home decorating ideas hippie

home decorating ideas hippie

alright guys, so these are the supplies you'regoing to need! i also needed a food processor, but i just forgot to add that. so now you'regoing to want to get out a metal or a glass bowl. the reason being, is because when westart dying this stuff we don't want it to dye your plasticware. so if you use glassor metal it'll come right off. so now you're going to want to put two cups of cornstarchdirectly into your bowl. then you're going to add in another cup of water. so this isgoing to make a very odd consistency. i used gloves with this, because i thought it wasa lot easier than using a spoon, but if you want to use a spoon, you can do that! you'rejust going to get your hands in there so that it's all one consistency. that it's just onegiant mixture. there's going to be powder

hiding underneath the bottom, so you're goingto want to pull that up from the bottom. which sounds very gross. you're going to want topull it up from the bottom, just so that there's no hidden powder underneath so that it's notsome very weird mixture. next you're going to want to pick your color. so i used gelcolors for this, i've never used liquid food coloring. gel just gives it a super vibrantcolor and that way your powder turns out a lot more colorful. i don't really have a hugeestimate on what amount you should use, just put enough in until you get the vibrant colorthat you want! so the more that you put in, the more vibrant your powder is going to be!so mix it and then set it aside over night. so it will be able to dry. 2000 years later.alright, so you'll know it's ready when it

looks like this and there are cracks in it.when there's cracks in it, that means it's fully dried and you're going to be able toturn it into your powder! you're going to want to take a spoon or something of somesorts, so that you crush it up enough so that it will fit in the food processor. you don'tnecessarily need to make it super fine, just get it small enough that we're able to fitit in the food processor. then just throw it right on in there. alright so now you'rejust going to want to blend it until you reach the desired consistency of your powder. sothe longer that you are pulsing like that, the finer it's going to get. i only did minefor about 30-45 seconds and it turned out like this. that's exactly what i wanted. soi hope you guys enjoyed this video, thank

you so much for watching and i'll see youback here later!

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