design your bedroom buzzfeed

design your bedroom buzzfeed

- so dry out here. hi, i'm garrett.- and i'm niki. - we're fascinated byhow other people live. - [niki] so we're gonna try and find some really interesting living situations. - [garrett] and live there, experiencing a totally different lifestyle. - [niki] to see which oneswill bring us closer together. - [garrett] or push us further apart.

- this week, we're living in arcosanti. - it's really hard to explain. but you're gonna get the gist of it. (upbeat music) - [niki] hello.- [all] hi! - [niki] i'm niki.- hi niki, nice to meet you. - hi, garrett.- shannon. - nice to meet you, shannon.- nice to meet you, shannon. - [garrett] thank you for having us at.

- absolutely.- arcosanti. - [shannon] absolutely.- which is. (record scratch) - arcosanti, what is it?- [garrett] i don't know. - [jeff] arcosanti is trying to demonstrate something,how to build a city as a totally integrated, single structure. - in the early 50's,60's, 70's, there were a lot of people who tried to start like,

idealized societies and this is that. - [shannon] essentially, we are proving that you can live a rich life without necessarily being rich and without living in a development that is negatively impactful on the earth. these are the vaulted arches. so this is essentially our city center. we meet here every morningduring the week as a community.

- they've really thought very practically about how to live in acommunity in a space. - the notion of community isone that we have temporarily lost in america and it's one that we hope arcosanti can serve as kindof a trigger for recovering. - [shannon] the entirestructure here was built by the people who live here. there is a fluctuating population.

around 60 to 80 people depending on how big our workshops are. - i think it's like a work live situation where everybody lives there also works and maybe helps build itor tends to the plants or makes bells. - [shannon] this one inparticular is our ceramic studio where we make the famousceramic soleri wind bells. the structure behind us is an apt shape

for it's passive solar heatingand cooling techniques. the sun, during the winter,will pass much lower in the sky so thisentire concrete structure will be filled withsunlight, heating the air inside the structureas much as 15 degrees. - whoa. - so the bells fund the architecture which supports more manufacturing which sortof, so it's likethis independent little city.

- a little bit, yeah, to takepart in the arcosanti project, you participate in a five week workshop which takes you throughthe history of arcosanti and then for the last threeweeks of your workshop, you come back here and you participate in one of the departmentswithin the foundation. typically, people go into construction which if you guys are up for it, we'll have you work inconstruction tomorrow.

- awesome, here's the thing,i have a masters degree in sustainable design and construction that i don't do anything with but it will be interesting to see sortof what's going on in that field and what these people are doing. - the desert just seemslike a scary place to die. it seems like one of those places where humans shouldnot be, but if we learn

to live in the desert,maybe that will be better. - so these are housing in here, these are houses in here. - [niki] that's housing?- that's housing. that's housing.- [garrett] can i ask how much like one of the spaces would rent is? - it's $300 a month. - what?- $300 a month? - yep.- wow.

i don't think niki's going to like this. niki doesn't like meeting new people like at all so i think she'sgonna probably be running away from that experienceto a more familiar one which is me so i think it's going to push us closer together. - garrett will be the one person that i do know and the one person that i feel comfortable with so you know,

if he and i stick together, it'll be fine. - you're staying in different places. - from each other?- yes. - oh.- oh. - on the second floor of this structure, we have three cohousing units. one that you're going to be living in. come on in. - [niki] ah.- [garrett] oh my goodness.

this is like very modern architecture. - [niki] this is very big.- [garrett] yeah, this is so much bigger than ithought it was going to be. - [niki] same lifestyle,just a little more efficient. - [garrett] yeah.- this is one of our cohousing units, ithas five people living in it. - [garrett] okay. - [shannon] two of which are married. it has two living spaces, a large kitchen

and two bathrooms. - [garrett] great, this isactually a very big shower. - will be tall enough. - yeah, it's fine, no showerin the world's tall enough. - i'm worried that this isone of those living situations where i'm just living with garrett, i'm living with a lot of other people. - and you have your own space. - bam!

- and this is niki's room.(door squeaks) - oh, oh, this is great. very cozy. - [garrett] you got file cabinets for all your files.(shannon laughs) - [niki] yes.- [garrett] a closet. - [niki] ladders. okay. oh wow, look at that.- [garrett] yeah.

- [niki] i get my own bathroom. - you think this is gonna work for you? - yeah, definitely, this is great. - i think we're ready. - great, have a wonderful evening. - thank you.- have fun in your brand new spaces. feel free to roam around and tomorrow, you will be starting construction

at 7 am in the solar classroom. (record scratch)- 7 am? - [shannon] 7 am.- oh. alright.- alright. - two chairs for visitors. - this is a very nice room. - [garrett] this is in italian. (loud groan) architectural digest.

- yes.- yes. okay, alright. it's actually a great height. - this is my bedroomand we're on the roof. this is the view. this is a gorgeous place, i know i said i was kinda scared of the desert and i still am, like this is literally the view from my windowand that's pretty amazing.

i'm kindof overwhelmed with information that i don't really knowhow to reflect on this. - so we're doing this right after the rv. which was a tough journey (laughs). - garrett and i are on okay terms. i think we're fine butit's definitely good that i have my own space. - i'm sortof immersed in itand i get to meet new people and listen to their stories.

- i watched the football game tonight with a few people and that was like, a great way to get to know some people over like, somethingthat we all like to do. it's like easy for meto talk about football with people i don't know. - here's all our friends. that niki's cheering on with football. tomorrow we're gonna be working, so,

like actually working,like pouring concrete which i'm really excited about, like i said, like istudied concrete design and steel design stuff like that but i never actually got to like do it. - 7 am. (guitar plays) - there's not really anybody else here. we're gonna be ready forconstruction in 25 minutes.

- it's dark and cold. (light music) - [niki] constructionis not really my thing. and i think that's okay. all i see in here areways i can hurt myself. makes me very nervous. - these are some of those finished panels. that i showed you for easthousing, we're gonna sand. - i've sanded before.

- [garrett] yeah, when? - [niki] kelsey made our coffee table. - [garrett] really?- [niki] yeah. (saw whirring) (scratching) - the cement truck ishere and i'm terrified. - truck's gonna do most of the work, we're just gonna guide the concrete into the friendship trench.

- [niki] garrett seems to enjoy himself. i think he liked it a lot today. i think he was like, very excited to get his hands in that cement. - so much fun, it's like violent and like you're wrestling with the thing. - i don't have work boots,everyone's got work boots. i'm wearing sneakers. - it's going alright, they're doing good,

they're getting in there. (light rock music) - niki, how do you pickit up without it like. - [niki] you kinda justscrape it off the edge. - we just finished construction. it was so much fun, look, my pants. my pants are ruined. - [niki] he looked like a little kid who was like seeing his, like,grown up dreams fulfilled.

- [garrett] she was likea great sport at it. it was cool, like we did this thing and it's gonna be apermanent part of this place. post concrete pour, rations, nutrients. - for a hard day's work.- sustenance, rib sticking. - we're working men, now.- yeah. - we're working boys, big strong ones. - welcome to the archives.- thank you. it was really cool seeingthe archives, today,

because understanding the history of arcosanti helps you understand the future of arcosanti,i think is the point. - it's about reorganizinga city three dimensionally. - everything here seems so intentional and so like well thought out. - i learned that myheated floors this morning that i thought were justlike a weird surprise. my floor is very warm.

was like an intentionally built in thing through architecture and science (laughs) so stuff like that is likestuff i never think about. and it's something that igot to experience today. got a little bit of freetime and i'm pretty wiped out from all that work this morning so came back to my room, justto kinda regroup a little bit before dinner, feel likei've already been up for a really long time (laughs).

- i'm hanging out, nikigets to rest alone, perfect. i played dinky links today. it was like fun, you get to see sortof the community cometogether outside of work. (all shouting) - [niki] we're leaving tomorrow and garrett and i haven't spent a whole lot of time together just us so maybe we'll hang out tonight

or maybe we'll hang out tomorrow morning. - we haven't seen much ofeach other outside of work but she loves video games andi bought a nintendo switch a couple days ago. hey niki, wanna play video games? - ooh, yep. it's morning of day three. my floor's are warm again. i got dressed, i got ready,i made myself some coffee.

and i'm like sitting on my couch. this is my ideal morning, i'm sure garrett is up and about already. - we're gonna see the foundry today. niki and i had a good time here. she got to have herprivacy when she wanted. i got to join in with the hooligans and the community when i wanted. - we did like hang outa little bit last night,

which i think was that one on one time that we both enjoy so it was great that we could fit that in as well as like participate in alarger community together. - i had so many cool experiences here. i got to join a construction crew for a day, i got totalk about architecture with a lot of peoplethat are conversations that i don't usually get to have.

- [niki] arcosanti is kindoflike a futuristic city in the fact that like,people that come through here will be thinking about howthey live in the future because of what they do here. i think both garrett and i had no idea what we were getting ourselves into when we came here but i'm walking away with a lot that i'm thinkingabout after being here. - okay bye arcosanti.

- [niki] bye arcosanti. - let's go. - i would love to steal abell, i won't steal a bell, i'll buy a bell, is therea place we can buy a bell, those bells are cool, they're everywhere. you can hear them right now. next week- [garrett] on home buddies. (shouts) - ranches sound like hard work.

- [niki] we cooked dinner in the dark. - [garrett] this feelslike the late 1800's. - [niki] i'm half covered in poop, i feel like my body's falling apart. - [garrett] it's so hard to live out here. get out of here, leave me alone.

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