home decorating ideas guest room

home decorating ideas guest room

hey there you’re watching amitha verma!as we get closer to the holiday season many of us are preparing to have guests stay overat our homes. in my own my home i love to keep my guest room high on my design prioritylist for two reasons. one, i tend to have family stay over frequently so i want my hometo feel like a home away from home. second, this is one of my favorite rooms todesign. i can explore design ideas i may be afraid to commit to in my master bedroom.so today i wanted to share a few of my favorite design tips on how to create a cozy guestroom! my first tip, is really go all out on yourbedding. i know it sounds counter-intuitive; the room doesn’t get used often but whata treat for that special person who’s come

to spend time with you and your family. ilove including layers of bedding, a rich comforter filled duvet, a coverlet and layers of pillowsso guests are comfortable. this is also a great way to include all those rich fabricpatterns you want to include in your project! on that note, this is a really nice room tosplurge on a beautiful headboard. next, include an area for a guest to sit andwork a little bit. i always like to include a writing table in lieu of a nightstand. inmy own home i have a beautiful vintage secretary where a guest can open up a desk area andhave access to pens, stationary and even a charging station. along with that i like to include a chairto sit in either to use at the desk or generally

to sit and remove shoes, or put on makeup.this is another great place to look for special, unique one of kind chairs or repurpose a chairthat you already have with our chalk finish paint. next, i love including a few inspired pieces.this includes pieces from my travels, inspired art that i love, family photos and a few goodbooks. last, i’m on always on the lookout for uniquelamps to keep by my bedside. skip a boring piece that just does the job and go for somethingthat really makes a design statement in your room! so what do you think? does this re-inpsireyour purpose of your guest room apart from

additional storage? is this a project youcould breeze through over a weekend? leave a comment in the comments section andlet us know! did you like this video? if so be sure tosubscribe to our youtube channel. and then head over to our website to sign up for morefree design tips! if you know someone who would love these tips,i’d love the honor of you sharing this video with your family and friends! thanks so much for watching, till next timekeep making your home special with your amazing design gifts!

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