design your bedroom free

design your bedroom free

- [ashley] we are gonna give tara's room a zero dollar make-over. - [tara] i'm just hoping that we can rule the confiance in here, you know? - [tara] i'm gonna kill you. (playful music) - oh my god. - hey guys, my name's ashley and today i'm gonna give my friend tara

basically, i'm gonna work with everything that tara already owns to make her space as beautiful and as functional as possible. tara is one of my really good friends, she is hilarious, she'sthe funniest person i know. super hard working, and just has the best energy in the world. so we are gonna make herspace equally amazing.

for the record, i am notan interior designer, i make no claims of being a professional, i just love homes, anddecor, and all that jazz. so, i've been doing a lot of research on room arrangement, andeven feng shui princliples to try and incorporate some of that knowledge i've acquiredin the past few weeks to tara's space. our other friend jeremyis also gonna come along

to help us with the heavy lifting and all that sort of stuff so, it's gonna be a good time,i'm pretty excited about it, and, let's go see whattara's working with. (tara laughs) - i don't wanna look like a serial killer like inviting you to my serial killer den. hey guys, come in, come check out my room. this is where all the magic happens.

magic as in laying watchingnetflix, being late to work. here we have my night stand, it's a little bit of aclustered mess but, it works. over here you have mybig ginormous dresser, none of the drawers close because they're so stuffed with clothes. that's my own personal problem. we have tons of candles, they'remostly burnt out and old. so this is like my mini library.

i love having all mycomedy books and art books. i have lots of littlecha qis around always, but they're kind of a cluttered mess. i think by biggest fix for this would be just getting betterlighting near my vanity. this is my first apartment so, i didn't do like, the best job decorating and putting things together, but the potential's therebecause the space is so good.

i just need some help. - alright, tara has justhanded over the key, it is time to get startedon this space lift. (upbeat music) (knocks) there are really three main components to making a zero dollar make-over work. it's moving stuff, organizingstuff, and decorating. the first thing we'regonna do is move stuff.

big items like the bed,the dresser, the vanity, those all need to be repositioned to give this room thebest possible energy. first, we're gonna move the bed. ideally, headboards should be positioned against a supportive wall because it visually anchors the bed and also creates a protective energy around your head as you sleep.

there's about 37,000 hair tiesunder this bed and two socks. next step, we are moving the vanity. tara was complaining aboutthe lighting near her vanity, and sunlight is the bestlight, and it is also free. so, the vanity is goingright under the window. our project fits! yeah! (both laugh) - that was actually good. - [ashley] another big move is the mirror,

originally had her mirror facing the bed, which is 100 percent the worstpossible spot for a mirror. mirrors have a lot ofchaotic energy to them, because of that, i moved hers so it wasn't in line with her bed. she also had an extra ottomanthat wasn't super cute, so i draped a throw blanket over it and now she has this adorablelittle dressing station. i put the other ottomanover by the radiator

to kind of cover it a little bit and also to create a mini reading nook. since we've worked so hard, i think we should treat ourselvesto a prank call for tara. - yes. - okay i need to get my phone. (ashley grunts) what should i tell her?

do you know how to turn your water off? yeah, that's it, okay,i'm just gonna do it. okay, ready? (phone dialing) - [tara on phone] hello? - hey, um, - [tara] wait, hold on. - oh, okay, uh.- [tara] hello? - hey, hey, do you knowhow to turn off your water?

your water, your like, um, like, the under the sink. - [tara] why is it flooding? - yes,- yeah. - i don't know- we couldn't get the dishwasher off - we couldn't get thedishwasher to shut off and i was pressing all the buttons, and now there's water everywhere.

oh god, i think it'sgoing through the floor. - [tara] no, no, no! is the doorman coming? did you call down? - yeah, yeah, yeah, he's coming. i'm (expletive) with you! - [tara] are you serious? (ashley laughing) - [tara] that's not funny!

i was about to cry, i waslike, "what happened?" oh my god, i literally almost threw up. i was like, i was like,"i'm gonna kill you." - i was like- - [tara] ugh, you (expletive). - well get excited, it looks so cute. - [tara] does it? - yeah.- yeah. - [tara] then i'm gonna comeback in like an hour. good?

- uh huh. - fashionably late. - yeah okay, bye! - [tara] bye. - okay, (ashley claps) are you ready to decorate? - mmm-hmm. if you have too many little mementos,

and don't really knowwhat to do with them, if you just get three piecesthat vary in height slightly, and put them together, suddenly you have a reallycute collection instead of just a random odd pairing of things. i was cleaning up, and ijust happened to find this brand new poster that tarahas not even hung up yet, and it goes with the colorscheme, it's super cute, if i can open it and show you.

ah, there we go. i took a pants hanger from tara's closet, and i'm gonna clip iton to the top of here, it doesn't sound likeit's gonna look cute, but it's gonna look cute, i promise. another thing tara hada lot of were candles. she really likes candles and she goes through them pretty quickly. i just couldn't bare to throwaway this cute little jar.

so, this is one of myfavorite hacks of all time. you can freeze a finished candle, and then once it'sfrozen, just take a knife, and kind of like, stab it. uh, don't hurt yourself please, and the wax should come right out, ready, i'll show you right now. so, just like that, and then there you go, we have this adorable jar now

and i'm gonna put tara'smakeup brushes in it. the biggest change i madewith the night stand, was actually not moving it, but moving all the stuff off of it. i gave her little charging station on the other side of the room because not only doesit make it look nicer and more relaxing, but also, she won't stay on her phoneall night as it's charging

and she's trying to fall asleep. it looks really sleek and nice and hopefully she'll get a better nights sleep because of it. i know this is a zero dollar make-over but i cheated a little bit because i stole this plantfrom tara's living room but that's okay 'cause wejust needed a pop of color on this side of the room,

and also to even out the visual weight. so i stole a plant, okay? - [ashley] ready? - [tara] i'm nervous. - [ashley] here we go! - i see light. - i see light... - wait, oh my god! wait, it's so fucking clean, first of all.

oh i love these posters, that were sitting in thecorner of my room for so long! wait, this looks amazing! ashley, what! this is all new, waitthis looks really good. why'd i never think touse the window sill, i didn't even know i had a window sill. i love it! ashley! you're my best friend!

i feel like, i just feel cool living here. - you are cool- you made me feel cool - like, you already ownedall of these things. i just sort of put it on display, but you picked out all these items. i know, and i just feel likethere's so much more room here there's so many like,activities you can do here. just waking up and staring at like a clean area infront of my face is like,

beautiful, i feel like i'm gonna feel really refreshed inthe morning, organized, do one thing here, doanother thing over there, not just like, throwall my stuff in a pile. - [tara] thanksville. - yeah, i gotta, i gotta leave. - get out, everyone leave, leave me alone to hangout in my cool adult room - except me!

- yeah, you can stay. for like, only for like 15minutes, then you have to leave. - [ashley] i have really bad pizza in the kitchen if you want some. - [tara] oh, i thought you were gonna say you had pizza breath. - [ashley] oh, i have that too. (ashley laughs) - [tara] it smells amazing.

- [ashley] garlic knot breath - [tara] ahh. - [ashley] that's all folks! - [tara] that's all folks, get out!

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