design your bedroom for a good night's sleep

design your bedroom for a good night's sleep

hey there, back to more healthy sleeping tipsfor you so we can get a good night sleep. oh yeah, look at this monstrosity, don't youjust love it, this big tv? i know my husband does. love this thing. but these are the thingsthat we have in our bedroom or smaller versions maybe, but still tv's. you need to you knowjust click it off for a better night sleep or even better not have it in the room atall. the problem is if you're watching this just before you go to bed, all that lightfrom the tv is actually entering your eye. it's actually messing up your circadian rhythmand that right there is honestly, a way to not be able to sleep. it won't let you sleepbecause your body actually thinks that it's daytime and not sleep time. so you know what?at least if you have it in your room, turn

it off about half an hour before you go tobed. read a book, something that is easy to read. i like my cheesy romance novels thatmy husband actually makes fun of me on, but you know what? they're easy to read, i'm happy,anything that makes me happy i sleep much better and it's much more cozy that way. youknow something that is scary, or anything else like that, you might actually have nightmaresand that of course, is going to disrupt your sleep. so you know what? when it comes tothe tv at night, turn it off, you know click.

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