidewatching to find out what's happening. laura: right.

marisha: should we have someone near where thedragon is, so we can get eyes? sam: someone who can be invisible, someone who canbe a hawk or ravenite? liam: scanlan, what are you going to do? you goingto pop this thing out and then hop in the mansion? sam: tomorrow, we're talking about? yes,absolutely! laura: so keyleth could be a hawk over byvorugal-- marisha: watching? laura: is there any way to let us know, though? taliesin: not if we're in the mansion.

marisha: yeah, because the earrings don't workthrough the mansion, right? matt: from the inside to out, no. they have to bein the same plane. sam: well, someone would have to be next to thedoorway, pop their head in and say, oi, it's on. but we also have these bubbles of watching around,don't we? taliesin: which would be you and i before thefight. sam: or i can just drop the mansion. marisha: well, the mansion could be good if thingsgo terribly wrong. liam: that's true. if the mansion door is open andhidden behind that outcropping of rock there, you leave the door open but behind it, keyleth couldtake to the sky, i could find somewhere low and be

hidden. i can dart inside. i can be inside in asecond. sam: and at the very least, kima can be waitinginside the mansion, as can our lesser stealthy friend pike. at least keep them in there. laura: yeah. sounds great. sam: all right. taliesin: it's a plan. sam: it's something. taliesin: it's a plan! anything more complicatedwould immediately fall apart when anything shifts, which will inevitably happen.

laura: actually, can i do primeval awareness andsearch for dragons to see if vorugal's even in the area at all? matt: sure. as you concentrate, you get a verystrong nearby presence. marisha: she came in the mansion with us? taliesin: no. sam: there is no mansion yet. i haven't done ityet. marisha: oh, you haven't done it yet. never mind. matt: and you sense a closing dragon presence. atwhich point, you hear in the distance (wingbeats).

taliesin: mansion. laura: mansion. right now. sam: all right, i will cast the mansion behind arock. laura: and run into it. taliesin: we will see you in the morning. matt: to? travis: larkin. matt: to larkin? all right. he goes, "right." taliesin: thank you. truly.

laura: seriously, get in the mansion! right now. matt: you glance off the side, and you can seelarkin looking off into the distance, and the white dragon vorugal is curling in the air,currently wrestling with something, and then shoots down back into the ravine to the lair. marisha: can i get like a glimpse of it before irun in on what it is? 27. matt: 27? sam: it's yenk. marisha: damn it! matt: what brief view you have, it appears to be,by its size comparison, small-looking, but

glancing at it, it looks to be some sort of a direbear or dire wolf. some sort of large furred entity that is currently being torn apartmid-air. marisha: so it went hunting. matt: apparently. may have been hungry. liam: snack. matt: you guys make your way into the mansion fora bit of a respite. kima carries out the end of it, steps inside. "i don't trust that dwarf." taliesin: excellent. that's why you're here.that's why he's not in here. laura: he can't know that you know.

matt: "good to know." sam: kima, if it would help, i can erase yourmemory of this whole thing-- matt: "you finish that sentence, and i willdestroy you where you stand, scanlan shorthalt." sam: i'll let it alone for now. marisha: good idea. matt: "come near me--" taliesin: we wake up early. before the sun rises,those of us who have to hide, hide. once we see them bringing him to the summoning circle, we callthe beast and we wait. we are going to be in the most danger, because we're going to be right inthe thick of it.

laura: what if he sees you, percy? i'm better athiding myself. taliesin: we're both going to be hiding in anice-covered cubby-hole. laura: a lot of white. taliesin: it's not possible to get to thosecubby-holes without a difficult climb, is it? laura: i could always bring you up on the broom. matt: if you get dropped off by broom, it's easy.where is the mansion door, again? sam: behind the bigger rock where percy'sstationed right now. liam: yeah, we should wake up before sunlight. matt: guess we'll say, as you guys all vanish fromthere, the entrance is right there, to the

mansion. marisha: who's going to keep an eye on larkin? taliesin: i think it's hilarious that we can thinkwe can. sam: larkin can take care of-- liam: also, we've no fucking idea where raishan is orwhat she's going to do, if anything. taliesin: we know that the one place she isn't isin here. laura: larkin is raishan. really? travis: holy shit. i even got that. laura: you're the last one to realize that?

travis: you're the last person in this room and onthe internet. laura: no! liam: it's me. i'm the last one. i had no idea. sam: hey, it took me five minutes. taliesin: wow! oh my god, we're going to die. marisha: i knew the second she walked up! sam: ashley figured it out before us. ashley: no, she told me. matt: as you guys rest to prepare for your nextday's excursion, we're going to take a restroom

break here. liam: it's half of us, laura! jeez! matt: we'll see you guys back here in a fewminutes. [break] matt: welcome back. so! after that brief break,you guys have taken your time in the evening to rest up and get your spells back. prepared for thecoming confrontation, your now one-day delayed confrontation with vorugal. as your evening comesto a close, the next morning is now before you-- marisha: hang on, we weren't done. we weren'tdone. we have to do things. laura: yeah. one last thing.

marisha: we have to eat. we have to do the heroes'feast, for sure. sam: who's going to do it? ashley: i am. matt: all right. pike drops down a heroes' feast.1,000 gold out of your queue. laura: that's okay! marisha and taliesin: worth it, man. matt: all of you enjoy your first non-chickenrelated meal within scanlan's mansion. laura: feels good. matt: first in a while, at least. so as part ofthe heroes' feast, guys, if you recall the details

of that circumstance. sam: immune to fear. matt: immune to fear, definitely. marisha: saves on wisdom throws. matt: wisdom saving throws have advantage. marisha: also plus 2d10. matt: 2d10 to your maximum hit points. marisha: and i think that's it. matt: and you're immune to diseases. immune topoison.

laura: (gasps) you're immune to poison on this?! marisha: that's right. fuck you raishan. sam: advantage on wisdom saves. immune to poison. matt: all right, so marking hit points. let meknow what your maximum hit point totals increases are, currently. sam: increased 14 points. matt: 14 points to scanlan's maximum hit points. taliesin: 17. matt: 17 to percy.

marisha: an additional 11 to keyleth. matt: 11 to keyleth. liam: 15. matt: 15 to vax. laura: i got two tens! i got an additional 20! marisha: you got two tens?! matt: pike? ashley: i got nine, so that brings me to 97. matt: awesome.

travis: i got 11. matt: 11 to grog, and then to kima: eight. writethat down right there. marisha: and are we sure we don't want eyes onher? i'm not concerned about her well-being, clearly. i'm concerned on whatever her name she'ssaying she is right now. taliesin: my theory on that subject is that she'sclever enough that eyes on her would not be helpful in the first place. it's best to assumethat even if we could see her that she would be tricking us over what she's doing. sam: okay and if she starts killing us, what do wedo? hide in the mansion? regroup? taliesin: hide in the mansion and worst-casescenario, scream that she betrayed us and that she

promised that she would help kill the white dragonand see if they'll fight it out. liam: worst-case scenario, we'll pull back towardsthe mansion if she starts whaling on us. taliesin: yes. and definitely inspire someconflict. laura and marisha: okay. sam: let's go fight. laura: now we sleep. sam: oh, sleep. matt: your evening meal complete, you all findyourself back to full rest, preparing yourselves for tomorrow's grand showdown.

taliesin: i'm at negative one. matt: you're now negative one to all of yourrolls, ability checks, and saving throws. taliesin: not to damage, though. matt: no. just your d20 rolls. liam: you can get all 19s. laura: as i am going to sleep, i want to inscribe"sinaeth" on fenthras. sam: what? matt: you don't know. evening's rest complete,spells chosen for those who need to choose spells. prepare yourselves for this confrontation. themorning comes. that early tension of imminent

chaos fills the air. conversation is short. whatpreparations do you wish to make this morning? taliesin: vex is going to put me in that pocket. laura: yes. i can't cast pass without a trace onhim from that far away. taliesin: we have dust of tracelessness. laura: yes, but that's only tracks. while we'reover there, before i go over to my side, i'm going to try to cover his area with natural explorer andtry to hide him. taliesin: we're going to fly over there, as well.and then also we're attaching a rope, just in case. matt: attaching a rope to? taliesin: to the wall, so i have something toclimb down with if i need to. it's not going to be

hanging out; it's all in. matt: okay, the stone is like a smooth wall thatcomes out and then upward for the protective point. laura: i have climbing gear. you can use it as agrappling hook, maybe. does that work at all? matt: you can fashion something. make anintelligence check. laura: ten. taliesin: six. matt: it seems like it'll hold? you have a metalpiece wedged into a part of the stone that seems pretty taut with the rope attached. marisha: can i ask a logistical question? how wideand alive are those trees?

matt: they are maybe a foot wide each, andcurrently, it looks like a lot of them are dying or dead from the perpetual snowfall and coveragethat they are unused to. marisha: so tree stride probably wouldn't work onthese guys. i'm wondering if i should waste my time. matt: tree stride. same size as you. some of them,maybe. sam: am i making us all ravenites, or does thatnot even matter anymore? laura: i don't think that matters. sam: okay. laura: have we left? are me and percy outsidealready? matt: you guys have gone outside if you're goingto place him up in his perch there and help cover

the area. liam: you have to do it, right? because you're theone releasing this thing. sam: i guess if i'm going to be out in the open, iprobably should. liam: and if you're doing it, does it take anymore mojo to do it to all of us or just yourself? it can't hurt to do it to all of us. sam: sure. laura: make us all white ravenites. sam: you mean wearing white clothes? laura: sorry, i meant so we blend into theice, not so that we're white. that sounded so

terrible. i meant so that we're the same color asthe ice and we're camouflaged! like chameleons. taliesin: are there actually enough albinoravenites that we would stick out, or is that a common color? matt: you haven't really encountered any. taliesin: oh, then i would recommend not. i wouldrecommend white clothing. matt: you've seen varying shades of chromatic andmetallic. taliesin: all right. marisha: snow camouflage. taliesin: snowy.

matt: okay. what are you doing? sam: i guess i'll make us all white ravenites.normal ravenites with lighter-colored clothing that can maybe blend in. but also we can't dancevery well and we clap on the two and the four. so yes, i'll make us all ravenites. matt: okay. so does that include kima? sam: i can do eight people, so that's everyone,including kima. matt: all right, so you are all currently for thepurposes of this visually ravenites of varying sizes and bulkiness. okay, is everyone currentlyout and about right now? outside of the house? sam: i'm going out.

laura: who all is leaving? sam: oh wait, before i leave, doesn't someone haveto buff me up for this spell? marisha: i do. yep, i do. i'm going to castenhance ability on your charisma. laura: how long does that last? marisha: an hour. so if we're ready to go? sam: yeah, what time is it? is it dawn? matt: you're not entirely certain. make a survivalcheck. laura: 18. sam: eight.

matt: you have no idea, scanlan. it's about noon,from where you gather where the sun would be around that time based on what bits of shadows youcan see. however, the sleet storm is starting to kick in, and you can see now the sheets of reallycold rain with a slush to them are beginning to pound across the bottom of the ravine. the wind ispicking up a bit, and the temperature is dropping significantly. laura: bundle! marisha: yep. sam: okay. how will we know when it's time for meto release? we have to wait for tooma to go report. laura: is vorugal back? he's back.

sam: i assume. laura: do we see larkin around? matt: no, you do not see larkin around. sam: vax, do you want to go look? liam: for larkin? sam: no, fuck larkin. to see when tooma's coming.i don't want to release this thing before tooma is there reporting to vorugal. laura: well, maybe if we cause enough of a ruckusas soon as we release him. liam: i mean if we trust tooma to hold up her partof the bargain, that dragon is coming here.

laura: we need to make a lot of noise and thenrelease it. attract attention, release it, hide. sam: but when? laura: whenever we want to. sam: no, when is vorugal coming? we can't sit outhere all day waiting. laura: vorugal will come when we make a noise.he'll come over here. sam: the ravenites have to tell him to come herefirst. laura: no, she told him that it's coming, i don'tthink she's telling him a specific time. sam: no, she's telling him now. today. we told herto wait. matt: as you guys are having this conversation,vax and keyleth, you guys notice down off the

southern edge of the ravine, you see threehumanoid figures walking up to your direction, coasting along the side of the mountain range. marisha: do they appear to be ravenites? matt: after a short time inspecting them, theyappear to be ravenite in structure, yeah. they are dragonborn, they are heavily robed, and they arecoasting up along the side. marisha: vex, you want to talk to them? they mighthave told him. might have been the ones that just told him. laura: i walk over. matt: as you acknowledge them and begin toapproach, one of them breaks from the two and they

stay back. as it approaches you can see the tallburly dragonborn form, this is skork. you met when you first came to the ruins of draconia. heapproaches. "tooma sends me. when are we to tell "the dragon the hunt is on?" marisha: we're ready whenever you are. laura: give us 30 minutes. and then do it. matt: "30 minutes. it will be done." he returns tothe other two, and they begin to make their way rather briskly back towards the direction ofvorugal's lair. taliesin: when you see the dragon pop up into thesky and head this direction, start summoning. laura: percy? up?

taliesin: yes, please. laura: all right. i take percy up top. matt: you bring percy up onto the top. the rain isstarting to come down hard now and you're instinctively getting chills and shivering alittle bit. you get up into your little parapet area, place him there. laura: i try to move some snow around and try toblock it. matt: percy, i need you to make a stealth check.just in general. sam: who, me? matt: no, just percy.

taliesin: that's 16. matt: 16. good to know. okay. so you place him upthere. what else are you guys doing? you have 30 minutes, 25 now. liam: i'm going to hide behind the stone that's inthe bottom end of the screen i'm looking at. nope, opposite side. nope, opposite wall. sorry. behindit. sam: oops, percy died. laura: don't say that again! liam: and i think i already said it, but thedeathwalker's ward is set to cold. matt: yes.

sam: does anyone want to be invisible for anhour? travis: are we not going to be in the house? sam: some of us will be. do you want to wait inthe house, grog? travis: yeah, i'll be in the house. sam: and pike, too? ashley: yeah, i'm going to stay in the house for alittle bit. sam: okay, i'm going to cast it and probablygo into the house. matt: so pike is staying up in the house? taliesin: i would not object to invisibility.

laura: yeah, can you make us invisible? sam: i can make a couple of you invisible.keyleth, do you want to make anybody invisible? marisha: i can't do that. you keep forgettingthat's you who can do that. sam: you can't do that? sam: you know what? i can't do it, anyway. i thinkgate is a concentration spell. even if i'm reading it off a scroll? marisha: no, it takes an action to cast. sam: it is a concentration spell. matt: it is, and as part of the casting of it, itwould drop concentration.

sam: okay. then i can't make anyone invisible. laura: can i fly up and see if i can see percybefore i head over to my side? matt: you glide up into the air. make a stealthcheck. laura: i don't want to go too high! 17. matt: okay. you coast up. make a perceptioncheck. laura: 32. matt: against the white snow and the ice, theparapet structure itself is slightly off-color to the rest of the ice, and you do see the gleamingof percy's cloak through the cover you've placed. laura: shit. i dive back down and try to cover hima little bit more before i head over to my side.

matt: okay, that'll be the rest of this 30-minutepreparation for you to do that. all right, who else is doing what now? marisha: i think i just peed a little. matt: keyleth is peeing a little. laura: i'm going to cast pass without a trace onmyself as soon as i get to the other side so i can stay stealthed on my side. matt: where are you staying, then? laura: on the other ledge. yeah. i'm trying tohide myself. matt: okay, roll a stealth check. and trinketis staying in your necklace?

laura: yes! 32. matt: 32, good to know. all right. pike, what areyou doing? you're staying inside the mansion right now? ashley: i'm staying inside the mansion for rightnow. matt: okay. any other spells or castingpreparation? consider what spells you have that are not concentration that help defend. this isthe time to do it. marisha: i'm going to go ahead and wait until the15-minute mark-- no, i'm going to wait until the ten-minute mark and then enhance ability onscanlan. matt: okay, got you. travis: if you pour poison on a blade, do you getpoison damage if you hit them with it?

matt: if there is a blade you can apply poison to,then yes, you would probably do a little bit of poison damage. laura: you know what, i want to pop trinket out. iwant him to be in the mansion with pike and grog. go! matt: grog, you're in the mansion, as well? allrighty. kima is like (anticipation noise). laura: hide, kima! oh, she doesn't havean earring. matt: nope. she joins you guys in the mansion fornow. and vax, you're hiding over behind that rock? roll stealth, if you could. liam: natural 20. matt: okay. you grasp onto the rock, and muchlike the elven cloaks in lord of the rings, you

blend in with the stonework. liam: i'm going to go meditate on disguiseddwarves. goodbye. matt: grog, any preparation you're doing for this?all righty. as time begins to tick down, 15 minutes left, ten minutes left-- marisha: i cast enhance ability on scanlan. matt: okay, you're enhancing his? marisha: charisma. matt: all righty. marisha: and then i am going to move. we don'thave anyone over here yet, really, correct?

matt: no. you have percy up here but no one downthere. marisha: all right, i'm going to-- fuck. matt: going to? marisha: hide behind the tree and stealth as muchas i can. matt: okay, roll a stealth check. laura: keyleth, shouldn't you hide in themansion? sam: can you become an animal? laura: shouldn't you hide right now? just be outof the way until vorugal-- marisha: i can be an animal if you feel like youwant eyes out here, as well, but i won't be able

to go elemental. taliesin: then no. sam: ever? marisha: until i rest. laura: we've got eyes on. we're above. just gohide. marisha: all right, i go in the mansion. matt: okay, keyleth makes her way back intothe mansion. all right. five minutes. four minutes. three minutes. two minutes. sam: i will inspire myself.

matt: okay, that's part of your ability. sam: yes, i will say to myself: all right,scanlan. i know that your palms are sweaty. your knees are weak, arms heavy. there's cologne onyour tunic, grog's spaghetti. but just remember. you're good enough. you're smart enough, anddoggone it, people like you. travis: did you merge 8 mile with-- liam: with stuart smalley. matt: all right, so. as you step forward, where doyou want to open the gate scroll? sam: i'm still going to hang out by the rocks,and i can go at least 60 feet in front of me, but i'll do 50 feet.

sam: in the center, basically. matt: about there? sam: yeah, sure. marisha: remember to be super direct with hisname. sam: and his name is yenk? marisha: here, let me give you the script. matt: as you pull the scroll out, fumbling inyour fingers slightly, you're slightly sweaty and nervous. sam: i'm not going to read it until i hear wingsflapping.

sam: it takes six seconds to do, right? sam: oh boy. that's an eight. marisha: you have advantage on charismachecks. matt: this is not charisma. this is hisperception. laura: do we see him in the sky at all? matt: you make a perception check. don't hear anywings. you're listening; the wind's (whistles), the sound of the rain hitting the ground. laura: 19. matt: you begin to hear the flapping of wings inthe distance and you glance over.

laura: scanlan! what are you doing? cast it! sam: okay, i'm casting. matt: okay, as you pull the scroll out and beginreading it, the sigils and arcane glyphs are ancient and convoluted, and you're trying to tracethem with your eyes and you begin speaking, letting the ancient knowledge that you've gainedthrough your existence of wandering exandria begin to pour out on its own. you feel the magictake hold and your grip tightens as the script begins to light up with a slight bluish-purpletint. as it begins to light up around, i need you to check to see if you succeed in reading toscroll. sam: okay. so i roll with advantage?

matt: you roll with advantage. highest of two. sam: (gasps) not great. okay. and what am iadding? matt: your d12 to it. so roll a d12. and plustwo. sam: plus two? matt: plus two because jack of all trades. sam: plus my charisma? matt: plus your charisma bonus, which is six. sam: 20. matt: okay, the dc was 19.

(yelling) marisha: every little bit helps. taliesin: oh, we made the gumbo. matt: as some of the glyphs begin to shake andpart of the scroll begins to burn at the edges, you maintain concentration, staring at it. therain's hammering down on the scroll; it's growing slick and pouring off into the center of yoursleeve. you're soaked to the bone now and shivering as you're reading out these variouslanguage bits that are flowing through. you're now an instrument for the spell that is beyond yourcapability, and as suddenly the spell finishes, your fingers tighten and the scroll bursts intoflame and turns to dust around you. and for a

split second, you think you may have failed. (spell noises) this giant bluish doorway eruptsacross the way. sam: facing away from me. matt: facing away from you. you see, all of you,that the somewhat dark and shadowed ravine is now suddenly aglow with bright vibrant bluish light.the blue light turns to crimson, to a deep burning red, and you hear this horrible, deep suckingsound. and you watch as yenk the goristro is thrown from it, landing in the center of theravine, fist to the ground-- laura and ashley: we're going to die! matt: are you leaving the gate open?

sam: no, i close it instantly. matt: okay, the gate slams shut behind, thereddish light then now being consumed with a final blip of blue before it disappears. sam: i'm going to tiptoe backwards into themansion. matt: well, the goristro swoops the head over inyour direction. i need you to make a stealth check. sam: that's a seven. liam: oh, sam! (groans) travis: (whispers) roll a little better. matt: you watch as the hulking behemoth, itsextremely muscular body covered in fur and bony

protrusions like spikes that jut out of its form,horrible hooked teeth and giant curled horns that push forward with brass jewelry emblazoned acrossthe bone. whips around, its red eyes beaming straight on you. in a deep, guttural voice, it(foreign words) and begins to just lumber in your direction. marisha: oh god! matt: for right now, i need you, just for rightnow, scanlan, roll initiative. laura: oh my god. sam: 21! matt: all right, you're going before it does. whatare you doing?

liam: bamf to the door and go in! travis: focus your chi. sam: i sing at it. taliesin: no, he's got a movement and an action. sam: i sing at it. i will sing: (singing) yenk,you will be our friend, travel through the portal and back again. your heart is true, you're a fiendand a confidant. boom boom boom. (speaking) all right, so i will dominate monster, with the handcone. matt: right. all right. puts you at a full dc ofwhat? sam: 21.

matt: 21. that is a 13. those who are watching,yenk comes barreling, and then comes to a stop and stands there, looking down at this tiny gnomeabout 40 feet away and nods. sam: i say, you will stay here, and you will killa white dragon. matt: you see steam shoot out from the nose as nowyou notice the sound of the wings. (whooshing) sam: and i will tiptoe back into the mansion. marisha: that was the coolest thing you've everdone! matt: at which point-- taliesin: no! sam: it's huge!

laura: oh no, he's so big! travis: holy shit. liam: make all the action figure sounds, matt! ashley: that's a biggie. matt: at this point in time, vorugal lands.(snorting) and unleashes a torrent of frozen ice in this direction. marisha: i've been waiting for this all week! laura: i hope we can take it and it actually doesdamage. matt: that is going to be--

marisha: just dies instantly. oh fuck. apparentlywhite dragons are its weakness. laura: i know! sam: we're in a lobby, eating chicken. travis: a little elevator music playing. matt: as the blast hits, you can see coats of iceacross the floor. so you guys are aware, the ice and sleet and everything here is making the entireterrain rough terrain. so everyone is at half speed on foot in this entire battlefield. you cansee the actual air around vorugal itself is crystallizing into thick mist that surrounds hisform sightly. yenk is blasted with all this frozen frost-breath, and you can see the iciclescrystallizing against his form. (roars) goes

running forward, and slams, goring with its hornsinto vorugal's chest. laura: this feels like more like playtime thananything. all the action figures: bam bam bam! matt: watch me play with my toys, guys! all right,you watch as the horns slam into vorugal's chest, not really expecting the ferocity and the sheerforce of this entity it's unfamiliar with. the horns spark with flames, strangely. it also tearsthis giant gash in two points across vorugal's chest. you can see white scales fly from theimpact. and also, okay. it is not pushed. vorugal stands its ground as yenk pulls back. you see darkpurple blood from the edge of the horns of the goristro. end of his turn. all right, does notsave against the dominate monster. sam: yeah, that means he's still dominated. okay.

taliesin: he has not realized this is possibly apoor idea. travis: yenk's going to go, "come on, chum. let'sbe friends." matt: it did take damage from the ice breath, soit would have been trying to make its save. did not make it. at the end of yenk's turn, vorugal isgoing to use two of its legendary actions to do a wing attack. with a three, yenk is knocked prone,and he suffers 15 points of bludgeoning damage. at which point, vorugal's moving. takes up into the air, right above. now coming tovorugal's turn. vorugal gets cold breath back. and while yenk is on the ground, looking upward andtrying to get back up from the slick snow, releases another blast of cold breath down ontoyenk once more. constitution save, plus 14. does

make its save again. it's a hardy individual;constitution saves are high. it causes this cluster of ice to gather around his form, and hebreaks free. vorugal is then also going to use its flight to move over this way and spin around. liam: natural 20 on my stealth. matt: yenk is going to use its turn to stand up.it looks around. it does make its save, breaking dominate monster, so that is gone. sam: okay. would i feel that? no, i'm on anotherplane of existence. matt: you're on another plane of existence. youguys are all in this quiet space, fingers crossed, hoping right now. yenk looks frustrated at thispoint in time. not a whole lot i can do right now

at the moment, so it's going to run beneath andattempt to leap to grab it. unfortunately, it does not make the full height. leaps up in the airwith all its strength; its thick muscular, hoofed hind legs crouch down and leaps in the air, itsgiant claws reaching forth, but vorugal keeps just out of reach and kicks out with its claws and tail,knocking it back onto the ground. it lands, no effect. vorugal's turn now. actually, at the end of yenk'sturn-- no, it's not close enough. come back to vorugal's turn. vorugal does not get the icebreath back. it's going to swoop down, eager to finish this hunt, and is going to unleash a seriesof attacks. yeah, this is an interesting dynamic right now,because it looks like yenk is resisting a lot of

the cold impact from this. vorugal's going to do afull range of attacks. hits with the bite, hits with the claw, hits with the tail. lands and bitesinto him. you see ice shards go shooting off from the impact with the teeth. both claws tear intothe chest, but you can see the flesh itself is hardy and resistant to the dragon's attacks. it'sdamaging it, but yenk is definitely made of sturdier stuff. laura: while this is going on: percival. taliesin: yes? laura: if yenk dies really fast, what do we do? taliesin: i'm going to signal them to come out.

laura: oh fuck. matt: okay, it comes to yenk's turn now. as youguys are having this conversation, he is going to make two of its fist attacks and one with itshoof. sam: yes, yenk! yes! matt: a hit. a miss. and a hit. taliesin: he's expending power, as well. marisha: yeah, he's burned two of his legendaryactions already. yeah, we're watching the dragon burn through his legendary actions. taliesin: that's the other thing.

laura: oh, that's great! matt: legendary actions it gets every turn. laura: he hasn't burned through any resistances,though. matt: you watch as after the clawing goes throughyenk's chest, yenk reaches up and grabs the edge of vorugal's scaly back of its head and uppercutsright into the jaw, and then brings up one of its hooves and straight-up chest kicks with thesharpened hoof into the center of vorugal's chest. it leaves vorugal stumbling back for a second. atthe end of that turn, it's going to use two of its legendary actions to once again beat its wings.yenk, not being a very dexterous individual, fails and gets knocked prone once again, sending vorugalonce again up to there. back to vorugal's turn, he

does not get the ice breath, but it looks likevorugal actually is moving further and further away and is biding his time. sam: i'm going to cast invisibility on myself andpoke my head out the door. yeah, that'll work. matt: yeah, you look out. make a perception check.the sleet is coming down pretty hard, so you're having to glean what you can. sam: fucking eight. matt: you can see some movement of dragon stuff inthe air, and you hear various pitches of growling, horrible, angry yelling in the center of thebattlefield. marisha: so we know they're here.

matt: you know they're there. sam: battle is still going on. i'll check again in12 seconds. matt: yenk's turn, very frustrated, can't seem tofigure out what to do, is going to attempt to leap once more. nope. he runs, leaps, tries to grab atthe foot. vorugal steps out of the way. yenk finishes landing on the opposite side; no effect.turns around. all right. vorugal. gets the cold breath back. he is going to fly backwards, and asit does, sprays an unholy mess of frozen breath energy down towards yenk, who does not make thesave, but still takes resistant damage, thanks to cold resistance. you watch with each impact yenk'sopen wounds are getting frost shards jammed into them. right now, it looks like yenk doesn't havemuch of a recourse until vorugal is on the ground,

and vorugal seems to have noticed this and isstarting to keep a distance, and is waiting. marisha: i can ground him. sam: and expose yourself? marisha: i'm just throwing it out there. i canground him. matt: back to yenk's turn. at the end of vorugal'sturn, vorugal is going to take up about ten more feet... to get completely out of his leaping rangethere. liam: how high is he? matt: right now? 60 feet up. yenk leaps and can'tquite get that height and angrily begins to reach over and climb up the side of the mountain there.

liam: can i attack him right now? matt: what's up? matt: which one? liam: vorugal. 60 feet. i'm sharpshooter; he's 60feet away from me. matt: 60 feet is your range. he's a little higherthan 60 feet from the angle. sam: are you on the ground? laura: he's on the ground. liam: pop out the wings. matt: or the wings, you could do that.

liam: fly within 40 feet of him. throw whisper athis ass. that's what i'm doing. assassin. sam: are you going to go up his ass into hisstomach? laura: in the dragon again. sam: in the dragon! matt: all right. as you step over, the wingsunleash and you fly up right underneath vorugal right there. liam: do i need to roll for stealth, though? matt: no, you're still stealthed. you were holdingthat, yeah. you don't seem to be noticed. right now, vorugal's attention is faced over as it'sfloating, staring at yenk, who's now starting to

climb up the side of the mountain. liam: so finally, this is advantage and anautomatic critical hit? assassin trait. matt: well, let's see. i'd say, given thecircumstances, it is unaware that you are part of the battlefield, even though there is a currentthreat in its circumstance, so in this situation-- let me double-check real fast. sam: it's not even a dungeons and dragons book. taliesin: it's a cookbook! sam: they're all people! sam and taliesin: it's a cookbook!

matt: i would say, given the fact that it'scompletely unaware there was any other combatants in the vicinity aside from yenk, i will allow thisto be a surprise attack from you, though he is not considered surprised to anybody else. thereisn't a surprise round. liam: all right. i rolled a 28. matt: oh, that hits. liam: this is whisper. i'm using whisper. i'mgoing to cast divine smite on the attack, as well. matt: all right. roll damage on that. ashley: kill him. one turn. liam: here we go. two.

laura: (laughing) four! liam: hold on. no, so all the dice first. two plusthe psychic damage, which is 1d8. nine. plus the divine smite, which is 15. yeah, here comes the sneakattack damage. (counting) 38, plus my modifier which is 46. no, we double the dice first, so 38times two. 76. plus eight is 84. matt: 84 points of damage against vorugal. are yougoing with the blade, or you letting it sit? liam: oh, i went with the blade. laura: so you're on vorugal right now? matt: so as you throw the blade up, it strikesinto one of the wounds that yenk had already clawed under its chest, and the blade sinks up tothe hilt and further in, and as you appear, you're

actually wrist-deep in the wound right now. travis: back in the dragon again! matt: you are right up with vorugal right now. liam: i'm hasted. that's action number one. actionnumber two is to throw whisper down toward the trees closest to you, dm, and bamf there, and usemy bonus action to hide. i'll hit the ground, right? matt: the blade loses its luster and stumbles intothe snow. (clinking) hits the ground. it's out of range. it doesn't hit anything solid; you don't gowith the blade. liam: i'm going to push off him, then. laura: you have wings.

liam: yeah, i know that. what did i use? i used 40feet of movement? matt: correct. liam: okay. i don't know how much i have left. ifi'm hasted, i would have 120 total, but that's halved, so 20 feet, because you said roughterrain. but i'm in the air? matt: you're in the air, but there's a lot ofsleet and rain hitting. liam: so ten feet. that's all right. i'm going tokeep moving away. i'm going to use all my movement to get away from him and go away from his butt. ishould have a bonus action that i can use. the rest of my movement, plus dash. matt: all right, before you get there, he's now(roars). the angry scream. vorugal's head swoops

around underneath and directly into your eyes asyou dart away with the blade. he spins in place and bites at you as you're trying to pull away. liam: i have advantage on dexterity saving throws. matt: okay. this is a bite attack, so it doesn'tmatter. so that is a 26? liam: that hits. matt: all right. so you take 22 points of piercingdamage. liam: okay. can i uncanny dodge this? is thismelee? matt: yeah, it's a melee attack, so you can dothat. plus 14 points of cold damage. liam: which is halved because of my armor, so 26down to 13 and seven. 20 total.

matt: yeah, 20 total, reduced by half because ofuncanny dodge, you said? liam: okay, so i'm down to 95. matt: okay. so 95. you pull away to about there,the rest of your movement? liam: i want to use bonus action to dash. i don'tknow if that gets me 60 feet away flying. matt: flying, so it would be 30. liam: it's 120 hasted, so 60 feet halved. matt: okay, so yeah, you can get all the way tothe ground if you want to. liam: yes. matt: you get down to the ground about thereif you want. okay. now i need you to go ahead and

roll initiative and put you on the initiativeorder. liam: yes, sir. matt: you have now engaged. liam: okay, so it's an 11. matt: an 11. taliesin: have you said anything in the earpieceyet? liam: well, you guys saw it. people inside can'thear me. matt: all right, so comes back to the top of theround now. yenk is currently climbing up the side. gets about halfway up the side. is not entirelyup, but is clawing up, and you feel the impact

from where you're standing, percy. taliesin: i'm holding. matt: going to use the rest of his action to climbup. gets all the way to the top of the ravine, which is about at the same height that vorugal is.based on your help, i need you to roll another stealth check because you helped him for the lasthalf hour. you have advantage because she was helping you. taliesin: oh! 13. 13, because i'm at a negativeone. laura: 13? that's worse than it was before! matt: yenk gets to the top and turns around andsees vorugal off to the side, glances down and

goes (foreign words). and is going to make a giantbowling underhand fist punch right towards you, percy. taliesin: i was holding ready. can i try and beathis initiative and get a shot off first? matt: as a reaction right now, you can go aheadand take a shot. marisha: it's time to go. sam: has it been two rounds? taliesin: jenga! matt: it's been more than two rounds since thisstarted. sam: how about since i looked last?

matt: it's been almost a round. laura: can i see all this happening? matt: you do watch this happening. laura: i'm going to take an arrow and shoot it. ican see the door, but it's not going to register on a magical door, is it? matt: no. laura: fuck. marisha: we're about to pop out. liam: hey, b-t-dubs, i've just learned thatwhisper can only bamf me once per round, right?

matt: it needs to solidly hit something. liam: to stick within 60 feet. got it. matt: you can't throw it as hard as you can andit'll teleport you wherever it lands. it has to impact. taliesin: i'm going to press a torso push withthis, by the way. taliesin: yeah, i'm going to press a torso push.better! 33. i don't even know why i bother. he's automatically pushed ten feet away from me. matt: he does still get the one hit on you, whichis 27. taliesin: oh, that hits.

matt: you take 23 points of bludgeoning damagefrom the fist, and then the fist seems to sparkle with electrical energy as it goes to impact you. taliesin: that's magic. matt: it is not a magic spell, no. you take sixpoints of lightning damage. marisha: yenk is on top? matt: yenk is at the top of the ravine. marisha: isn't percy halfway down? matt: yenk got up to where he would see him and thensaw him as he was passing by. stopped to slam him.

taliesin: so 23 plus six. that's fine. thelightning damage, the cloak doesn't absorb that? taliesin: okay. then i'm going to do my damage onhim, which is new to me. that's terrible. that's 11 points of damage, plus two points of psychicdamage. matt: 13 points of damage. gets pushed back.because he's still holding onto the edge, he has to see if he can-- no, it does not. yenkloses grip from the blast of the gun after punching you, stumbles back. claw hits the edgeand falls down prone to the ground at the base of the ravine. 40 feet. taliesin: 50 feet. matt: 50 feet. taking an additional16 points of bludgeoning damage, which is halved.

taliesin: do i join the initiative order? matt: you do. go ahead and roll initiative. taliesin: 21. matt: 21. all right. that ends yenk's turn.vorugal does not get the ice breath back. however, does see both of you in the vicinity. laura: me? matt: does not see you, no, but it sees vax andpercy. taliesin: it sees me? all right. matt: the blast of the gun and the impact and thewhole encounter with yenk exposed you. it's going

to use its action to use frightful presence, soi need both percy and vax-- and vex, actually, because you're still within the range-- to make awisdom saving throw. you have advantage. you guys are immune to frightening, so it doesn't actuallyaffect you regardless, so don't worry about it. liam: don't roll? matt: don't have to roll; you're immune to fear.yenk makes his saving throw, so yenk is not afraid, either. marisha: thanks, pike! should we pop out? shouldwe do this? laura: no, not yet! sam: after 12 seconds, i will look. i will stickmy head out and look again.

matt: vorugal is now watching the battlefield andseeing the people that have been revealed. vorugal's going to go up a little higher. sam: he's a total not-a-good-hunter. i thought heenjoyed the hunt! matt: he doesn't enjoy being ambushed or in afight that he can't win. sam: i've poked my head out to look. matt: okay. you look out and you see vorugal wayhigh in the air. you see yenk on the ground, and you see a couple of your companions less stealthedthan they were before. marisha: what's it looking like, scanlan? sam: i pop my head back in and i tell them: shit'sgoing down. should we go out or let this play out

a bit? yenk is not dead. laura: they can't hear you, percy. i can hear you,but they can't. sam: yenk is not dead, so we will be fightingyenk, as well. ashley: we can't leave them out there alone. sam: i guess we go. ashley: right? are we going to leave them outthere to die? marisha: i can try and ground him. it's a strengthsaving throw, though; it's going to be tough. laura: try and ground vorugal? try it. marisha: i say, excuse me, scanlan.

matt: those who are entering the fray, rollinitiative. sam: i'm going to leave the mansion and startrunning. marisha: son of a fuck! sam: 14. matt: 14. what did you get, keyleth? marisha: four. sam: that's top of the round! matt: anyone else? grog? travis: 15.

matt: 15. all righty. liam: you get advantage, right? matt: vex, do you want to roll? laura: i guess as soon as i see everybody run out,i would start attacking. matt: pike, you as well? ashley: five. sam: yeah, this is great. travis: wow. fuck me. liam: oh jeepers, we're going to die.

sam: don't worry, we've got our secret weapon. oursecret weapon, by the way, now wants to kill all of us. marisha: did he lose his save against it? sam: he wants to kill us. taliesin: except that he also has a dragon tocontend with, so as long as we keep it a bigger threat than us, i think he'll keep hisconcentration where it is. marisha: we should still try to stay out of allthis. matt: everyone who has rolled initiative will beon the next initiative order. vax, you're finishing up this round.

liam: oh, i am? i would like to throw whisper tothe rock i was initially hiding behind and bamf there. liam: yeah. sure, that's 25. i would like to usemy bonus action to hide behind that rock. matt: okay. go ahead and roll a stealth check. liam: that is a 25. can i hold my last action? matt: you could hold an action to do one thingwith a trigger, sure. you can use your hasted action. liam: i'm going to stay put. stay hidden. matt: all right, that brings us to the top of theround. percy, you're at the top.

taliesin: oh boy. okay. i'm going to take a wingshot at that dragon to try and drop him. come on. natural 20. laura: (yelling) yes! ashley: there it is. taliesin: does the 1d6 also double? is it all diceor just the standard damage? matt: no, the dice, as well. ashley: no mercy percy! marisha: you're my favorite. taliesin: oh, you say that now. let's see how thisgoes. first the damage, which is not bad. 16

points of normal damage and 11 points of psychicdamage, and he's prone. matt: what's the total on that one? taliesin: 16 and 11. that's 27. matt: all right. well, it has to make a strengthsave. taliesin: no, not against the wing shot. oh,strength saving throw; you're right. against a dc of 19. matt: that is a success. 21. taliesin: again. that'll hit. 31 to hit. matt: 31 will hit, yep.

taliesin: same thing. 15 points of damage plus onepsychic, so 16. matt: 16, and what was the dc again? taliesin: 19. matt: 19? just fails with an 18, so instead ofbeing knocked prone it drops 60 feet per round. taliesin: so it's dropping now? matt: we'll say for now, yes, it's dropping. sam: come on, yenk. kill that thing. (plastic platform clatters) sam: he died!

taliesin: what should i make it have difficulty with?not saving, but checks. sam: he's not going to have to check anything. taliesin: you never know. matt: there. all right, percy. that was yoursecond shot. taliesin: one more shot. first, i'm going to hexthe dragon. i'm going to give him disadvantage against strength checks. and i'm going to shoothim with a sharpshooter shot for my last shot. come on. yeah! 29. matt: 29 hits. taliesin: this is good. (excited yell) 18. oh mygod, okay. 28 plus five psychic, so that's 33

points of damage, plus another d6. plus anotherfive necro. matt: nice, 38. as you're aiming up as vorugal'sgetting further and further away, you aim up and fire. one side hits it and wings it ever soslightly, the second shot you aim the other side it actually hits the joint and causes the wing toflap. vorugal tumbles out of the air for a second and just manages to catch himself and the finalshot impacts right in the back of the skull spines and shatters part of the bone and ice off of it,leaving a nice, fresh wound in the back of the head. taliesin: now, i'm going to take cover in mylittle cove. liam: i'd like to think of you driving and cuttingsomeone off on the 101 and going,

"plus five necro." taliesin: plus five necro, motherfucker. taliesin: he's checking the sheet. oh no. laura: oh no, what are you looking at? taliesin: it means there's a very angry dragon nowthat's looking at me. matt: okay, so kima, who's now eager to get outthere goes, "okay. all right. let's do this." she's going to cast aura of vitality on herself asher action. then she goes running through the center of the portal, leaps out, turns the cornerto there and stops and goes, "oh shit." that's her turn.

marisha: that's her turn? matt: she's just entering the fray and did apreparation spell as part of that. ending kima's turn, let's see here. from out of seeminglynowhere in particular, you see a flash of electrical energy arcing from one of the nearbysections of the crevasse alcove. the bolt of energy arcs out and slams into vorugal, who doesnot make the save, not seeing it there. taliesin: all right. we've got a game. sam: five points of damage! marisha: what are you good for? matt: that'll be 41 points of lightning damage.

sam: okay! marisha: remember, she learned from the druids abunch of fucking nature shit. matt: one of the arcs tries to reach for yenk andmanages to disperse before it can get to it. it's not quite within range, but that finishes whereverthat lightning source was. yenk angrily is going to stand up and turn. it is going to attempt torun and grab up at vorugal again. marisha and sam: come on, yenk! matt: leaps and misses, (impact) landing rightnext to the rock. that's a natural 20 on a perception check as it lands (impact) and looksover right into your face. liam: hi.

matt: yenk is now aware of you. taliesin: he's just noticing everybody. matt: at the end of yenk's turn-- that's not goingto help him right now. that's going to end that. vorugal's turn. breath does return this time.vorugal, from up here, is going to send ice breath across the entire ground, sweeping up across bothyenk and vax. i need you to make a constitution saving throw. liam: could i use evasion for this? matt: no, it's constitution. liam: all right. i'm going to use luck. first luckof the day. all right, 13.

matt: 13? no. you suffer 72 points of cold damage,halved because of your resistance. ashley: how much, again? matt: 72, but halved because of your coldresistance. 36 points of cold damage to you. travis: um. what? matt: vorugal's then going to take higher up intothe air. taliesin: can he do that already, even recoveringfrom the prone? matt: yeah. the idea with prone is that unlessthere's something that maintains or it can't improve its movement past its next turn, itcontinues to fall. that's going to finish vorugal's turn. grog, you're up.

travis: i'm up? matt: yep. you're still inside the mansion. sam: do not draw attention to yourself, friend. travis: fuck that. we're all going down. i takethe titanstone knuckles and i smash them together, and i use the enlarge, and i will burst out of themansion in a rage. liam: big grog! matt: so that's 30 feet of movement. you have 20more feet, if you want. travis: no, remember it's halved. matt: all right. then there, that's 25. that'syour movement. the gauntlets took your bonus

action. you can still use your action to dash, ifyou want to move further. or do you want to stay there and hold your action? liam: wait. i'm sorry. yenk knew where i was. didthe dragon know where i was, too? matt: it's funny. it hit yenk and the whole thing,but the dragon has an aerial view, and you have a single rock that you went behind to hide, and itsaw you move behind the rock. you have to break eye contact to stealth. travis: i'll use that dash to keep moving towardsthe ice wall, towards you. maybe two or three squares. that will be my turn. matt: you can get there. hulking, axe gripped,giant grog is leaping through the snow. (impacts)

you're two-thirds the size of yenk, right now,which is crazy. all right, that ends grog's turn. scanlan, you're up. sam: me? i'm still invisible. i'm going to leavethe mansion. matt: you're not still invisible, because you castdominate monster. sam: no, i cast invisibility after i cast dominatemonster. i'm going to leave the mansion and clockwise around the game board. matt: that's as far as you can get, there, withyour reduced movement. sam: if i inspire, that kills my invisibility? matt: technically, no. it's not an attack or anaction, so i would say it wouldn't. it may give

away your location. sam: then i will use my bonus action to keepmoving. to dash? matt: to dash is your action. you can do that,yeah. your bonus action, that's only a rogue ability. sam: i will dash and keep moving away and thatway. matt: this way? okay. that's your action. sam: that's it? matt: yeah. it's big, heavy snow and slick ice.you're having to be careful. sam: okay. i don't want to draw attention tomyself, so that'll be that.

sam: i'm only within range of kima. i'm not goingto give away my position to inspire her. matt: all right, finishing your turn. vax, you'reup. liam: holy shit. yeah, i'm going to take to theair. holy shit. i'm going to fly within 60 feet of vorugal. 55 feet away. matt: that will put you about there. okay. yenkhas a reach of ten because his arms are long, and you're within his combat range, so as soon as youfly up, he swings out with his fist to attempt to impact you. liam: all right, uncanny dodge. matt: as you're with your wings, dagger out, thisfist comes swinging like a battering ram from the

side. that is 22 to hit. misses. (whoosh) you justbarely dodge out of the way. you feel the force of it, the wind batter a bunch of errant fallingsleet and snow across your face, but you rush past, the hasted bonus saving you on that one. liam: okay, so how far did i just go? matt: that would have been 55 feet. liam: 55 feet. i can go 120 in one action, sothat's my movement. matt: halved, yeah. liam: halved, but 120, so that's mymovement, total. i'm going to throw whisper in his face. i'm not going to bamf there; i'm just goingto throw the dagger.

matt: into vorugal? liam: vorugal's face. that's halfsies, so i'mgoing to roll it again. that's way better. that is a 32. matt: that hits. how many luck have you used, bythe way? liam: one. that is 12 plus the psychic damage. matt: i thought you used luck once before, today. liam: i don't think so. not since waking up. matt: it would have been yesterday. you're right. liam: 12, plus two is 14, and i'm going to castdivine smite-- no, i'm not. no, just 14 of damage,

so that's movement, action. my next action i'mgoing to use to fly under him, halfway between percival and the gang, and land on the wall. matt: land on the wall this way? liam: yeah. now, that wall is higher up than itlooks, so i'm really flying straight, right? matt: correct. we'll say you're about there,technically. liam: yes, and then for a bonus action, my lastspell slot, i'm going to cast shield of faith on my fucking self for a plus two to ac. matt: there you go. ending vax's turn. pike, you're up. ashley: yikes. well. are we outside the mansion?

matt: no, you're inside the mansion right now. youjust watched grog, kima, and scanlan all dart out of it. well, you didn't see scanlan leave. scanlanvanished. ashley: scanlan vanished. matt: it's you, trinket, and keyleth. laura: did i ever get on the initiative order? matt: what did you roll? ten, right? you'dtechnically be after vax. we'll do your turn after this, but you're after vax. ashley: i'm going to pop out. maybe i can stay inthere and do this, in the door, and try to cast divine intervention.

matt: divine intervention? all right, so you stepout and you see this chaos happen: the dragon in the air, the fiend on the side, swinging andbarely missing a flying vax, who swoops past in the middle of this sleet storm. you close youreyes and concentrate, holding your holy symbol, praying that sarenrae has the ability to reachbeyond the divine gate and lend you her strength temporarily. i need you to roll a d10. marisha: man, how awesome would this be? laura: it would be insane. matt: what did you roll? ashley: a ten?

matt: a zero? laura: yeah, a zero. marisha: (excited gasping) shut the fuck up! shehas to roll under her level, which she did. matt: so this succeeded. marisha: shut the fuck up, ashley! matt: so as you clutch your holy symbol,concentrating, hoping that she's there, feeling the division between the gods and their followerssince the divergence occurred. you've reached out to her a number of times. you look up through thedarkness of your closed eyes, and you see a light, a beacon open. the clouds part, and suddenly thesound of rain goes away. the sound of all the

chaos goes away, and it's just warmth and quiet,and you watch as sarenrae's hand comes down and touches your forehead, and with your closed eyes,and says, "i'll do what i can." as she drifts away and smiles, you watch as her hand turns into afist, and she looks up and disappears into the light. as you open your eyes, you now see up inthe sky above vorugal, the clouds that are dark, a sparkle of divine energy begins to swirl. as itgrows stronger and stronger, the clouds suddenly part, and a giant column of divine energy (boom)slams down, right on top of vorugal. vorugal looks up just in time to try to move out of the waybefore it slams him back. does not make his dex save with a roll of five. vorugal suffers 50points of divine damage and is slammed onto the ground.

taliesin: stay down! marisha: yes! holy fuck! pike! that was amazing! ashley: oh boy! liam: action figure is down. matt: additional 26 points of bludgeoning damage.as the light column slams vorugal to the ground, you can see some of the ice and snow underneathmelts immediately, and what was once a column, you can see now looks like a giant fist made ofspiritual energy that then withdraws slowly off the back of vorugal and then dissipates before theclouds close up once more.

ashley: yes! it worked! matt: that's your movement and your action. ashley: for a bonus action, i would like to placea spiritual weapon at the back of his neck, since he's on the ground. and i would like it to be avery large flaming sword. matt: okay. you watch as the hand of sarenraedissipates, some of the energy that's residual there lingers, and then forms into a flaming swordof pure golden-white energy. it is now hovering over the currently slammed-down, broken-lookingbody of vorugal. sam: she's the best one of the group! matt: all righty. that was... what level spell wasthat, again, pike? second level. got it. all right,

so make a melee spell attack against vorugal. rolla d20 and add, i believe it's 11. roll a d20 and add 11 to it as the flaming blade attempts tostrike down towards vorugal. ashley: 25. matt: 25 hits. go ahead and roll 1d8 plus five. ashley: okay, well, six. sarenrae did the damage. matt: six points of divine damage. ashley: sarenrae does 50 points of damage, and ido six. matt: through you, did 50 points. you're stillpart of it. all right, that ends pike's turn. vex, we're taking your turn because you weren't in theinitiative order.

laura: that's okay. i'm going to cast hunter'smark on vorugal. matt: because dragons are your chosen enemy, i'mgiving you the plus two damage against it. laura: okay, so i'm hidden, technically, so i getsneak attack on him, right? matt: currently, you have not been noticed. laura: okay, so i'm going to hit him, or try to.that is 34. matt: yeah, that'll hit. divine intervention, man.finally worked. can't use it for a week, by the way, pike, just so you're aware. once it succeeds,you can't use it for a week. ashley: that's fine. ashley: i doubt it's going to work again. that, ithink, has never worked.

marisha: you've gotten close. you've gotten reallyclose. travis: three years, never worked. laura: 30 points of damage on the first hit, andtwo of those are lightning. matt: great. taliesin: is it gargantuan? gargantuan. trusttravis on this one. laura: 22 on the second, two of which arelightning. matt: okay. nice. all right, that ends your turn.you used your bonus action to hunter's mark. laura: i did. i'm going to hang out there and duckdown, if i can, behind my little outcropping. matt: okay. keyleth, you're up.

marisha: okay. oh god. i'm going to pop out of themansion. i was expecting to do an earthbind spell, but that's not necessary. that's okay! matt: pike, do you want to move at all, or do youwant to stay behind that rock? ashley: i'm going to stay behind. marisha: i'm going to fuck this guy up while he'sdown. i'm going to peek around the corner, going towards you a bit, and seeing everyone there andall this go down, i'm going to fire storm the fuck out of this! taliesin: death from above. marisha and taliesin: fire rains from above!

matt: how are you organizing the fire storm? marisha: i have ten of these? i'm shaking. matt: fire storm, you create ten ten-foot cubes.you can maneuver it to hit both him and yenk, if you want to. marisha: yeah, that's what i want. matt: make a dexterity saving throw. liam: get that epic loot drop. marisha: i know. i want it. matt: that is a failure on vorugal, with a ten,and a seven on yenk. they both fail, so roll

damage on that. 7d10 fire damage. marisha: 7d10. laura: hey, matt. matt: yes? ashley: 1d8 plus your spellcasting modifier? matt: which is five. it's your wisdom. ashley: spell attack bonus. matt: yes, there's a difference. ashley: i understand.

laura: do it, keyleth! taliesin: want a bonus? laura: it doesn't count on the floor. marisha: i'll roll this one. it's eight! okay,hang on. (counting) 30. i picked it up. 38. matt: 38 fire damage to both of them. all righty.the fire storm tears through the ravine. you can see the flames burn over vorugal's body. vorugalis now trying to get back up. (roars) he's extremely angry. the flames curl over yenk, whobats away at them. it burns him, but yenk does seem to resist it fairly well. marisha: i'm going to use the last bit of mymovement to pop back behind the stone.

matt: okay. there you go. all righty, does thatend your turn? percy, you're up. taliesin: i'm going to take aim and hold my fullattack until he tries to get up. matt: okay. that brings us to kima's turn. kimasees the opportunity. because of the snow, she can't quite get there yet with her full movement,unfortunately. all righty. kima is going to use the rest of her action to dash and get right upnext to vorugal and is going to use her bonus action to use vow of enmity against it. she goes,"you are going to see bahamut in pieces!" as she brings the thumb across, the holy symbol glows fora second. you see a mark emblazon and burn itself into the side of vorugal's body. that's going toend kima's turn. taliesin: that's a sick tattoo, y'all.

laura: maybe it's like hex and hunter's mark. travis: we don't know what that does. matt: what's the range on that, actually? that'sgoing to be a rough call. okay, you watch as emerging from the treeline here, you see a littledwarf step forward, unaffected by the ice, and reach out a hand as a cluster of necrotic energysparkles in the center. leaps forward toward vorugal. that is a success on the save, so it'shalf damage, but keyleth, you recognize at a glance of your eye, this necromantic leap. this isa blight spell. sam: blight spell? laura: who's doing a blight spell?

sam and matt: larkin. sam: he's secretly raishan! liam: what? where did that dwarf come from? didyou hire more mercenaries? when are they showing up? hey, i'll own it. it's fine. it's been a longweek. matt: yenk turns around with a grin. (impacts)coming forward. sam: yes, yenk. matt: is going to make three attacks, and hasadvantage on these attacks, because it's prone. a five and a one. are you serious? misses the firststrike, with advantage. hits with the second attack. hits with the third. okay, so that's goingto be 48 points of damage from yenk. slams a fist

once and glides off the scales. second one goesand slams into the side of vorugal's neck, and then picks up the hoof and jams it into the sideof the skull, cracking into the side of vorugal's head. you can see some teeth break and get thrownoff and scatter into the ice and snow nearby. at the end of yenk's turn, vorugal is going to goahead and use two actions to wing attack once more, getting up. let's see. yenk's going to haveto make a strength save. fails. kima fails, as well. they are both knocked prone and sufferbludgeoning damage. travis: only if you're right on him? i'm only twosquares away, i think. matt: you are also within 15 feet, grog,technically, so i need you to make a strength travis: 17?

matt: 17 does not cut it. you take 15 points ofbludgeoning damage and you are knocked prone. liam: all the trees are down. matt: it's rough. and vorugal gets half itsspeed. taliesin: oh no. he's even starting to move? i'mlaying into him. spending a grit point and i'm knocking him in the foot, back prone before he caneven stand up. matt: okay. how many grit points do you have, bythe way, now? taliesin: this is my third or fourth because i didcrit, so i got one back. matt: you did. this is correct. taliesin: 22.

matt: 22 hits. taliesin: that's a d10 and a d6, and another d6.12 points of damage, plus one necrotic and two psychic, so 15 points of damage, and he has a saveagainst 19. matt: that's a natural 20. has disadvantagebecause of your-- taliesin: no, i was about to say, it's a save, nota check. matt: oh, right. strength checks. so natural 20.unaffected. taliesin: unaffected? again! matt: this is your last grit point. marisha: can't say we're not honest.

taliesin: blowing it. it's worth it. gun jams. matt: gun jams. taliesin: you know what happens. matt: so as you go to fire animus, it charges upfor a second and blasts back, and you watch as a bolt of necrotic energy shoots up percy's arm andinto his head and bursts at his temples. you take 2d6 points of psychic damage. ashley: does the spiritual weapon get an attack ofopportunity? matt: no, it doesn't get attacks of opportunity.it's not a creature. taliesin: ow. that's the end of my turn. i'm goingto dive down and hide and hold.

matt: that ends yenk's turn. it's now vorugal'sturn. gets the breath back. turns around here. at the giant cluster of shit here. sam: he does not see me! matt: doesn't need to. you're in a very big spacethere. i need pike, scanlan, and keyleth to all make constitution saving throws. marisha: the cloak doesn't have anything to dowith this, right? sam: can i use cutting words to reduce theattack? matt: it's not an attack. it's an effect thathappens. marisha: with advantage? natural 20!

matt: with advantage? why do you get advantage? marisha: i thought you said advantage. marisha: fucking fuck! well, then i guess ireroll. liam: rolled two dice. matt: roll one dice. marisha: i should have kept the first one. that'san 18, which is good! 23. matt: okay. scanlan? sam: 13. i add nothing to it, right? taliesin: is it constitution saving? plus two.

matt: 23. pike, what did you get? ashley: nine. matt: nine. kima failed. so that is 72 points ofcold damage to scanlan, pike, and kima. ashley: divided between us all, right? matt: no, sorry. halved to you. marisha: that's 36? ashley: just 72? matt: wait, does one of you have the cold snaparmor on? laura: i do.

matt: oh yeah. so yeah, 36 cold damage to you,keyleth. 72 to both of you and kima. and vorugal is then going to get back a bit and fly a littlehigher. taliesin: he moved really far in one turn. matt: the wing effect is a legendary action onsomebody else's turn, and then on his turn, he has a speed of 80 feet, flying. taliesin: even halved? matt: he's not affected by cold. sorry, whitedragon. taliesin: we're still going to need you, then,apparently. matt: that's going to end vorugal's turn. grog,you're up.

travis: oh, well, he's in the air, which is mypreference, all around. can i get up, please? now we're somewhere. can i move directly under him asfar as i can go? matt: that's half movement, so that's about as faras you can get right now. travis: can i haste or pick my nose to go anyfurther? matt: unfortunately, no. liam: hold for him to drop? travis: i will hold until he drops. liam: oh, sad grog. matt: scanlan, you're up.

sam: jesus. i will continue my movement clockwisearound the board. matt: this way, you mean? that's your movement. sam: how far is he from me? a long way. matt: quite a ways right now, yeah. sam: 150 to 200 feet? matt: not quite that much, no. maybe somewhere inthe neighborhood of 80 feet. sam: has my invisibility dropped when i gotblasted? matt: actually, make a concentration check withadvantage, because you have war caster. sam: concentration? is it plus anything?

matt: it's a constitution saving throw. matt: 14. yeah, no. you had to beat a 36 becauseof the damage from the ice blast. yeah, your invisibility drops. you are now fully visible. sam: okay. is he within 120 feet of me? matt: yeah, he's within 120 feet, probably. sam: all right, i'll punch him in the face. matt: bigby's hand? sam: yeah. i will bigby's hand him. matt: all right. bigby's hand flies up to meetvorugal.

liam: can you yank his shit down? sam: he's way too big. i can try to grab a wing. marisha: can you grapple him? grapple a wing? sam: dm, how does this work? i cannot grappleanything above a huge monster. can i grapple part of a gargantuan monster? matt: unfortunately, he's just too big for bigby'shand. sam: so i just punch him. simply a punch. bigby'shand! matt: roll a d20 plus your spell attack bonus. sam: 17.

matt: 17. (whoosh) the fist swings past. vorugaldodges out of the way, batting his wings and getting out of the trajectory of the fist thatjust streaks by harmlessly. sam: great. i think i'm within range of ladykima? i can inspire her, maybe? matt: yeah. sam: you know what? fuck her. i'm going to healmyself. sam: she crossed me one too many times. marisha: she crossed you? sam: fuck her. laura: poor kima. trying to get mind-wiped so manytimes by him.

marisha: he's a dick to her, and now he's angryabout it. sam: healing word. can i do level two? that's 2d4plus six now? sam: 12 points. great. okay. thanks. matt: all righty. that's your turn, scanlan? sam: yes. matt: vax, you're up. liam: oh jeez! really? okay. so i'm right there.am i within 60 feet? matt: maybe. liam: i'm going to fly 20 feet forward through thestorm toward him.

matt: okay. that will put you right about there. liam: yeah. dagger, dagger, dagger. laura: oh, you have three daggers still? liam: they come back, man. first is 26. second isa 17, but i'm going to use my second luck, so the second is a 21. and the third is 19. matt: all right. the 17 and 19 miss. liam: okay, so the first one was really high. thesecond two are mediocre. matt: the first one hits. the other two streakoff. liam: whisper hits.

sam: does he get sneak attack because i'm on theflank with my hand? liam: no, i didn't think so. that is terrible.that's just ten. and i use my movement to fly directly under him. matt: okay. you're not going with whisper? liam: say again? matt: you're not going with whisper? liam: no. liam: no... yes, i am. matt: are you?

liam: could i have hit him in the tail? matt: if you want to, sure. why not? youimpact. liam: i got the blade on his tail, and i'm there. matt: okay. you're right there with vorugal. marisha: it's becoming a jenga mini-game. liam: that's where i am. matt: all righty. that ends vax's turn. vex,you're up. laura: okay. i'm going to try to hit him a coupletimes. matt: go for it.

laura: my moves are really intricate. 25 for thefirst one, and i'm using blazing bowstring on this. okay. (counting) oh! okay. i have 40 pointsof damage on the first hit, two of which are lightning, seven of which are fire damage. matt: 40. laura: and i get sneak attack because vax is onhim. matt: yep. sam: is that fenthras? laura: it's fenthras. and then 25 on the secondhit. sam: points of damage?!

laura: no, that's just to attack. oh, jeez louise.(counting) 23 on the second one, with four points of lightning damage and two points of firedamage. matt: all right. so that's your turn? laura: and i'm going to use my bonus action tohide. matt: okay. roll a stealth check. laura: pass without a trace still on me? matt: no, because you used hunter's mark. laura: right. so that is 27. matt: okay, good to know. end of your turn,vorugal is going to use his legendary action to

make a tail attack against vax. liam: is that melee? can i use uncanny dodge? matt: you can if it hits you, yeah. so that is a26? liam: shite! yeah, uncanny dodge. matt: okay. so as you get up there and the arrowssmack into the sides, from both vex's attacks-- liam: wait! i want to use my last luck to make himroll again. which i can do. matt: okay, you can. that is 27. liam: wow. it's all right. uncanny dodge! taliesin: no, what are you going to do? ancientwhite dragon. someone's going to get knocked

unconscious. matt: 23 points of bludgeoning damage as the tail(whack) slams you in the side, almost breaking one of the wings off, and you just manage to catchyourself in the air. so 28, and you can half that. all right. so that ends vex's turn. pike, you'reup. ashley: all right. sam: do that divine intervention thing again. thatwas really good. ashley: it's been a week, right? one week is one round,right? okay. so what i'd like to do... here's a question. flame strike, since it comes from thesky, would it work since he's up in the sky? comes from above.

matt: ten-foot radius, 40-foot high cylinder.centered around a point within range. so it's a 60-foot range. doesn't say it has to be on theground, per se. ashley: all right, let's give it a try. laura: do it towards the front of vorugal, so itdoesn't hit vax. liam and laura: hit him in the face. matt: ten-foot radius. yeah. you can direct itwhere it's not going to hit vax. liam: thanks, matt. matt: (laughs) all right, so what's your spelldc? ashley: 18.

matt: 18. this is dex, right? it's a 21. hesucceeds, so that's half damage. go ahead and roll damage on that. it's 8d6 damage. laura: oh, do you even have to roll the attack onthat? matt: it explodes, and it's a saving throw tosee if he manages to avoid some of the damage, which he did. what did you get? sam: it's ten-foot radius? ten-foot diameter? matt: ten-foot radius. sam: it doesn't hit the hand, does it? matt: no. she's directing it in a way where it hits thefront of him. it bursts right through his head and

the edge of his wings. ashley: 19. travis: and two more. that's 8d6. laura: it's 8d6? matt: 8d6, yeah. ashley: oh! (giggles) do i add anything else? matt: just those. ashley: what is it? 29. matt: 29. all right. so 14 points of damage withthe halved. (explosion) the blast hits; the flames

spin around. you see vorugal starting to look abit rough now. it's getting angry; wings are beating faster. you can see there's a feraldesperation in vorugal's eyes right now at all the things that are starting to come at him. ashley: i'm going to stay put. and for bonusaction, i'm going to cast healing word on myself. matt: okay. all right. at the end of your turn,pike, using another legendary action to make another tail attack at vax, trying to beatyou away from behind at this point. that is a 25. matt: that hits? okay. liam: and i'm out of uncanny dodge, right? matt: well, you can only make one reaction perround, yeah. that'll put you at 14 points

of bludgeoning damage. (whack) right at your sidethis time. though you were able to dodge most of the first impact, this one smacks you to your side, and youspiral over for a second, catching yourself, and still keep afloat right there. all right, thatbrings us to keyleth. marisha: okay. i am going to cast earthbind onhim. matt: earthbind. what's the range on earthbind? marisha: 300 feet. matt: yeah, that will do it. all right, what's thesaving throw on it? saving throw on that is a strength saving throw. all right, that is afailure. it's going to use one of its legendary resistances to make it.

(groaning) taliesin: good, you've burned it. had to burn it. marisha: (frustrated noise) travis: she's speaking parseltongue. marisha: i am going to do a bonus action to casthealing word on myself. heal myself real quick. same thing, i want to scoot back a little bit,behind that tree, a bit. matt: right behind here? marisha: yeah, because i got whacked with that icebreath, and i don't want that to happen again. all right.

matt: all right. that ends your turn? at the endof your turn, he's going to use his third and final legendary action to make another tail swipe atvax. that is a 27. liam: you've hit me right now? yeah, that hits. matt: okay. this third tail strike right now isgoing to do 17 points of bludgeoning damage. (impacts) you've been battered in the air by thewhite dragon tail swinging behind. the focus is less on you as it's hitting you, and it'sfocusing on the whole battlefield down in front of it and the giant demon that is still lying on theground. liam: thanks, heroes' feast. matt: that brings us up to percy.

taliesin: i am going to heal, as my bonus action.that's not bad. that's 19 points. i'm a little better now. i'm at 108; i'm fine. now, i'm goingto take out bad news. fuck animus for now. take out bad news and take two shots at this bastardwith sharpshooter. laura: what's yenk doing down there? sleeping? matt: yenk got knocked prone. taliesin: for fuck's sake! sam: gun jam? taliesin: yeah, gun jammed. matt: fire again, this time (click, explosion).you see a burst of smoke come out, and part of the

metal slightly bends. and you're like, "shit!" sam: all your guns? taliesin: no, i have one more gun. but i don'thave time. that burns an action. matt: yeah. you could use your action surge, ifyou wanted to. taliesin: okay, i'm using my action surge. mightas well. marisha: you try to unjam it? taliesin: no, i'm taking out my last pistol andi'm shooting. i'm just going to shoot. see if i can take two more shots. technically not; it's twoshots. matt: no, if you're pulling your next gun out.you're not trying to repair?

taliesin: no, i'm not trying to repair. matt: you'd still have two more attacks. yeah,because you have quick draw. you drop bad news, grab another weapon. you still have two moreattacks. taliesin: oh, i'm taking two more shots, then.sharpshooter shot with retort. no, it's different. 16. matt: nope. fires off in the distant cloud. laura: it's that new damn gun. its sight is allshit. taliesin: ah! that one hits, on the other hand, ithink. 22? matt: that hits.

taliesin: that's not much, but i'll take it. ninepoints of normal damage plus two necrotic, so that's 11 points of damage. no, 21 points ofdamage. i'm so sorry. matt: right, with the ten. yeah. there you go. 21.first one misses. (click) you set it up. this time, takes a shot. (impact) it hits vorugal fromunderneath a few feet off from where vax is. you can see the wound beginning to bleed now. the moredamage vorugal gets, the more you can see the trickle of reddish-blue blood darkening againstthe white skin. vorugal is looking fairly damaged. taliesin: i'm going to burn my action surge andtake three more shots. fuck it. see if i can lose the third gun. it's that night, apparently. no, iwill not. that's 18?

matt: nope. taliesin: fuck the sharpshooter shot. i'm justgoing for it. no sharpshooter. thank god! that's 20? matt: 20 just hits. taliesin: excellent. good to know. oh my god,that's bullshit. ten points, three necrotic, so it's ten points of damage. matt: your final shot? taliesin: my final shot. no, it didn't. this onedoesn't do that. that's nice, but i miss. that's 16. that misses.

taliesin: thankfully, it doesn't burn that gun.no, that gun is better built. i'm rolling really poorly. matt: that ends your turn. that comes to kima'sturn. kima is going to get up. travis: come on, represent us melee-ers! laura: the three of you down on the ground. matt: i know. this is a rough fight for themelee. travis: i'm making a mean face, so far. marisha: you're mad-dogging the dragon? matt: did maintain concentration. that'sgood. kima's going to use a bonus action to heal

you, grog, for nine points. nine health, using heraura of vitality. sam: why wouldn't she heal me? matt: she's not close enough to you,unfortunately. sam: and she hates me. matt: yeah, you may have pissed her off. she willmove up into range with yenk, but she can't actually attack. too much ice, and her legs arenot the longest, and she's having a hard time getting in the fray, but now she's locked in thebattle. sam: larkin's turn. laura: good old larkin!

sam: good old larkin! come on, larkin. bring himdown! marisha: where is yenk? taliesin: yenk ain't got nothing but us to hit rightnow. let's not dwell on that. matt: it's larkin's turn, technically. sam: (singing) you see him larkin. you hating. matt: you watch as the tiny dwarf form looks aroundat the chaos here, and with how things are going, "shite!" laura: don't you fucking ditch! don't you ditchout! matt: his form vanishes as a green dragonappears.

(shouting) liam: cards on the table! matt: all right, uses the movement to fly up. marisha: is she going to go for him? laura: she's going! she's doing it. she's so teenycompared to him! matt: she is a diseased dragon. and releases(blows air) cold blast of poison breath at this marisha: heroes' feast, man. matt: as the billowing cloud of toxic fumes fillsyou, you instinctually freak out for a second before you realize that the magical protection inyour lungs is preventing any of it from taking

hold inside. that's cocked. it does make itssave. sam: what kind of save is it? matt: it's a constitution. sam: does the hand need to make a save? hand hasan ac of 20 and my hit points. matt: i don't know if the poison's going to affectbigby's hand. it'is arcane. it's not going to affect that. that's for more of physically hittingit. however, vorugal does end up taking 38 points of poison damage. sam: and then vax goes, "wait a second, larkin wasa dragon?!" matt: okay, at this point, that's going to endraishan's turn. yenk gets up, looking at the

battlefield. he sees this giant, hulking goliath.well, technically with seeming, a large dragonborn with an axe. lurches forward. kima gets an attackof opportunity against yenk. laura: would he still look like a littledragonborn? matt: no, his physical form still shifts into alarger one. he looks smaller than his actual self, i guess, comparatively. we'll say for the funelement of it, he still looks like a bigger dragonborn, as grog wants to look bigger on thisone. kima does hit yenk. she's going to use divine smite, 4th-level spell against him as part ofthat. ooh! that's going to be nice. taliesin: remember to go into the stomach, if itgoes. we've got a relic in its stomach. marisha: don't eviscerate him. it's fine. it's notgoing anywhere.

matt: 21 plus 4d8. 5d8 because it is a fiend. travis: yeah! 5d8 because it is a fiend! matt: i don't want to rob her of any awesomedamage here. travis: yeah, come on. for the very few times kimagets to get shake the dust off. matt: i know. seriously! marisha: it does look like he's copping a feel. sam: cupping? ashley: little pinch. matt: she gets additional 1d8. it's 5d8 additionaldamage.

sam: trumping right now? marisha: no, this is our fantasy land, man. taliesin: no! nixing it! this is my safe place. matt: 48 points of damage in one strike from kimaagainst yenk. travis: just from the attack of opportunity? matt: just attack of opportunity, yeah. she poured alevel four divine smite spell into it and (impacts) as she slams behind. fiends are a paladin'sthing. as yenk's running away towards you, grog, she says, "no, you don't!" (impacts) slams up withher maul and strikes at the side of yenk, causing him to tumble. he's still keeping his trajectory,though. he slams forward towards you. that's more

than 15 feet. he's going for a gore attack againstyou, grog, with the horns, like he did with vorugal at the beginning of the battle. liam: he's going to take 15 percent of your hitpoints. matt: (chuckles) yeah. that is a 22. travis: that'll hit. sam: can i cutting words that? matt: i don't think you're in range. sam: am i 60 feet? matt: 60 feet? let me se. 60. just out of range.you suffer 55 points of

piercing damage from the horns, halved, plus anadditional 38 points of piercing damage from the momentum from the gore. travis: and you said additional 30? matt: additional 38. travis: additional 38, so that's halved also. 19? matt: 19 on top of the half. plus an additionalseven points of cold damage as the horns strike into you, the horns almost solidify into icespikes as it hits you, the ice breaking off. sam: would have been great against a fuckingdragon. laura: it did. it did the fire damage against thedragon.

travis: 48 points of damage. matt: okay. there you go. that ends yenk's turn.it is now vorugal's turn. vorugal's pissed and hurt and angry and is going to move away. laura: you get an attack of opportunity! liam: did he move away? matt: you do get one, yeah. liam: yeah. no sneak attack because it's just meand bigby, right? matt: currently, yes. you don't get sneak attackhere, no. liam: right, because there's nobody here with me.27 hits, so that is a three plus eight is 11, plus

my psychic damage is 12. laura: how do you want to do this? liam: that'd be great, cut him in the butt. matt: nice. that's some good luck with theice breath this battle. travis: there are three giant monsters. marisha: jesus, he's back for my shit. he's backfor me and you, pike. matt: i need keyleth, pike, and scanlan to allmake constitution saving throws. sam: oh boy. marisha: okay. 18.

matt: 18. sam: 15. matt: pike? all right, all three of you guys take72 points of cold damage. laura: okay. so that's unconscious. matt: so pike is unconscious. scanlan? sam: i'm okay. matt: you're okay? what's your hit points? sam: i healed myself last time just the amount ofhit points i have right now. matt: (laughs) keyleth, where you at?

marisha: i'm at 36. luckily i also healed myself up. liam: i'm a field medic. i'll get you out. matt: all right, and for the rest of vorugal'sturn... laura: what the fuck are you doing now, matthew? marisha: this isn't good. laura: are you unconscious, too? marisha: i'm up, but pike isn't, correct? matt: pike is currently unconscious, yeah. thatends vorugal's turn. grog, you're up. sam: you're not unconscious, marisha?

marisha: i'm not. pike is. there is an exit door.we can literally toss pike's ass in the door. how many are you down, pike? travis: can i go to a frenzied rage and unload onyenk? matt: yes, you can. travis: okay. this will be reckless attack. greatweapon master. because fuck it. why not? 28 for the first one. travis: natural 20. ashley: get him. travis: and 27 for the third.

matt: yeah, all three hit. the middle one getscritical. don't forget your additional 1d4 damage with your axe because you're enlarged. marisha: and those were all great weapon master?that's fucking awesome! travis: the first one is 15 plus six points ofnecrotic damage. 21. matt: including the 1d4? travis: 25. matt: 25. does that includes the ten for greatweapon master? travis: nope. matt: so 35 points of damage on the first strike.all right. second attack, which is the critical.

laura: all dice are doubled? is that how itworks? matt: yeah, all dice rolls double. roll a d12,plus d6, plus d4. travis: that's an 11. it's a six. one. matt: 18 times two. (laughs) 36 plus ten. 46, plus2d12 because of brutal critical. travis: one. six. seven. seven extra points. matt: plus 46. 53 points of damage with the secondstrike. roll damage for the third one. liam: maniac! here it is! get it! sam: finally, he gets to attack! it's been sixmonths since we've seen you actually attack anything.

laura: i know, and he kills everything. liam: this is a rage spanking, right here. travis: 28 on the third one. matt: 28 on the third. nice. you did over 100damage on one round of melee combat. laura: did you add your ten to the final one? it was 38 on the final. matt: (laughs) jesus! so as you angrily get up,your large, draconic form, you rush forward, stepping right up to where yenk is slamming intoyou. and after goring you in the chest, you embrace the anger and (impacts) bring the axedown, right into the inside of the shoulder. for the final attack, you put a foot up and drag itdown across, cutting into it. you see a bunch of

black-blue blood scatter across the snow,darkening it, the snow immediately melting with a (sizzling) hissing sound as it impacts with theground around you. yenk looks visibly hurt now. he's like, (pained grunts). laura: can we see a little spire poking through its belly? matt: no, but you do see that the red, beady,coal-like flame eyes of yenk are now burning with a vibrant red and are focused entirely onyou. travis: i've got everything you want, big boy. matt: all right. that ends grog's turn, i believe?scanlan, you're up. sam: me? oh, shit. okay.

matt: actually, at the end of grog's turn, vorugalis going to use one of his legendary actions to attempt a tail attack, which has a reach of 20feet. you are within 20 feet. sam: against me? matt: yep. that is cocked. 18 plus 14 is 32? sam: yeah. matt: you take (counting) 16 points of bludgeoningdamage. sam: i'm going to use cutting words to reduce thedamage. as i see the tail coming, i pick up my book of shakespeare insults, and i will say: withthy brawls, thou hast disturbed our sport! i love thee not. therefore, pursue me not.

matt: as the tail swings towards you, roll a d12. sam: six. and i live. sam: it was 14 points of damage? matt: it was seven plus eight, so it would havebeen 16. it was eight plus eight. 16. sam: so reduced to ten. i'm okay. i have fourpoints left. matt: oh shit! sam: my turn? matt: now it's your turn. sam: i look at pike, and with my bonus action, iwill heal her. healing word, second level. i will

sing to her, (singing) you're trying to kill awhite dragon, just like the ones we used to kill. may your days be merry and bright, and i hope weall survive this fight. (speaking) okay, so 2d4, right? matt: 2d4 plus six. sam: 13 points. matt: pike is up 13 points. sam: shit. i've got to get out of here. are youokay, pike? ashley: i am at 13. sam: are you going to be okay?

ashley: well, i'm going to run away. i'll befine. marisha: don't forget, you can go in the mansion.pop in the mansion to heal. sam: i don't want to be a coward. laura: you can be a coward, scanlan. it's okay. ashley: you're at four, scanlan. sam: shit. well, i'll move away from it. wait, i'mwithin its melee? matt: yes, you are within range. sam: jesus. that far away? matt: it has a 15-foot bite reach, a ten-foot clawreach, and a 20-foot tail reach.

sam: oh my god. okay. i don't want to hit it. idon't want to go away. fuck. i don't want to leave my pikey. i'm not going to leave my pikey. younever leave your wingman. no. laura: four, scanlan! get somewhere safe. thatway, you can keep helping her. marisha: if he takes you down and multi-attacksyou, he could kill you. you healed her, right? she's conscious now. sam: i dimension door away. matt: to where? sam: over in yenkville, but not in yenk range. matt: over here?

sam: yeah, there you go. travis: in yenk-adjacent? sam: yeah. the suburbs of yenkville. liam: mighty yenky has struck out. matt: all right, that brings us to vax. liam: i know that from here to here, i'm 100 feet,so from the angle, am i 180 feet away to pike? matt: scanlan, by the way, i need you to make twoconcentration saving throws. make two constitution saves. matt: well, it's one of them with advantage, soroll twice.

sam: i rolled twice. one was a 17 and one was aten. matt: yeah, even with the bonuses, bigby's hand isgone. taliesin: it would have been 19. matt: you took full damage from the last blast, sothat would have been 72. half of that would have been-- you had to roll a 36. liam: i want to save one action to grab pike andyank her, so that means i have an action and a bonus action and movement to fly a total of 360feet, halved, which is 180 feet to pike, like a rocket. grab her and roll into the door of themansion. matt: okay, so as you dart past and grab her--

laura: oh, does he get an attack of opportunity onyou because you fly by? liam: i can arc. matt: you're then taking your action to grab her. liam: and roll us into the door. matt: okay. you are leaving his combat range indoing so, so he's going to get his attack of opportunity on you, as part of his bite strikeagainst you. that is 18 plus 14, so 32. liam: that hits. do i have momentum, grabbingher? matt: if it drops you, you drop, and you drop withher. liam: i would imagine i did this. that's theintention. up and over.

matt: i understand that. the attack of a bite isgoing to change your trajectory of a dragon slashing at you. that is eight-- liam: i'm out, dude. i've got five hit points. matt: total would be eight plus eight, plus anadditional 4d6 cold damage. yeah. you grab pike. as you begin to try to make the way, the bitesnatches into you and lifts you up and throws you to the ground next to pike, and you're both thereon the ground. liam: but he bit me, right? matt: yes, didn't bite pike. you're both rightoutside of the door right now. sam: pike's alive, and she's super strong.

marisha: i'm just watching everybody barrel to myfeet? matt: kind of, yeah. laura: my boyfriend! matt: that ends vax's turn. vex, you're up. laura: fuck. i'm going to try to get his attentionand say, hey, stupid! and then i'm going to hit him because that's all i've got. matt: okay, go for it. laura: 22? matt: 22 does hit.

laura: do i have sneak attack on him, at all?marisha is next to him. matt: no, he's within range for marisha. marishais not threatening him, at the moment. laura: so no sneak attack, although i was hiddenat the end of last turn. matt: you were. he did not see you. ashley: i'm threatening him. matt: (laughs) you're growling at him. laura: (counting) 28 on the first. laura: that was damage. and then the second attackhits. it's a 31. (counting) matt: these are sharpshooter shots? it's the 1d10,plus bonus--

laura: 1d8, plus eight, plus two for dragon, plushunter's mark. matt: right, there we go. second one is how muchdamage? laura: 24, with two lighting damage. the first onehad four lightning damage. matt: okay. does that end your turn? laura: (sighs) i want to help, i just don't knowwhat i can do. that's all i can keep doing. i'm going to use my bonus action to hide. matt: go for it. roll a stealth check. laura: like an asshole. 13. matt: okay. end of your turn, vorugal's going touse his second legendary action and is going to

swing around with the tail over the top of therock (impact) to slam down on the conscious pike. you are prone. it has advantage on the attack rollagainst you. that is 28 to hit. ashley: yeah, that hits. matt: 22 points of bludgeoning damage. ashley: i'm out. matt: pike's now unconscious. okay. vorugal is nowin this ravenous, primal rage, and is trying to finish things off successively that have been aproblem. now, with that, both of them are unconscious on the ground, scanlan's out of thepicture, keyleth is still standing right by the side of the tree. pike, you're up next, so i needyou to go ahead and roll a death saving throw.

roll a d20. taliesin: this is where being at the end ofeverything is great. liam: 20. matt: a 20? natural 20? you are stabilized. yougain one hit point. you're conscious. marisha: holy shit. that changes everything! ashley: i'll take that hit point. okay. i don'teven know what that means. matt: you're conscious again. the tail slams you,and you go out, and then as the tail pulls away, (gasps) you catch yourself again. your turn'sover, but you're back. pulling the tail back. that's the end of your turn.

ashley: i didn't do anything. matt: your turn was the death saving throw. youtake that at the end of your turn. you woke up at the end of it. at the end of your turn, vorugaluses the third and final legendary action for this round and with a 20-foot range, is going to swingthe tail around, breaking through the tree, towards keyleth. that is a 29 to hit. marisha: yeah. wait, is this melee? does this comeinto play with the cloak? so you're at disadvantage. matt: that is a 24. ancient dragon, sorry. that is22 points of bludgeoning damage. marisha: and that's it? i'm still alive! (roars)22? okay. i have 14 hit points.

matt: all right. now it's your turn, keyleth. marisha: now it's my turn. liam: go earth elemental! marisha: i'm so torn, you guys. do i heal youguys, or do i do damage and go earth elemental? it's a big decision. scanlan? sam: it's all on you. marisha: pike, you're at one? ashley: i'm at one. marisha: you're down.

travis: i'm doing real good. marisha: what do i do, guys? do i try and killhim, or do i heal? sam: you've got two nearly dead peopleright next to you who are feet away from a laura: can you grasping vine them through themansion door? it's open, right? matt: the vine wouldn't pull them through the doorbecause you can only create it within a space where a natural plant would grow. marisha: it doesn't work like that,unfortunately. sam: but you can throw them, as a beastyelemental. matt: what are you going to do, keyleth? hurryup.

marisha: okay, fuck! sam: when i left the mansion, i locked it. travis: did the key break off when you locked it? sam: no, it's a code lock. and i forgot the code! marisha: i'm going to cast sunbeam. i'm going tobeam in his face. sam: on yenk, of course. marisha: it's okay. i've got this. beam in hisface. matt: okay, so you cast sunbeam. 60-foot line,five-foot wide. right past that way. okay. taliesin: actually, does that hit both of them?

marisha: 60 foot, right through them? can i? matt: you might have to reposition to do so. marisha: what, scooch over one? yeah, i'llscooch over one. take a side step to line them up. matt: you get around the tree and past the rock.yeah, you can hit both of them. marisha: they have to make a constitution save. matt: vorugal, that is a 32. yenk is a 27. theyboth make it. marisha: well, they still take half damage. it's6d8. normally, they take full damage and they're blinded. it would have been way cooler if it wouldhave worked. ooh, that's a good roll. 26 points of radiant damage.

matt: 26, then halved? marisha: then halved. and then i'm going to go airelemental form. matt: embracing the age-old tradition of the airashari, keyleth vanishes into a form of swirling wind, picking up the various bits of sleet andsnow around you. you're almost like a slushy tornado. marisha: that's cool. can i then take whatevermovement i have left to try and drag-- matt: you've already used your action to cast thespell, unfortunately. marisha: i can't use my movement to try and movesomeone? matt: you can use your movement to move. to pullsomebody with you--

marisha: that's an action? liam: it's all right. i'm fine. marisha: then i'm going to use my movement to goairborne. i think i can go 60 feet? let me see my fly speed. i have 90 feet. matt: 90 feet, so it would be 45 feet up, if youwant to. laura: kick him on the way up, and then he'llfollow you. marisha: i give him a little air poof kick in theface, just for flavor. matt: sure, why not? marisha: he's getting slushied in the face.

matt: you rush up into the air. vorugal does notget an attack of opportunity because he already used his reaction against you. so you (whoosh)without an issue. marisha: i hope that was right. matt: all right, that ends your turn. percy. taliesin: okay. i'm going to take my three shots. matt: right above you, you see raishan, wingsbeating, looking over and assessing the battlefield. you see vorugal down there, bloody.you see yenk, bloodied. both engaged and distracted. you are currently not in either oftheir attentive sphere. taliesin: oh yeah, so the first thing i'm going todo is i'm going to use my bonus action to reload.

i'm going to take my three shots at the whitedragon with what i have left. i can do nothing. that's 30. matt: 30 hits. taliesin: one necrotic. 12 points, with onenecrotic. shot number one. next shot, same thing. standard shot. that ran, but 22? oh, sorry. it'snot 22. i'm so tired. 17. that misses. matt: 17 misses, unfortunately. it hits the side,but the shot shatters across the dragonhide. ashley: can i do war god's blessing from where i'mat? matt: you know what? hold on, percy. you areconscious on the ground, barely paying attention, and all of a sudden, you hear the shot go off, andyou see it about to blast against the hide. as a

war cleric? i'll see if he has to be within range,or if it's one of the things that you can do if he attacks an enemy. the creature has to be within 30feet of you, so no. he's way too far. taliesin: 24 for the next shot. matt: third one does hit. taliesin: that's 12 points, with two points ofnecrotic. and i'm going to grab my rope, and i'm going to wave at the green dragon and startdropping down. taliesin: i have a rope. matt: i know you do. as you leap off the side, theclench in the stone (tink) comes loose, and you (impacts) tumble down the hill. i need you to makean acrobatics check.

taliesin: yeah! i can do that, even at negativeone, i can do that. no, i can't. that was a one. matt: natural one? you tumble homer simpson-style(repeated impacts) down the icy, rocky side, landing prone and suffering 18 points ofbludgeoning damage on the way, landing prone on the ground. (impact, groan) taliesin: fine! matt: kima's turn. kima's going to go and flankyenk against grog, giving her advantage on her first attack. yeah, that's a 25 to hit, and hersecond attack is-- yeah, both hit. the first strike with her holy thunder maul. 19 points ofdamage against the goristro, and she's going to burn another 3rd-level spell to do a holy smite atthird level. all righty. 23 additional radiant

damage on top of that, and then her second strike,she's going to burn her last 3rd-level spell to do another smite. that is 16. (counting) 31. nice!yeah, she did a lot of damage on that round. slamming twice with the maul into the backside ofyenk. the first one slams into the shoulder, sending him to the ground with his fist. (grunts)he starts getting back up. she spins, using the inertia, and slams the maul into the side of hisknee, which pops out and sends him down onto one knee now, and yenk is basically half-prostrate infront of you, grog, preparing for your next round of combat. (growls) ending kima's turn. it is nowraishan's turn. travis: she made him bend the knee. matt: raishan does not get the breath back.however, is going to fly. not used to the ice and

can't quite get to full speed there, but can getclose enough to attempt a blight spell, at the very least. vorugal fails. that's an 18. yeah,fails the save. laura: blight spell. marisha: a lot of damage. come on. sam: he's going to resist it. taliesin: he might have burned it. matt: yeah, burning a legendary resistance to makeit happen, so it still makes the save, so it's still half, but it has one left. okay, so it takes18 points of necrotic damage. that's the end of that turn. it is now yenk's turn. yenk is going todo a full-on multiattack against you, grog. that

is a 24 to hit? matt: actually, it has advantage on you becauseyou used reckless attack. that hits. second one is 26 to hit. travis: hits. matt: and natural 20. all right. travis: i'm going to use my stone's endurance onthe natural 20, and i'll do retaliation on one of those three hits. sam: retaliation? that's new. matt: so the first fist is 29 points of piercingdamage, so reduce that to 14, plus three points of

fire damage as the fist suddenly bursts into flameas it slams into you. the secondary fist comes swinging around the other way, dealing 20 pointsof piercing damage, reduced to ten. plus, you take eight points of lightning damage as suddenly anarc of energy streaks from the fist, slamming into the other side of your face, as you're taking iton each side. as you grin, he leaps up into the air, his strong, thick legs getting almost upabove you, then kicks down with its hooves towards you like a very angry goat. this is the critical. laura: what does stone's endurance do? travis: d12 plus my constitution modifier. matt: reduce the damage, yeah.

taliesin: i've been hit by a goat in the facebefore. no, really. i got nailed by a goat. liam: at the zoo? taliesin: no, we were filming this ridiculoustelevision series called hell town when i was a kid. it was awful. liam: you weren't trying to call satan? taliesin: not in the show, either. matt: 46 points of bludgeoning damage, reduced to23, plus ten points of ice damage as the hooves slam into you, leaving these frozen cracks wherethe blood should be emanating from. it seals the wound, almost.

travis: 14, so i reduce that by 14. matt: correct, reduce that by 14, and then makeyour retaliatory strike. travis: great weapon master, reckless. travis: 26? travis: 22. laura: plus ten. travis: 32. matt: 32 points of damage. how do you want to dothis? marisha: yeah, grog! get me that staff!

travis: when he jumped up and did the hoof kickdown, i'm going to take it and then grab his hooves and wishbone him. matt: as you grab him, you try to begin to pull,and he slams onto the ground, and you see him grab his arms back to try and pull himself back up. youkick him straight down again, and as you laugh, you push your foot into his crotch area as youpull yenk in half with a sheer show of strength, smearing you with black, burning blood. it doesburn you. you do suffer five points of fire damage as the blood that's spurting on you is burninginto the skin. you tear him mostly in half. you can see the innards spilling into the snow andmelting the snow within a five-foot radius of you as he (death rattle) is still surviving as youpull him apart. as you get closer, he reaches

forward and grabs you and palms your head with hislast bit of strength and begins to squeeze, and then the fingers eventually go lax before the hand(impact) onto the ground. travis: i look at both of the legs in my hands,and i look at kima and go, which one's lucky? matt: she goes, "you are." matt: that ends yenk's turn. sam: hey, matt. can i rewind? matt: no. sorry. yenk is done and torn open on theground. marisha: now we have to deal with the twodragons. laura: well, one. hopefully.

taliesin: yeah, we're going to let one leave.one's going to walk. matt: vorugal is going to go ahead and (whoosh)come up and then-- sam: does pike get an attack of opportunity? matt: pike is not currently threatening him. yeah,with raishan blasting and seeing the dragon, vorugal is going to turn this way, behind thisspace underneath the air elemental. "you "betrayer!" (roars) and unleash a blast of frozendeath down, hitting raishan, as well as vax and pike. you're unconscious. vax, you fail a death savingthrow automatically. marisha: i thought pike had one hit point. matt: right. if you make the save, you're stilltaking 30-something cold damage, so you're down.

automatic one fail on a death saving throw.raishan does not make the save and takes 72 points of ice damage. yeah, that's going to end vorugal'sturn, very angrily. all right, that brings us to grog. travis: yeah. can i make a quick look down? do isee any spire of conflux? matt: make a quick investigation check. travis: in my rage? natural one. i'm going to takeoff running toward vorugal! matt: that's as far as you can get on your fullmovement. travis: i'll dash to get as far as i can. matt: yeah, you can get about there. all right,that ends grog's turn. scanlan, you're up. sam: i will bonus action take my potion of greaterhealing, right? that's the medium one?

matt: yeah. it's 4d4 plus four. sam: okay. terrible. okay. oh man, that'sterrible. laura: what did you get? sam: 11 total. travis: from which potion? laura: greater. sam: okay. well, shit. i'll move towards thedragon a bit. matt: actually, percy, make a concentration check,if you could. make a constitution saving throw for hex, yeah. forgot about that.

taliesin: constitution saving? that would be anegative one? no, not a negative one. add negative one. that would be 15. matt: 15. for you to take half damage? yeah. hexstays. all right. scanlan? sam: there are no options. not to save ourfriends! i'm way out of range. laura: can you dimension door and then run withher? sam: i'm done. i've moved. i've acted. i can throwa ball. i'll throw a fireball at big whitey. centered way back so it doesn't hit any of myfriends. matt: okay. go for it. sam: three charges, i guess. what do i do? i justdo it.

matt: that's a natural 20 on his save, so he doesmake his save. sam: what i was going to say, i rewind. becauseyou didn't let me, he has disadvantage on his save this time, because you didn't let me retroactivelygo back and do it. matt: that's right. natural one. 20, one. travis: are you kidding me? marisha: burn this motherfucker! travis: every time we have one of these bigfights-- taliesin: there's no middle ground, is there?there's no middle ground at all. matt: to be fair, we do a lot of rolls in thesebig fights.

travis: we do, but a straight 20 to one flip-floponly happens one time. sam: 29. marisha: that's pretty good. that's okay. matt: (explosion) the explosion hits. you see itsends ice shards shooting everywhere, leaving a big crater on the ground where the snow once was,and part of the stonework is barely scratched. the blast hits vorugal, and vorugal (grunts). looksdown at the two unconscious bodies on the ground. looks up at raishan. (huffs) does that end yourturn? matt: end of your turn, it's going to use twoactions to do a wing attack, beating its wings, hitting every creature within 15 feet. you're outof range, actually, marisha. grog, i need you to

make a dexterity saving throw. travis: i think i have advantage on this becauseof rage. i do. 21. matt: 21? that unfortunately fails. you take 15points of bludgeoning damage, and you're knocked prone. also, pike and vax, you both fail a deathsaving throw from the bludgeoning winds of the ice dragon's wings beating downward. marisha: you guys are at two failed? laura: he's at two failed. pike's at one. matt: vorugal is going to head upward and beginflying this direction to turn tail and flee. sam: do you get an attack because he's flying byyou?

marisha: yeah, do i get an attack of opportunityhere? sam: you are right over him. matt: you were right over him. as he gets up, i'llgive you one. i don't have any more of these things here. liam: blow everything you've got. blow it. he'sleaving. unleash. marisha: can i do a spell attack on him? it's justmelee, right? matt: that's specifically a war caster featability. marisha: just one slam attack? nope. definitelynot. taliesin: how fast? is he still within visualrange?

matt: currently, yeah. he just moved 40 feet withthat one reaction. laura: we can still hit him with the ranged? matt: possibly, yeah. that ends scanlan's turn.vax, i need you make a death saving throw. you have advantage. sam: advantage? liam: 17. matt: so you're okay for now. vex, you're up. laura: okay. i'm going to hit him twice. marisha: fucking burn this guy down!

taliesin: hit him with everything we've got. laura: 27. matt: 27 hits. laura: 25 on the first. matt: 25 damage? all right, and the second hit? laura: the second is also 27. matt: how do you want to do this? marisha: we're going to live! matt: he's taking away, and you have a shot asit's arcing to the right of you, bleeding and

limping in the air, but managing to pick up speed.the sleet and snow is strong and firing around you. laura: i want to see a cut on his stomach whereyenk left a hole, and i want to go straight into his heart. matt: the first arrow, you aim for it. it streaksoff and hits another wound and gets jammed in. you pull back with the second arrow, and right as yousee the snow beginning to blind, the one moment of clarity that hits you, (arrow firing) you releasethe arrow, piercing inside where the wound was, where one of yenk's horns had gashed into thefront of his chest. vorugal (roars) and spins into a corkscrew, plummets and crashes into the side ofthe ravine, tumbles backward. rocks come tumbling onto it. vorugal hits the ground, smacked open. asit begins to get back up, (impacts) a bunch of

rocks slam down, and one big shard of ice(impacts) slams into it. (panting) still writhing in place as he's bleeding out. laura: and a tree grows out of his guts. matt: he's still currently holding on as he'sjammed to the ground. you see the bluish-purple blood leaking out the side of the mouth. (panting)it can't move, and you can see the strength leaving vorugal's body. raishan swoops up next tovorugal's corpse, leaning over. (cackles) "tell "your master on the other side, when you see him,that it was worth it." and raishan sinks her teeth into his throat and tears it out. you see thespray of blood across raishan's mouth and across the front of the ravine as vorugal's body fallslimp onto the ground. spits the chunk of white

dragon flesh onto the bottom of the ravine. thegreen dragon spins around, facing you all. "well "done." and backs into a sitting position. thewings furl down and fold into her side. "take your "spoils. it seems the war is nigh." taliesin: there will be a conversation. travis: i run as fast as i can over to pike andvax. taliesin: i run to the body of the big demonicthing and start going through it. matt: okay, roll an investigation check. travis: i have two basic potions. i de-cork bothof them and shove them in their gullets. matt: while that's happening, in the time it takesyou guys to rush over, i need you both to make one

more death saving throw. marisha: oh, fuck. come on, you guys. liam: a ten and a three! taliesin: not funny! ashley: 11. matt: grog comes by, scoops you both up, andforce-feeds you two basic healing potions. you both come to consciousness bruised, beaten, butapparently the current struggle is done, though you're now shivering, cold, soaked through. all ofyou, the elements have really sunk in once the adrenaline begins to wear off.

laura: i fly down and cast cure wounds on vax. travis: the two of you, inside the mansion. now. matt: how much do your potions heal for them? it's1d4 plus four. sorry, 2d4 plus two. marisha: yes, we do. taliesin: vex, we have a dragon to disassemble. marisha: you go. i'm the one who's good atharvesting. travis: six. matt: plus two, eight. you heal eight, vax. travis: eight.

laura: get inside, now. matt: so seven to pike. laura: i'm going to fly over and try to helppercy, now that they're safe. taliesin: i got a 16. matt: 16, you healed? taliesin: no, 16 to investigate. matt: as you start peering through, you can seethere's an intestinal tract that's covered in thorns. it's a very weird, fucked-up aliencreature, based on any sort of anatomic understanding. as you pull back, you can findthere's one rigid portion of the inside of its

intestinal tract that is swollen and looks to havethis weird black, pulsing mass that surrounds it, like it's infected perpetually. taliesin: i pull out my sword and cut it out. matt: as you pull it back, you can see there areactual vines and ivy that have begun to grow inside its abdomen. you tear back and pull it, andas soon as you cut back the rest of the muscle that's currently tensing it in, the muscle almostinstinctually pulls back, all the tension lost, and it almost fires this staff-like entity out. itshoots outward, and you have to dodge to the side immediately. you see that it's strangely pristineamongst all the crimson and gore. the blood of this creature does not even touch its surface. atwisted series of clumped-together thorny vines

that form this curvature at the top. a singularyellowish-green gem in the center that hovers, locked in place by no noticeable force. it'sthere, jutting out of the body of the creature. marisha: i run to percy. taliesin: i walk to you. we're walking to thedragon, anyway. i hand it to you. your majesty. laura: i land next to them. oh my god. let's getinside. (offscreen clatter) marisha: that's right! taliesin: karma's a bitch! liam: vorugal ain't shit!

matt: you all rush into the inside of themansion? marisha: i don't, immediately. taliesin: we're finishing up the harvesting, andi go to talk to raishan really quickly. laura: i stay out, and i search more around yenk. taliesin: i'm sending you to work on the dragon. marisha: i'm coming with you to have thatconversation. sam: i will come, as well, to make sure keylethdoesn't kill anyone. taliesin: thank you. you've earned a conversation.we'll see you at home. you should get there quickly so there's no suspicion.

sam: what's home? taliesin: we don't say it. matt: "very well. i hope that perhaps this displayof intent has quelled some of your worries. i'll "see you at home, then." the form shifts down tothat of asum, closes the eyes for a second, and the form shifts as you see a sudden glyph appearbeneath, and vanishes. taliesin: that was not a fight we were about tohave. marisha: (sighs heavily) i silently go and startharvesting the white dragon. laura: did you see how weak she was, comparedto vorugal? marisha: let's just hope she stays that way. istart harvesting the white dragon as much as i can.

liam: i'm going to find larkin. sam: send up a signal flare. laura: i take an empty potion bottle out and getsome of yenk's blood and put it in the cold. matt: okay. as you're doing that, too, you'renoticing that yenk's body is rapidly decomposing. its form is dissolving from the inside. marisha: i try as fast as i can-- wait, from who? taliesin: i'm going to run over and try and pullanything from yenk. matt: i figure, for the fact that it's nearmidnight, we can begin next game working out the logistics of what you've managed to harvest with the rollsand such. we'll pick up from here next time. that

was intense, guys. well done. marisha: oh my god! sam: perfectly executed plan. taliesin: it really was. it actually was. how wasthis terrible? travis: that couldn't have gone any worse in thebeginning. they hit each other maybe once, and then it was all on! matt: actually, they did some pretty decent-- ithink yenk did close to 100 points of damage before you guys even engaged vorugal. marisha: can i see it?

matt: (laughing) can you see it? marisha: i really don't want to wait a week. matt: sure. you can go ahead and have a look atyour spire of conflux. you earned it. taliesin: good work, girl. marisha: i didn't think i was going to get one,you guys! matt: well, guys. well done. you've now takenthree of the five chroma conclave dragons, and with the death of vorugal, pretty much arespearheading the final push to thordak. liam: is thordak scared yet? matt: we'll find out. (chuckles) well, guys. thankyou so much. have a wonderful night. thank you for

those who stuck around for as late as this epicbattle went. i hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. travis: glad pike was here for the fight! marisha: sarenrae! matt: divine intervention! punched vorugal intothe dirt, man. laura: thank you, loot crate. matt: thank you, loot crate for being awesomesponsors. thank you, critters for being such amazing people and for being so supportive of thecommunity and the show and the story and making your own stories. we're so happy and so proud tohave you with us. be sure to check out the many charities that we support: 826la, as well as allof our individual charities. you can look up the

critter's guide to critmas and see the list ofthem there. thank you so much. have a wonderful night, and is it thursday yet? see you guys nextweek. [music]

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