cool nerd bedroom ideas

cool nerd bedroom ideas

● we all need a little space to retreatto, our own corner where we can indulge in our geekiest hobbies and interests. but how far would you go to make your perfecthideaway? how geeky are you willing to be? here are the fifteen best geeky man cavesever. 15 - , cigars and bookcase● when 33-year old rune jensen moved into his new house with his girlfriend, they decidedto add a little comfort to their basement. they chose the classic jazz stylings of the1950s, with a whiskey and rum cabinet, a vinyl record player, a stocked bookcase and tuftedleather furniture.

this cosy corner is for people who enjoy thefiner things in life: enjoying miles davis with a cigar and a 22-year old single malt. 14 - , geek den● this geek has invested heavily into all things nerdy with this tiny, cluttered mancaveof beats and board games. it’s less the size, more the quantity ofstuff this guy has that’s impressive. three midi keyboards, an array of samplers,sequencers and modular synthesisers. and in addition, a vast array of board gamesthat no one could have enough time to play. sure, other people might own this stuff, butnot in an area the size of a closet. 13 - , 80s ultraviolet● the look and feel of the 80s has been

making a big comeback, with movies like driveand blade runner. this cyberpunk decided to spend $2000 dollarson a high-performance pc with led lighting and colour-changing lights to give the roomthat retro-futuristic feel. although the computer system rests perilouslyon very small glass tables, it does look like the kind of man-cave that robocop would comehome to chill out in. 12 - , shed vinyl collection● for most guys, the garden shed is where you keep your lawnmower, unopened cans ofpaint, and a bunch of rusted garden tools. for this truck-driver from atlanta, the shedwas a music studio waiting to happen. for under a thousand dollars he managed doall the woodwork to create a playing space

for his huge record collection, with spacefor a mixing station and a bunch of cool synths. 11 - , retro synth collection● speaking of synthesisers, this eletronica whizzkid has built himself a whole playgroundof programmable sounds. his collection includes nearly forty differentmodules of music making, including classic synthesisers dating back to the 80s, as wellas a an electronic drum kit and a few guitars and amps. even if you’re not into making music, itsure is fun to press a load of buttons and coloured lights. 10 - , basement command centre● this next man-cave looks more like a military

command centre than a place to relax, butit certainly looks like a gamer’s paradise. from the pc with top specs, to the giant tvwith three consoles, you’re certainly not gonna get bored. and of course it has all the star wars andgame of thrones merchandise that we’d expect. we might laugh at guys who still live in theirparents’ basements, but why would you ever leave a basement like this? 9 - , gothic music circle● don’t you hate that feeling when you never have enough guitars and keyboards? a musician hailing from austin, texas, hasa full circle of instruments in his downstairs

den. even for a professional, this is an impressivestack of synths, amps, battle-axes and midi controller systems for computer recording. with this amount of kit, you could probablyre-create almost any song, although we assume his neighbours can’t be too thrilled aboutit. 8 - , retro computer collection● this might look like your school’s crappy it room, but for retro computer enthusiasts,this is heaven. the collection of classic pcs includes thecommodore pet and the apple ii, which were two of the first ever pc available for thepublic to buy.

this king of the nerds has collected all themanuals and disc drives that support these ancient machines. perfect if you want a game of pong on a flickeringcrt screen. 7 - , renovated cinema basement● this next man-cave certainly wins the prize for effort so far. for five and a half thousand dollars, thisguy installed a small-scale cinema for him and his friends, complete with a padded doorfor entry, a ticket office and a popcorn machine. the creator used computer-assisted designprograms to map out his basement space, allowing him to custom fit a ceiling of fibre-opticlights for that star-studded premier effect.

6 - , guns● this arsenal of artillery was believed by many gun-nuts around the internet to belongto actor and national rifle association president, charlton heston. in fact, it was an underground vault collectionbelonging to connecticut attorney bruce stern, who owned over 4000 pieces. although this military man-cave would be perfectfor anyone planning a war, sadly the antique automatics were auctioned off when stern died,reaching a total of over twelve million dollars. 5 - , mahogany pub● we can’t tell if this next luxury man-cave is designed for a sophisticated playboy, orfor a bunch of old man hunters.

created by a new jersey interior design firmand costing an unimaginable amount of money, this man cave is like having a pub in yourown house. a pub that smells of rich mahogany. there’s a stage for bands, a snooker table,an actual bar, a fireplace and a wine rack. this cave would put bruce wayne to shame. 4 - , warehouse of junk● this next one is less of a man-cave and more of a man-warehouse. the owner bought himself a whole warehouseand filled it with cheap halloween decorations and discounted arcade games.

it’s appeal lies in the sheer amount ofstuff going on, even if all of it looks pretty tacky. every child would be excited to see this numberof toys, and every adult probably even more so. 3 - , comic collection● for some people, the man-cave is a place to store our collections and hobbies, andfor bob bretall, this can be a challenge, as he holds the record for the largest collectionof comic books. around his house and in his garage are nearly100,000 issues, which would weigh around seven and a half tonnes.

his first comic was spiderman, back in 1970and since then it has grown into a fortress of fiction. 2 - , school bus● with no real experience in building anything, an austin-based graphic designer decided totear up an old school bus to make his perfect work and play space. the bus was fitted with plumbing, wiring,internet and tv - everything a man might need, and the creator actually lived in the vehiclefor years after finishing it. with public transport departments auctioningoff old equipment, who knows where you might pick up a bargain?

1 - , star trek bridge● star trek fan tony alleyne may hold the title for geekiest man-cave ever, as he spentten years converting his entire apartment into a working replica of the star trek enterprisespaceship interior. unfortunately for tony, his ex-wife ownedthe flat and forced him to sell it. he couldn’t find a buyer so he ripped outthe original enterprise design and replaced it with one from star trek voyager. sadly tony never got much use out of it, ashe’s currently in jail, and you can’t get beamed up out of there!

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